
[fǎ guó]
French Republic
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French Republic( French : La R é public que fran ç aise), France for short, capital Paris , on Europe West, and Belgium Luxembourg Germany Switzerland Italy Monaco Spain Andorra Bordering, separated from the northwest English channel And britain Facing each other, marine, continental, Mediterranean and mountain climates coexist. The terrain is high in the southeast and low in the northwest. With a total area of 550000 square kilometers (excluding overseas territories), 2700 kilometers of coastline and 2800 kilometers of land line, the mainland is divided into 13 regions and 94 provinces. by In January 2024, the population of France will be 68.37 million [28] , mainly French nation Most of them are Catholic, and the official language is French. [1]
French ancient name“ Gaul ”, the 5th century, Franks Move here and establish the Frankish Kingdom. From the 10th to the 14th century, it was renamed during the reign of the Kape Dynasty Kingdom of France On July 14, 1789 French Revolution , published《 Declaration of Human Rights 》, abolish monarchy. In 1792, the First Republic was established. After that Napoleon The First Empire, the restoration of the Bourbon Dynasty July Monarchy The Second Republic, the Second Empire, and the Third Republic. In March 1871, the people's armed uprising in Paris was founded paris commune the First World War In China, France joined the Allies and won the war against the Allies. the Second World War During this period, he was invaded by Germany, De Gaulle The general organized the anti fascist "Free France" movement and liberated Paris in August 1944. In October 1946, the Fourth Republic of France was founded. In 1958, the Fifth Republic was founded. [1]
France is one of the most developed industrial countries, leading the world in nuclear power, aviation, aerospace and railway. Steel, automobile and construction industries are the three pillars of industry. yes Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council european union Founders and NATO Member States; yes UNESCO Interpol OECD European parliament And other international and regional organizations.
Chinese name
French Republic [1]
Foreign name
La République française [1] (French)
The French Republic [1] (English)
Paris [1]
major city
Marseille leon Toulouse Nice Nantes Strasbourg Montpellier Lille etc. [1]
National Day
July 14th [1]
National anthem
Marseillaise [1]
Country code
official language
French [1]
euro [1]
Time zone
National leaders
Emmanuel Makron President Gabriel Atal (Prime Minister)
population size
68.37 million [28] (January 2024)
Population density
123.7 people/km2 (January 2023)
Major ethnic groups
Franciscans Brittany Corsican Alsace [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
550000 km² [1] (excluding overseas territories)
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $2.94 trillion [10] (2021)
GDP per capita
USD 43518.5 [10] (2021)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
National Bird
Gaoluji lark
National flower
iris pallida
National structure
Unitary system
central bank
Banque de France
Large enterprises
beautiful Citroen renault etc.

Historical evolution


Gaul period

Prehistoric and Gaul Period (before the 5th century AD)
In ancient times, people lived on the land of France. So far, it has been found in France that Paleolithic Age reach Iron Age There are quite systematic human cultural relics in various periods, including human jaw fossils from 300000 to 400000 years ago, human sculptures and animal murals from the caves in Lascaux and other places in southwest France 20000 years ago, giant stone tombstones and earth tombs from Brittany 3000 to 4000 years ago in western France, as well as various production tools and artistic creation.
Around 1000 BC, Celts Moved here from the mountains of Central Europe. Roman Call the place Gaul and the local residents Gaul Gaul [2]
The great migration of the Germanic people affected the development of Gaul. 418, Visigoths stay aquitaine Build a kingdom.
443, Burgundian stay Thorne River And Longhe River River basins establish kingdoms, Britons Occupy today's Brittany.
In 451, the Huns Attila Led the invasion of Gaul and was later Rome With barbarians (including Franks )The coalition defeated. Gaul was completely barbarian tribes The kings control. In the late 5th century, they settled in Meuse Franks between the Esco River and the King Clovis I (See Frankish Kingdom )He led a massive westward invasion, successively defeating the Roman military chief Ciaglius and Alemanni Visigoths
In 481, the Franks occupied all Gaul except the Kingdom of Burgundy and the Mediterranean coast, and moved to Paris to establish the Kingdom of Franks. [2]

Early Mesozoic

5th~10th century
This period included two dynasties: Merovian Dynasty and Carolingian dynasty
Charlemagne Empire
The Merowe Dynasty is the first dynasty of the Frankish Kingdom. In 481 AD, the grandson of Merowe Clovis I beat Western Roman Empire The power in Gaul formally established the dynasty.
At the beginning of the 8th century, the struggle between East and West Franks was particularly fierce. East Frank Palace Charlie Order was restored in the north. In 732, it was repulsed at Poitiers arab And reunify the Frankish Kingdom. In 751, his son Piping (reigned from 751 to 768) the pontiff He formally ascended the throne and established the Carolingian Dynasty.
In 768, Piping's son charlemagne Succession to the throne. During his rule, he went to Italy, Spain, Germany and other regions for years. By 800, he had put vast areas of Western Europe under the control of the Roman Empire, and was crowned by the Pope. Charlemagne became the emperor of the West.
843, signed《 Treaty of Verdun 》, Charlemagne Empire One is divided into three, of which West Francia It evolved into France.
From Clovis to Hugh Capet During the past 500 years, barbarian invasion and internal and external wars continued. The prevalence of the feudal natural economy, the expansion of the power of the lord, the eccentric tendency of the nobility and the strengthening of their independence have resulted in long-term backward production feudal separation A situation of disunity with the country. [2]

Middle Middle Ages

10th~15th century
This period includes capetian dynasty (987-1328) and Valois Dynasty (1328-1589).
1066, Duke of Normandy William I Led by the French feudal lord, he conquered England [24] In the middle of the Middle Ages, French agriculture, handicrafts and commerce developed. The population grew gradually, reaching about 16 million in the 1420s. Many new cities have emerged in the traffic arteries and markets. Since the 11th century, some cities have launched the commune movement Armed uprising Or money bought autonomy With the rise of the city, a new social class - the citizen class has emerged, and they have become a privileged class( priest , nobility) has another third level. The development of commodity currency relations has strengthened domestic economic ties and created favorable conditions for national reunification.
At the beginning of the Kape Dynasty, the territory directly controlled by the royal family was limited to Seine River and Loire Between, each Grand Duchy Boguo Depending on the power, the separatist regime is like an independent kingdom. philip iv During his reign (1286-1314), he strengthened the administration of officials and reorganized the army, which conflicted with the Pope because of his insistence on collecting property taxes from the church.
In 1328, Charles IV After his death, because the Karpe family had no male heirs, it was supported by the Karpe family Valois family Of Philippe VI He inherited the throne and established the Valois Dynasty. 1337, England and France“ Centennial War ”Burst.
In 1358, it happened again in the north of Paris Zachary Uprising National heroes emerged in the late war Joan of Arc Although she was betrayed and killed, the trend of national unity has been unstoppable. In 1453, the "Hundred Year War" ended with the victory of France.
By the end of the 15th century, the last few aristocratic territories—— Burgundy , Picardi Brittany Provence Lu Xiyong was also incorporated Kingdom of France The layout of. [2]

Late Mesozoic

16-18th century
Louis XIV
During this period, France changed from feudal society to capitalist society An important period of transition. The second half of this period is called“ Old system ”。
from sixteenth century The capitalist relations of production in France began to sprout and develop. Opening of new routes Make the focus of France's foreign trade from mediterranean sea go to Atlantic Since the 17th century, France has extended its influence to North America Sino-American Africa India expands its colonies.
In the first half of the 16th century, Hundred Years' War between Britain and France 's wounds have not yet healed, Valois Dynasty Of Francois Ier and Henry II And launched a war of aggression against Italy, and Holy Roman Empire emperor charles v The fight for the border land between Germany and France uncovered the relationship between France and Habsburg Family The prelude to the long-term struggle for hegemony.
In 1559, the Italian War ended and France gained Calais and Mace Tours Verdun The rule of three dioceses. In 1589, bourbon dynasty First King of Henry IV (reigned from 1589 to 1610) After taking the throne, he tried his best to restore peace and recuperate, and later passed through the Bishop Minister Richelieu and mazarin The rectification of Louis XIV During the period of personal rule, the autocratic monarchy of France reached its peak.
France in the 17th and 18th centuries
Louis XIV strengthened the feudal centralized rule and greatly weakened the power of local nobles. Promote the development of capitalist industry and commerce. At the same time, the long war between Louis XIV and the Habsburg family extended the eastern frontier of France to Strasbourg Louis XV During the ruling period (1715-1774), although the economy developed, the autocratic monarchy declined gradually.
In 1774, Louis XVI After assuming the throne, the bourgeoisie increasingly felt that their political status was not commensurate with their economic strength. They were extremely dissatisfied with the checkpoint system, guild regulations and unfair tax collection system, especially opposed to the privileges of nobility and priests. The Enlightenment, representing the interests of the bourgeoisie, flourished. They attacked the Catholic Church and the autocratic monarchy, spread scientific knowledge, and promoted democracy, freedom, equality, and rationality. The French feudal system was in serious crisis.

