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Chinese Character Simplification Scheme

Simplified norms of Chinese characters promulgated by the State Council
The Simplification Scheme of Chinese Characters is State Council of the PRC Published simplified specifications of Chinese characters. In January 1955, the Chinese Character Reform Commission proposed the draft of the plan, which was discussed and commented by about 200000 national philologists, language teachers in provincial and municipal schools, and cultural and educational workers in the army and trade unions. The plan was adopted at the National Character Reform Conference in October 1955, and was reviewed and finalized by the Committee for Revising the Simplified Chinese Character Scheme of the State Council. [1-2]
Chinese name
Chinese Character Simplification Scheme
State Council of the PRC
First draft
The meeting discussed and approved
October 1955


In 1952, the Chinese Character Reform Research Committee prepared the first draft of the Simplified Table of Common Chinese Characters, which defined the principle of "statement without writing". But Mao Zedong was very dissatisfied after reading it. He thought that the 700 simplified characters were not simple enough. To make simplified characters, we should use more cursive script, find out the rules of simplification, make basic shapes, and simplify them regularly, chinese characters The number of Chinese characters must also be greatly reduced. One character can replace several characters. Only by simplifying both physically and quantitatively can we calculate simplification. [1]
In October 1955, the Draft Scheme for Simplification of Chinese Characters was discussed and adopted at the National Conference on Character Reform Chinese Character Reform Commission According to the results of the discussion, the revised draft was examined and approved by the Application Committee for the Simplified Chinese Character Scheme of the State Council.
On January 28, 1956, the 23rd plenary meeting of the State Council adopted the Resolution on Promulgating the Scheme for Simplification of Chinese Characters.
On January 31, 1956, the People's Daily published in full the Resolution of the State Council on Promulgating the Scheme for Simplification of Chinese Characters and the Scheme for Simplification of Chinese Characters.
In November 1956, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Implementing Simplified Chinese Characters in Schools at All Levels; In the same month, the PLA General Political Department issued a notice with the same content.
Published in 1964 and republished in 1986《 Simplified word summary 》The purpose is to solve some shortcomings and deficiencies of the Simplified Chinese Character Scheme. [1]

Word Table Adjustment

Reprinted in 1986《 Simplified word summary 》, the individual characters in the original table have been adjusted. "Duplicate", "Fu" and "Xiang" are no longer processed as traditional characters of "Duplicate", "Fu" and "Xiang". Therefore, in the first table, the words "reduplication" and "image" are deleted, and the traditional characters [reduplication] are deleted under the prefix of "reduplication". When the word "le" reads "li ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ" (understand), it is still simply "le", when the word "li à o" is read. In addition, the footnotes of "Yu [Yu]" in the first table are supplemented, and the words "Qiu" in the third table are added with footnotes. [1]