the First French Empire

The monarchy founded by Napoleon
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French: Premier Empire fran ç ais (1804-1815) French )Yes Napoleon An established monarchy Country, also known as Napoleonic Empire , in the 19th century Europe The impact is great. The empire includes France Belgium Luxembourg Germany Rhine Left bank Italy Part of the territory, most of which were affected in the heyday Europe
On May 18, 1804, the Twelve Year Constitution of the Republic was promulgated, announcing the establishment of the First French Empire, replacing the First French Republic Napoleon Appear as emperor, become the emperor of the French people (L'Empereur des Francais), end the First French Republic Executive government The rule of. Defeated many times Anti French Alliance Army, communication national independence And the idea of freedom and democracy.
because French Revolution European royal families felt threatened, so European countries were formed Anti French Alliance In an attempt to extinguish the French republican regime. The First Empire is right Third Coalition Win and defeat Austria Prussia Russia Portugal And other countries, including 1805 Battle of Austerlitz And 1807 Battle of Friedland Etc. The European War began in July 1807《 Treaties of Tilsit 》Ended with the signing of.
France's series of wars with foreign countries is called Napoleonic Wars , extending the influence of France to the whole Western Europe and poland
After the defeat of the Russian invasion campaign, the sixth anti French coalition army invaded on March 31, 1814 Paris On April 6, Napoleon was forced to abdicate and was exiled to Elba bourbon dynasty Restoration.
On March 20, 1815, Napoleon Elba Return to Paris for restoration, known as Hundred Day Dynasty On June 18, napoleon i stay Battle of Waterloo defeat. On June 22, he abdicated again and was exiled to St. Helena The First Empire officially ended.
Chinese name
the First French Empire
Foreign name
First French Empire
major city
Marseille , Paris
National Day
May 18, 1804 [2 ]
National anthem
Ode to the Expedition
official language
Time zone
Zero time zone
Political system
Absolute monarchy
National leaders
napoleon i Napoleon II
Population density
21.5 persons/km ²
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
land area
860000 square kilometers (1812)
Napoleonic Empire
time frame
Cause of extinction
Battle of Waterloo A crushing defeat
French Parliament
Enactment of Acts
Napoleonic Code



Mist Moon Coup

Imperial national emblem
On August 15, 1769, Napoleon Bonaparte Born in the Mediterranean in southeast France Corsica (M é diterran é eCorse) Battle of Toulon He became famous in the First World War of China and became the youngest general at that time.
Mist Moon Coup
On November 9, 1799, Napoleon, a young general who rose rapidly in the Great Revolution, launched“ Mist Moon Coup ”, take control of political power. The executive government was established in France, and he served as the first consul, and later became a lifelong consul.
December 2, 1804 the pope Pius VII Notre Dame de Paris He was crowned Emperor Napoleon I of the First Empire of France. And abolish the Republican calendar and restore it Gregorian calendar (i.e. the Gregorian calendar).
Napoleon The first problem after taking office is to temporarily end the war for many years Tsarist Russia People make peace and conclude with Austrians《 Treaty of Luneville 》(Train é de Lun é ville), also reached a peace agreement with Britain. But in the eyes of European feudal nobles, Napoleon He is still a terrorist.

Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor

In 1803, a war broke out between Britain and France again. To defeat France britain Constantly seek allies to form new Anti French Alliance
In May 1804, Napoleon became emperor. next year, Austria Prussia and Britain signed a treaty of alliance, and Russia also joined the anti French alliance. The new Napoleon Empire faced the joint attack of the strongest countries in Europe at that time.
At this time, Napoleon was also actively preparing for the invasion of Britain. He gathered a large number of troops and thousands of sailboats and barges along the coast of the Straits for amphibious combat training at sea and landing. Napoleon led his army against Britain's allies on the European continent. He led his troops eastward from Ulm Moravia The sudden attack on the Russian and Austrian allied forces won the Ostlitz victory. After this great victory, the remaining Russian troops retreated into Poland, Austria concluded a peace treaty with France, and Napoleon Austria obtain Venice The region, which incorporated Venice into his control Kingdom of Italy
In 1806, the attack Holy Roman Empire , forcing Holy Roman Emperor Franz II Abdicated, retaining only the title of Austrian emperor, and the Holy Roman Empire perished.
Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor
In 1807, Napoleon and the Russian tsar Alexander I At the border between Russia and Prussia Neman River For a private meeting on a raft. During the talks, Napoleon tried to impress Alexander and denounce Britain as the maker of all disputes in Europe. The results of the talks were signed by both parties《 Treaty of Tilsit 》: The French Empire and Russian Empire An alliance against Britain was formed, which lasted for five years on the surface. But Alexander soon found that what he won in this alliance was not peace, but time.

Continental system

And Napoleon on the European continent victory On the contrary, in October 1805, the French navy Battle of Trafalgar China was defeated again by a famous British naval general Nelson Seeing that the invasion of Britain from the sea had ended, Napoleon would turn his tactics against Britain to economic warfare, impose a strict "mainland blockade" on Britain, and forbid British ships to sail into European ports.
In 1806, Napoleon issued《 berlin decree 》The import of British goods from any part of Europe allied with him or affiliated with him is prohibited. The next year, he decided to《 Treaty of Tilsit 》And ordered Russia and Prussia to join the "continental system". A few months later, Russia, Prussia, Austria and other countries that joined the "anti French alliance" with Britain declared war on Britain one after another.
Napoleon also asked Portugal Two neutral countries, Denmark and Portugal, also joined the "continental system", but Portugal, which had always followed Britain's lead, refused to obey orders. In order to punish Portugal, control the entire European coastline and improve the "continental system", Napoleon led his troops across Pyrenees , conquest of Spain and Portugal. This war plunged France into an endless quagmire of war, and the brave and fearless Spanish people dragged down Napoleon's 300000 elite troops. At the same time, Britain decided to stabilize the last one on the European continent at all costs bridgehead , constantly increasing troops to assist Portuguese army and Spanish anti French guerrilla detachment
because industrial revolution , Britain has accumulated a lot wealth Its financial reserves are enough to help European countries defeat Napoleon. The people of European countries under Napoleon's rule are becoming more and more unstable and want to gain national independence, enlightenment campaign And the idea of the Great Revolution began to spread widely in the ruled countries. Russian tsar Alexander I He was also very dissatisfied with his French allies, because he annexed them in 1809 Finland In addition, it has no other interests from the alliance.
Territory of the First Empire

The decline of the empire

French sphere of influence
In 1811, Russia formally withdrew from the "continental system" and Britain and Russia resumed commercial relations. Napoleon decided to lead an expedition Tsarist Russia He gathered an army of 700000 people in East Prussia and Poland and invaded Russia in June 1812. In September, the French and Russian armies Borodino In the battle, the Russian army Kutuzov Under the command of the Duke, he successfully blocked the French offensive. On the offensive Moscow Later, Napoleon discovered that what he occupied was an empty city. The Muscovites greeted the emperor with fire. Napoleon woke up and looked at the sky reddened by the fire and shouted, "Burn your own home! How barbaric! What a nation!"
Russia Napoleon suffered a lot in the cold winter. Among the 611000 French soldiers who entered Russia, 400000 died of war casualties, hunger and snow storms, and 100000 were captured. At the same time, all the anti Napoleon forces in Europe rallied again. The Russian army followed the French army into Central Europe. Prussia and Austria also turned to joint operations with Russia, and Italy also broke out anti French riots. The British Army Wellington Led by, he crossed the Pyrenees and entered the French mainland.
In December 1812, Napoleon secretly left the army that was struggling to retreat in the snow and wind in Russia, relying on sledges and carriages to cross Europe to Paris, and formed a new army. However, the new army lacked training, and many excellent officers who had fought with him for many years lost many lives in the war between Spain and Russia.
In October 1813, the French army Battle of Leipzig China was defeated in the war. In April of the next year, Napoleon announced his abdication and was exile To the Italian coast Elba On.