Revolutionary period

In 1789 French Revolution Is important in French history watershed It ended more than 1000 years of feudal rule and began the period of establishment and development of capitalism. The history of nearly 200 years since the French Revolution can be divided into three periods:
The republican system is deeply popular
From the French Revolution to paris commune (1789-1871) This period can be called the "revolutionary century". In these 82 years, the CPC carried out five revolutions (1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1871).
On July 14, 1789, the bourgeois revolution broke out, and the Declaration of Human Rights was issued, abolishing the monarchy, establishing the bourgeois regime, and developing capitalism.
On September 22, 1792, the First French Republic Establishment. In 1793, King Louis XVI was put on the guillotine, bourbon dynasty Was overthrown, the feudal system was abolished, and domestic and foreign counter revolutionary forces were defeated. At the moment when the revolution continues to win, contradictions within the revolutionary camp intensify.
In July 1794, against Robespierre The various forces of The Thermidor reaction , overthrowing the rule of Jacobins.
In November 1799, Napoleon launch Mist Moon Coup , established the executive government. In 1804, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor and changed the Republic into the First French Empire Abolish democracy and freedom and strengthen centralization , Promulgated《 Civil Code 》It legally safeguarded and consolidated capitalist ownership and the social and economic order of the bourgeoisie, and played a positive role in the development of capitalism in France. [2]
In 1814, Restoration Dynasty Of louis xviii Promulgated《 Charter 》And ensure that the economic order and bourgeois freedom rights established by the Great Revolution will not be changed.
In 1820, the extreme right elements of the Wang Party came to power and abandoned the Charter, which aroused the anger of bourgeois liberals and the people.
In 1830, July revolution Overthrew Charles X , replace it with July Monarchy The regime fell into the hands of the big bourgeoisie.
In 1830, industrial revolution It rose in France and set off an upsurge of railway construction. In the 1930s and 1940s, the labor movement was like Lyon Workers' Uprising The republican movement and the democratic movement rose one after another and finally converged into a huge stream.
In 1848, February Revolution Overthrew the July Dynasty and established Second French Republic This revolution enabled all strata of the bourgeoisie to participate in the political power. At the same time, the workers also put forward their own demands, which caused the bourgeoisie to fear. In June of the same year, the workers in Paris held an uprising, which was brutally suppressed. In December of the same year, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte The peasants' superstition to Napoleon I was used to be elected president.
On December 2, 1851, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte launched a coup, and the next year he became emperor napoleon iii , establish Second Empire [2]
During the 18 years of the Second Reich, the industrial revolution made great progress. Since the 1860s, the republican movement, the democratic movement and the labor movement have continued to rise. In early September 1870, Napoleon III Franco-Prussian War The rout in led to the revolution on September 4, when the people of Paris overthrew the monarchy and declared a republic. establish The Third Republic of France
At the beginning of 1871, the people of Paris called for the establishment of communes to continue the war of resistance. First International The leftist leaders of the Paris branch joined hands with the workers to establish the Central Committee of the National Self Defense Army. In March of the same year, the people's armed uprising in Paris established the world's first proletarian regime—— paris commune In May of the same year, the Paris Commune was suppressed due to the excessive disparity of class power. [1]
From 1900 to 1913, French monopoly organizations emerged one after another, and the concentration of bank capital was particularly prominent, becoming second only to Britain export of capital Country.

World War I

Franco-Prussian War Later, the main objective of France's foreign policy was to prepare for revenge against Germany and colonial expansion. In order to get rid of its isolated position, France concluded a military alliance with Russia in 1892 and a treaty with Britain in 1904.
the First World War China, although France is the victor, it has recovered Alsace and Lorraine , captured some German colonies, but suffered heavy losses. After the war, there were serious economic difficulties and political instability. Between 1914 and 1940, there were 45 cabinet changes.
In 1923, France Belgium Troops were sent to occupy the Ruhr mining area in Germany.
In 1924, the Radical Socialist Party and the Socialist Party formed Helio Led by the left-wing coalition government.
From 1926 to 1929, during the reign of Poincare, temporary prosperity and stability emerged. [2]

World War II

On February 6, 1934, tens of thousands of people fascist Armed thugs demonstrated in Paris and rushed to the parliament building by opposing the Stavisky corruption case Bourbon Palace Daladier The government was forced to resign, and the republic faced a crisis again.
On September 1, 1939, the German army invaded Poland, and France implemented national mobilization. On September 3, France declared war on Germany, but France retreated every day.
On June 22, 1940, Baidang The Marshal signed a surrender agreement with Germany, The Third Republic of France Collapse. In July of the same year, in central France Vichy Established a puppet government, known as“ Vichy France ”。
From the collapse of the Third Republic to the establishment of the Fourth Republic, there was a struggle against German and Italian fascism and the formulation of a new constitution. On June 18, 1940, General de Gaulle London adopt bbc He made a speech calling on the French people to resist the occupation of France by Nazi Germany. This speech is also called the Declaration of June 18th. This declaration marks the anti fascist aggression led by General de Gaulle and the maintenance of national independence“ Free France ”The movement begins. [15]
De Gaulle The resistance movement led by the general developed rapidly. In June 1944, a temporary government was established to unite domestic and colonial anti fascist forces to continue the war of resistance. In August 1944, with the cooperation of the resistance movement led by the Allies and the French Communist Party French Resistance And the Allies, Vichy government Collapse. On August 25 of the same year, Paris was recovered, and then the whole country was recovered. [2]

postwar period

De Gaulle returned to Paris
On the issue of what kind of republic France should establish after the war, political forces of all factions have different opinions: represented by the Communist Party left wing To demand the formulation of a unicameral democratic constitution; The Gaullists demanded to weaken the parliament and strengthen the power of the president; The third force represented by the People's Republican Party insisted on restoring the parliamentary system of the Third Republic.
In October 1946, French Fourth Republic The Constitution of the Fourth Republic was established and passed. Since then, it has entered a period of political instability, and more than 20 governments have changed in 12 years. [1]
During the period of the Fourth Republic, France completed equipment renewal through several rehabilitation plans. Industrial production has grown rapidly, and people's lives have become richer. In terms of foreign relations, France accepts Marshall Plan, 1949, to become North Atlantic Treaty Organization Member States of.
1957, according to《 Treaty of Rome 》France and Federal Germany , Italy, Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg The Common Market of Six Western European Countries was established.

The Fifth Republic

In 1958, the Fifth Republic was founded, De Gaulle He became the first president. The national flag of France is blue, white and red, and the national anthem is《 Marseillaise 》。 From 1958 to 1969, Charles de Gaulle implemented an independent foreign policy during his reign.
In 1959, from North Atlantic Treaty Organization Take back command of the French fleet and prohibit the United States from using French bases.
In 1960, France exploded the first Atomic bomb
In 1963, Charles de Gaulle refused to sign the US Soviet Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, restored diplomatic relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, put forward the slogan of "Europe for Europeans", and rejected the accession of Britain, which has special relations with the United States Western European Common Market
In 1964, France resumed diplomatic relations with China.
In 1966, all French troops withdrew from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, forcing the headquarters of the organization to leave France and move to Brussels (In 2009, the French President announced his return to NATO [22] )。
In May 1981, F M.M. Mitterrand the president elect.
In June 1981, the National Assembly held a general election, and the Socialist Party won 55% of the seats, thus becoming the largest party in France.
In March 1986, when the National Assembly was elected, the Socialist Party suffered a setback, and the situation that the left-wing president and the right-wing prime minister had never existed since the founding of the Fifth Republic had emerged.
1992, in the Netherlands Maastricht Signed《 European Union Treaty 》。

geographical environment


Regional location

France is located in western Europe, with a total land area of 550000 square kilometers, [1] It is the third largest country in Europe and the largest country in Western Europe. It is adjacent to Belgium and Luxembourg in the north, Germany in the northeast, Switzerland in the east, Italy in the southeast, Monaco in the south, Spain and Andorra in the southwest, and the United Kingdom across the Lamanche Channel (also known as the English Channel) in the northwest. The south, west and northwest of France are respectively adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel and the North Sea Corsica It is the largest island in France. The terrain of France is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, with plains accounting for 2/3 of the total area. The main mountains are the Alps, Pyrenees, Jura Mountains, etc. The total length of the border line is 6337 kilometers, including 3424 kilometers of coastline, 2913 kilometers of land line and 195 kilometers of inland river line. [1]

topographic features

The terrain of France is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, with plains accounting for two-thirds of the total area. The main mountains are The Alps Pyrenees Rula Mountain Pulse, etc. Franco Italian border Mont Blanc 4810 meters above sea level, the second highest peak in Europe; The main rivers are Loire (1010km) Longhe River (812km) Seine River (776 km). [1]
French topography


The climate of France is characterized by the coexistence of marine, continental, Mediterranean and mountain climate. The western part has a marine temperate broad-leaved forest climate, the southern part has a subtropical Mediterranean climate, and the central and eastern parts have a continental climate. The average temperature in January is 1 ℃ - 7 ℃ in the north and 6 ℃ - 8 ℃ in the south; In July, 16 ℃ - 18 ℃ in the north and 21 ℃ - 24 ℃ in the south. Although the temperature sometimes exceeds 30 ℃ in summer, the climate is generally comfortable and pleasant.

natural resources

The reserves of iron ore are about 1 billion tons, but the grade is low, the mining cost is high, the coal reserves are nearly exhausted, all iron ores and coal mines have been closed, and the required ores are completely dependent on imports. The reserves of nonferrous metals are very small and almost all of them depend on imports. Energy mainly depends on nuclear energy, and about 63% of French domestic electricity is provided by nuclear energy (2022). In addition, the development and utilization of water and geothermal resources are also relatively adequate. According to the statistics of the French State Forestry Administration and the National Institute of Geography and Forest Information, the forest area is about 17 million hectares, with a coverage rate of 31%, and the forest area of five overseas provinces is 8.7 million hectares. [1]

