Tang Hongbo

First class astronaut of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade, Shenzhou No.12 and No.17 astronauts
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Tang Hongbo [19] ), male, Han nationality, born in October 1975, native place Hunan Xiangtan , member of the Communist Party of China, master's degree.
He joined the army in September 1995 and in April 1997 Communist Party of China He once served as the captain of a certain division and a certain regiment of the air force aviation, and was rated as a first-class pilot of the air force after 1159 hours of safe flight. In May 2010, it was selected as the second batch in China astronaut Implemented in June 2021 Shenzhou 12 Manned flight mission. Through comprehensive and systematic training, scientific, reasonable, fair and fair assessment, excellent performance and ability to perform tasks [30] , selected in October 2023 Shenzhou 17 Astronaut crew and commander [20]
Awarded by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission in November 2021“ Heroic astronaut ”Honorary title, and won“ Class III Aerospace Merit Medal ”。 Now he is a first-class astronaut of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade, senior colonel of the army military rank [22] Tang Hongbo is the first Chinese astronaut to return to China after the shortest interval between two missions China Space Station Astronauts [30] As of February 26, 2024, Tang Hongbo, an astronaut of Shenzhou 17 who is on a business trip at the China Space Station, will fly in orbit for 215 days in total, making him the longest in orbit astronaut in China. [39]
At 18:37 on April 30, 2024, Tang Hongbo, astronaut of Shenzhou 17, left the cabin safely and smoothly, and was in good health. So far, astronaut Tang Hongbo's dream journey of returning to the "Heavenly Palace" has come to a perfect end. From the first time he entered the Chinese space station to returning to the "Heavenly Palace" two years and one month later, Tang Hongbo's two missions have accumulated 279 days of in orbit flight, refreshing the most in orbit flight time of Chinese astronauts Long term Record. [46-47]
Chinese name
Tang Hongbo
Foreign name
Tang Hongbo [19]
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Native place
Xiangtan, Hunan
date of birth
October 1975
Key achievements
Shenzhou 17 astronaut
Heroic astronaut
Won the third level aerospace merit medal
Political outlook
CPC member
Military rank
senior colonel


In 1999, graduated from The Fifth Air Force Flight Academy of the PLA [18]
In May 2010, he was selected as the second batch of Chinese astronauts [2]
In May 2016, selected Shenzhou 11 Backup astronaut for flight mission [1]
In December 2019, selected Shenzhou 12 Flight mission crew [1] [4]
Implemented in June 2021 Shenzhou 12 manned mission [22]
Selected in October 2023 Shenzhou 17 Astronaut crew and commander [20]

Appointed position

He once served as the captain of a certain division and a certain regiment of the air force aviation, and was rated as a first-class pilot of the air force after 1159 hours of safe flight [1]
Now he is a first class astronaut of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Brigade and a senior colonel in the army [22]

Performing experience

On February 3, 2024, participate in《 2024 Hunan Satellite TV Mango TV Spring Festival Gala 》, Performance Looking Home in Space. [38]

Flight history


Dream flying

Tang Hongbo
Born in a small village in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, Tang Hongbo grew up listening to the stories of Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai and other older revolutionaries, and planted a heroic dream in his heart early.
In the autumn of 1995, Tang Hongbo was thrilled by an enrollment notice on the campus: the Air Force recruited flight cadets.
"I want to guard the blue sky of the motherland.
After entering the school, Tang Hongbo encountered a "roadblock" in his studies - the bottom of the physical performance class. If the physical ability fails, they will be eliminated. One word, practice. Tang Hongbo runs around the playground every day, rain or shine. A year later, his physical performance went from the bottom to excellent.
"I have been redoubling my efforts to achieve greater progress," said Tang Hongbo.
In his spare time, he always takes a model plane to take off and land again and again; In the dead of night, he was still "practicing" the operation of flight again and again in his mind, wondering how to better coordinate his eyes, hands and feet. In this way, his flying performance often gets full marks, and his comrades in arms all evaluate him as a "textbook pilot".
When he graduated, the captain had such a conversation with him.
"Do you want to fly a helicopter or a fighter?"
"Do you choose to stay in the inland but fly less, or in the remote but fly more in the northwest?"
"Pilots are born to fly." Tang Hongbo chose the Northwest Desert without hesitation.
In 2009, China began to select the second batch of astronauts. At this time, Tang Hongbo, who had already served as the captain of the flight team, did not hesitate to report his name and was successfully selected in 2010.
"I want to fly higher and farther," said Tang Hongbo.
The difference between the sky and space is huge. Astronauts need to complete more than 100 courses in eight categories, including physical training, aerospace environment endurance and adaptability training, and aerospace professional technology training. These trainings challenge not only learning ability, but also physical and psychological limits. [31]

