Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
zero Useful+1
synonym Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia) generally refers to Saudi Arabia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia( Arabic : المملكة العربية السعودية [14] ), commonly known as Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia, Taiwan translation), referred to as Saudi Arabia. be located the arabian peninsula To the east Persian Gulf , west Crimson Sea , same as Jordan Iraq Kuwait The United Arab Emirates Oman Yemen And other countries, and King Fahd Bridge And Bahrain Connect. [34] With a land area of 2.25 million square kilometers, the capital Riyadh The population is 32.18 million (as of June 2023), of which Saudi citizens account for 58.4%. The country is divided into 13 provinces, [34] The province has one level county and two level counties. [34]
In the 7th century, Islamism Founder Mohammed and his successor united the Arabian Peninsula and established Arab Empire In the 16th century Ottoman Empire Rule. In 1727, the Saudi family established the first Saudi emirate, which was destroyed by the Ottoman Empire in 1818. In 1824, the Saudi family established the second Saudi emirate, and in 1891, it collapsed due to infighting among the ruling families. In 1902, Abdulaziz established the third Saudi emirate, and then gradually unified most areas of the Arabian Peninsula, establishing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. [34]
Saudi Arabia is sovereign state [34] Implement a free economic policy. [15] The proven reserves of crude oil are 38.2 billion tons, accounting for 17.3% of the world's reserves, ranking second in the world. [34] Exports are mainly crude oil and petroleum products, accounting for about 90% of the total exports. [34] It is the world's largest producer of desalinated seawater, accounting for about 21% of the world's total. In 2022, the GDP will be 1108.1 billion US dollars, the GDP growth rate will be 8.7%, and the per capita GDP will be 34400 US dollars. [34]
Chinese name
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [1]
Foreign name
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (English)
المملكة العربية السعودية (Arabic)
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia
major city
Jeddah Mecca Medina Dammam etc.
National Day
September 23rd
National anthem
Aash Al Maleek
Country code
official language
Arabic [1]
Saudi Riyal [1]
Time zone
Political system
Absolute monarchy
National leaders
Salman Bin Abdul Aziz (King) Mohammed bin Salman (Prime Minister)
population size
32.18 million (June 2023)
Population density
16.2 people/km2 [12] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
Islamism Sunni
land area
2250000 km²
Total GDP
US $1108.1 billion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $34400 [1] (2022)
International telephone area code
nine hundred and sixty-six
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
Geographic highest point
Soda Mountain (3133m above sea level)
Sacred Place
Mecca Medina
Major universities
University of Medina, Saudi Arabia King Saud University etc.

Historical evolution


Early civilization

Arab nation Means derived from the arabian peninsula Residents of deserts, semi deserts and southern Yemen, whether based on Judaism Of《 Bible 》And Islamism Of《 the Koran 》All the records in Israel They are related by blood and belong to the same category in language classification Hamito-Semitic family of languages They were originally family based tribes scattered in the Arabian Peninsula.
Since the second half of the sixth century, due to the chaos in Egypt and byzantium The successive wars with Persia made the original Persian Gulf - Crimson Sea - the Nile The commercial route of the Arabian Peninsula was impassable, and the merchants took a safer land route through the Arabian Peninsula. It is located in the middle of the commercial road, reaching the Persian Gulf in the east, the Red Sea in the west, Syria in the north, and Yemen in the south Mecca So it became prosperous.

The Rise of Islam

Muslim It is believed that since 610 AD, the prophet of Islam Mohammed He began to spread Islam in Mecca at the command of Allah. With the gradual opening of missionaries, the number of Islamists began to increase from the poor, and later even some members of the business noble families joined in, which led to Umayyad Family The focus of the Mecca ruling group. For their own ruling interests, the Umayyads and other nobles began to persecute Muhammad.
In 622, Muhammad was forced to leave and move to the city of Yatrib. Yatreb was also renamed Medina Nabi due to the arrival of Muhammad, which means "City of the Prophet", abbreviated as Medina
After arriving in Medina, Muhammad successfully mediated various disputes between the original tribes in the city and established a higher prestige. When the time is ripe, they will apply the plan in social practice muhajirun And Medina Ansar As a basic force, Umma, a Muslim commune, was set up, and a charter was formulated based on Islamic principles as a guideline for dealing with internal and external affairs.
In 627, Muhammad defeated the siege of Medina by the Makkavan army with a firm policy, and Muslims lifted the military threat faced by the emerging regime. Since then, the Medina army has become stronger and stronger, winning many battles, or sending disciples to publicize Islam, unite with surrounding tribes, expand the influence of Islam, and make this Islamic country called Medina become the then the arabian peninsula The most powerful political, religious and military forces in China.
At the beginning of 630, after the gradual consolidation of the Islamic power on the peninsula, Mohammed led a large Muslim army to the city of Mecca, and the two sides concluded the Peace Treaty of Houdebiya. The city of Mecca was subdued without bloodshed, and the residents took the initiative to accept Islam, while the superior position of the Mecca nobility in religion was maintained.

Orthodox caliphate

On June 8, 632 AD, Muhammad died in Medina. In 634, when the two empires were exhausted due to the long-term mutual expedition, people were tired of war, Omar I (reigned from 634 to 644) was elected the second caliph, known as "the successor of the messenger of God". Since then, he has served as the commander in chief of the Muslim army. He commanded the general to lead the Bedouin dominated Muslim army to enter Syria The region successively defeated the Byzantine army and fell in 636 Damascus , march in two years Jerusalem Region; Then we divided our forces from the east to the west and launched a comprehensive attack. The eastern line successively broke through the defense line of the Persian army and occupied most of Iraq and Persia; The Western Front continued to defeat Byzantium and seize the opportunity Palestine And Egypt.
651, Sassanid Empire Destruction, Arab Empire Take Huluoshan Armenia and Azerbaijan Etc. The western army of the Empire continued to attack North Africa Libya Of Cyrenaica In 661, the sect assassinated Ali, ending the theocratic republican era (the orthodox caliphate period).

Umayyad period

In 661, the Syrian governor of the Umayyads Muaviye The enthronement of the caliph Damascus For the capital Umayyad Caliphate He changed the caliph into a hereditary one, actually becoming the monarch of the empire, which made the Arab society at that time enter its heyday. Arabic became the official language of the empire, and government documents must be written in Arabic. But at the same time, it has caused many disputes in Muslim society, and some Muslim scholars believe that this will do more harm than good in the long run.
At the beginning of the 8th century, after the consolidation of the Umayyad regime, the Arabs began to launch large-scale foreign wars. On the eastern front, Arab troops invaded Central Asia and occupied Kabul Bukhara Samarkand and Drawing die And so on, until the pamirs , and the Tang Dynasty of China. Another eastern army marched southward South Asia Subcontinent And occupy the area of Sindh, India. On the northern line, the Umayyads sent troops three times to besiege the Byzantine capital Constantinople The attack on the western front is the strongest, not only occupying Tunisia Algeria until Morocco Of Maghreb North African natives who have also converted to Islam Berber As the main force, it passed in 711 Strait of Gibraltar , invading Western Europe Iberian Peninsula eliminate The Kingdom of Visigoth After that, the Arabs climbed over Pyrenees , invade Western Europe Frankish Kingdom In 732, the Arabs Battle of Poitiers China lost and stopped attacking the western European inland. However, their mediterranean sea The coast is still very successful. By the end of the Umayyad Dynasty in the middle of the 8th century, Arab Empire The territory of Indus River And become a huge military empire across Asia, Africa and Europe.

Abbasid period

In 747, Abbasid Abu Abas, a descendant of Abu Muslim stay Khorasan Power of union Shia Muslim , overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty in 750 (first 752) and established the Abbasid Dynasty. The flags of the Abbasid Dynasty are mostly black, so the Chinese history books call this dynasty Big Food in Black
At the beginning of the establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty, the Umayyad remnant party was wantonly killed, Abu Muslim was killed, and the people's uprising in Khorasan was cruelly suppressed.
During the 8th and 9th centuries, the imperial politics was relatively stable, the productive forces developed rapidly, and the economy and trade flourished, which became the peak of the empire. During this time, the science and culture of the empire also made many important achievements, which played a positive role in promoting cultural exchanges between the East and the West. In 850 AD, the population of the empire reached 50 million
788, North Africa Morocco Shiite Idrisid dynasty After the 9th century, people's uprisings spread throughout the empire, including the most powerful ones Babek Uprising Black Slave Uprising and Kalmat Uprising As a result, the power of the Abbasid dynasty declined. At the same time, after the middle of the 9th century Turkic Gradually gain power. Turkic nationality The general held the military power and arbitrarily abolished or even killed the caliph. The caliph became a complete puppet in their hands.
After the 10th century, the empire was divided, and the actual ruling area was limited to Baghdad And its surrounding areas exist in name only. from Caspian Sea In 934, Ali, the third son of Bai Yi, a Talimu man on the south bank, occupied the capital of Fars Shiraz In 945, when his brother Ahmed entered Baghdad, Khalifa Mustekfi became a puppet of the Bayi family. The feudal lords everywhere supported the army and seceded and dominated the country. In 1055, another branch Seljuk Turkman The capture of Baghdad relieved the caliph of his political power and left him only as a religious leader.