administrative division


Zoning Details

Administrative division of France (map before division adjustment)
French administrative regions are divided into regions, provinces and municipalities. The mainland is divided into 13 regions and 96 provinces, as well as 5 overseas single province regions, 5 overseas administrative regions and 1 overseas dependency with special status. There are 34970 municipalities in China. [1]
French administrative divisions
Province No
Hauts de France
Nord, Norr
Pas de Calai, Calais
Vaz Oise
Le de France
Haute Seine, Upper Seine
Val de Marne, Val de Marne
Seine Saint Denis, Seine Saint Denis
Yvelines, Evelyn
Val-d'Oise, Valdez Province
Seine et Marne, Seine Marne
Essonne, Essong Province
Grand Est
Ardennes, Ardennes
Marne, Province of Man
Haute Marne, Haute Marne
Aube, Obu
Meuse, Mez
Vosges, Vosges
Moselle, Moselle
Muerthe Moselle, Mert Moselle
Haut Rhin, Upper Rhine
Bas Rhin, Lower Rhine
Bourgogne Franche Comt é, Burgundy Franche Comt é
Yonne Province
Ni é vre, Neville
Sa ô ne et Loire, Saone Loire
C ô t é - d'Or, Kodor Province
Haute Sa ô ne
Jura, Jura Province
Dujiangyan Doubs
Terr de Belfort, Belfort
Auvergne Rh ô ne Alpes
Ain, Ontario
Rh ô ne
Loire, Loire
Ard è che, Ardesh Province
Delong Dr ô me
Is è re, Iser Province
Savoie Province
Haute Savoie
Allier, Ariel
Puy-de-D ô me, Mount Dom
Cantal, Cantor
Haute Loire
Provence Alpes Blue Coast Region
Haute Alpes
Alpes de Haute Provence
Alpes Maritime
Var, Vaal
Bouches du Rh ô ne, Rhone Estuary Province
Vauclus, Vaucluz
Occitanie, Oxitani Region
Loz è rre, Lozer
Gard, Gale
H é rault, Eero
Aude, Aude
Pyr é n é es Orientales, Eastern Pyrenees
Aveyron Province
Lot, Lote
Tarn, Thane
Tarn Garonne, Thane Garonne
Gers, Ger
Haute Garonne, Haute Garonne
Ari è ge, Alege Province
Hautes Pyr é n é es, Upper Pyrenees
Nouvelle Aquitaine, New Aquitaine
Pyr é n é es Atlantis
Landes, Lund
Lot et Garonne, Lote Garonne
Gironde, Gyllente
Dordogne, Dordogne
Charente Maritime
Charente, Sharande
Deux Svres, Desevelle
Vienne, Viena
Haute Vienne, Haute Vienne
Creuse, Kerez
Corr è ze, Kerez Province
Centre Val de Loires
Eure et Loir, El Loire
Loir et Cher, Loire Cher
Indre et Loire, Andre Loire
Indre, Anders
Cher, Shire
Loiret, Loire
Pays de la Loire, Loire Region
Mayenne, Mayenne Province
Sarthe Province
Maine et Loire
Loire Atlantique, Loire, Great Western Coast
Vend é e, Bandai Province
Bretagne, Brittany
Ille et Vilaine
C ô t é s-d'Armor
Morbihan, Morbion
Finist è re, Finistel
Orne, Oen
Manche, Munsh
Seine Maritime, Binhai Seine
Eure, El
Corse, Corsica
Haute Corse, Upper Corsica
Corse du Sud, South Corsica
Overseas single province and region
nine hundred and seventy-one
Martinique Region
nine hundred and seventy-two
French Guyana
French Guyane
nine hundred and seventy-three
Region Reunion
La R é union in Reunion
nine hundred and seventy-four
nine hundred and seventy-five
Overseas Administrative Region
Saint Pierre et Miquelon
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Martin
Wallis et Futuna
French Polynesia
Special group
Nouvelle Cal é donie, New Caledonia
overseas possessions
Terres australis et antarctiques
Unincorporated island
Clipperton, Clipperton

major city

Scenery of Paris
Paris has an urban population of 2.116 million (2024, predicted by the French National Bureau of Statistics in July 2023). Marine climate, warm and comfortable in summer, sufficient sunshine, temperature 15-25 ℃; Warm and cool in spring and autumn, sudden cold and heat sometimes occur; In winter, the day is cool and the night is cold. The minimum temperature is generally around 3 ℃, rarely below - 5 ℃. The average annual precipitation is 641mm. [28]
La Defense Business District, Paris
Paris is the economic center of France, with developed agriculture, manufacturing and service industries. About half of China's enterprises, engineers, senior technicians and scientific researchers are concentrated in Paris. Paris is also the financial center of France. The headquarters of most banks and insurance companies in the country are located in Paris. Paris is also the national transportation center and international transportation hub. The aviation industry is developed, and there are two large international airports.
Scenery of Paris
Paris is the center of French culture and education, a world famous cultural city, with many famous universities, colleges, research institutions, libraries and museums in China. Paris has many world-famous historic sites and art buildings. At the same time, it is also the capital of world conferences. UNESCO, OECD and other headquarters are located in Paris. [11]
On both sides of Lyon Thorne River
leon It is the second largest city in France, a famous UNESCO world cultural heritage city and food capital, located at the confluence of the Rhone River and the Thorne River, and on the strategic corridor from the Mediterranean to northern Europe. As a transportation hub of water, land and air, Lyon is a transportation hub connecting Northern Europe and Southern Europe. High speed trains pass through Lyon and lead to major cities in France. As an international metropolis with moderate scale, Lyon is a popular place for people to appreciate the French living art. Benefiting from the beautiful and ancient streets that make it an ideal place to visit on foot, the reputation of the capital of French cuisine, the high quality of life and the well-known safety, Lyon, with a bright history of 2000 years, attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. [12]
Lyon scenery
Lyon is an important industrial city in France and the most important science and education center besides Paris. It has strong strength in machinery, electronics, chemicals, heavy vehicles, computers and other industries. It has more than 20 colleges and universities and scientific research institutions, and is generally considered the second metropolitan area in France.
Lyon is also an important cultural and artistic center in France and even in Europe. It is famous for the silk trade, and was quite prosperous in the Roman era. In 1998, the old city of Lyon was listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO. Lyon is also the birthplace of world movies and the city that participated in the resistance movement during World War II. Besides, Lyon International Criminal Police Organization Lyon Football Club is also located in Lyon.
Nice scenery
Nice is a port city in southern France along the Mediterranean coast, located in Provence Alps Blue Coast Region, between Marseille and Genoa, Italy, and the administrative center of the coastal Alps province. It covers an area of 7192 hectares, including 300 hectares of green land. With a population of 400000 and a coastline of 10 kilometers, 7.6 kilometers of which are beaches, it is the fifth largest city in France and the second largest city in Provence Alps Blue Coast Region (the first largest city is Marseille).
Nice scenery
Nice has been inhabited by human beings since 400000 years ago. This small town has experienced an important period of prosperity and development and has become a very fashionable resort today. Today's Nice is always striving to develop arts, culture, services, high-tech research, tourism and other industries, so its rich, diverse and unique culture and arts stand out; Charming beaches, magnificent mountains and other natural scenery can be seen everywhere in the city; Its distinctive cuisine is similar to that of Crete; Of course, this is also a fashionable shopping paradise. Nice is the first largest tourist center in France after Paris, attracting 4 million tourists every year. Nice Blue Coast International Airport is the largest airport in France after Paris, with 180 hotels and 10000 rooms. It is the city with the largest number of hotels in France after Paris.
Carnaval de Nice
Nice has a rich variety of architectural sites in different periods, including the Colosseum and public baths in Simiye District, castle hills of ancient Greek ruins and medieval ruins, Garibaldi Square, Baroque art, Russian Orthodox St. Nicholas Cathedral, etc. Nice holds more than 2000 cultural, festival or sports events every year, including Carnaval de Nice As one of the three major carnivals in the world, it is world-renowned, attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists every year and bringing tens of millions of euros of considerable income to the Nice government. In addition, there are festivals in each month, such as the Paris Nice International Cycling Competition, the International Half Marathon, the Nice Cannes Marathon in the Alpine coastal province, etc. [13]
In addition, Lille, Marseille, Toulouse, Nantes and Bordeaux are all important cities in France. [1]

National symbol


Country name

The full name of France is the French Republic, which originated from the Frankish Kingdom Since the split of the Frankish Kingdom, the western Frankish Kingdom has followed its name and evolved into France. The name "France" first appeared in the song of Roland in the 11th century. It is now the Fifth Republic of France.

national flag

national flag
French flag The tricolor flag is French Revolution The flag of the Paris National Self Defense Force. White represents the king, while blue and red represent the citizens of Paris. It is the symbol of the alliance between the royal family and the Paris bourgeoisie. Today's French people also believe that the blue on the tricolor flag is a symbol of freedom, the white is a symbol of equality, and the red represents fraternity, just like the French people“ free equality fraternity [3] (French: "Libert é, é galit é, fraternit é"). The 1946 Constitution recognized it as the national flag. The width ratio of the tricolor band is 37:30:33.
According to Agence France Presse on November 15, 2021, the office of French President Malcolm will darken the French flag used by the Elysee Palace, the National Assembly and government departments in July 2020. [4]

national emblem

National Emblem of France
France has no official national emblem, but traditionally adopted the heraldry of the Great Revolution as the symbol of the country. The heraldry is oval, and it is painted with one of the popular symbols of the Great Revolution Corbel This is a token of authority used by senior law enforcement officials in ancient Rome, and a symbol of authority. Olive branches and oak branches and leaves are decorated on both sides of the beam, and the ribbon winding between them is written with "freedom, equality and fraternity" in French. The whole pattern is composed of Ancient Rome The Legion Medal is surrounded by rings of ornaments. [3]

national anthem

The national anthem of France is《 Marseillaise 》, written in 1792 Austria Prussia The critical moment of armed intervention in the French revolution expressed the strong confidence and dauntless spirit of the French people in fighting for democracy and against tyranny. The original writer of the lyrics is Ruge De Liser. In December 1792, Marseillaise was declared as the "Song of the Republic" by the revolutionary government. By 1795, it was officially approved by the Congress as national anthem French Revolution During this period, there were many battle songs to inspire people's morale. The most popular and popular one was Marseillaise.

national flower

iris pallida
iris pallida , perennial herb. It is the national flower of France. Belonging to Iridaceae, it has a large body and beautiful flowers, which are very similar to lilies. However, in fact, iris and lily belong to two different families. Although at first glance, it seems that both of them have six "petals", it is unknown that iris has only three petals, and the other three petals outside are the sepals that protect the flower bud. Only because these three petaloid sepals are very similar to petals, they are often fake and difficult to identify. In addition, half of the iris's petals are up and half are down, while the petals of the lily are all up.


As of January 2023, the total population of France is 68040000. [1] 64% of residents believe Catholicism , 3% believe Islamism , 3% believe protestantism , 1% believe Judaism 28% said they had no religious belief. The French nation is composed of multiple nationalities, except the main body Franciscans Outside, there are also Alsace Brittany Corsican Flemish Basque And other ethnic minorities, accounting for 7.9% of the total population. [1]
France ranks second in the population of EU countries, after Germany. Paris is the most populous region in France, with a total population of 12.21 million. According to the report released by the Demographic Center of the French National Bureau of Economic Statistics, the French immigrant population will be 6.8 million in 2020, accounting for 10.2% of the total population, of which 2.5 million immigrants, or 36%, have acquired French nationality. There are 5.1 million foreigners in France, accounting for 7.6% of the total population. African migrants living in France accounted for 47.5%, European migrants accounted for 32.2%, and half of the migrants came from Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey and Spain.




