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Permanent magnet alloy

magnetic material
Permanent magnet alloy finger Magnetization After removing the external magnetic field, it can still remain high remanence Of Magnetic alloy Permanent magnet alloy not only has high hardness and mechanical properties, but also has strong resistance Demagnetization Ability Coercivity High value (more than 20kA/m), magnetic "hard" and other characteristics, so it is also called Hard magnetic alloy
Chinese name
Permanent magnet alloy
Foreign name
Permanent magnetic alloy
Magnetic alloy
Material Science
Keep strong and stable magnetism for a long time
magnetic material

brief introduction

Permanent magnet alloy is magnetic material It can be generally divided into Hard magnetic alloy and Soft magnetic alloy Hard magnetic alloy is permanent magnetic alloy. Its permanent magnetic properties are good. Once it is saturated and magnetized, the magnetic field can be removed, and it can also maintain strong and stable magnetism for a long time. It has high intrinsic coercivity and strong anti demagnetization. Hard magnetic alloys include platinum cobalt alloy, samarium cobalt alloy, neodymium iron boron alloy, etc., which are commonly used in stomatology to make magnetic retainers. Soft magnetic alloy has high permeability and low coercivity. It is nonmagnetic and easy to be magnetized in a strong magnetic field. Once it is separated from the magnetic field, its magnetism disappears. Soft magnetic alloys include iron aluminum, iron cobalt, palladium cobalt nickel alloys, etc. It can be cast into any shape. The department of stomatology usually makes yoke and armature, which are combined with permanent magnets to form a closed magnetic circuit magnetic retainer. [1]
Permanent magnet alloy is also called "magnetic alloy". Hysteresis loop is the basic characteristic curve of magnetic materials. Coercive force H c The alloy lower than 10Oe is soft magnetic alloy, for which H c The value should be as small as possible, that is, the smaller the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop, the better. H c The minimum value is about 0.002Oe. H c The alloy with the value of 10-300Oe is called“ Semi hard magnetic alloy ”。 H c Alloys with values higher than 300Oe are called "hard magnetic alloys". As a hard magnetic alloy, H is usually expected c The larger the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop, the better c The highest value is about 10000 Oe. Magnetic alloy belong to Precision alloy As a functional material, it is widely used in industry.


nature Existing Natural magnet The phenomenon of He Yongci was discovered in China very early. According to textual research, China has used natural resources in the Warring States Period magnetite Polished compass , called "Sinan", was first recorded in Han Feizi's Youdu Chapter in the 3rd century BC. It is generally believed that the development history of modern permanent magnet alloy began in 1880, when the best permanent magnet alloy was carbon steel containing 1%~1.5% carbon, which was hardened by high temperature quenching. Its magnetism is very low, Maximum magnetic energy product Less than 2kJ/m., Coercivity The value is less than 4kA/m. Gradually developed at the beginning of the 20th century Tungsten steel And chrome steel, so that the magnetism is slightly improved. In 1917, cobalt steel containing 35% cobalt appeared, making Magnetic energy product Increase to 8kJ/m. The coercivity is also increased to 20kA/m.
The development of permanent magnetic materials has gone through three stages: alloy magnet, ferrite and rare earth transition metal magnet. According to the level of magnetism, it can be roughly divided into two categories: [2]
1) General permanent magnetic materials, mainly including quenched martensitic steel, Al Ni Co alloy, Mn Al alloy, Fe Cr Co alloy, Cu Ni Fe alloy, Fe Co V alloy and permanent magnet ferrite, have poor magnetism, and the maximum magnetic energy product (BH) max generally does not exceed 80kJ/m3;
2) Rare earth permanent magnetic materials , such as samarium cobalt magnets (such as Sm Co5, Sm two Co seventeen Nd-Fe-B magnets, iron based rare earth nitrides and nanocomposite rare earth permanent magnets have excellent magnetic properties, among which the theoretical prediction value of the maximum magnetic energy product of NdFeB is as high as 500~600kJ/m3.
In 1931, the Japanese Mishima discovered the iron nickel aluminum based dispersion hardening alloy, which greatly improved the permanent magnetic properties. On this basis, cobalt, copper, titanium, niobium and other elements are added, and Magnetic field heat treatment And directional crystallization and solidification, which became the most influential technology in the middle of the 20th century Aluminium nickel cobalt It is a permanent magnet alloy. The laboratory level reached (BH) max=108kJ/m3, and the maximum coercivity reached 150kA/m. Such alloys are produced in large quantities in the United States, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Britain and other countries. During this period, a series of Deformed permanent magnet alloy , such as iron cobalt tungsten and iron cobalt molybdenum Platinum cobalt alloy , Copper Ferronickel as well as Iron cobalt vanadium alloy And iron chromium cobalt series, manganese aluminum carbon and other permanent magnet alloys. After the 1950s, with the gradual understanding of the physical and metallurgical properties of permanent magnet alloys, especially through the in-depth study of the internal structure and coercivity mechanism of the alloys, a series of high-performance permanent magnet alloys were developed, which made permanent magnet alloys obtain amazing development. especially Rare earth permanent magnet The appearance of Rare earth cobalt permanent magnet alloy The laboratory level has reached (BH) max=262.7kJ/m3. RCo5 (R stands for rare earth element )Type A alloy is called the first generation rare earth permanent magnet alloy, and type R2Co17 alloy is called the second generation rare earth permanent magnet alloy. In 1983, Japanese Sagawa and others invented NdFeB Permanent magnet alloy, called the third generation rare earth permanent magnet alloy Maximum magnetic energy product It has reached 431.4kJ/m., It has created the highest record of permanent magnet performance. For more than 100 years Magnetic energy product It has increased by nearly 250 times, Coercivity It has increased by nearly 100 times. The samarium iron nitrogen alloy under development is called the fourth generation Rare earth permanent magnet Alloy. A new mechanism of dual phase nanocrystalline rare earth permanent magnetic alloy has also been developed. Permanent magnet alloys in different periods are shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1
China began to develop permanent magnet alloys in the late 1950s, and formally produced deformable permanent magnets and Aluminium nickel cobalt It is a permanent magnet alloy, and its magnetic properties are equivalent to those of similar products in the world. Some alloys, such as directionally crystallized Al Ni Co alloy, also created (BH) max=108kJ/m in the laboratory. The highest record of. In the early 1970s, China began to develop rare earth permanent magnet alloys. The varieties of alloys produced and the level of laboratory research are close to the international level, but there is a slight gap in the level of industrial production.