The demise of the empire

The arrival of the Seljuk Turkmen made the Arab Empire once thriving. At that time, although the nominal ruler of the empire was still the caliph, the real power had been transferred to the "Sultan" of Seljuk Turkman. The Seljuk rulers respected the traditions of the Arab Empire and basically inherited various feudal laws and regulations of the empire. The empire temporarily regained unity.
At the end of the 12th century, the emerging Khwarazm Dynasty replace Turkman , took control of the caliph, but Turkic The separation of the states has not changed much.
At the beginning of the 13th century, the powerful Mongolian Empire began to rise, and the first Mongolian invasion to the west was eliminated Prick submodule In the middle of the 13th century, Mongolian cavalry rushed into West Asia. 1252, Genghis Khan Grandchild hulagu Fengqi Brother Mengge Khan It was ordered to invade the west. He led the Mongol army to ransack Persia Asia Minor Mesopotamia and Syria And destroyed the imperial capital in 1258 Baghdad , captured the Syrian capital in 1260 Damascus The demise of the Arab Empire.
In 1517, Ottoman Empire When Egypt was conquered, Mutawakkil, then the caliph, was also captured. In 1543, Mutawakkil died, the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I He announced that he would inherit the position of the caliph and become the leader of Muslims around the world.

Established in Saudi Arabia

Founded in Saudi Arabia in 1750 the arabian peninsula In the central region, a local king named Muhammad bin Saud and a Islam The reformer Muhammad Abd Wahhab established a new regime together. Over the next 150 years, the Saudi Arabian family's power rose and fell, constantly clashed with Egypt (actually a semi independent part of the Ottoman Empire) and the Ottoman Empire in order to fight for control of the peninsula, and lost power twice. Modern Saudi Arabia was founded by King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud.
1902 tunku abdul aziz (also known as Ibn Saud )He led a team of people to set out from Kuwait, where his family took refuge, and recaptured them from the hostile Rashid family Riyadh Between 1913 and 1926, Abdul Aziz successively conquered Internal chronicle (Najde) and Han Annals (Hijaz) Two parts of territory.
On January 8, 1926, Abdul Aziz became the king of the territory under his rule. The Jeddah Treaty signed on May 20, 1927 made Saudi Arabia officially independent from British rule. On September 22, 1932, Saudi Arabia officially announced its unification. The discovery of oil underground in Saudi Arabia on March 3, 1938 changed the fate of the country.
Ibn Saud The king paid attention to making friends with his neighbors; Rectify the administrative structure, establish the cabinet system, and unify the national administration; Introduce science and technology to improve agricultural production; We will develop public utilities such as transportation, posts and telecommunications, education, and medical care. In 1933, the oil exploitation right with an area of 932000 square kilometers was leased to the United States California Mobil Oil Company, with a term of 66 years. In 1938, the company discovered a large amount of oil in the Daman area of Hasa. The discovery and exploitation of oil have gradually changed the economic structure of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ibn Saud died in 1953. Saudi Arabia (1953-19581960~1964), Faisal (1958~19601964~1975) and Khalid (1975~1982) successively succeeded the king. Khalid died of illness in June 1982, and Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz succeeded him. Encourage private investment to develop economy internally; Adhere to the policy of neutrality and nonalignment, safeguard national independence and oppose hegemonism , advocating strengthening Arab World And the Islamic world.
On October 28, 2016, Saudi Arabia was elected United Nations Human Rights Council Member, term of office from 2017 to 2019. [2]
On June 24, 2018, Saudi Arabia officially opened women's driving, making the world's only ban on women's driving history. [3]
On December 2, 2022, Saudi Arabia officially submitted its bid for the 2026 Asian Women's Cup. [19]
On February 1, 2023, the AFC Congress was held, and it was officially determined at the meeting Asia Cup 2027 The venue is Saudi Arabia. [25]
On January 31, 2024, Foreign Minister Pandor of South Africa said that Saudi Arabia has confirmed that BRICS countries Full member. [33]

geographical environment


Regional location

Saudi Arabia is located in the arabian peninsula It covers an area of 2.25 million square kilometers. East of Saudi Arabia Persian Gulf , west Crimson Sea , the average altitude is 665m, the same as Jordan Iraq Kuwait The United Arab Emirates Oman Yemen And other countries, with a coastline of 2437 kilometers. [18]

topographic features

Saudi Arabia is high in the west and low in the east. Most of the territory is plateau. The west coast of the Red Sea is a narrow plain, and the east coast is Mount Selat The terrain in the east of the mountain gradually declines to the eastern plain. Deserts are widely distributed, and there are An Nafud , in the south Rubkhari Desert

Climatic characteristics

The western plateau of Saudi Arabia has a Mediterranean climate, and other regions are Subtropical desert climate The summer is hot and dry, and the maximum temperature can reach more than 50 ℃; The climate in winter is mild, and the minimum temperature is about 10 ℃. The average annual rainfall does not exceed 200mm. [18]

natural resources

Desalination in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has proven oil reserves of 297.6 billion barrels, accounting for about 17% of the world's reserves, ranking second in the world; The natural gas reserves are 9.4 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 4.6% of the world's reserves, ranking sixth in the world. Saudi Arabia's oil and gas resources are monopolized by Saudi Aramco. In addition to rich oil and gas resources, Sha has its own gold, copper, iron, tin aluminum , zinc, etc.
In addition, there are a considerable number of potash, limestone and other non-metallic minerals. Saudi Arabia is the world's largest producer of desalinated seawater, accounting for about 20% of the world's total. [18]

administrative division


Political district

Saudi Arabia has 13 regions, including Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, East, Qasim, Al Khail, Asir, Baha Tabuk , Northern Frontier, Jizan, Najilan, Zhufu. The district consists of one level county and two level counties, and the county consists of one level township and two level township. [18]


The capital of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh Riyadh, with a population of about 7 million. In addition, its summer capital is Taif; Jeddah is the capital of diplomacy.
Administrative divisions of Saudi Arabia
major city
Chinese name
English name
Population (in millions, 2013 data)
six point five
three point nine
one point eight
one point six
one point three
zero point eight

National symbol


Country name

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. "Saudi Arabia" comes from the founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ibn Saud Name. In Arabic, Saudi Arabia means "happiness", while "Arabia" means "desert", which means "happy desert".

national flag

Flag of Saudi Arabia It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The green flag reads Islamism "All things are not God, only Allah; Muhammad, the messenger of the Lord" (this is the most accurate translation). The sword is painted below, symbolizing holy war and self-defence. Green symbolizes peace. It is Islamic countries A favorite auspicious color. The colors and patterns of the national flag highlight the religious beliefs of the country.

national emblem

It is green. Two crossed swords and one Date palm form. Green is the favorite color in Islamic countries. The sword symbolizes holy war and force, and the determination and will to defend religious beliefs and defend the motherland; The date palm tree represents agriculture and the oasis in the desert. In addition, the Saudi people love date palms best and take them as a symbol of defending religious beliefs.

national anthem

Population and nationality

As of June 2023, Saudi Arabia has a population of 32.18 million, of which Saudi citizens account for 58.4%. Islamism For national education, Sunni 85%, Shiite 15%. [1]
The main ethnic group of Saudi Arabia is Arabian. Sunni Muslims account for the majority of the population and are distributed throughout the country. The number of Shiite Muslims is very small, and they mainly live in the eastern region. In addition, there are a few Bedouin [18]




Mecca Haram Mosque
Saudi Arabia is sovereign state All political party activities are prohibited. Without constitution The Koran and Hadith (Record the Prophet of Islam Mohammed The anthology of talks is the basis for national legislation and law enforcement. The king, also known as the "servant of the two holy places (Mecca and Medina)", exercises the highest executive and judicial power, has the power to appoint, dissolve or reorganize the cabinet, has the power to establish and abolish the crown prince, disband the consultative conference, and has the power to approve and veto the resolutions of the cabinet meeting and the treaties and agreements signed with foreign countries. On March 1, 1992, King Fahd promulgated the Basic Law of Governance, which stipulated that the King of Saudi Arabia should be the outstanding one among the descendants of Abdulaziz, the founding monarch. [1]


Saudi Consultative Conference Established on December 29, 1993, it is a national political advisory body with no legislative power. The consultative meeting is composed of the chairman and 150 members of parliament, who are appointed by the king for a four-year term and can be re elected. The current chairman is Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al Sheikh, who took office in February 2009 and was re elected three times in January 2013, December 2016 and October 2020. [1]


The current government was formed in September 2022 and currently has 37 members, mainly including HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the crown prince and prime minister, HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Secretary of Energy, HRH Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Secretary of Defense, Foreign Minister HH Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, etc. [1] [16]