According to the current Constitution of the Fifth Republic of France, France is Semi presidential and semi parliamentary system The President is the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. [1]


France The current Constitutional Law of the Fifth Republic was adopted by referendum in September 1958 and came into force on October 4. It is the 16th Constitution in French history. It has been modified many times. According to the Constitution, the President is the head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces. His term of office is five years and he is directly elected by voters. The President appoints and removes the Prime Minister and approves the ministers nominated by the Prime Minister; Preside over cabinet meetings, the Supreme National Defense Council and the National Defense Commission; Have the right to dissolve Parliament, but not twice within a year; Some important bills can be directly submitted to a referendum without going to Parliament; In extraordinary times, the President has the full power to "take necessary measures according to the needs of the situation". When the President is unable to perform his duties or becomes vacant, the President of the Senate shall temporarily exercise his functions and powers. [1]


The National Assembly and the Senate are bicameral, with the power to formulate laws, supervise the government, pass budgets, and approve the declaration of war. The National Assembly has a total of 577 seats, with a five-year term. It adopts a two round majority voting system and is directly elected by voters. The current National Assembly was elected in June 2022. The presidential majority "Ensemble" won the relative majority. Ya ë l Braun Pivet, a member of the Ba'ath Party (presidential faction), was elected as the new speaker.
The Senate has a total of 348 seats, which are indirectly elected by an electoral college composed of members of the National Assembly and local councils at all levels. The term of office is six years, and 1/2 of the seats are re elected every three years. In September 2023, the Senate will hold a triennial re-election. The center right camp will maintain its majority position in the Senate, and Republican Senator G é rard Larcher will win re-election. [1] [28]


The central government of France is the highest administrative organ of the country and is responsible to the Parliament. In addition to the power to decide and guide national policies, take charge of administrative institutions and armed forces, and promote internal and external policies, it also has the power of police, administrative disposal, formulation of regulations, and issuance of orders. It is generally appointed by the President to lead the activities of the government and ensure the implementation of laws. The members of the government are appointed or removed by the President at the request of the Prime Minister.
The current government was established in July 2022 and reorganized in July 2023 and January 2024. In addition to the Prime Minister, there are 13 ministers, 16 ministerial level representatives and 6 state secretaries. [28]


France It is divided into two relatively independent judicial jurisdiction systems, namely, the ordinary court responsible for hearing civil and criminal cases and the administrative court responsible for disputes between citizens and government agencies.
There are two types of ordinary courts: civil courts and criminal courts.
The ordinary court system is vertically divided into four levels: the court of first instance, the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial organ, which is responsible for receiving appeals against the decisions of 36 appeal courts.
The Administrative Court is the highest administrative litigation organ, under which there is an administrative court. The Administrative Court makes final decisions on the legality of administrative decrees and acts as an adviser to the Government in formulating draft laws. The President of the Administrative Court is nominally the Prime Minister, who entrusts the Vice President to exercise the power of management.
The procuratorial organ in France has no independent organizational system, and its functions are exercised by the procurators in the courts at all levels. Although prosecutors are stationed in the courts, their functions are independent of the courts, and their management power belongs to the Ministry of Justice. The Supreme Court has one Procurator General and several prosecutors; The Court of Appeal shall have one Procurator General and several Prosecutors; The High Court shall have one prosecutor and a number of deputy and assistant prosecutors. [1]


method China implements a multi-party system, and the main political parties are:
(1) Renaissance
The ruling party and the largest party in the National Assembly
On May 5, 2022, La R é publique en Marche! (abbreviated as LREM) announced that it would change its name to Rejuvenation Party to participate in the National Assembly election in June. Formerly known as the "En Marche!" movement led and founded by Ma Kelong in April 2016, it was renamed the Progressive Party of the Republic in May 2017. Most of its core founding members came from the reformists of the Socialist Party and civil society, and later a large number of members from other factions such as right-wing moderates and centrists were recruited. In June 2017, he won the legislative election and obtained the absolute control of the National Assembly. He advocates transcending the traditional left and right ideological differences and partisan disputes, embracing all aspects and drawing on the strengths of others. In economy, we advocate reform and innovation, and implement economic policies that focus on promoting employment and enhancing market vitality; In social policy, we should attach importance to people's livelihood education and maintain social fairness, justice and stability; In foreign policy, we adhere to the "De Gaulle Mitterrand Doctrine" with independence as the core, focus on the EU, strive to safeguard European integration, balance the development of relations with major countries in the world, maintain France's status and influence within the EU and on the international stage, and safeguard French and European sovereignty.
(2) Les R é publicans (LR for short)
The main opposition party and the largest party in the Senate, belonging to the center right party
The former People's Movement Alliance Party was renamed the Republican Party in May 2015. Its predecessor was the campaign alliance in the 2002 presidential election, and its core was the former Union for the Defense of the Republic (Dai Dang), which absorbed the main forces of the Liberal Democratic Party and the French Democratic Union. Party members are mostly staff, officials, freelancers, businessmen, farmers and workers. The current party chairman is Eric Ciotti, who was elected on December 11, 2022. Economically, it follows the liberal line, advocates reducing the tax burden on enterprises and enhancing market vitality; In terms of security, it advocates strengthening security guarantee, maintaining social order and cracking down on terrorism; In terms of social policy, it advocates moderate tightening of immigration policy and emphasizes French identity.
(3) The Socialist Party (PS for short)
Opposition party
Its predecessor was the "French branch of Workers' International" established in 1905, which split in 1920. The majority group formed another Communist Party, while the minority group retained its original name. The Socialist Party was reorganized and established in 1969, and merged with other left-wing organizations in 1971, still using its current name. The current leader of the party is Olivier Faure. The party's internal attention reflects the left-wing party color, advocates safeguarding labor interests, and adopts pragmatic economic policies at the same time; To maintain the French independent nuclear force, promote European integration, and strengthen North South dialogue.
(4) Rassemblement national (RN for short)
Far right party
Formerly known as "Front National", it was officially renamed as "National Alliance" on June 1, 2018. It was founded in October 1972. He entered the National Assembly for the first time in the 1986 parliamentary elections. It advocates revitalizing France's status as a major country, realizing defense autonomy, strengthening border control, giving priority to safeguarding the welfare of French citizens, and strengthening French and traditional historical and cultural education.
(5) La France indousie
Far left party
It was founded in February 2016. The founder and chairman is Jean Luc M é lenchon, a French left-wing politician. Advocate the traditional values and policy propositions of the left wing centering on the concepts of fairness, justice, openness and inclusiveness. Oppose the economic liberalization policy and advocate "thorough political change". He called for the formulation of a new constitution through a referendum, the establishment of the Sixth Republic, the launch of a "civil revolution" by the people, and the "use of votes to sweep out the rulers".
(6) Union des D é mocrates et Ind é pendants (UDI)
Centrist party
It was founded in September 2012. The current chairman Herv é Marseille was elected in 2022. The party is positioned as an "open and constructive opposition" and a "peaceful and credible alternative force". European integration, green growth and economic competitiveness are its primary concerns, and it proposes to build "humanized liberalism".
(7) Party communist fran ç ais (PCF for short)
It was founded in December 1920. It reached its peak in the early days after World War II, and at most had more than 800000 party members, and was once the largest party in France.
Other political parties are:
The centrists: the Democratic Movement, Nous Citizens, Union populaire r é publicaine, Horizons, etc.
Right wing: Debout la France, Mouvement pour la France, Parti chr é tien-d é mocrate, R é public solidaire, etc.
Left wing: Movement r é publicain et citiyen, Europe Ecologie les Verts, Movement des progressives, etc.
Far right: Movement national r é publicain, Ligue du Sud, Terre et Peuple, etc.
Far left: Lutte Ouvri è re, Front de Gauche, Party ouvrier ind é pendant, and Party communist des ouvriers de France. [1]


Emmanuel Makron
Emmanuel Makron : President. Born on December 21, 1977 in Amiens Rouen, France. Graduated from Paris Tenth University, Paris Political College and French National School of Administration. He has successively served as President Hollande's economic adviser, Secretary General of the Presidential Palace, and Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital. In 2016, the "Forward" movement, a political group, was formed and participated in the presidential election as an independent candidate. On May 7, 2017, he was elected the eighth and eleventh president of the French Republic. He took office on May 14. He will be re elected on April 24, 2022, the first French president to be re elected successfully after Chirac. He took office on May 7. [1]
Gabriel Attal: Prime Minister, born in March 1989, studied at the Second University of Paris and the Paris Institute of Political Science. He joined the "Forward Movement" established by Ma Kelong in 2016, served as a member of the National Assembly in 2017, the spokesman of the ruling party in 2018, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Youth from 2018 to 2020, and the government spokesman from 2020 to 2022. After his re-election in 2022, Ma Kelong will serve as the minister level representative of public accounts, and from July 2023, he will serve as the minister of education and youth. He will take up his current post on January 9, 2024. [28]




France is one of the most developed industrial countries, leading the world in nuclear power, aviation, aerospace and railway. According to the data of the French National Institute of Statistics and Economics, the economic growth rate of France in 2023 will be 0.9%. [28]


France is the largest agricultural producer in the EU, and also a major exporter of agricultural products and agricultural food in the world. According to the French National Bureau of Statistics, the agricultural output value in 2023 will be 95.5 billion euros (excluding product subsidies), with a year-on-year growth of 2.9%. The local agricultural land is 26.7 million hectares, and the agricultural population is 758000 (2023).
The traditional regional structure of agriculture is as follows: the north central region is the main production area of grains, oilseeds, vegetables and sugar beets, the west and mountainous regions are the main production areas of feed crops, and the Mediterranean coast and southwest regions are the main production areas of perennial crops (grapes and fruits). France has basically realized agricultural mechanization and high agricultural productivity. Agricultural food processing industry is one of the pillar industries of France's foreign trade. [28]


