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Jiang Facheng

Officials of the Southern and Northern Dynasties
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Jiang Facheng, Southern and Northern Dynasties official. Southern Dynasty Liang Celestial supervisor (502-519 AD), he was appointed to the imperial court; Famous officials and casual attendants in the Western Jin Dynasty Jiang series Sixth generation grandson. Southern Dynasties Nanxuzhou Jiyang county Kaocheng County (Now Changzhou, Jiangsu Province Wujin District )People, whose ancestral home is Jiyang County, Chenliu County, Yanzhou (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province Lankao County )。 Western Jin Dynasty Yongjia Rebellion (307-313 A.D.), he traveled to the south in clothes. He first emigrated to the south of the Yangtze River with his clansmen. Southern Dynasty Liang Hou Jing's Rebellion When, its child Jiang Ziyi Jiang Zisi Jiangziwu All of them died bravely in the country. Together, they are called "Jiyang Zhongzhuang" and "Jiangshi Sanyi". They are famous patriotic heroes in ancient China. To avoid Hou Jing's Rebellion , his grandson( Jiang Ziyi Jiang Xian, an elder male, moved to Fujian in the south, and lived in Shaowu in the north of Fujian. In order to remember the ancestors of Jiyang Jiyang Hall Juyan is the great ancestor of Jiangshi in northwest Fujian (Shaowu); And its son Jiang Ziyi He was honored as the first ancestor of Jiangshi in northwest Fujian.
Jiang Facheng
Southern Dynasty Liang (One of the Southern and Northern Dynasties)
Ancestral home
Chenliu County, Yanzhou Jiyang County (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province Lankao County
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Official position
I was asked by the court
Native place
Nanxuzhou Jiyang county Kaocheng County (Now Changzhou, Jiangsu Province Wujin District

Character's Life

Jiang Facheng, Southern Dynasty Liang Nanxuzhou Jiyang county Kaocheng County (Now Changzhou, Jiangsu Province Wujin District )Person, ancestral home Chenliu County, Yanzhou Jiyang County (Now Kaifeng, Henan Province Lankao County )。

Family members

  • Eighth Patriarch: Josephine Jiang , word Shilin, Chenliu County Yuxian County (now Qixian County, Henan Province Yuzhen )People; Western Jin Dynasty Qiaojun Marshal; It's the first ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • Seventh generation ancestor: Jiang Zuo Chenliu County Yuxian County (now Qixian County, Henan Province Yuzhen )People; Western Jin Dynasty Ministers, officials to Nan'an Prefecture; The second ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • The sixth ancestor: Jiang series (A.D.? - 310), the word Ying Yuan, Western Jin Dynasty The prince washed the horse and made《 On Migrating to Army 》Be known all over the world
  • The fifth ancestor: Jiang Zheng, Jiang series His son, led by his descendants and clansmen, moved south with the Jin family to Jiangnan. His wife, the Li family, gave birth to six sons and the fourth ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • Fourth generation ancestor: Jiang Tang , with the word "Sixuan", Yuxian County, Chenliu County, is well known for its erudition and good at playing chess, Eastern Jin Dynasty Emperor Jianwen was the prime minister and the fifth ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • great-grandfather: Party A Jiang Tang Second son, official Eastern Jin Dynasty Langye's internal history, Piaoqi's consultation, his wife Ma, the Zou family, and the sixth ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • Grandfather: Jiang Heng'an, known in history Jiangheng , with the name of Bei Yuan, Yan Bo, Eastern Jin Dynasty Velen During the reign of Emperor Xi Zhonglang, he went to Xizhonglang to have a long history; The seventh ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • Father: Jiang Yi, Xing Sanlang, Jiangheng The third son, Southern Song Dynasty At that time, the crown prince was appointed to wash the horse, and Grief Xie was the father of five sons; The eighth ancestor of the Jiang family in Jiyang
  • The eldest son: Jiang Ziyi (489-548 A.D.), posthumous title: Yizi, Ren Rongzhao, General, Nanjin Xiaowei, etc., is the first ancestor of Jiang family in northwest Fujian
  • second son: Jiang Zisi (AD? - 548), posthumous title: Yizi, who served as the minister of the Ministry of Finance, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, and the minister of the Ministry of Finance, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, the minister of; As a gift to the secretary of secondary school and the yellow door waiter
  • Sanzi: Jiangziwu (AD? - 548), posthumous title Liezi, Southern Dynasty Liang Donggong Zhidian Commander; Later, he gave posthumous gifts to free riding attendants and middle school attendants
  • Nephew: Jiang Daoxing (the son of his brother Jiang Facun), who is the county magistrate of Jian'an, lives on Wuyi Plum; Jiang Family from Taining County, Fujian Province( Jianou )Primogenitor
  • Sun Tzu: Jiang Xian, Hou Jing's Rebellion At that time, they took refuge in the south and moved to Fujian, where they lived in Shaowu, Fujian Province; Jiang Family from Northwest Fujian Province Entering Fujian Province( Shao Wu )Great ancestor
  • Grandnephew: Jiang Shiyuan (the second son of Jiang Daoxing), Southern Dynasty Liang The general who protected the country moved to Xin'an County, Dongyang County; Zhejiang Province Quzhou City Jiang's Ancestor

