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Catchment area

River basin above a certain location
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Catchment area, also known as catchment area, catchment basin and basin basin, refers to the surface area through which surface runoff or other substances flow in the process of converging to a common outlet. It is a closed area. The water outlet refers to the point where the water flows away from the catchment area, which is the lowest point on the boundary of the catchment area. Generally, the catchment area of a river has no other surface runoff inflow and only one outlet.
Chinese name
Catchment area
Foreign name
collection area
As a catchment area and basin

Catchment area

The water volume of a certain place of a river comes from all the main tributary areas in its upstream, and this area is its Catchment area (collection area)。 A certain place of the so-called river can be either a hydrological station or a reservoir, or an arbitrarily designated place. Catchment area can also be defined as a river basin above a certain location.

Catchment sub area

Catchment sub area is a sub area in the catchment area. It is the surface area where surface runoff converges to a tributary or a section of river. Its outlet is the convergence point of tributaries and mainstream or tributaries and tributaries.