In office time
King Abdul Aziz
King of Saudi Arabia
1953-1964 (deposed)
1964~1975 (killed)
King Khalid
fahd king
King Salman
reference material [4]


with The Koran and Hadith Is the basis for law enforcement. The Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Judicial Council are responsible for the administration of judicial affairs. In 2007, King Abdullah promulgated the Judicial System and Implementation Measures and the Appeal System and Implementation Measures to establish a new judicial system. Three levels of courts, including the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, and the ordinary court (the first level court), have been established, and criminal, civil, commercial, and labor courts have been established. The President of the Supreme Court is appointed by the King. The appeal system provides for the establishment of three administrative litigation institutions directly under the king, namely, the Supreme Administrative Tribunal, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the Administrative Tribunal. [1]


Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud : King. Born in 1935. He has received Islamic orthodox education since childhood and has been governor of Riyadh Province for a long time. In November 2011, he became the Minister of Defense. In June 2012, he became Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. On January 23, 2015, he succeeded to the seventh king of Saudi Arabia. He visited China in April 1999, March 2014 and March 2017. In December 2022, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia and met with King Salman.
Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud: Crown Prince and Prime Minister. Born in 1985. The sixth son of King Salman. In April 2014, he served as Minister of State and cabinet member. In January 2015, he served as Minister of National Defense, Director of the Royal Palace General Office, and the King's personal adviser. In April 2015, he became heir to the crown prince, the second deputy prime minister and the minister of defense. In June 2017, he became Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. In September 2022, he will be the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. He visited China three times in 2014, 2016 and 2019. In December 2022, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia and held talks with Crown Prince Mohammed and Prime Minister.




Kingdom Center Building in the center of Riyadh
Saudi Arabia is known as the "oil kingdom" petroleum One of the countries with the largest reserves, production and sales volume. In 1984, the proven oil reserves were 50 billion tons and the natural gas reserves were 3488.5 billion cubic meters. Oil revenue is the main economic source of the country. In 1981, the oil output reached 490 million tons and the revenue reached 103.2 billion dollars. Since 1983, affected by the decline of oil prices, the output and income have declined sharply. In 1985, the output was 165 million tons and the income was 34 billion dollars. The huge oil revenue has led Saudi Arabia to rapidly transform from a traditional backward agricultural and animal husbandry economy to an economic structure based on the oil industry. By the 1970s, Saudi Arabia had become the world's largest economy Per capita national income One of the highest countries. In 1984, the gross domestic product was about 109 billion US dollars, and the per capita income was 30000 US dollars. The Saudi government has made a huge economic development plan using oil revenue. Saudi government implements economic diversification policy and focuses on development modern industry and Basic industry To gradually change the situation of relying solely on oil revenue and establish a modern and diversified national economic system.
Saudi Arabia is the world's successor Canada After that, the second largest reserve country of proven oil (accounting for 24% of the world's total explored oil) is the world's largest oil exporter and Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Major member states. The revenue of the oil industry accounts for about 75% of the country's total revenue, 40% of GDP, and 90% of export revenue. About 40% of GDP comes from the private economy. In 1999 OPEC During the period when Saudi Arabia and other oil exporting countries raised oil prices, Saudi Arabia was the main driver. During this period, OPEC members successfully pushed oil prices up to 1991 by reducing oil production Persian Gulf War The highest level since.
The oil industry is the pillar of Saudi Arabia's economy. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has put forward the "Vision 2030" and a series of major development plans and initiatives since 2016 in order to get rid of its dependence on the oil industry and actively promote economic diversification. Saudi Arabia is the only Arab country in the G20.
The main economic data in 2023 are as follows:
GDP: 1067.6 billion US dollars
GDP per capita: 31500 US dollars
GDP growth rate: - 0.8%
Total import and export: 533.06 billion US dollars
Imports: 210.93 billion US dollars
Exports: 322.13 billion US dollars
Inflation rate: 2.3%
The Saudi government is constantly encouraging the development of the private economy to reduce the dependence of the national economy on oil exports and provide more employment opportunities for the rapidly growing population. The shortage of water resources and the rapidly growing population may limit the country to achieve the goal of agricultural self-sufficiency.
Saudi Arabia also employs a large number of migrant workers. according to Government of the Philippines According to statistics, Saudi Arabia is Overseas Filipinos The destination where the most people are employed.
About 390000 people in Saudi Arabia are engaged in nomadism, raising camels, sheep, goats and horses. About 390000 people are engaged in agriculture, and the cultivated land is less than 1% of the national area, scattered in various oases. Agricultural products include dates, wheat, barley, vegetables and fruits. The industry includes petroleum refining, petrochemical, steel, textile, cement and other departments. The political and economic focus of the country is Riyadh and Hasa District. Hanzhi is the second center of gravity, with the administrative center of Jeddah and the Islamic holy places of Mecca and Medina, and is accelerating the construction of the petrochemical industry along the Red Sea coast. The two gravity centers are connected by roads, long-distance oil pipes and liquefied gas pipes. The export is mainly oil and its products, accounting for 90% of the export volume, as well as dates and livestock products; The main inputs are grain, sugar, tea and textiles. From Dalan to Saida in Lebanon, the longest oil pipeline in the Middle East (1770km long) has been built, and oil and liquefied gas pipelines from the eastern oil zone to the western bank have also been built. The old name of Shahpur Port "Khomeini Port".
Main economic data in 2021
gross domestic product
US $833.5 billion
GDP growth rate
total imports and exports
US $529.57 billion
GDP per capita
US $23500
Import volume
US $152.85 billion
Inflation rate
US $376.72 billion
reference material [1]


Saudi Arabia's oil industry
Mainly oil and petrochemical industry. The oil revenue accounted for 68.2% of the national fiscal revenue and 27.4% of the gross domestic product. In 2023, the crude oil output will be about 505 million tons. In recent years, the Saudi government has made full use of the benefits of the energy industry, actively introduced foreign advanced technology and equipment, and vigorously developed non oil industries such as steel, aluminum smelting, cement, seawater desalination, power industry, agriculture, and service industry. [39] Saudi Arabia has the production capacity of 12.01 million barrels of oil per day and is able to maintain the daily output for 50 years. In response to the impact of COVID-19 on the crude oil market, since April 2020, Saudi Arabia and Russia have led OPEC+and reached the largest production restriction agreement in history, reducing production by 9.7 million barrels per day. In addition, Saudi Arabia also reduced production by about 1 million barrels per day. In May 2020, Saudi Arabia's crude oil production has been adjusted to about 7.5 million barrels/day.
In recent years, the proven reserves and production of natural gas in Saudi Arabia have achieved double growth. The proven reserves of natural gas in Saudi Arabia have increased from 8 trillion cubic meters to 8.3 trillion cubic meters. The consumption of natural gas in Saudi Arabia is increasing year by year. It is estimated that Saudi Arabia's domestic natural gas consumption will increase by 8.6% annually from 2012 to 2020, and the natural gas produced by Saudi Arabia will mainly be used to meet domestic consumption.
In recent years, Saudi Arabia has vigorously developed non oil and gas industries. The main industries are as follows:
Steel industry : The annual production capacity of Saudi steel is about 12 million tons. The main enterprise is the Saudi Steel Company under the SABIC. The company is the largest integrated steel producer in the Middle East, ranking 16th among the world's steel enterprises. Its current production capacity and shipment volume are 6 million tons, accounting for 50~52% of the end market in Saudi Arabia. It produces a full range of products such as rebar, wire rod, cold and hot rolled steel, flat steel, etc. In addition, the capacity of AlRajhi Steel and ISPC is also large. Rajha has an annual production capacity of about 1 million tons, and claims to invest 4 billion dollars in Abdulaziz Economic City, adding 2.6 million tons of production capacity. Itfak is the largest private steel enterprise in Saudi Arabia. It has plants in Dammam and Mecca, with an annual output of 3 million tons of steel bars, billets, direct reduction iron, bar steel and wire rods. In addition to the above enterprises, there are several small and medium-sized steel enterprises in Saudi Arabia, but the product homogenization is serious and the competition is fierce.
Mining industry : Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and National Transformation Plan 2020 both focus on mining industry reform to stimulate large-scale growth of the industry. Saudi Arabia is rich in mineral resources, including phosphate, bauxite, gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, iron ore and rare earth. There are more than 30 kinds of proven metal minerals in Saudi Arabia, of which gold reserves are the most abundant, accounting for 33% of all metal minerals. There are 15 gold mines, 2 silver mines, 3 copper mines, 4 iron mines, 1 chromite mine, 1 phosphate mine, 1 bauxite mine, 2 magnesites, 2 zinc mines, 1 uranium mine, 3 niobium and other rare metal mines that have been proved.
Building materials industry : As the largest demand market in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia relies on imports for 40% of decoration materials, and its market vitality cannot be underestimated. Affected by the large infrastructure projects launched by the government and the private sector, the demand for cement, tile, marble and other building materials in the Saudi domestic building materials market has increased significantly. Similarly, the huge demand also gave rise to a good opportunity to build new tile and stone factories. At present, Saudi Arabia has overcapacity in cement production, some Saudi specialty cement is exported to surrounding countries, and the building materials market such as ceramic tiles has also been basically saturated.
Chemical industry : The flagship enterprise of Saudi Chemical is Saudi Basic Industry Company. SABIC is a global leader in the manufacturing of polyethylene, polypropylene and other advanced thermoplastic products, ethylene glycol, methanol and fertilizer. The company's business covers more than 40 countries and regions around the world. SABIC has established 20 world-class factories in Saudi Arabia. In addition, it has production bases in the Americas, Europe and the Asia Pacific region.