France is one of the most developed industrial countries. In 2022, the industrial output value of France will be 274 billion euros, accounting for 13.5% of GDP. The main industrial sectors include automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, machinery, textile, chemistry, electronics, daily consumer goods, food processing and construction industries. Steel, automobile and construction industries are the three major industrial pillars. Emerging industrial sectors such as nuclear energy, petrochemical industry, marine development, aviation and aerospace have developed rapidly in recent years. [1]
Nuclear energy and energy industry
France is the second largest nuclear power producer in the world. Its installed nuclear power capacity is only second to that of the United States. It has 56 operational nuclear reactors. Major energy enterprises include TOTAL, EDF, Engie, Orano and Alstom. According to the data released by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France, in 2019, the total export value of French energy products reached 18.9 billion euros, up 22% year on year.
Aerospace industry
France is the world leader in aerospace industry. European Aerospace Defense Group (EADS) Airbus (Airbus) is one of the world's two largest passenger aircraft manufacturers together with Boeing. Eurocopter is the world's largest helicopter manufacturer. Dassault is one of the world's major military aircraft manufacturers. Arianespace occupies an important position in the world satellite launch market. According to the data of the French Aerospace Industry Association, the total turnover of the industry in 2018 reached 65.4 billion euros, up 1.2% year on year. The export volume was 44 billion euros, basically stable, accounting for 85% of the total turnover. Civil aircraft sales accounted for 77% of the total (50.4 billion euros), and military aircraft deliveries totalled 15 billion euros. According to the data released by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France, the export of aviation equipment in 2019 was 63 billion euros, up 10.1% year on year.
automotive industry
France is the fourth largest automobile exporter in the world. Major companies: Peugeot Citroen (PSA)、 renault Renault is the eighth and tenth largest automobile manufacturer in the world. According to French AAA automobile market statistics, in 2019, a total of 2.214 million private cars were sold in France, up 1.9% year on year. Peugeot, Renault and Citroen ranked the top three in terms of sales volume. In 2019, the total sales volume of French domestic vehicles reached 1.308 million, the sales volume of electric vehicles reached 43000, and the sales volume of hybrid vehicles reached 125000.
Chemical and cosmetic industries
Major enterprises in the chemical industry include Air Liquide, Rhodia and Hutchinson. The strong demand of Asian and American markets is an important support for the stable growth of French chemical industry. France is one of the largest cosmetics producing countries in the world, mainly producing high-end cosmetics Hermes Chanel Dior Lancome Loreal According to the data released by the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, the total export value of French chemicals and cosmetics in 2019 reached 59.7 billion euros, up 2.2% year on year.
Pharmaceutical industry
France is the largest drug producer in Europe and the third largest drug exporter in the world. Major enterprises include Sanofi Aventis, Pierre Fabre and Servier. In 2019, the total export value of French pharmaceutical products reached 33.3 billion euros, up 9.2% year on year.
Fashion and high-end commodity processing
This field gathers the world's enterprises in high-end fashion production, jewelry, jewelry, high-end leather products, perfume, cosmetics, crystal glass products, etc. The main group companies are: Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton Group (LVMH), Chanel, Herm è s International, C. Dior.


The government revenue mainly comes from taxes, and the tax rate is higher than that of the United States, Japan and other countries. The main taxes are value-added tax, income tax, corporate tax, social welfare tax, etc. According to the French National Bureau of Statistics, in 2023, France will spend 1.6074 trillion euros in public finance, generate 1.4534 trillion euros in revenue, and have a public budget deficit of 154 billion euros, accounting for 5.5% of GDP; In 2023, French public debt will be 3.1012 trillion euros, accounting for 110.6% of GDP. According to the data of the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, as of February 2024, the total amount of French official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets is 225.601 billion euros.
According to the data of the Bank of France, by the end of 2022, 776 entities in the French banking system were under the supervision of the French Financial Prudential Supervision Authority. The assets of eight major banks, including BNP Paribas, Societe Generale, Credit Agricole and Credit Lyon, account for more than half of the total assets of national banks. [28]
stock market
Paris Stock Exchange It is the largest stock exchange in France and an important part of Euronext. Euronext is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NYX, the world's leading Euronext Group. The business scope of the Paris Stock Exchange includes stocks, bonds, etc. According to the data released by the World Federation of Exchanges in 2019, Euronext ranked sixth, with a market value of 3.9 trillion dollars. [5]
central bank
Banque de France It is the central bank of France. As the central bank, the Bank of France plays a central role in the French banking system, and undertakes the following functions: participating in the regulation and supervision of bank financial activities, maintaining the security of investment and deposits, and participating in the management of financial institutions such as the Committee of Banks and Financial Institutions, the Committee of Credit Institutions and Investment Enterprises, the Banking Commission, and the National Securities and Credit Commission. After the launch of the Eurosystem, as a member of the European Central Bank (ESCB), the Bank of France participated in the formulation and implementation of the single monetary policy of the Eurozone by the European Central Bank, jointly maintained the security and normal operation of the payment system in the zone with the central banks of other member countries, and was responsible for issuing Eurocoins in France.
Major banks
The main commercial banks in France are BNP Paribas, Soci é t é G é n é rale and Cr é dit Agricole.
Major foreign banks include HSBC, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS.
Chinese banks
The cooperation between China and France in the financial field has been deepening. Bank of China Paris Branch has more than 3 billion euros in assets and nearly 100 employees; ICBC Paris Branch was officially opened in early 2011 and won the Best Investment Award in France in 2011; The Paris Branch of the Export Import Bank of China was officially established in October 2013; China Construction Bank Paris Branch was officially established in July 2015; Bank of Communications Paris Branch was officially established in November 2016.
Bank of China Paris Branch, established in 1986, governs 13 regional branches, mainly providing account management, international settlement, trade financing and other services for local and Chinese funded enterprises investing in Africa.
insurance company
Major insurance companies in France include CNP and AXA, and their business scope includes life insurance, pension fund management, property insurance, etc. Portugal Loyalty Insurance acquired by Fosun Group has a branch in France.


The legal tender of France is euro On January 1, 1999, France and 11 other European countries jointly participated in the use of the euro, and officially began to use euro coins and notes at the beginning of 2002, completely replacing the previous French Franc As of April 2022, 1 euro=6.9238 yuan, 1 euro=1.0881 dollars.

Service industry

The service industry plays an important role in the national economy and social life of France. Since the 1970s, it has developed rapidly, and chain operation is quite developed. It has expanded to retail, transportation, real estate, hotels, entertainment and other industries. The employed population of the tertiary industry in France accounts for about 80% of the total employment. There are many large retail supermarkets in France, including Carrefour, Auchan and other world famous brands. [1] [28]


France is one of the major tourist destinations in the world. In 2023, France's international tourism revenue will reach a new high of 63.5 billion euros, up about 12% year on year (according to the French Tourism Development Agency). The output value of the tourism industry accounts for about 8% of the gross domestic product, and directly and indirectly creates 2 million jobs (according to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs). [1] [28]

foreign trade

France It has trade relations with major regions and more than 100 countries in the world, and is the fifth largest exporter in the world (2022). According to the data of the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, in 2023, the export trade of goods will reach 607.3 billion euros, up 1.5% year on year, while the import trade of goods will reach 706.9 billion euros, down 7.1% year on year, with a trade deficit of 9.96 billion euros; The service export volume was 328.8 billion euros, up 0.6% year on year, and the import volume was 298.2 billion euros, up 8.5% year on year, with a surplus of 30.6 billion euros. In recent years, the French government has taken export promotion as an important means to drive economic growth. While maintaining and expanding the original international market, it has actively developed markets in Latin America, Asia Pacific and other regions.
French imports mainly include energy, industrial raw materials, equipment, etc., and exports mainly include textiles, pharmaceuticals, agricultural food products, chemical products and cosmetics, aerospace products, automobiles, energy, etc. In 2023, 55.3% of French goods will be exported within the EU, with Germany (82.1 billion euros), Italy (53 billion euros) and Belgium (47.9 billion euros) as the main export partners; The main partners of imported goods are Germany (90.7 billion euros), China (71.9 billion euros) and Belgium (60.5 billion euros). (Source: French Ministry of Economy and Finance) [1] [28]
Sino French trade
France is China's third largest trading partner in the EU and the third largest source of actual investment. China is the largest trading partner of France in Asia and the seventh largest trading partner in the world. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and France will reach US $81.228 billion, down 4.4% year on year, including US $45.663 billion of Chinese exports, down 0.5% year on year, and US $35.565 billion of imports, down 9% year on year. From January to November 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and France was US $71.934 billion, down 2% year on year, including US $37.847 billion of Chinese exports, down 9.9% year on year, and US $34.087 billion of imports, up 8.6% year on year. [27]

outbound investment

According to the data of the French Central Bank, by the end of 2020, the stock of French foreign direct investment was 1.26 trillion euros. According to the French National Bureau of Statistics, France will invest 45.6 billion euros in 2022. France's foreign investment is mainly concentrated in EU member countries, and its investment in the United States, OPEC member countries, Africa and Latin America is also high, and it is mainly in the industrial, energy and service sectors. Most investments take the form of mergers or acquisitions of company shares.
France is China's fourth largest source of investment in Europe. Its investment is mainly concentrated in energy, automobiles, chemicals, light industry, food and other fields, most of which are productive enterprises. France's investment in China covers power, automobile, aviation, communications, chemicals, water, medicine and other major fields. As of October 2021, France's accumulated actual investment in China is 19.46 billion dollars.