Train hard

In December 2019, Tang Hongbo's dream came true and he was selected into the Shenzhou 12 flight mission crew.
Simulated weightlessness training was once Tang Hongbo's "impassable obstacle".
"The training clothes are like a humanoid spaceship after being pressurized, which is rigidly attached to the body, restricting the movement of the limbs." Tang Hongbo said, "At the beginning, when I put on the training clothes, I was very upset and wanted to come out immediately."
During that time, Tang Hongbo had trouble sleeping and eating. "How can we talk about flying when we can't finish the training?" He secretly blamed himself.
At first, Tang Hongbo did not dare to tell his family and colleagues about his self blame and pain, for fear that everyone would worry about him. Later, he asked Liu Boming, who had performed the mission of disembarkation, and asked the staff to lower the temperature of the training clothes as much as possible to calm down. After many trainings, he finally got over this difficulty.
"After going through these extreme tests, we will be able to carry through no matter how hard it is," said Tang Hongbo.
Tang Hongbo is very confident about this flight mission. He said: "First of all, I must ensure that every step is error free. Second, ensure physical and mental health every day to avoid worrying the ground staff." [31]

First Flying

Tang Hongbo
On June 16, 2021, the Shenzhou 12 manned flight mission was studied and decided by the General Headquarters to launch the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft at 9:22 on June 17, Beijing time. The flight crew was composed of astronauts Nie Haisheng Liu Boming And Tang Hongbo, with Nie Haisheng as the commander. [3]
On June 17, 2021, the Long March 2F remote 12 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft was ignited and launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. [6]
At 9:00 on June 17, 2021, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft successfully separated from the rocket and entered the scheduled orbit, taking Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo into space The crew went into space. [7] At 18:48 on June 17, 2021, Beijing time, astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo successively entered the Tianhe Core Module, marking the first time that Chinese people entered their own space station. Subsequently, the astronaut crew will carry out relevant work as planned. [8] On the morning of June 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Beijing Space Flight Control Center and talked with the Shenzhou XII astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo at about 9:30. [9]
At 14:57 on July 4, 2021 (Beijing time), after about seven hours of extravehicular activities, the crew of Shenzhou 12 astronauts worked closely together to complete all the scheduled tasks during extravehicular activities. Astronauts Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo returned to the sky and the core module safely, marking the first extravehicular activities of astronauts in the Chinese space station stage success. [10]
The Shenzhou 12 crew stayed in orbit for three months, carried out activities such as manipulator operation and space exit, and verified a series of key technologies. On July 4, 2021, Tang Hongbo walked in space for the first time. He held the bulkhead and flew around the earth quickly with the space station. "Sitting on the ground and walking 80000 miles a day, patrolling the sky and watching a thousand rivers from afar," Tang Hongbo felt an indescribable shock at that moment. He focuses on various operations. During the extravehicular emergency drill, Tang Hongbo controlled his body posture and crawled forward carefully to avoid the equipment on the bulkhead. Ten minutes later, he climbed back into the cabin smoothly, which was shorter than the ground simulation training time. [30]
On August 20, 2021, the Shenzhou 12 crew of two astronauts successfully exited the capsule. During this period, Tang Hongbo, an astronaut in the cabin, supported the two extravehicular astronauts to carry out extravehicular operations. [11]
On August 21, 2021, the three astronauts of Shenzhou 12, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, will have a real-time "heaven and earth dialogue" with Hong Kong teenagers at the space station on September 3, and lead Hong Kong citizens to visit the space station's Tianhe core module to answer the questions of Hong Kong citizens. [12]
At 13:38 on September 16, 2021, Beijing time, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft completed the round flight and radial rendezvous test, and three astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo were about to leave and return. [13]
At about 13:30 on September 17, 2021, after the successful ignition of the reverse thrust engine of the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft's return capsule, it landed safely in the predetermined area of the Dongfeng landing site [14] The three astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo from the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft returned to Earth, and the Shenzhou 12 manned mission was successful. [15]
On November 6, 2021, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the Shenzhou XII astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, who carried out the first manned flight mission in the phase of China's space station, have completed isolation and recovery, and are recuperating in the rest area [5] [16]
Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft flight crew [5]