70% of Saudi Arabia is semi-arid wasteland or low-grade grassland, and the arable land area accounts for 1.6% of the land area, about 3.43 million hectares (2020). Permanent grassland accounts for 1.9% of the land area, about 3.785 million hectares. The forest coverage rate is 0.5% (2020). Cultivated land is concentrated in the southwest area with abundant rainfall. The main agricultural products include wheat, rice, corn, dates, oranges, grapes, pomegranates, etc. Animal husbandry mainly includes sheep, goats, camels, etc. [39]


Saudi Arabian currency
The Saudi Monetary Authority (Saudi Central Bank) is responsible for banking management. By the end of March 2020, there were 30 commercial banks in Saudi Arabia, including 13 Saudi banks and 17 foreign bank branches.
Saudi Arabia has 31 licensed insurance companies, 2 reinsurance companies, 88 licensed insurance brokers, 68 insurance agencies, 3 insurance consulting companies, 13 loss assessment and loss assessment companies, 10 third-party management companies and 3 actuarial service companies.
Saudi Arabia has one stock exchange, namely the Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange (TADAWUL). TADAWUL has the largest number of blue chip companies in the Middle East. On May 28, 2020, the total number of Saudi listed companies was 200, and the TASI index was 7050.66. On March 18, 2019, the Saudi stock index was officially included in the FTSE Russell emerging market index. TADAWUL is the largest stock market in the Middle East and an important regional platform for emerging markets, with a market value of about $2.2 trillion. After the listing of Aramco, Saudi Arabia TADAWUL became the ninth largest stock exchange in the world. [18]

foreign trade

Implement free trade and low tariff policies. Exports are mainly crude oil and petroleum products, while imports are mainly machinery and equipment, food, textiles, chemical products, etc. The main trading partners are China, India, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Germany, etc. In 2023, the total import and export of Saudi Arabia will be 533.06 billion dollars, including 322.13 billion dollars in export and 210.93 billion dollars in import. [39]
In 2020, Saudi Arabia's total foreign trade in goods reached 1.15 trillion rials (about 307.487 billion US dollars), a year-on-year decrease of about 26%. In 2020, Saudi Arabia's export of goods was about 657.6 billion rials, down 33% year on year; The import volume of goods was 492.6 billion rials, down 13.7% year on year. In 2020, Saudi Arabia still maintained a trade surplus of 165 billion rials, a decrease of 246.2 billion rials, or 59.8%, compared with 411.2 billion rials in 2019.
In 2020, Saudi Arabia's top five export destinations are China , Japan, India South Africa And the United Arab Emirates. The top five import sources of Saudi Arabia are China, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Germany and India. China is the largest trading partner of Saudi Arabia. In 2020, the bilateral trade volume between China and Saudi Arabia was 67.13 billion US dollars, down 14% year on year. Among them, China's imports were US $39.03 billion and exports were US $28.1 billion, down 28% and up 17.7% year on year respectively. The main commodities China imports from Saudi Arabia are crude oil and petrochemical products. In 2020, China imported 84.923 million tons of crude oil from Saudi Arabia, up 1.9% year on year. China's main exports to Saudi Arabia are electromechanical products, high-tech products and textiles. In 2020, China's exports to Saudi Arabia were US $14.61 billion, US $2.8 billion and US $1.55 billion, up 30%, 3% and 19.4% year on year respectively. [18]

foreign aid

Saudi Arabia's economic development is relatively stable, with more foreign aid. Saudi Arabia's foreign aid mainly depends on its abundant oil reserves, and the amount of aid is huge. As early as the 1970s, Saudi Arabia's annual foreign aid accounted for 3-5% of its gross national product. By 1978, Saudi Arabia's annual total foreign aid was second only to the United States, ranking second in the world. Saudi Arabia's foreign assistance focuses on African countries. The Saudi Public Investment Fund has carried out many projects and activities in the fields of energy, mining, telecommunications, food and agriculture, with a total investment of about $4 billion, and will continue to invest in African continent Look for investment opportunities. The Saudi Development Fund has been operating effectively in Africa for 40 years, providing a total of 580 loans and grants to 45 African countries and regions, with a total value of about 13.5 billion US dollars. The total value of new projects, loans and grants to be implemented in African developing countries in 2021 will exceed US $1 billion. The fund also announced its cooperation with the French Development Agency to invest 200 million euros in the development of the Sahel region. Saudi Arabia has provided many humanitarian projects for Africa through the King Salman Relief and Humanitarian Action Center. In addition, Saudi Arabia announced the "Green Middle East" plan, which aims to plant more than 50 billion trees and reduce global carbon emissions by more than 10%. This plan includes many African countries. [18]




The official language is Arabic , accessible to the business community English [18]


Islamism It's Saudi Arabia State Education In Saudi Arabia, all people believe in Islam. Among them, Sunni Muslims account for 85%, Shiite Muslims account for 15%. The believers must pray five times a day. When praying, the local people must go mosque to worship. Women must wear black robes.
The Great Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has two major religious festivals in a year, namely Eid al Fitr and Corban The Eid al Fitr holiday lasts seven days and the Eid al Adha holiday lasts two weeks. Ramadan is in September of the Islamic calendar every year. During the 30 days of Ramadan, people are not allowed to drink or eat from sunrise to sunset, except patients, pregnant women, nursing women and people who take the journey before sunrise. Eid al Adha is on December 10 in the Islamic calendar. Eid al Adha is also a day of pilgrimage. From December 9 to 12, millions of Muslims from all over the world flocked to Saudi Arabia Holy City Hajj in Mecca and Medina.
Sand people are the most devout Islamists in the world, with many taboos. They believe that all sensory stimuli of the human body are a manifestation of depravity and the beginning of crime. Therefore, prohibition has become a strict law in Saudi Arabia. If a drinker is caught, he or she shall be whipped 80 times in public, or imprisoned for 6 months to 1 year, in addition to a fine. Those who buy liquor, brew liquor illegally or drive after drinking shall be punished severely, and the severest one shall be beheaded in public. In Saudi Arabia, all restaurants and restaurants do not serve alcoholic beverages. Only provide customers with various non-alcoholic "beer" and“ Champagne ”Etc. Satellite TV and video recorders have already entered most families. Other taboos are: no eating pork, no taking drugs, no trafficking in drugs, and the offenders will be sentenced to death; Idolatry is prohibited. The Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia prohibits the worship of all prophets and sages, and even extends to the prohibition of filming and painting all living things (including human beings). In addition, the religious community specifically prohibits the publication of women's photos in newspapers and magazines. Many Saudis still oppose photography, especially women's photography.
Over the years, flogging has been one of the most common forms of punishment in Saudi Arabia. Under normal circumstances, those who committed extramarital affairs, adultery, disrupting social security, drunkenness, murder and looting and other crimes will be sentenced to flogging by Saudi courts. Even some Saudi princes have been punished by whipping because of improper behavior and non-compliance with royal norms and etiquette. As the criminals who are flogged will be beaten to pieces, this punishment method has been strongly criticized by international human rights organizations. The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia announced on the 24th that the country has officially abolished flogging and changed it to other means of punishment. This marked the disappearance of the years of flogging in Saudi Arabia. The abolition of flogging is also considered as an "important step" in the process of Saudi judicial reform. [5]


Saudi Arabia's honor guard and ceremonial soldiers wear Arab waist swords
The Saudis treat people warmly and sincerely, and are ready to help others. He likes sweet food. Saudi women have always maintained the traditional customs of Islam, never contacting strange men, and wear black robes and masks when going out. The marriage of young men and women is decided by their parents. The Saudis dress simply. Men wear white robes and white turbans, which are pressed with black ropes. Many people like to wear red checked headdresses. People of high social status wear a black or gold gauze robe with gold rims outside the white robe, which is worn by royal family members and big chiefs.
Taboos to be noted include: no idolatry. Shops are not allowed to sell dolls for children to play with, and people sculptures are not allowed to enter public places. In their minds, there is only one God. Contact between men and women is taboo. Drinking is strictly prohibited. Drinking and making wine without permission will be severely punished. Those who are light will generally be sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment or flogging. Do not take photos at will. It is strictly forbidden to take photos of women, religious facilities and royal buildings. Tourists had better ask people around and take photos after getting a positive answer. Do not eat pork and all ugly and unclean things, such as turtles, crabs, etc. It is forbidden to deliver things or food with the left hand, which means insulting people. [6]
The Saudi government issued a decree prohibiting men from Bengal Pakistan Myanmar Chad Women in four countries get married. Marriage with women from other countries should also pass strict examination. Must be at least 25 years old, obtain the permit document issued by the mayor, and submit the family member identity certificate. [7]