Foreign investment

In recent years, foreign investment in French services and industrial sectors has accelerated, mainly in machinery, automobiles, chemical products, steel, agricultural products, food, clothing, etc. According to the data of the Bank of France, by the end of 2021, the stock of foreign direct investment in France is 846 billion euros. According to the French National Bureau of Statistics, foreign investment in France will be 34.6 billion euros in 2022. According to the French Commercial Investment Agency, France will attract 1725 foreign investment projects in 2022, with a year-on-year increase of 7%. The United States is the largest source of investment, followed by Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy, making France the most attractive country for investment in Europe. [1]
The country distribution of foreign investment stock in France is: European countries' investment stock in France is 670.938 billion euros, including 104.202 billion euros in Switzerland, 100.764 billion euros in the United Kingdom, 94.3 billion euros in the Netherlands, 86.065 billion euros in Germany, 58.37 billion euros in Belgium, 25.946 billion euros in Spain, and 24.551 billion euros in Italy. The investment stock of North America in France is 69.254 billion euros, including 58.83 billion euros from the United States. Asia's investment stock in France is 36.514 billion euros, including 10.87 billion euros from Japan and 3.263 billion euros from China. The stock of African direct investment in France is 7404 million euros.
China's investment in France
According to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the direct investment flow of China to France in 2020 will be 140 million dollars; By the end of 2020, China's stock of direct investment in France had reached 4.86 billion US dollars. The investment fields cover electronic information, electrical equipment, transportation and storage, environmental protection, aerospace, nuclear energy, food, medicine, chemicals, building materials, logistics and other fields. The Paris region is a key area for Chinese enterprises to invest in France, and 55% of Chinese enterprises choose to carry out investment cooperation in the Paris region. In addition, the Rhone Alps region, Provence Alps Blue Coast region and Normandy region have also attracted many Chinese enterprises to invest. [6]

foreign aid

In April 2023, OECD released the preliminary data of global official development assistance in 2022. France became the fourth largest donor country in the world, with official development assistance accounting for 0.56% of gross national income. The five major directions of fund use are health, education, gender equality, climate and environment, and improving vulnerability. African countries are the main recipients of France's official development assistance, including Senegal, Chad and Mali. [1]




The Paris Opera House
At the beginning of the 17th century, French classical literature appeared one after another Moliere Stendhal Balzac Alexandre Dumas Victor Hugo Flaubert Dumas Minor Zola Guy de Maupassant Roman Roland etc. Literary giant Many of their works have become treasures of world literature. Of which《 Notre Dame de Paris 》、《 Red and Black 》、《 Old man Gao 》、《 Count of Monte Cristo 》、《 A miserable world 》And《 John Christophe 》They are world famous literary works. [3] In terms of detective stories Maurice Leblanc And George Simnon's Detective Megray.


In modern times, French art is quite innovative on the basis of inheriting the tradition Auguste Rodin Such sculpture masters also appeared Monet and Matisse And other impressionists Fauvism The representative of.
Festival d'Avignon It was founded by French drama director Jean Villar in 1947. At that time, France, which had just emerged from the shadow of World War II, was trying to rebuild. The purpose of the drama festival was to promote the recovery and development of French culture and art, and let the elegant drama go out of the palace and into the folk. Avignon Drama Festival is held every summer UNESCO Column is World Cultural Heritage A small town in southern France Avignon It has become a big stage for the concentrated display of European modern dramas.
Cannes International Film Festival It is one of the five major film festivals in the world. It is held in the seaside town in southeast France every May Cannes It is the oldest and largest in the world International Film Festival One, lasting about two weeks. The highest award in 1956 was the "Golden Duck Award", which was changed to“ Golden palm ”。 [3]


Legal holidays are 11 days, including New Year's Day on January 1; Easter; May 1, Labor Day; May 8, European World War II Victory Day; Ascension Day; Pentecost; July 14, National Day; August 15, the Assumption of Our Lady; November 1, Halloween; November 11, Armistice Day of World War I; Christmas Day, December 25. Saturdays and Sundays are public holidays.


French cuisine
French food is fresh and original. French cuisine has a wide selection of ingredients, mainly preferring beef, poultry, seafood, vegetables, etc., especially roast snails truffle , Mushrooms lobster goose liver caviar In terms of ingredients, wine Olive oil , fresh cream and various spices are French favorites. The order of serving the standard French dinner is mainly cold dishes, soups, main dishes and desserts.
France is the world's largest wine producer and the world's largest wine consumption market. The wine produced is world-famous. Bordeaux, Languedoc and Burgundy are all famous wine producing areas in France. The per capita annual consumption is about 53 to 55 liters.


Religious customs

In France, 64% of the people believe in Catholicism, and 28% of the people claim to have no religious belief. France is the European country with the largest number of Muslims, Jews and Buddhists. The French are romantic, tolerant, talkative and humorous, and pursue freedom, equality and the rule of law. The French dress neatly and appropriately in social occasions; When meeting guests, the host usually shakes hands with the introduced or introduced guests one by one, and gives his name; When meeting relatives and friends, they are used to kissing or kissing each other; When meeting a lady, you can kiss her hand.


The current national defense system of France was established on the basis of the National Defense Organization Act of 1959. According to the 1958 Constitution, the President is the supreme commander of the armed forces, and only the President himself has the right to decide the use of nuclear strike force. The national defense decision-making bodies under his leadership include the Cabinet Council, the National Defense Commission, the small-scale National Defense Commission and the High National Defense Commission, of which the Cabinet Council is the highest decision-making body, responsible for formulating national defense policies and appointing and removing generals, Have the right to declare general mobilization, issue martial law and emergency orders, etc.
The armed forces are composed of the army, navy and air force and the gendarmerie. According to the data of the French Ministry of Defense, in 2020, the total military strength of France will be 205853, and the reserve service will be 41162 (excluding the gendarmerie). The defense budget in 2024 is 47.2 billion euros. [28]
Foreign garrison: There are about 30000 overseas troops, of which about 7150 are deployed in French overseas territories, and about 740 are under the command of the United Nations to carry out peacekeeping missions. France has military bases and more than 10 airports and ports in Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The main tasks of the troops stationed abroad are to safeguard the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and security interests of France's overseas provinces and territories; To carry out the garrison mission of countries that have signed bilateral military cooperation agreements with France; Participation in United Nations peacekeeping forces. [1]
Sino French military
France is the first western country to develop military relations with China. The two countries exchanged military attache in September 1964. In 1997, the Chinese and French militaries established a defense strategic dialogue mechanism. So far, 16 rounds of consultations have been held, the most recent of which was held by video in January 2022. In 2003, the General Staff of the two militaries established an annual consultation mechanism (renamed "Ministry of National Defense Work Dialogue" after the reform of our military), and so far 17 working meetings have been held.
In March 2004, the Chinese and French navies held the first joint military exercise in the field of non-traditional security in the Yellow Sea. In September 2007, during the exchange of visits between warships of the two armies, joint search and rescue exercises were conducted in their respective waters. In May 2015, the French Navy's "Dixmode" command ship and "Akinette" frigate visited Shanghai. In October 2015, the French Navy's "Portuguese Moon" missile frigate visited Zhanjiang and conducted live naval exercises with China. From February to March 2018, the French Navy's "Portuguese Moon" missile frigate visited Hong Kong. [6]


The transportation is developed, and water, land and air transportation are very convenient.


It is managed and operated by the National Railway Corporation (SNCF). In 2021, the French national railway network will be about 28000 kilometers long, connecting 9750 cities and towns, serving more than 3000 stations and stations, making it the second longest railway network in the EU. There are about 15000 commercial trains running in the national railway network every day, carrying 5 million passengers every day and about 250000 tons of freight every day. [1]
France's transnational high-speed railway was officially opened in 1990, and in 1994 Eurostar Direct to London; In 1996, Thales high-speed railway connected Paris and Brussels. In addition to the UK and Belgium, the French high-speed railway has connected Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg and other countries. It only takes 6 hours from Paris to Munich and 4 hours and 40 minutes from Paris to Milan.


The French road network is the densest in the world and the longest in the European Union. In 2021, the total length of the French road network will exceed 1105000 kilometers, including 21200 kilometers of major road networks (including expressways and national highways). The French highway network is connected to Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland and other surrounding countries. [1]

water transport

The total length of French inland waterway is 14932km, of which about 1900km can be used for ships above 1500t. Paris is a major inland port. In 2020, the volume of cargo transported by water will reach 6.5 billion tons/km. The main seaports are Marseille Port, Le Havre Port and Dunkirk Port. [1]

air transport

Influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic, in 2022, France will have 174 million air commercial passengers, 18.8% less than 2019, but 91.8% more than 2021. 1653700 commercial flights will be carried out, 16% less than 2019, but 47.6% more than 2021. The main airline is Air France, and the main airports are Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly Airport, Nice Airport, etc. In 2022, the number of airport passengers in Paris will be 86.66 million, 106.7% more than that in 2021, and 19.8% less than that in 2019. (Source: French Airport Union) [1]

Public transportation

The transportation in Paris is very convenient. Paris Metro has a long history, with 14 main lines and 2 branch lines, as well as 5 suburban express lines (RER A, B, C, D, E lines) passing through Paris, and a total of more than 500 platforms. The Paris subway route map can be obtained free of charge at each subway station. The Paris bus network is also very dense, with more than 50 lines and more than 1700 platforms. There are about 18000 taxis and more than 400 stops in Paris. Taxis are metered. It is recommended that passengers use small amount cash to pay the fare, and ask for the receipt before getting off the bus, so as to recover the lost items on the bus.
Metro and bus tickets are available in Paris. At present, the single ticket price is 1.9 euros, and 16.90 euros for ten tickets. If you buy a ticket directly on a bus, the single ticket price is 2 euros. In addition, there is a Paris one-day travel ticket (Mobilis). The ticket holder can take the subway and bus at will within one day, but this ticket is not applicable to airport and airline shuttle buses. If you stay in Paris for a long time, you can consider purchasing weekly tickets. The weekly tickets are used from Monday to Sunday. Generally, if the trip lasts more than two days, it is economical and affordable to buy weekly tickets. If you stay longer, you can also buy a monthly ticket. Metro tickets can be purchased in subway stations and some tobacco stores. Some subway stations have automatic ticket vending machines, and large transit stations also have manual ticket selling services. [9]