Flying again

Tang Hongbo
After the Shenzhou 12 mission, Tang Hongbo completed physical recovery and psychological adjustment in the shortest time, and carried out learning and training at the same time. Less than a year later, he was selected into the Shenzhou 17 flight crew and began to prepare for training. This time, Tang Hongbo was appointed as the commander in chief to lead the two young partners to carry out tasks. [30]
On October 25, 2023, it was decided by the mission headquarters in the application and development phase of the space station that the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft would be launched at 11:14 on October 26, 2023, with Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin as the commander. [20]
At 11:00 on October 25, 2023, three astronauts, Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin, met with Chinese and foreign media reporters at the Wentian Pavilion of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. [21]
At 8:24 on October 26, 2023 (Beijing time), the departure ceremony of the crew of the Shenzhou 17 manned mission was held at Wentiange Yuanmengyuan Square of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. At 8:26, Xu Xueqiang, the commander in chief of China's manned space project and the general commander of the mission headquarters at the application and development stage of the space station, issued the order of "departure", and Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin, the three astronauts, led the expedition. [23-24]
At 11:14 on October 26, 2023, the Long March 2F remote 17 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft ignited and launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. About 10 minutes later, the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft successfully separated from the rocket and entered the predetermined orbit. The astronauts were in good condition and the launch was successful. [25-27] At 19:34 on October 26, 2023, Beijing time, three astronauts from Shenzhou 17 entered the China Space Station. The crew with the Shenzhou 16 astronauts will rotate in orbit at the space station. During this period, the six astronauts will work and live together in the space station for about 4 days to complete the scheduled work. [28]
In November 2023, after the Shenzhou 17 crew entered orbit, a series of aerospace medical experiments were carried out. The three astronauts worked closely to carry out lower limb kinematics testing experiments to study the biomechanical characteristics of astronauts in weightlessness. In addition to the mission, the three astronauts of the Shenqi crew also carried out the work of loading out of the cabin. The experimental load automatically exited the cabin through the door of the cargo airlock of the Mengtian cabin, and carried out relevant space exposure experiments [36]
At 21:35 on December 21, 2023 (Beijing time), after about 7.5 hours of extravehicular activities, the Shenzhou 17 astronauts Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin worked closely together, and with the cooperation and support of the space station manipulator and ground researchers, they completed the established tasks of repairing and testing the solar wings of the Tianhe core module, The extravehicular activity was a complete success. [37]
As of February 26, 2024, Tang Hongbo, an astronaut of Shenzhou 17 who is on a business trip at the China Space Station, will fly in orbit for 215 days in total, making him the longest in orbit astronaut in China. [39] In February, the crew of Shenzhou 17 is expected to return to the ground at the end of April. [40]
In March 2024, according to the CCTV news client, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the Shenzhou 17 crew is in good condition, the space station assembly is stable, and has the conditions to carry out extravehicular activities. The Shenzhou 17 crew will choose an opportunity to implement the second time in the near future Outboard activities. [41]
At 13:32 on March 2, 2024, after about 8 hours of extravehicular activities, the Shenzhou 17 astronauts Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin worked closely together to complete all the established tasks with the cooperation and support of the space station manipulator and the ground scientific researchers. The astronauts Tang Hongbo and Jiang Xinlin have safely returned to the Sky Quest Experimental Module, and the extravehicular activities have been a complete success. On the basis of the last outbound maintenance test, this outbound activity focused on completing the maintenance of the solar wing of Tianhe core module, eliminating the impact caused by the impact of small particles in space in the earlier stage. After assessment and analysis, the power generation performance of the solar wing is normal. This is the first time that Chinese astronauts have completed the maintenance task of extravehicular facilities of orbiting spacecraft. During the extravehicular activities, astronauts also carried out patrol inspection on the status of the space station cabin. [42] The crew of Shenzhou 17 will return to the Dongfeng landing site on April 30. [43] At 05:04 on April 26, 2024 (Beijing time), the Shenzhou XVII crew on orbit successfully opened the "home gate" and welcomed the Shenzhou XVII crew from afar to the "Tiangong". Later, the two crew will rotate on orbit at the space station. [44] On April 30, the return capsule of Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft landed successfully at Dongfeng landing site. The medical supervision and medical insurance personnel on the scene confirmed that three astronauts, including astronaut Tang Hongbo, were in good health, and the Shenzhou 17 manned flight mission was a complete success. [45] At 18:37 on April 30, 2024, Tang Hongbo, astronaut of Shenzhou 17, left the cabin safely and smoothly, and was in good health. So far, astronaut Tang Hongbo's dream of returning to the "Heavenly Palace" came to a perfect end. [46] From entering the Chinese space station for the first time to returning to the "Heavenly Palace" two years and one month later, Tang Hongbo has flown 279 days in orbit for two missions, breaking the record of the longest flight time of Chinese astronauts in orbit Record. [47]
Crew of Shenzhou 17: Tang Hongbo (middle), Tang Shengjie (right), Jiang Xinlin [29]