Eid al Fitr : September 25 to October 5 Hijri; Eid al Adha : December 5-15 Hijri; National Day: September 23, Gregorian calendar. The weekly rest days are Friday and Saturday. [18]



national defense

Saudi tank
Saudi Arabia pursues an active and effective defensive defense policy. The armed forces are composed of the armed forces, the National Guard and other paramilitary forces. The armed forces include the army, navy, air force, air defense force and strategic missile force, with a total of 127000 people. The National Guard is commanded by the National Guard Headquarters, with a total of about 100000 people. The Ministry of the Interior has more than 24500 security forces and nine regional headquarters. There are 35000 special security forces and 30000 special emergency forces under the jurisdiction of the State Security Administration. The system of voluntary military service is implemented, and the system of compulsory military service is implemented in wartime. The service period of general arms is two years, and that of special arms is three years. [39]

military strength

The total strength of the armed forces is about 106000 people, including about 73000 people in the army, with three armored brigades, one airborne brigade, one infantry brigade, one royal guard regiment, and 23 artillery battalions; The Navy has about 11000 people, forming two fleets of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf; The air force has about 18000 people, with attack aircraft squadrons, interceptor squadrons, etc. In addition, there are the National Guard, the Border Guard, the Special Security Force and the Marine Guard.

Military system

Saudi Arabian Navy
The armed forces were established in 1964, and the Supreme National Defense Council is the highest decision-making organ for national defense. The king is the supreme commander of the armed forces, and the chief of staff of the armed forces is General Mohamed Saleh Hamadi. The army is divided into regular army and national guard. The regular army implements the voluntary military service system in peacetime and the compulsory military service system in wartime. The service period of the general arms is two years, and that of the special arms is three years.
The armed forces of Saudi Arabia were established on the basis of national compulsory military service in the 1980s. The soldiers of the National Guard came from nomadic Arabs in Najd Province.




Highway transportation is the main mode of transportation in Saudi Arabia, with a total length of 220000 kilometers. The total mileage of expressways exceeds 5000km, accounting for 2.27% of the total mileage of highways. The total length of two lane roads is more than 12000 kilometers, and the Ministry of Transport is working hard to transform 49000 kilometers of single lane roads into two lane roads. Saudi Arabia is connected with Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and other countries. In addition, Saudi Arabia plans to upgrade the existing King Fahd Bridge connecting Saudi Arabia and Bahrain (Sabah No. 1 Sea Crossing Bridge), and consider building a new No. 2 Bridge parallel to No. 1 Bridge. [18]


The current total operating railway mileage in Saudi Arabia is 4130km. Among them, the Saudi Railway Bureau (SRO) and the Saudi Railway Company (SAR) operate 1380 km and 2750 km respectively, and the main railway lines include the Dammam Riyadh railway (449 km), the Mecca Medina high-speed railway (453 km), and the North South railway (2750 km).
The wheat wheat high-speed railway accounts for 10.97% of the railway mileage. The annual passenger volume is about 134 million person times, and the freight volume is 1.853 billion tons. [18]

air transport

Saudi Arabia has 27 civil airports, 6 military airports and 9 internal airports of Saudi Aramco. Four of the 27 civil airports are international airports, namely Riyadh Airport( King Khaled International Airport ), Jeddah Airport (King Abdul Aziz Airport), Dammam Airport (King Fahd International Airport) and Medina Airport (Mohammed Bin Abdul Aziz Prince Airport). The annual passenger volume is about 39.35 million person times, and the freight volume is about 1.024 billion tons. [18]

water transport

Saudi Arabia faces the Arabian Gulf on both sides( Persian Gulf )And Crimson Sea There are currently 9 major ports. Among them, 6 are commercial ports, 3 are industrial ports, and there are also several fishing ports of different sizes. The nine main ports are Jeddah Islamic Port, King Abdulaziz Daman Port, King Fahd Yanbu Industrial Port, King Fahd Jubail Industrial Port, Yanbu Commercial Port, Jubail Commercial Port, Jizan Port, Duba Port and Haier Point Port. Saudi Arabia's seaborne throughput in 2020 will exceed 13.5 million tons, ranking first in the Arab world and 20th in the world. [18]



science education

Saudi Arabia attaches importance to the development of national science and technology, and invests a lot of funds to introduce talents and carry out scientific research and development. Saudi Arabia has world-class advanced technology in seawater desalination and petrochemical technology. Saudi Arabia pays great attention to intellectual investment and talent cultivation, and public schools implement free education. [18]
Pay attention to education and talent cultivation, and implement free education. Including primary education, vocational training, various technical education and adult education, compulsory education is implemented. There are 23000 schools of all kinds in China, including 25 comprehensive universities, 78 colleges and 5 higher religious universities. There are 340000 teachers and 4.8 million students, including more than 270000 college students. Basic education in Saudi Arabia adopts a three-stage consistent system. Six year old children attend 6-year primary schools, 3-year intermediate schools (equivalent to junior high schools) and 3-year high schools. There are three institutions responsible for training talents for educational development: the Ministry of Education, the Supreme Committee of Women's Education and the General Organization of Technical Vocational Training. In addition to free accommodation, college students studying in China also enjoy subsidies. [1]


Pursue a press policy based on Islamic law. Dozens of newspapers and hundreds of magazines are distributed nationwide. Arabic newspapers mainly include Riyadh Newspaper, Middle East Newspaper (published in London), Daily Life, National Newspaper, Oqaz Newspaper, etc. English newspapers mainly include Arab News, Saudi Gazette, Saudi Economic Survey, etc.
Official news agency: Saudi Press Agency , established in January 1971, directly under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and Information, published in Arabic, English and French, and has four domestic branches( Mecca Medina Jeddah Dammam )And 6 foreign branches( Cairo Tunis City Paris London bonn Washington )。
Radio stations: There are more than 20 stations, which use medium wave, short wave and FM to broadcast. Radio Jeddah, Radio Riyadh and Radio Koran are the three largest radio stations.
In 1964, a television network was established. In 1965, black and white television programs were broadcast. In 1976, color television programs were broadcast. In 1983, English and French programs were broadcast. There are 107 transfer stations throughout the country, and the television network has covered 98% of the country. Major TV stations include Saudi Television, Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC), Arab Radio and Television Network (ART), etc. Each station broadcasts multiple programs, including news, religion, entertainment, sports, education, etc.

medical care

Saudi Arabia is a high welfare country, and all citizens enjoy free medical care (except private hospitals). This measure also extends Muslim pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

signal communication

Saudi Arabia Post Corporation (SPC) is an organization specialized in postal business in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Telecom Corporation (STC) is a Saudi state-owned telecommunications management company. In addition, Saudi Arabia also has MOBILITY, ZAIN, VIRGIN and other private mobile phone operating companies. The main operating data released by Saudi Communication Technology Commission are as follows:
(1) Fixed line service: The number of users is 3.12 million, 1.66 million (53.2%) for civil use and 1.46 million (46.8%) for commercial use, respectively, with a penetration rate of 29.7%.
(2) Mobile service: 41.63 million users, with prepaid and postpaid accounts for 65.8% and 34.2% respectively, and the penetration rate is 124.6%.
(3) Internet services: 29.45 million mobile broadband users, with a penetration rate of 88.1%; Fixed broadband reached 1.96 million, and the household penetration rate was 32.98%. [18]


The annual power sales of SAUDI Electric Power Company is 212.263 billion kilowatt hours, and the installed capacity is 40858 megawatts, basically meeting the demand for electricity for industrial and agricultural production and residents' living. [18]

International Relations


foreign policy

It pursues an independent foreign policy, has established diplomatic relations with more than 130 countries, and actively participates in international and regional affairs relying on political, religious influence and economic strength. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries( OPEC )Core members and G20 The only Arab country in China. June 2017 and The United Arab Emirates Egypt Bahrain Breaking off diplomatic relations with Qatar together, the same as in January 2021 Qatar Resubmit and fully resume personnel exchanges. Same as in January 2016 Iran Break off diplomatic relations, and in March 2023, with the support of China, successfully hold Beijing dialogue with Iraq and resume diplomatic relations. Efforts should be made to restart the process of political settlement of the Yemeni issue, and Syria Restore diplomatic relations and promote Syria's return las In 2021, it will become a dialogue partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. [1]

