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Hedong County

place name
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Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa Sixteen years (596) Puban County Move to the east of the city, and set Hedong County in the old city of Puban. Great cause In the third year (607), Puban County was incorporated into Hedong County. Hedong County was famous in the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty.
Chinese name
Time of establishment
Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa Sixteen years (596)
Liberation date
April 25, 1947
Tang Dynasty Wude Three years (620) Puzhou To treat, and later to treat In the river Government. The Yuan Dynasty was still governed by Puzhou. bright The second year of Hongwu (1369) Hedong County merged Puzhou In 1728, the sixth year of Emperor Yongzheng's reign in the Qing Dynasty Yongji County , genus Puzhou Mansion In the first month of the Republic of China, the government was appointed to Liuxian County, so it was located in the old city of Puzhou, 28 miles northwest of Yongji County, Shanxi Province. After the liberation on April 25, 1947, the county leadership moved to Zhaoyi Town.