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Shen Ye

Founder of Exclusive Weekly
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Shen Ye, born in 1938 in eastern Guangdong Chao'an County Caitang Town Huamei Township, 1.9 meters tall, handsome, elegant, smart, knowledgeable, brilliant and eloquent. Taiwan's famous Chao nationality anti Taiwan independence political commentator, writer, and founder of Exclusive Weekly.
In 2010, the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shantou Municipal Committee Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center , the Municipal Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Economic Research Association and other departments, relatives and friends sent condolences to their bereaved families or wreaths to mourn the death of the patriotic anti independence flag bearer. [1]
Chinese name
Shen Ye
Ethnic groups
Han nationality

Family figures

Mother Guo Ruijiao (1913-1992).
His father Shen Min (1913 -- November 5, 2008) was a famous writer of Chaoshan folk culture in the Republic of China. Later, he joined the army in the War of Resistance against Japan, served as a major general, served as the county magistrate of Jinmen, and was a versatile man of arts and martial arts. In his later years, he came to the United States and Chen Xiangmei Women held high the banner of anti Taiwan independence.


Shen Ye's illegal immigration in the winter of 1959 Hong Kong , Yuezai went to Taiwan to study at Political University Department of Chinese. After graduation, he served as the chief editor of the Chinese Culture Revival Monthly China Television Corporation Deputy manager of the Business Department.
In 1971, he turned to business, engaged in communication and publishing, and founded political journals such as "The Breeze" and "The Outsider", which is the theoretical authority against "Taiwan independence". Later, he founded the "Exclusive Weekly" (popular throughout Taiwan, mainland China《 Reference News 》Reprinted for many times), "Noble" magazine. He has written 8 episodes of "The Catastrophe of Life", "Wild Grass Collection", "Gone with the Wind and Thunder in Shen Ye", especially the autobiographical literature "The Moon Is a Strange Land Ming", which has great social impact. He also hosts programs on radio and television. Dare to wield the sword and open the bow, denounce the words and write, and relentlessly declare war against the national scum, ungrateful national bandits, traitors, flatterers, and news eunuchs. His prose is rough and soft, serious and humorous, sad and hopeful, and angry and deep philosophical. In particular, with rich historical knowledge and unique historical view, it is often to hit the nail on the head and hit the nail on the head. Readers applaud and the public resonate, which is the cry of justice and the strong voice of the times, and is widely praised on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Promote communication

In the years when the mainland ended the "Cultural Revolution" and entered the peaceful and prosperous era, he returned to Chaoshan dozens of times, paved bridges and pulled strings, promoted cultural exchanges between the two sides, and made outstanding contributions.
He was employed as Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center Consultant of Shantou Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Economic Research Association, Shantou University Visiting professor, who has been invited to make speeches for many times and attracted the audience, also attended the International Symposium on Tide Studies to read papers, often introduced Taiwan's political and economic situation, the situation in the Taiwan Strait, the complementarity of cross-strait economic cooperation, and the history of Chaozhou people in Taiwan in ancient and modern times. He does not need to make speeches, but plays on the spot. His eloquence is unimpeded. He quotes from classics, is humorous and witty, and his speech is sharp. The audience is amazed.
He is enthusiastic about cross-strait exchanges. From September 28 to 29, 1992, he served as the head of the delegation of Taiwan's industrial and commercial speech circles and led the delegation to visit Beijing , respectively with the Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Cheng Siyuan Executive Vice President of ARATS Tang Shubei Exchange views and promote consensus on cross Straits reunification and three links. On December 27, 1995, at the opening ceremony of Shantou Bay Bridge, he launched a delegation of people from all walks of life in Taiwan, including Qiu Yi, the "king of cheating", to Shantou to participate and lead a visit to Nan'ao Island. From April 22 to May 4, 1997, he invited Liu Feng as the head of the Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center delegation, and Yuezai invited the Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Economic Research Association delegation to visit Taiwan. He also planned and raised funds to let the Guangdong Chaozhou Theater group perform in Taiwan. He won a total of more than 800000 yuan from Mr. Lin Baixin (500000 Hong Kong dollars) and other nine philanthropists in Hong Kong, which solved the cost of the troupe's activities in Taiwan. We also arranged the performance schedule with three Chaoshan fellow townspeople associations in Taiwan. Finally, a group of more than 40 famous actors, including Yao Xuanqiu, Zhang Changcheng, Chen Xuexi and Zhang Yihuang, from September 20, 1997 to October 2, 1997, led by Lin Musheng and Huang Zanfa, came to Guangdong Chaozhou Theater to perform. He and his wife Qu Yuqing, son Shen Zheng, and daughter Shen Rong Meet and see off at the airport, hold a press conference, and send condolences to all members of the delegation. Her daughter Shen Rong He also hosted a welcome party. The troupe has successively performed in Taipei, Tainan and Taichung the special synthetic dramas of "Zhang Chunlang's Hair Cutting", "Golden Flower Girl", "Chaifang Hui", "White Rabbit" and "Make Kaifeng". The wonderful performance made the seats full, and the local feeling was more intense than the drama! This is the first time for Chaozhou Opera to perform in Taiwan in more than 100 years, which makes "Southern Flowers" cause a sensation among Taiwanese. From October 25 to November 3 of the same year, under his careful planning and financing, Shantou Chaozhou Music Troupe also performed on the stage for the first time at the invitation of the Chaoshan Fellow Association in Kaohsiung with Mr. Xue Yangmei (from Nan'ao Island) as the chairman. The beautiful and emotional Chaoyue, especially the wonderful performances of Fang Zhanrong, the "King of Chaochou", and Wang Yimin, the "King of Quyi", attracted the audience of Taiwan compatriots.
He loves his country and makes donations. At the beginning of April 1989, he and his father returned from the stage to their long separated hometown. There were thousands of party and government leaders, parents, primary school teachers and students in Huamei Township. They beat gongs and drums at the village head to welcome them. They immediately made the father and son who had gone through the vicissitudes of life and returned to their hometown in glory full of tears and excitement.
Since then, he "often went home to see", took his wife, children and father home to visit relatives and sweep the mother's tomb many times. In particular, many generous donations have benefited Sangzi. He has successively donated more than 2 million yuan to build roads, Jianhuamei Primary School, "Guo Ruijiao (the mother of Shen Ye) Teaching Building" of Guolong Primary School, and build ancestral temples.