Diplomatic position

Iraq issue: it advocates safeguarding Iraq's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and Arab attributes. We support Iraq's political reconstruction process and hope that all parties will be included in the process. He supports the fight against terrorist activities that undermine Iraq's security and stability, and believes that the actions of Iraqi armed groups are not conducive to Iraq's stability and reconstruction. We oppose the interference of external forces in Iraq's internal affairs, and call on neighboring countries to abide by the principle of non-interference in Iraq's internal affairs. Sha donated US $1 billion at the Madrid Iraq International Donor Conference held in 2003.
Question of Palestine : Emphasize that a comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian Israeli conflict is the only way to achieve regional peace, and the root cause of the Palestinian problem is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. We support the Middle East peace process and call for the resumption of the "road map" plan. Demands that Israel withdraw its troops from all occupied Arab territories. In 2002, Crown Prince Abdullah put forward the Middle East peace initiative, which became the resolution of the Arab League summit in the same year. Saudi Arabia welcomed the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and called on the international community to respect the choice and will of the Palestinian people and give Hamas more time to adjust its policies. Saudi Arabia opposes the isolation of the Hamas government, the suspension of aid to Pakistan, and the preconditions for the Hamas government to participate in peace talks.
Iran's nuclear issue : It advocates resolving the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue. It is hoped that Iraq will not develop nuclear weapons and work with the Gulf States to achieve denuclearization in the region. I hope Iraq will comply《 Charter of the United Nations 》And take measures to enhance mutual trust and safeguard regional security and stability. He opposes sanctions or use of force against Iran and believes that this will bring disastrous consequences to the region. He is willing to further develop relations with Iran under the principles of good neighborly friendship, mutually beneficial cooperation and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.
Counter terrorism: firmly opposed to terrorism in all forms terrorism It is an international phenomenon, a product of extreme thoughts, and does not belong to a certain civilization, religion or nation. It is stressed that counter-terrorism is not an overnight thing and requires the joint efforts of the international community to eliminate the root causes of terrorism. In February 2005, Crown Prince Abdullah proposed the establishment of the International Counter Terrorism Center at the Riyadh International Counter Terrorism Conference.
Syria Lebanon issue: condemnation Lebanon Former Prime Minister Hariri The assassination called on the Lebanese people to safeguard national unity and stability, resolve differences through dialogue and avoid division. Sand promotion Syria Cooperate with the International Commission of Inquiry and actively mediate, believing that no action should be taken against Syria before the end of the final investigation.
Sudan Darfur : Welcome Sudan The action taken by the government to solve the Darfur problem emphasizes its opposition to any armed intervention and sanctions against the Soviet Union, and hopes that the international community will give the Soviet Union enough time to implement the relevant United Nations resolutions and avoid using threats that may lead to the complexity of the problem. Think we should concentrate on solving Darfur The humanitarian crisis in the region supports the dispatch of peacekeeping forces to the region.
Weapons of mass destruction : Support establishment includes Gulf region The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone and the zone free of weapons of mass destruction, including, have joined the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Use of Chemical Weapons. Israel is required to sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and believes that the possession of weapons of mass destruction is a destabilizing factor in the Middle East. The international community should put pressure on it.
International oil price: It emphasizes the pursuit of a balanced oil policy and promises to ensure oil supply. It is believed that the reason for the high international oil price is not the shortage of crude oil in the market, but the lack of refining capacity. Call on major oil consuming countries to reduce oil taxes to benefit consumers.
About the current Lebanon Israel Palestine Israel conflict : Condemn Israel The violence against the Lebanese and Palestinian people requires the international community to take action to stop Israeli atrocities, stresses that major powers should shoulder their political responsibilities, urge Israel and Lebanon's Hizbullah to immediately achieve a ceasefire, and requires the international community, especially the Arab Islamic countries To help the Lebanese people. At the same time, Saudi Arabia clearly announced that it would distinguish between reckless risk-taking and legitimate resistance movements, and oppose the "blind movement" of radical organizations, which would put the Arab world in danger. King Sha announced that he would donate 500 million US dollars to the Lebanese people and 250 million US dollars to the Palestinian people, and instructed to deposit 1 billion US dollars to the Central Bank of Lebanon to support the Lebanese economy.