French education carried out two major reforms in the 50-60s of the 20th century, and gradually formed a complex and diverse education system with characteristics today. Education is compulsory at the age of 6-16. Public primary and secondary schools are free of tuition, and textbooks for primary and secondary schools are provided free of charge. Except for private schools, colleges and universities generally only pay a small amount of registration fees. Primary education lasts for five years, and the enrollment rate is 100%. Secondary education includes general education and vocational and technical education. General secondary education can be divided into two stages: junior high school and senior high school. The length of schooling for seven years is four years and three years respectively. Secondary vocational and technical education has developed rapidly in recent years, mainly including four types and levels of technical high school, vocational high school, apprentice training center and pre employment education adaptation class. Higher education is divided into four categories: comprehensive universities, higher professional colleges, higher technical schools and scientific research and education institutions that undertake teaching tasks. According to the French Higher Education Agency, France has more than 3500 public and private higher education institutions, including 72 universities, 25 university communities, 271 doctoral colleges, 227 engineering colleges, 220 business and management colleges, 45 public art colleges, 22 architectural schools and 3000 private schools. The budget of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in 2022 is 24.6 billion euros.
Famous universities in France include the University of Paris, the University of Strasbourg, the University of Lille, the University of Lyon, the Paris Polytechnic Institute, the National School of Administration, the Paris Institute of Political Science, the Paris Institute of Higher Business, the Paris Normal University, the Paris Institute of Higher Mining, etc.
Sino French educational exchange
China and France have signed an agreement on educational exchanges and cooperation and hold regular consultation meetings. China is one of the main countries of origin of French students studying abroad. In the 2020-2021 academic year, more than 3000 French students studied in China. Both countries have a number of universities and middle schools offering courses to teach each other's languages. Chinese television and radio stations offer French teaching programs. [6]


The French medical system is dominated by public hospitals. There are more than 3100 public or private medical institutions in France. No matter what type of hospital, it is included in the national medical security system and accepted unified management and certification. By 2020, there will be 226900 doctors (including general practitioners and specialists), 722600 nurses, 73800 pharmacists and 42500 dentists in France. There are 339 doctors per 100000 people on average. In 2020, there will be 2983 medical institutions in France (1342 public hospitals, 667 non-profit private hospitals, 974 clinics), 387000 inpatient beds and 80000 temporary beds. [1]


The French love sports. The more popular sports include football, tennis, rugby grounder , sailing, swimming, skiing, cycling, etc. [3] Football is the biggest sport in France. The French team once won 1998 France World Cup and 2018 Russia World Cup The champion of. In 2016, France held The 15th European Football Championship French Football League A It is one of the top football leagues in the world. French Open Rank Grand Slam , Yes ATP The highest gold content laterite event in the tour. Tour de France It is a famous world cycling event, held in France every summer. World Extreme Sports—— Parkour Originated in France.

science and technology

The overall level of scientific and technological development of France ranks first in the world. Its scientific and technological advantages and specialties include astronomy, genetics, nervous system, theoretical and applied mathematics, geophysics, geochemistry, atomic physics, military and civilian aircraft, railways and high-speed trains, space technology and telecommunications, petroleum technology, nuclear power engineering, etc. France has 412000 scientific research personnel, of which 260000 are professional researchers, and 60% are employed in enterprises.
France has more than 250 research institutions all over the world, such as CNRS, CIRAD, INRA, etc. The French government's R&D assistance to enterprises accounts for 11% of the total R&D investment of enterprises, the highest among the Group of Seven, and its R&D tax relief for large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises is the largest among OECD countries.
Sino French scientific and technological exchanges
The two countries have signed agreements on scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, environmental protection cooperation, cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, health and medical science cooperation, etc. [6]

signal communication

France's communication industry is developed, and its mobile communication business is developing rapidly. In 2020, France will open more than 77 million mobile phone SIM cards; The total revenue of the electronic communication industry was 35.2 billion euros, down 0.4% year on year; The completed investment is 14.3 billion euros, of which the total price of 5G spectrum auction is nearly 2.8 billion euros; The Internet penetration rate reached 89%, with about 58 million Internet users, of which 82% were mobile Internet users, and about 39 million were active users of social media. As of September 1, 2021, France has approved the construction of 28821 5G base stations in total, 17559 of which have been completed and meet the operating conditions, including 11451 in the 700 MHz band (the low-frequency band shared with 4G signals), 5812 in the 3.4 to 3.8 MHz band, and only 3 in the SA mode 5G base stations (but not yet commercially available).


In 2020, there will be 6050 kinds of newspapers and magazines in China (data from the French Ministry of Culture), and 35000 registered journalists. The national newspaper with the largest circulation is Le Figaro, with a circulation of 339000 in 2021. Other national newspapers with large circulation mainly include Le Monde, Echo, L'Equipe, etc. The local newspaper with the largest circulation is La France Occidental. The main magazines are Express, Viewpoint, New Observer, Paris Match Pictorial, Figaro Magazine, etc. There are about 10000 publishing houses in France (national publishing union data). News agency: AFP, one of the major news agencies in the world. Founded in 1835, formerly known as Hawass News Agency, it was reorganized and renamed in August 1944. In 1957, the government determined the independent status of AFP, but its financial management was still controlled by the state. There are more than 260 branches abroad with about 2400 employees, radiating to 151 countries, and contributing to about 7000 newspapers, 2500 radio stations and 400 television stations around the world.
Radio stations: Founded in 1975, France National Broadcasting Corporation has seven radio stations: domestic comprehensive station, news station, cultural station, music station, blue station, Paris United Radio Station, and youth rock station. In addition, in order to strengthen external publicity, the National Broadcasting Corporation has set up an independent French International Radio (RFI), which broadcasts in 12 languages all day except French, covering almost the whole world. In 1982, the government passed a decree to abolish the state monopoly on radio stations and allow private individuals and groups to set up radio stations. In 2017, there were 1229 radio stations in France, of which 9 were public and 1220 were private.
Television stations: There are five national state-owned television stations 100% controlled by French television stations: France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5, CultureBox (cultural channel), and FranceInfo, TV5 Monde, Arte and other channels. 25 national private stations, including 1 in France, 6 in France, CANAL+(toll counter), etc. Dozens of central or local cable television stations broadcast mainly through ADSL and TNT (digital terrestrial television), and can receive most international satellite television channels. TV5 and France24 are French television stations covering most of the world. [1]


France is one of the first countries in the world to develop and use electric energy. With a large number of renewable resources such as hydropower, wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, etc., France is an important renewable energy production and consumption country in the world. French energy mainly depends on nuclear energy and hydropower. The total installed capacity of French power is about 110 million kilowatts, of which 65 million kilowatts are nuclear power, accounting for 60% of the total installed capacity. Compared with nuclear energy, hydropower and other major resources, the installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic solar energy is relatively low, which are 7 million kilowatts and 3 million kilowatts respectively. The average annual power generation of France is about 58 billion kilowatt hours, of which nearly 72.3% comes from nuclear power.
In 2019, the total power generation in France reached 53.77 billion kWh, and the total power consumption reached 47.4 billion kWh. In 2019, France's electricity export surplus was 5.57 billion kilowatt hours. In April 2020, the French government launched the energy transformation action schedule, which shows that the proportion of nuclear power in France will be reduced to 50% by 2035

People's livelihood

France is a high welfare country. The social insurance system was established in 1945, and has now developed relatively well. The deficit of the social security account in 2022 will be 19.6 billion euros (24.3 billion euros in 2021). The fund mainly comes from the social contribution paid by employees and employers, as well as the general social taxes levied on non wage income. The protection scope covers pension, pension, medical insurance, family allowance, unemployment compensation (unemployment allowance and vocational training fee), disability allowance, etc. France has long implemented the minimum standard wage system. From January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will be 11.65 euros per hour, or 1766.92 euros per month (35 hours per week). [28]
In 2020, the average monthly rent of housing in France will be about 633 euros, with an average area of about 46 square meters. The top ten French cities in terms of monthly rent are Paris, Nice, Lille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes, Marseille, Toulouse and Rennes.
As of January 1, 2020, 58% of French families have their own property houses, and there are 37 million houses in France. French cars, mobile phones, personal computers, and the Internet are among the most popular in the world. [1]

public security

The overall social security situation in France is good, the police have a strong ability to prevent and control social security, and there are relatively few street crimes and violent crimes in urban areas. The gendarme is responsible for the social security work in rural areas. In the past two years, the crime rate in France has risen significantly, and more and more French believe that they lack a sense of security. French law allows individuals to hold legally registered firearms. In recent years, France has become an important target of extremist groups.
French Prime Minister on March 24, 2024 Gabriel Atal Announces that, in view of the rising threat of terrorist attacks faced by France, France will raise the anti-terrorism security alert level to the highest level Advanced. [23]