Deep cultural connections

Shen Ye has frequent contacts with Chaoshan literary friends, especially with the author.
On the night of August 14, 1994, when he came to Shantou to stay in Longhu Hotel, I called on him. He was only over 50 years old at that time. He was handsome, elegant and brilliant. He greeted each other with a smile, full of Chaoshan dialect, and sent each other business cards. I present the first novel describing Zheng Chenggong's Nan'ao Uprising published just now, "Lonely Loyalty in the South". He turned it over and said, "Zheng Chenggong was a well-known national hero in Taiwan when he fought against the Qing Dynasty and recovered from Taiwan. He was in Nan'ao Island for the uprising, and you wrote this novel on this subject to sing praises of heroes, which is very meaningful. I will come back to Taiwan to read it carefully." He returned the collection of political essays "Shen Ye Feng Lei" (the first episode) published in June 1993, On the title page, the book is entitled "Reward from Mr. Juncong, courtesy of Shen Ye, Shantou, August 14, 1994." It is 88 articles selected from the "Shen Ye Column" in more than 130 weekly magazines. The book mainly focuses on exposing and criticizing the words and deeds of "Taiwan independence". The writing style is like throwing a gun and dagger, and it is very enjoyable to read. When he learned that I was also a person who dared to tell the truth, he subsequently sent several copies of Exclusive Weekly and his autobiography, The Moon Is a Strange Land.
In 1995, on the eve of the establishment of the Shantou Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Economic Research Association, I proposed to Huang Lanhuai, the chairman, to invite Mr. Shen as an adviser, which was accepted. Therefore, he should be invited to give free speeches for ten times. The wonderful speeches opened the eyes of scholars and praised him as Ji Xiaolan's iron mouth and copper teeth. From this, I often met him. After the Qingming dinner in 1996, he introduced him to the Golden Bay Hotel to pay a visit to his father, the famous General Shen Min. Shen Laoqian published his wonderful book "Chao'an Festival Custom Talk" in 1937 and republished it in April 1996. In return, I donated "Mutiny on Isolated Island". He appreciated the demeanor of the patriotic officers and soldiers of the national army who fought against Japanese invaders in Nan'ao Island. When he returned to Taiwan, he sent a piece of "Seven Wonders" for evening study.
In the winter of 2003, when he came to Shantou again, we asked him to write an inscription on the occasion of the publication of Chaoshan Temple, which was composed of more than 2 million words. On the spot, he used a ballpoint pen to write the seven pieces of "Mr. Helin Juncong's Publishing of Chaoshan Temple":
When did Buddhism come to me? Seeking the roots of two writers.
The scenic spots left in the Temple of Bi Tuan prove that Bodhi's Zen philosophy is high.
He is really a talented person. He is good at writing and poetry. I asked him to go back and write with a brush, which is more wonderful. The next day, he asked his cousin Shen Jianhua in Shantou to give it to me. His calligraphy is as natural as his own. When ink treasures are put into books, my books will shine.
After suffering from diabetes more than 10 years ago, Mr. Shen caused uremia. He had to undergo kidney replacement surgery in Guangzhou after the Spring Festival last year. Unfortunately, the operation was not ideal. Knowing that his life was coming to an end, he came to Chaoshan to live in a wheelchair for more than 10 days in late November last year. Before leaving, he, a Christian, said to his cousin Shen Jianhua, "This is my last trip to Chaoshan in my life. I am full of nostalgia for the land of Chaoshan's hometown and will take it to heaven with me."
I made five laws to mourn:
Enjoy the bright moon in a foreign land, and pave a bridge through the land platform.
Pan Anru meets again, and Zi Jian seems to be back.
Anti single double flag bearer ①, a handsome person who loves his hometown.
Wenxing has fallen, leaving sorrow on both sides.
① Double flag bearer: refers to Shen Ye and his father, Mr. Shen Min.

Publishing books

  • The moon is bright in a strange land
    Author name Shen Ye