external relations

Time of establishment of diplomatic relations
Bilateral trade volume (USD)
22 billion rials in 1998
13.788 billion rials in 1997
2.9 billion yuan in 1997
64.4 billion yuan in 2011
In 2000, Saudi Arabia and Egypt Syria And other countries further developed. In February, Saudi Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Commander of the National Guard Abdullah visited Egypt , Syria and Lebanon , respectively, held talks with the presidents of the three countries, and discussed issues such as resuming the Middle East peace talks, strengthening the unity and coordination of Arab countries, and bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and the three countries. In June, Crown Prince Abdullah visited Egypt. In July, the President of Egypt Mubarak Visited Saudi Arabia and met with King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah to coordinate Jerusalem Position on the issue. In February, Syrian Foreign Minister Sharay visited Saudi Arabia, met with King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah respectively, and co chaired the meeting of the Saudi Syrian mixed committee with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal. In July, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Abdullah He visited Syria and held talks with President Bashar. In October, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah attended the special summit of the Arab League held in Cairo. In 2001, Saudi Arabia's relations with Egypt, Syria and other countries further developed. In January and May, the President of Egypt Mubarak He visited Saudi Arabia twice to discuss bilateral relations and regional situation with Saudi Arabia; In July, Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia visited Egypt and held talks with Egyptian President Mubarak on strengthening bilateral relations and establishing peace in the Middle East; In January 2001, Sultan, the second deputy prime minister and minister of defense and aviation of Saudi Arabia, visited Syria and met with President Bashar; In February, the President of Syria visited Saudi Arabia, and the two countries signed a free trade agreement and a land transportation agreement; September, Bashar al-Assad Visited Saudi Arabia again and exchanged views with the King of Saudi Arabia on strengthening bilateral relations and relevant regional and international situations; The Prime Minister of Lebanon visited Saudi Arabia twice in April and May, and exchanged views with Saudi Arabia on bilateral relations, regional situation and other issues.
In 2002, Saudi Arabia and several Arab countries continued to coordinate and consult on regional hot issues, and high-level exchanges of visits continued, highlighting the status of Arab powers. January, Jordan Prime Minister Rajib visited Saudi Arabia; In February, the Prime Minister of Lebanon Hariri Visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on the Middle East issue; In March and August, Syrian President Bashar visited Saudi Arabia twice and held talks with Saudi Arabia on the Middle East peace issue; In September, Egyptian President Mubarak visited Saudi Arabia and held consultations with Crown Prince Shah on the Iraqi issue and the Palestinian Israeli situation; In November, King Abdullah of Jordan visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with Saudi Arabia on the Middle East issue. In March of the same year, Crown Prince Abdullah attended the Arab Summit held in Lebanon, and the East Peace Proposal was unanimously adopted; In May, Crown Prince Abdullah, Egyptian President Mubarak and Syrian Bashar held a tripartite summit in Egypt, calling on Israel to trade land for peace; In July, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal paid a visit Syria and Lebanon To the leaders of the two countries through the New York Quartet meeting on the Middle East peace process; In July, Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia visited Egypt and held talks with Egyptian President Mubarak on strengthening bilateral relations and the Middle East peace process.
In 2011, after the outbreak of civil war in Syria, the League of Arab States (LAS) suspended Syria's membership, and several Arab countries closed their embassies in Syria. Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic relations with Syria in 2012. [42]
On the evening of September 9, 2024 local time, the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Syria announced the official resumption of work in Damascus. [42]
Relations with the United States
The two countries signed the Agreement on Common Defence and the Agreement on Lease of Jeddah Airport. After the Gulf crisis, Saudi Arabia US relations strengthened. After the Gulf War, Saudi Arabia and the United States coordinated their positions on post-war security arrangements in the Gulf region and the convening of the Middle East Peace Conference. 1990 Gulf crisis Since then, Saudi Arabia and the United States have signed arms contracts worth about 30 billion dollars. The United States is the largest trading partner of Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is the largest oil supplier of the United States. In 1999, the bilateral trade volume was about 16.8 billion US dollars. In recent years, Saudi Arabia and the United States have had frequent high-level exchanges. Vice President of the United States in 1998 Gore During the visit to Saudi Arabia, Henry Shelton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, and the Secretary of Defense also visited Saudi Arabia respectively. In September of the same year, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia visited the United States and met Clinton The President, Vice President Al Gore and Saudi Arabia and the United States issued a joint communique. In 1999, US Secretary of State Albright and Secretary of Defense Cohen visited Saudi Arabia. US Energy Secretary Richardson visited Saudi Arabia and signed an agreement on investment and technical cooperation in the energy field between the two countries. In November, Sultan, the second deputy prime minister, minister of defense and aviation and military director of Saudi Arabia, visited the United States. U.S. President Clinton and Secretary of State Albright met with Sultan, and U.S. Defense Secretary Cohen held talks with Sultan.
In September 2000, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah visited the United States and held talks with President Clinton on the situation in the Middle East and bilateral relations. In February, US Energy Secretary Richardson visited Saudi Arabia and met with Crown Prince Abdullah, Foreign Minister Faisal and Oil Minister Naimi. In April and November, US Defense Secretary Cohen visited Saudi Arabia twice.
After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks Bin Laden With Saudi Arabian nationality, Saudi American relations are very awkward. At the same time, it is also concerned by the media of various countries. In 2001, the two sides had important exchanges: in February, the US Secretary of State Powell visited Saudi Arabia; In April, Admiral Tommy, commander of the US Central Command, visited Saudi Arabia; In the same month, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States visited Saudi Arabia; On September 13, King Fahd sent a message to the President of the United States, expressing condolences to the victims of the September 11 incident and condemning the terrorist incident; On the 20th, Foreign Minister Faisal of Saudi Arabia visited the United States and held consultations with the United States on counter-terrorism issues; On the 22nd, the Vice Chairman of the Saudi Arabia Consultative Conference visited the United States, informed the United States of the "September 11" incident and Saudi Arabia's anti-terrorism position, and supported the United States in its fight against terrorism; In October, US Defense Secretary Rumsfeld visited Saudi Arabia and met with King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah; In November, Foreign Minister Faisal of Saudi Arabia visited the United States and President Bush met.
In August 2002, the first year after the "September 11" incident, the relationship between the two countries reached a low point. In 2002, the two sides had important exchanges: in April, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah visited the United States and proposed an eight point peace plan on the Middle East issue to US President Bush; In June, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal visited the United States and President Bush met. In March, US Treasury Secretary Paul and US Vice President Cheney visited Saudi Arabia respectively; In October, Assistant Secretary Burns of the United States visited Saudi Arabia and King Fahd met. The leaders of the two countries have also repeatedly refuted media reports that Saudi Arabia US relations are in crisis, exchanged phone calls and letters, and stressed the alliance between the two sides.
On September 21, 2019, U.S. Defense Minister Mark Esper said that the United States would accelerate the deployment of military equipment to Saudi Arabia to enhance its defense capabilities [8] In addition to sending more troops to the region, the United States intends to accelerate the delivery of military equipment in order to enhance its defense capabilities [8]
On June 13, 2024, according to the website of India Today, Saudi Arabia decided not to renew the decades old petrodollar agreement with the United States. The agreement expired on June 9 this year. [35]
On August 9, 2024, the State Department of the United States said that the Biden administration had decided to lift the ban on the sale of offensive weapons by the United States to Saudi Arabia, which indicated that the United States had changed its policy of putting pressure on Saudi Arabia for three years to end the war in Yemen. [38]
Relations with the EU
In 2001, Saudi Arabia's relations with Britain, France, Germany and other western countries continued to develop.
Britain is the second largest commodity supplier and the third largest investor in Saudi Arabia, with more than 90 joint ventures in Saudi Arabia, with a total investment of 3.5 billion US dollars. In February 1999, the Shaying Chamber of Commerce was established. In June 2000, the Shain Investment Forum was held in London. In April, British Defense Minister Horn visited Saudi Arabia. King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah met with Horn respectively, and Prince Sultan held talks with Horn. In June, Emile Salman of Riyadh visited Britain, and Queen Elizabeth II met with Salman. In June 2001, the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia visited the UK and held talks with the UK on bilateral relations and the Middle East peace process; In July, the British Royal Navy fleet and the Saudi Royal Navy held a two-day military exercise in Jeddah; In October, British Prime Minister Blair visited Saudi Arabia and King Fahd met.
The cooperative relationship between the two countries has developed continuously. By 1998, France had invested 2 billion francs in Saudi Arabia, with 67 joint ventures. France imports 2.5 billion dollars of sand crude oil every year, accounting for 1/4 of France's consumption; Exporting US $1.6 billion of industrial equipment and food to Saudi Arabia. In February 2000, French Foreign Minister Federline visited Saudi Arabia and held meetings or talks with King Fahd, Crown Prince Abdullah, Foreign Minister Faisal and Prince Salman respectively. In June, French Defense Minister Richard visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with the Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and Aviation Sultan. In June 2001, Crown Prince Abdullah visited France and exchanged views with French President Chirac on bilateral relations and the situation in the Middle East; In October, French Foreign Minister Vedrina visited Saudi Arabia and met with Crown Prince Abdullah.
Germany It is the third largest trading partner of Saudi Arabia in the EU. In 1997, bilateral trade volume was US $2.9 billion, Saudi Arabia exported US $845 million to Germany, imported US $2.06 billion from Germany, and the total investment of German joint ventures in Saudi Arabia was about US $400 million. In May 2000, Saudi Higher Education Minister Ankali visited Germany, and the two sides signed an agreement on exchanges of educational and scientific and technological personnel between the two countries. In October 2001, the German Foreign Minister visited Saudi Arabia and exchanged views with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal on the situation in the Middle East and the Afghan issue.
In addition, Saudi Arabia's relations with the EU have further developed. In April 2001, EU Trade Commissioner Lamy visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with Saudi Arabia on Saudi Arabia's accession to WTO; In September, the EU delegation visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia on bilateral relations and the situation in the Middle East. In February 2002, EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Solana visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with Crown Prince Abdullah to discuss his Middle East peace plan; In June, Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia held talks with Solana again, stressing Saudi Arabia's adherence to the Middle East peace process must be based on the Saudi Arabia peace plan.
Relations with Japan
In February 2000, after more than two years of negotiations between the two countries on the renewal of the contract for the exploration rights of Aramco in the neutral zone of Shakok, the two countries finally broke down, but both sides said that this would not affect their relations. Saudi Arabia is Japan's main crude oil supplier. Saudi Arabia exports 24.8% of Japan's oil consumption, and 13.4% of Japan's refined oil comes from Saudi Arabia. In 1998, Japan imported 1.16 million barrels of crude oil from Saudi Arabia on average every day. Japan is the second largest trade and investment partner of Saudi Arabia. In 1997, bilateral trade reached 46.5 billion rials, of which Saudi Arabia exported about 39 billion rials to Japan. There are 33 Rizal Saudi joint ventures in Saudi Arabia with a total investment of 17.6 billion Riyals. On September 30, 2001, the Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of Japan visited Saudi Arabia and informed the Saudi Arabian side of Japan's views on the international situation after September 11.
Relations with Afghanistan
Saudi Arabia was one of the three countries in the world that had diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime. After the September 11 incident, Saudi Arabia broke off relations with the Taliban in Afghanistan. After the fall of the Taliban regime, Saudi Arabia actively sought to play a role in the reconstruction of Afghanistan in order to maintain its traditional influence in Afghanistan. At the international reconstruction conference, Saudi Arabia promised to provide more than 200 million dollars of economic assistance to the interim government of Afghanistan. In January 2002, the Prime Minister of the Afghan Interim Government hamid karzai Arrived at Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage, held talks with Shah King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah to seek Saudi Arabia's financial support for the new Afghan government; In July, Saudi Arabia provided 13 trucks of medicine worth US $1 million to Afghanistan, and Housha provided US $10 million of food, medicine and clothing to Afghanistan; September, President of Afghanistan Karzai visited Saudi Arabia and discussed with Saudi Arabia about Saudi Arabia's assistance to Afghanistan and the arrangement of Saudi nationals arrested in Afghanistan.