International Relations


foreign policy

French diplomacy is characterized by independence and initiative. Dare to adhere to principles and their own positions on major diplomatic issues. Make good use of the United Nations and other international organizations and multilateral institutions, actively participate in international and regional hotspot issues and strive to play a unique role. Since Ma Kelong took office, his foreign policy has shifted back to the tradition of Gaullism, becoming increasingly mature and clear. The main characteristics are as follows: adhere to the three major concepts of independence, multilateralism and European revitalization, take safeguarding national security and stability, safeguarding sovereign independence, and enhancing international influence as the three major tasks, and give priority to the implementation of the strategy of major country balance, European sovereignty, neighboring partners, multilateralism, and diplomatic innovation. In the first half of 2022, it will assume the rotating presidency of the European Union. [1]

external relations

France is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a founding member of the EU and a member of NATO; It is the headquarters of UNESCO, Interpol, OECD, European Parliament and other important international and regional organizations. It has established diplomatic relations with 191 countries and has the third largest number of overseas missions in the world. (Source: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
At the multilateral level, France strongly advocates building a balanced framework for major country relations, launching the "Indo Pacific Axis" strategy, advocating that Europe take the "third path" and become the third "balance force" outside China and the United States. Focus on climate change, development assistance, global governance rules and other issues to enhance the international voice. At the EU level, we will make every effort to promote the construction of European integration, put forward the idea of reshaping the EU, advocate the reform of the euro area mechanism, and accelerate the construction of the common defense of the EU. Continue to actively participate in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iran's nuclear issue, Lebanon and other hot issues. [1]
In November 2022, Britain and France signed an agreement to expand cooperation to curb illegal immigration in the English Channel topic [7-8]
In November 2023, Uzbek President Mirziyoyev held talks with visiting French President Makron in Samarkand, the second largest city of Uzbekistan. The two sides agreed to upgrade the bilateral relationship to a strategic partnership. [16]
After the regime change in Niger in December July 2023, anti French sentiment in the country rose, and the French embassy in Niger was attacked and the ambassador was expelled. In view of the fact that the French Embassy in Nepal is unable to carry out diplomatic work, the recent letters from the French side to local employees and the statements of insiders show that France intends to close the Embassy in Nepal indefinitely. On December 21, 2023, Reuters quoted a letter from the French Embassy in Nepal to report the above news. The letter signed on the 19th wrote that the diplomatic work of the French embassy was restricted by the Niger coup authorities, and the French side decided to close the embassy in Nigeria indefinitely. [19]
On December 26, 2023 local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan announced that the two diplomatic personnel of the French Embassy in Azerbaijan were unwelcome and asked the relevant personnel to leave the country within 48 hours. [20]
On March 7, 2024, Moldova and France signed a defense cooperation agreement. French President Makron said that France would establish a permanent defense representative office in Moldova. [21]
On April 26, 2024, French Defense Minister Lekolny and visiting German Defense Minister Pistorius signed an agreement in Paris on the same day. The two countries will jointly research and develop a "ground main combat system" with high and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, that is, a "future tank". [25]
Relations with Germany
From May 26 to 28, 2024 local time, French President Malone paid an official state visit to Germany. During this visit, France and Germany signed a number of agreements to expand their cooperation in the field of technology. [30-31]

sino-french relations

France is the first Western country to officially establish diplomatic relations with China. On January 27, 1964, China and France established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the overall development of bilateral relations has been smooth. In the early 1990s, Sino French relations were once seriously affected by the French government's participation in Western sanctions against China and its approval of arms sales to Taiwan. On January 12, 1994, the two governments issued a joint communique, in which the French side promised not to authorize French enterprises to participate in the armed forces of Taiwan, and bilateral relations returned to normal. The cooperation between the two countries in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, education and other fields is fruitful. In 1997 and 2004, France took the lead among the western powers in establishing a comprehensive partnership and a comprehensive strategic partnership with China. In 2008, China France relations suffered major setbacks due to Tibet related issues. On April 1, 2009, China and France issued a press release, indicating that China France relations have gradually recovered a good momentum of development and cooperation in various fields has progressed smoothly.
Hollande During his presidency, he actively developed relations with China, strengthened political mutual trust between the two countries, and achieved a high level of stable and healthy development of bilateral relations.
Makron After being elected as President, he generally continued his predecessor's policies and guidelines towards China, took the development of relations with China as one of the diplomatic priorities, and actively promoted cooperation with China. In January 2018, Ma Kelong paid his first state visit to China. President Xi Jinping reached important consensus with him on comprehensively improving the level of China France comprehensive strategic partnership. [6]
France is China's third largest trading partner in the EU and the third largest source of actual investment. China is the largest trading partner of France in Asia and the seventh largest trading partner in the world. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and France will reach 78.94 billion US dollars, down 2.2% year on year, including 41.63 billion US dollars of Chinese exports, down 8.2% year on year, and 37.31 billion US dollars of imports, up 5.5% year on year. From January to March 2024, the bilateral trade volume between China and France is 17.919 billion US dollars, down 4.3% year on year, of which the export volume of China is 9.873 billion US dollars, up 0.8% year on year, and the import volume is 8.046 billion US dollars, down 9.8% year on year. [29]
The two countries have a mixed government culture committee. In November 2002, the two sides signed an agreement between the two governments on the establishment and status of mutual cultural centers. The Paris Chinese Cultural Center was inaugurated in France the same month, and the French Cultural Center was officially inaugurated in Beijing in October 2004.
China and France enjoy active cultural exchanges. From 2003 to 2005, China and France jointly held cultural year activities. In 2014, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the two sides held more than 800 activities throughout the year. Among them, the French "Famous Museum, Famous Artists and Masterpieces", the French Mechanical Dragon Horse Parade, Rodin Sculpture Retrospective Exhibition held in Beijing, the Chinese Han Dynasty Cultural Relics Exhibition held in Paris, the "China Night" Evening Party and other activities received warm responses. In April 2016, the two sides officially launched the "Thousand Trainees Program", and each year they can send up to 1000 young people to each other's national enterprises for internships. In 2019, to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the two sides held a series of colorful cultural celebrations. French classical musicals such as "Rock Mozart" and "Notre Dame de Paris" have come to China for tour performances. The "Sculpture Exhibition of the French Academy of Arts" was held by the National Museum of Art of China, and the "Picasso - the Birth of a Genius" exhibition was held by the National Museum of Picasso in Paris in Beijing. The year 2024 is the year of Chinese and French cultural tourism. China and France have held a series of activities such as the Paris Notre Dame Ice Sculpture to appear in Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, Versailles Palace Concert, China Lantern Festival, "Versailles Palace and the Forbidden City" exhibition, and will also hold a series of colorful activities. [28-29]
In 2019, China is the largest tourist source country of France in Asia, and France is the most popular EU country for Chinese tourists. In 2019, the French Tourism Development Agency set up a representative office in Beijing. In October 2023, the China Tourism Office in Paris will set up a Chinese booth at the Paris International Tourism Exhibition and launch the "Hello China" tourism promotion logo for the first time. From March 15, 2023, Chinese travel agencies and online travel enterprises will resume the business of group travel of Chinese citizens to France. From December 1, 2023, China will pilot a 15 day unilateral visa free policy for French passport holders who come to China for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transit.
So far, there are 113 pairs of sister cities and provinces between the two countries. [29]
On November 24, 2023, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning announced that in order to facilitate exchanges between Chinese and foreign personnel, serve high-quality development and open up at a high level, China has decided to expand the scope of countries with unilateral visa exemption on a trial basis and implement a unilateral visa exemption policy for French passport holders. [18]
On May 6, 2024 local time, President Xi Jinping and President Maklon attended the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the Sino French Entrepreneurs Committee and delivered a speech at the Marini Theater in Paris, France. China has decided to extend the visa free policy for citizens of 12 countries including France to visit China for a short period of time until the end of 2025. [26]



Main attractions

Louvre, Paris
(L'Arc de triomphe de Paris)
(Tour Eiffel)
(Notre - Dame de Paris)
(Le Louvre)
(Champs - Elysées)
(Place de la concorde à Paris)
(Temple ancestral)
(Place de la Bastille)
(Palace of Versailles)
(Centre national des arts et de la culture Georges Pompidou)
(Fontainebleau Palace)
(Place de Gaulle)
(Opéra de Paris)
(La seine)
(Katedra Amiens)
Alpes Mont Blanc
(Mont Blanc)

Cultural sites

World Cultural Heritage (1979)
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
Prehistoric Relics and Rock Painting Caves in Weizel Canyon
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
World Cultural Heritage (1979)
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Ancient Rome and Romanesque Monuments in Arles
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Cistercian monastery in Fontaine
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Palace and Park of Fontainebleau
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Ancient Roman Theater in Orange and its surrounding buildings and Arc de Triomphe
World Cultural Heritage (1981)
Preparation of open pot salt from Saran Leban Saltern to Ark Senan Royal Saltern
World Cultural Heritage (selected in 1982, expanded in 2009)
World Cultural Heritage (1983)
Porto Bay: Narrow Bay of Piana, Kirolata Bay, Skandola Reserve
World Cultural Heritage (1983)
Stanislas Square, Carielle Square and Aleons Square in Nancy
World Cultural Heritage (1983)
Gale Bridge (ancient Roman waterway)
World Cultural Heritage (1985)
Strasbourg - Big Island
World Cultural Heritage (1988)
Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims , former Saint Lemi Monastery and Tawu Palace
World Cultural Heritage (1991)
World Cultural Heritage (1991)
World Cultural Heritage (1992)
Avignon: Catholic Palace, Cathedral and Avignon Bridge
World Cultural Heritage (1995)
World Cultural Heritage (1996)
Carcassonne Historic Fortress Castle
World Cultural Heritage (1997)
World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1997, expanded in 1999, shared with Spain)
Historic sites in Lyon
World Cultural Heritage (1998)
The pilgrimage road from Santiago de Compostela, France
World Cultural Heritage (1998)
Belfries of Belgium and France
World Cultural Heritage Belgian Bell Tower in Flanders and Walloon (30 in total, 1999) - Belgian Bell Tower in Northern France (23 in total, 2005), Belgian Bell Tower in Jean Blu (2005) (expanded in 1999 and 2005, shared with Belgium)
The Loire Valley from Syri on the bank of the Loire River to Shalona
World Cultural Heritage (2000)
Proven Medieval Ancient Town
World Cultural Heritage (2001)
Le Havre, the city rebuilt by Auguste Pere
World Cultural Heritage (2005)
Bordeaux, Moon Harbor
World Cultural Heritage (2007)
Fort building designed by Vauban
World Cultural Heritage (2008)
Lagoon of New Caledonia: coral reef diversity and related ecosystems
World Natural Heritage (2008)
World Cultural Heritage (2010)
Volcanic peaks, cirques and cliffs on Reunion Island
World Natural Heritage (2010)
Prehistoric lake shore wooden pile buildings around the Alps
World Cultural Heritage (shared with Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany and Slovenia in 2011)
Kass and Severn, Mediterranean agricultural and pastoral cultural landscape
World Cultural Heritage (2011)
World Cultural Heritage (2012)
Shovi Pondalke painted caves in Aldesh Province
World Cultural Heritage (2014)
Hillside vineyards, wineries and cellars in Champagne region
World Cultural Heritage (2015)
World Cultural Heritage (2015)
Le Corbusier's Architectural Works - Outstanding Contribution to the Modernist Movement
World Cultural Heritage (2016)
Taptap Atai Archaeological Site
World Cultural Heritage (2016)
World Natural Heritage (2018)