Honor recognition

On November 23, 2021, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission awarded Tang Hongbo“ Heroic astronaut ”Honorary titles and awards“ Class III Aerospace Merit Medal [17]

Personal life



Tang Hongbo's father is Tang Haiqiu and his mother is Wu Lanqing. [32]
"If people in the countryside don't work hard, they can't hurry up." Tang Hongbo's mother, Wu Lanqing, said that the family had been strict with Tang Hongbo's brothers since childhood, Don't let things go until they are done. "When I became a pilot, I went home to visit my family and helped my family to plug in the fields..." Tang Haiqiu was particularly impressed, "The adults in our family can bear hardships, and so can the children!" He remembered that "Hong Bo Yazi" helped the family hoe, dress up and feed cattle during the school break when he was 12 or 13 years old. During the summer vacation, sometimes the wheel axle of "double robbing" night watch turned during the day. Tang Haiqiu believes that it is because his son has received good labor training since he was young, which has laid a solid foundation for him to withstand the hard training later. [32]

Family support

Tang Hongbo's wife Xia Yi has always supported and encouraged him.
After arriving at the astronaut team, Tang Hongbo had no time to take care of his family due to a lot of learning and training. Xia Yi worked alone and took care of the children, never dragging his feet.
Xia Yi works in the spacesuit engineering room of the Astronaut Research and Training Center, and she participated in the development process of the spacesuit in the mission module.
"The astronauts are in my heart, and their safety is in my hands. This is the solemn commitment of the scientific researchers of the Astronaut Center to the astronauts, and it is also my most sincere blessing," Xia Yi said.
Wife likes writing with brush. Among the personal belongings Tang Hongbo carried in space this time, there are small cards made by his wife, which are filled with messages.
His son is a middle school student. He has worshipped his father since he was young and is determined to be a pilot. Before this expedition, his son solemnly said to Tang Hongbo, "Dad, you must come back safely." [31]


Tang Hongbo said that the training of astronauts is hard, constantly challenging the physical and psychological limits. Faced with great challenges, he encouraged himself in this way: "Although I am not the smartest, I can do the hardest." [33]
"Growing from an ordinary peasant student to a pilot, an astronaut, and being able to board the space station again is a stage for me to realize my dream because of the strength of the motherland, the development of the times, and the progress of science and technology," said Tang Hongbo. [30]
"It's easy to do one thing well at a time, but it's hard to do it in ten years. But when it becomes your dream, the long days will be full of power." In Tang Hongbo's career planning, the Shenzhou 17 flight crew will be the "middle station" of his flying career. [30]
Tang Hongbo, an astronaut of Shenzhou 17, said: "We have taken the team to learn theory, practice operation and strengthen skills, focusing on training in space material science, microgravity basic physics, space life science and biotechnology, especially emergency and fault handling training. Because in space flight, danger is everywhere. It can be said that astronauts should keep one eye open even when they are asleep. They should shake hands with Duke Zhou one second before and be energetic the next. As the commander of the crew, I felt a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. But I have the confidence, determination and ability to successfully complete this flight mission with Sheng Jie and Xin Lin, two comrades in the crew, and live up to the great expectations and trust of the motherland and the people. " [34]
Tang Hongbo Flying Back

Character evaluation

Compared with his peers, Tang Hongbo is not particularly arrogant, but he is calm and simple. No matter what difficulties or emergencies he encountered, he was calm and unhurried from beginning to end. Even when Tang Hongbo passed the recruitment test in that year, he made a special trip to the residence of Chen Yanyang, the head teacher of the high school, to report the good news, and he also smiled and told slowly. [32] Chen Yanyang, Senior High School Head Teacher
In the eyes of Tang Shengjie, a comrade in arms of the Shenzhou 17 crew, and Jiang Xinlin, two young partners, Tang Hongbo is very humorous in life, but extremely strict in work. He has always asked everyone to make the most of the details. [30] Space comrade review
Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft mission

Character influence


Special report

On January 30, 2023, although one year and seven months have passed, Tang Hongbo, a heroic astronaut, was still so excited and proud when he recalled the situation when he once performed his mission and told the story of the Chinese astronaut group's struggle to pursue, pursue and realize their dreams with more than 100 representatives, such as party leaders, troops stationed in Xiangtan, and ex servicemen, at the symposium in his hometown of Xiangtan, So proud. [33]

Commemorative stamp

On June 17, 2021, in order to commemorate the Shenzhou 12 manned flight mission, officially authorized, China Philatelic Co., Ltd. issued four series of stamps commemorating the successful launch of the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft, including the images of three astronauts, including Tang Hongbo. [35]