Relations with Iran
Saudi Arabia's relations with Iran continued to improve. In August 2002, Foreign Minister Faisal of Saudi Arabia visited Iraq Question of Palestine And so on held talks; In September, the President of Iran Khatami Visit Saudi Arabia and discuss with Saudi Arabia Iraq They exchanged views on the situation and relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
On January 3, 2016, Saudi Arabia announced that it had broken off diplomatic relations with Iran. On the evening of January 2, Iranian demonstrators attacked the Saudi embassy in Tehran because a Shiite religious figure was executed by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir asked Iranian diplomats to leave Saudi Arabia within 48 hours.
In March 2023, Saudi Arabia and Iran reached an agreement, including agreeing to resume diplomatic relations between the two sides, reopening embassies and representative offices of the two sides within two months at most, arranging for the exchange of ambassadors, and discussing strengthening bilateral relations. [22]
On March 10, 2023, The People's Republic of China , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Islamic Republic of Iran The three parties jointly declared that Beijing publish. The three countries announced that Saudi Arabia and Iran have reached an agreement, including agreeing to resume diplomatic relations between the two sides and reopen their embassies and representative offices within two months at most; Emphasize respect for national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries; The two sides agreed to hold a meeting between the foreign ministers of the two countries to start the above work, arrange for the exchange of ambassadors, and discuss strengthening bilateral relations. All three countries expressed their willingness to make every effort to strengthen international and regional peace and security.
On April 6, 2023, the then Foreign Minister of Iran Abdullahian He met with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal in Beijing to discuss the steps to reopen the embassy and other bilateral issues, and issued a joint statement. [23]
In September 2023, Saudi Arabia and Iran sent their ambassadors to each other's countries, officially ending the seven-year diplomatic breakdown between the two countries. [28]
Saudi Ambassador to Iran, October 24, 2023 local time Abdullah Anzi Submitted to Iranian President Leahy in Tehran, the capital of Iran National credentials [30]
On January 31, 2024 local time, the Deputy Consul of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, David Beckdali, said that Iran announced its unilateral visa exemption for 28 countries, including Saudi Arabia. [32]
Relations with Qatar
September 30, 1992, Saudi Arabia and Qatar Armed conflict occurs. Kadeer announced the suspension of the 1965 border agreement between the two countries, and the bilateral relations deteriorated for a time. On December 19 of the same year, through the mediation of Egyptian President Mubarak, the leaders of Qatar and Saudi Arabia jointly signed the "Agreement on Settlement of Differences on the Border between Saudi Arabia and Qatar". On December 24, Katsui announced the cancellation of the decision to suspend the 1965 border agreement between the two countries, which significantly improved the relations between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In 1997, Egypt boycotted the Middle East Economic Summit held in Qatar, resulting in a press war between the two countries. Through the mediation of King Fahd, Egypt and Qatar decided to end the press war between the two countries and achieve reconciliation. In May 1998, the Foreign Minister of Qatar visited Saudi Arabia. In November, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal visited Qatar to participate in the 16th session held in Doha Damascus Declaration Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In April and June 1999, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar visited Saudi Arabia twice and forwarded a letter from the Emir to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. In June, Shaqqa finally determined the border between the two countries. In the same month, the Emir of Qatar Hamad During his visit to Saudi Arabia, he met with King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah. In May 2000, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah paid a visit Qatar , held talks with the Emir Hamad of Qatar, and the two sides expressed their intention to strengthen the existing bilateral friendly relations. In 2001, bilateral relations further developed. In March, the Saudi Foreign Minister visited Qatar and signed the final border agreement with Qatar; In April, the Emir of Qatar visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with Saudi Arabia on strengthening bilateral relations and other issues.
On June 5, 2017, the governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain announced that they had broken off diplomatic relations with Qatar. Saudi Arabia will close its air, sea and land borders with Qatar. [9]
January 2021, and Qatar Restore comprehensive diplomatic relations. [10]
Relations with China
The friendship between China and Saudi Arabia has a long history. As early as the 7th century AD, Muhammad's disciples had traveled across the oceans to China to spread Islam. In the 15th century AD, Zheng He, a famous navigator in the Ming Dynasty, visited Saudi Arabia when he sailed.
On July 21, 1990, China and Saudi Arabia established diplomatic relations.
In January 2006, the King of Saudi Arabia Abdullah He paid a state visit to China, and China and Saudi Arabia signed cooperation documents in energy and other fields.
In April 2006, Hu Jintao The President paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia.
During the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the Saudi government donated 50 million dollars in cash and 10 million dollars in materials to China, the largest amount of donations among all donor countries. The royal family members of all Arab countries also actively organized donations and charity sales.
In June 2008, Vice President Xi Jinping paid an official visit to Saudi Arabia, and the two sides established strategic friendly relations.
In February 2009, President Hu Jintao paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia.
In January 2012, Wen Jiabao The Prime Minister paid an official visit to Saudi Arabia and the two countries issued a joint statement.
In April 2013, the Minister of Culture Cai Wu Led a delegation to attend the opening ceremony of the Saudi Arabia "Genodia Cultural Heritage Festival" and China's guest of honor activities; In August, Saudi Minister of Higher Education Akali attended the opening ceremony of the 20th Beijing International Book Fair.
In January 2016, the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership and decided to establish the China Saudi Arabia High level Joint Committee.
In December 2022, President Xi Jinping State visit to Saudi Arabia [20] During the visit, the two heads of state personally signed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [21]
The practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields has yielded fruitful results. Since 2001, Saudi Arabia has been China's largest trading partner in the Middle East. China has become Saudi Arabia's largest trading partner since 2013. In 2023, bilateral trade between China and Saudi Arabia will amount to US $107.23 billion, including US $42.86 billion of Chinese exports and US $64.37 billion of Chinese imports. In the first half of 2024, the bilateral trade volume between China and Saudi Arabia will reach US $53.98 billion, including US $23.8 billion of Chinese exports and US $30.18 billion of Chinese imports. China mainly exports mechanical and electrical products, metals and their products, automobiles, ships, textiles and clothing, and mainly imports crude oil, petrochemical products, etc.
Saudi Arabia has long been China's largest crude oil supplier. In 2023, China will import 85.959 million tons of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. In the first half of 2024, China will import 40.378 million tons of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. In November 2023, the central banks of China and Saudi Arabia signed a local currency swap agreement with a swap scale of 50 billion yuan/26 billion Saudi Riyals.
The two countries have close people to people and cultural exchanges. In December 2002, the governments of China and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement on cultural and educational cooperation. In 2013, China held the "Genodia Cultural Heritage Festival" in Saudi Arabia, which is the largest cultural exchange event held by China in Saudi Arabia since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. From December 2016 to March 2017, "The Arab Road - Saudi Unearthed Cultural Relics Exhibition" was exhibited in the National Museum of China. President Xi Jinping and King Salman jointly visited and attended the closing ceremony. From September to November 2018, China held the "Chinese Treasure Exhibition" in Saudi Arabia, which was the first time such an exhibition was held in a Middle East country. In January 2019, Chinese musician Lang Lang and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra participated in the Saudi Arabia "Winter of Tantula" Art Festival, jointly held a special concert, and broadcast it to the Middle East through online media. This is the first time that the Chinese Symphony Orchestra has visited Saudi Arabia. In January 2024, the Saudi Elora Royal Committee and the Palace Museum jointly held the "Elora: the Miracle Oasis of the Arabian Peninsula" exhibition in Beijing. In March 2024, the Saudi Culture Minister will visit China, and China and Saudi Arabia will sign a memorandum of understanding on cultural cooperation.
In March 2017, King Abdulaziz's Library Peking University Branch was inaugurated, and King Salman attended the inauguration ceremony and accepted the honorary doctorate awarded by Peking University. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has actively carried out Chinese education cooperation with China. During President Xi Jinping's state visit to Saudi Arabia in December 2022, the education authorities of China and Saudi Arabia signed a memorandum of understanding on Chinese education cooperation. At present, two universities in Saudi Arabia have Confucius Institutes, four universities have Chinese majors, and eight primary and secondary schools as the first batch of pilot schools have Chinese elective courses.
In December 2016, China and Saudi Arabia signed an implementation plan for cooperation in tourism. In November 2022, China approved the opening of Saudi Arabia as an outbound tourist destination for Chinese citizens. In September 2023, China and Saudi Arabia signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation Plan for Chinese Tourism Teams to Saudi Arabia.
In 2018, China and Saudi Arabia cooperated to carry out the joint archaeological project of the Sarin Port site in Saudi Arabia, and discovered porcelain pieces from various dynasties in China that have been transported to Saudi Arabia through the Maritime Silk Road for nearly a thousand years. [40]
On July 1, 2024, Saudi Arabia officially became the destination country for Chinese outbound team travel. [36]
Relations with Canada
On August 5, 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia issued a statement recalling the Saudi ambassador to Canada, and announced that the Canadian ambassador to Saudi Arabia was an "unwelcome person" and was limited to leave the country within 24 hours. In addition, the Saudi Foreign Ministry also decided to freeze new trade and investment projects between Saudi Arabia and Canada. [11]
On May 24, 2023 local time, according to the statement issued by the Canadian Global Affairs Department (i.e. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) through its official website, Canada and Saudi Arabia will appoint and exchange new ambassadors. [24]
Relations with Thailand
On January 25, 2022, the Saudi government and the Thai government jointly issued a statement announcing that the two sides would resume normal diplomatic relations. [13]
Relations with South Africa
On October 16, 2022 local time, Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman held talks with South African President Ramaphosa, and the two sides jointly witnessed the signing and exchange ceremony of bilateral economic and trade agreements, cooperation plans and bilateral memorandums of understanding. On the 17th, Ramaphosa confirmed that Saudi Arabia expressed its intention to join BRICS countries The desire of. [17]
Relations with BRICS countries
On the morning of August 24, 2023 local time, the 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting held a special press conference to announce the expansion of BRICS members. Saudi Arabia and other six countries were invited to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism [26] And become a full member of the BRICS cooperation mechanism from January 1, 2024 [27]
On January 1, 2024, Saudi Arabia became BRICS countries Full member. [31]
Relations with South Korea
On October 23, 2023, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources of the Republic of Korea said that 46 contracts and memorandums of understanding (MOU) had been signed by the two sides at the Korea Saudi Investment Forum. [29]
Relations with Turkey
On July 15, 2024 local time, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal said at a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Faisal that Saudi Arabia and Turkey had signed an agreement to launch a coordination committee for the development of bilateral relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which is mainly used to deepen cooperation between the ministries of the two countries and strengthen bilateral relations and coordination of regional and international issues. [37]
Relations with Palestine
On August 26, 2024 local time, Palestinian President Abbas and his accompanying delegation arrived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for a visit. Abbas plans to hold talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on the 27th local time to discuss the Palestinian Israeli situation. [41]


Muslim Hajj Holy Land Mecca And the Holy City Medina They are two travel cards of Saudi Arabia. Other places, such as the carved tombs at the Madianshale archaeological site, are also worth visiting. However, Saudi Arabia is very strict in visa approval.