Historical records


Southern History

Southern History, Volume 64, Biography 54, Jiang Ziyi, Hu Seng, You Xu Wensheng, Yin Zichun, Du Ka, Wang Lin, Zhang Biao
Jiang Ziyi , character bright, Jiyang Kaocheng People are the seventh grandson of the Shanxi Sanqi Changshi Tongyi. My father's Dharma has been completed. I am hereby invited.
Son Yishao is generous and ambitious. Poor family, with filial piety to hear, hard to support many Que; Because I eat vegetables all my life. Shi Liang started his career as a servant of the kingdom and served the court. The words on the book are arranged on the axis. They worship the table and seek to enter the north to be assassins. Emperor Wu is different. He also asked for the Secret Pavilion of Reading. Emperor Wu Xuzhi ordered Hualin Province to be ruled directly. His uncle, Zuowei General Zhu Yiquan, wanted to be in power. On the day of his retirement, the guests gathered together. The difference does not belong to the material dispute. If you want to help me, I have not tried to build a door. It is so noble. For Suichang and Qu'aling, they all have great achievements. Later, he was Nanjin Xiaowei.
Disciple 4, Li Shangshu Jin Bolang. At the beginning of Datong, he moved to Youcheng. Brotherhood and hardness. Zisi, who was appointed by Youcheng, spoke highly of his gains and losses. Emperor Wu was very kind. He issued an imperial edict: "The house was left on the top, and he knew it was right on the bottom. His order was carefully selected and applied to the current affairs." Zuo Hu Lang, Shen Jiong, and the Shaofu official, Gu Gui, tried not to agree with the matter, and the emperor scolded them with a fierce look. Zisi is following the former generation Jiong and others, who are very eager. When the emperor's anger calls for restraint, Zisi will not accept it. The emperor's anger also subsided, but he was released and dismissed.
And Hou Jing captured Liyang. Since the general of Hengjiang River, more than 1000 people of Zi Yi, the commander of the boat, wanted to be invited by the lower class. His deputy Dong Taosheng left, and Zi Yi returned to Nanzhou. He collected the rest of the people and went to Jianye to see the Wende Hall. The emperor's anger was based on the facts, and he said: "The minister committed himself to the country, often afraid that he would not die. What should I regret today? Before the death of the Que, he will die behind the Que." He was surrounded and opened the Chengming Gate to fight. Ziyi and his younger brother, the minister, Zuo Chengzi, the fourth, and Ziwu, the commander of the Zhidian Temple in the East Palace, fought hard together, and the thief could not afford to sit down. When a child strikes him, the thief rushes forward and rides, and the crowd shrinks. The son stabbed his horse, and when he fell down, the thief broke his shoulder. He was sixty years old. The younger brother said, "If you come out with your brother, how can you stand alone?" Instead of fighting against the enemy, your son died in the fourth hole, and your son was wounded in the fifth hole. He even died in the pit. The brave son of a thief returns with a face like life. He ordered Zi Yi to serve as a servant of Huangmen, Zi Si to write a servant, and Zi Wu to ride a servant. Hou Jingping, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, also posthumously presented his son, a servant, as his adopted son; Zi Si, a servant of the Yellow Gate, is Yi Zi; He is the secretary of the Fifth Middle School of Zi, and he is the son of Li Lie.
Zi Yi continued the yellow picture and Ban Gu's "Nine Grades", and wrote dozens of essays on poetry, which are popular in the world [1]