Hundred Day Dynasty

Territory of the First Empire of France
On March 1, 1815, Napoleon secretly escaped from the island of Elba and landed in the port of Rouen, France. The customs guard saw that it was Napoleon who landed, and immediately asked him raise the hat Salute. Napoleon spoke loudly to the local soldiers speech The soldiers cheered and joined him.
On March 3, 1815, the news of Napoleon's landing in France reached Paris, bourbon dynasty The government was so frightened that it immediately sent troops to stop it. But wherever Napoleon went, the soldiers go into action without delay Some commanders even gathered their teams before Napoleon arrived, shouted "Long live the emperor" and went to the front to meet Napoleon.
At 9:00 p.m. on March 20, 1815, Napoleon entourage and cavalry He rushed into Paris and ascended the throne of God again.
On June 18, 1815, Napoleon Waterloo Battle Was defeated by the combined forces of Britain and Prussia. On June 22, Napoleon abdicated for the second time. In October, he was exiled to England Atlantic Territory in St. Helena
On May 5, 1821, Napoleon died on the island.




napoleon i
On the basis of the executive government (1799-1804), Napoleon I further strengthened the power of the central government and his individual, and established a new Knighthood Grade, sealed prince 4, duke 30, 388 counts, baron 1090, thousands of honorary knights. In 1812, the French Empire covered an area of 860000 square kilometers, with a population of about 44 million. The country was divided into 130 counties, including 9 counties in the Netherlands, along the coast of the North Sea Germany 9 counties in each state, Southeast Valle Piemonte Genoa , Parma Tuscany And 10 counties in the Papal Territory. In addition, Napoleon I and his family also ruled and controlled Kingdom of Italy The Federation of Rhine Kingdom of Westphalia Kingdom of Naples , Kingdom of Spain Grand Duchy of Warsaw Etc. Napoleon I tried to unify tariffs and legal system within the empire.

Related figures

The French emperor and the colonial lords of the French Empire: napoleon i
Queen of France: Josephine (1804-1809) Remain the title of empress after divorce from the emperor
Mary Louise (1810-1815) The eldest princess of the Austrian emperor
The King of the Netherlands: Louis Bonaparte (Napoleon's younger brother)
Queen of the Netherlands: Aldonna de Boarne (daughter of Queen Josephine and her ex husband)
King of Spain Joseph Bonaparte (Brother Napoleon)
King of France : Napoleon Bonaparte
Deputy King of Italy: Ouren de Boarne (The son of Josephine and her ex husband)
King of Westphalia: Jerome Bonaparte (Napoleon's youngest brother)
Governor of Tuscany: Elena Bonaparte (Napoleon's eldest sister)
King of Naples: Murat (Napoleon's Marshal)
Naples Queen: Carolina Bonaparte (Napoleon's youngest sister)
Sweden king: Bernardot (Napoleon's Marshal)
Swedish Queen: Eugenie De Xilei (once Napoleon's fiancee)


Internally consolidated capitalism The regime, issued《 Napoleonic Code 》This is the first film in the world capitalism Civil Code.
The code confirmed for the first time the basic principles of bourgeois civil law, such as equality of civil rights and freedom of contract of property ownership, consolidated the achievements of bourgeois revolution in the form of law, attacked feudal forces and promoted the development of capitalism. Because it was formulated to meet the needs of the bourgeoisie, it was deeply branded with the bourgeoisie. This code is still in use, but with the changes of French society, economy and politics, the code has also been revised more than 100 times. [1]

International Relations

  • Countries that have entered into peace treaties with France
King of Prussia: Friedrich III
Austria Emperor: Franz II( Napoleon Of father-in-law
The Russian emperor: Alexander I