The Book of the Liang Dynasty, the 43rd Lieutenant Biography, the 37th, Wei Can Jiang Zi, the first disciple, the fourth son, and the fifth son, Zhang Sheng, Shen Jun, Liu salute
Jiang Ziyi , character Zhen, Jiyang Kaocheng people, the seventh generation grandson of the Jin Sanqi Chang Shi Tong. The Father's Dharma has been fulfilled, and the heavenly prison has been invited. As a young boy, he is eager to learn and aspire to practice. He is raised by his poor family and lives on vegetables. Began to be a servant of the kingdom. Qiqiu Guanshu Secret Pavilion, which was granted by the Emperor Gaozu, was directly administered to Hualin Province. His uncle, Zhu Yi, a right-wing general, had the power to be in power. On the day of his retirement, the guests gathered together. He never tried to build a door. He was so noble and clean. Cao Lang, the minister, was moved slightly to Suichang and Qu'aling, both of whom have great achievements. In addition to Tongzhi, a cavalry sergeant, he became General Rong Zhao and Nanjin Xiaowei.
Disciple 4, Li Shangshu Jin Bolang. At the beginning of Datong, he moved to Youcheng. Brotherhood and hardness. Zisi, who was appointed by Youcheng, spoke highly of his gains and losses. The emperor was very kind. The imperial edict was carefully selected and implemented. Zuo Minlang, Shen Jiong, and Gu Yu, the governor of the Shaofu, refused to listen to the report, and the emperor sternly scolded them; Zisi went to Jiong and others of the previous generation and spoke angrily. Gao Zu shouted for restraint, but Zisi refused to accept it, and Gao Zu's anger also stopped, which was released. He was removed from office.
When Hou Jingfan captured Liyang, he was about to cross the Hengjiang River, and more than a thousand people were invited by the lower class. Dong Taosheng, his deputy, was in the north of the Yangtze River, because he was separated from his party. Ziyi returned to Nanzhou, collected the rest of the crowd, and went to Beijing by foot. The thief was also found. As soon as he opened the door to Taizong, he said, "If the thieves are not surrounded, they can still go out. If the camp fence is fixed, there is no use of martial arts. "Please go with more than 100 people led by his disciples, Commander Four and Commander Five, to open the Chengming Gate and pick up the thieves. Xu Zhi.Zi-i was the first to go ahead alone, and the bandits caught up with him. Those who followed did not dare to follow. When they saw the urgent situation, they led the thieves and saw the harm. The edict said:" So General Rongzhao, Tongzhi Sanqi Shilang, Nanjin Xiaowei Jiang Ziyi, the former minister, the right governor, Jiang Zisi, and the commander of the straight hall of the East Palace, When it comes to the news of disaster, good people will show mercy and increase the number of deaths. You can give your son one to serve as a servant of the Yellow Gate, four to teach, and five to ride. "Hou Jingping, the Shizu also posthumously presented Zi Yizhong with the posthumous title of adoptive son; Zi Sihuangmen Shilang with the posthumous title of Yizi; Zi Wuzhong Shushilang with the posthumous title of Liezi.
Zi Yi continued Huang Tu and Ban Gu's "Nine Grades", and wrote dozens of poems and essays, which are popular in the world [2]