There are many kinds of permanent magnet alloys, no less than one hundred. According to the production process and usage habits, it can be generally divided into five categories: Rare earth permanent magnet Alloy, Aluminium nickel cobalt It is a permanent magnet alloy, which can Deformed permanent magnet alloy , manganese aluminum carbon permanent magnet alloy and bonded rare earth permanent magnet alloy.

performance parameter

Permanent magnet alloys are used in open circuit state as magnetic field source or action source. Choose different permanent magnet alloys according to different applications magnetic circuit , forming the required magnetic field, magnetic field intensity The size of is closely related to the magnetic properties and magnetic circuit of the alloy.
The magnetic field of its air gap strength
Where Vm, Bm and Hm are the volumes of magnets respectively, Magnetic induction and magnetic field intensity Vg and Hg are the volume and magnetic field strength of the air gap. Bm and Hm are equivalent to Demagnetization curve B and H at point A above. (Bm · Hm)=(B · H) Yes Permanent magnet energy density 2 times of, say Magnetic energy product The curve of magnetic energy product changing with B is called Magnetic energy Curve, where the product of BD and HD corresponding to point D has the maximum value, called Maximum magnetic energy product , expressed in (BH) max or (BH) m. Obviously, the larger the (BH) max of the permanent magnet alloy is, the better, and (BH) max is related to the residual magnetic induction strength and Coercivity Closely related. Therefore, the main basis for measuring the magnetic properties of permanent magnet alloys is the four parameters on the demagnetization curve, namely [3]
(1) (BH) max: maximum magnetic energy product, kJ/m3 (kJ/m3).
(2) Br: residual magnetic induction, T (special).
(3)Hcb: Magnetic coercivity , kA/m (dry ampere per meter).
(4)HCJ: Intrinsic coercivity , kA/m (kA/m).
In addition, the alloy is required to have a high Curie temperature (Tc), which determines whether it has good temperature stability.
Production process There are five production processes of permanent magnet alloy
(1) Casting and heat treatment process. most Aluminium nickel cobalt Series permanent magnet alloys are produced by this process
(2) Deformation processing And heat treatment process. Mainly used for Deformed permanent magnet alloy Production of
(3) powder metallurgy Manufacturing process. most Rare earth permanent magnet The alloy is produced by this process
(4) Bonding process. For production of bonded permanent magnet alloy
(5) Warm extrusion process. Mainly used in the manufacture of manganese aluminum carbon alloy


Permanent magnet alloy is an important functional material indispensable to modern industry and science and technology. People use Magnetic energy Interaction with magnetic energy, magnetic energy and electrical energy to convert magnetic energy into electrical energy or mechanical energy; Use the effect of magnetic field on materials to change the microstructure of materials, promote energy conservation and environmental protection. In all these devices, permanent magnetic alloys play an important role. [4]
Its main uses include: (1) electromechanical equipment and devices. Mainly including: various Permanent magnet motor Such as DC (rectifier and brushless) motors Synchronous motor , swing and Linear motor servo motor , torque or Stepper motor various Permanent magnet generator as alternator , Auxiliary Exciter , polyphase synchronous machine, ignition or other pulse generators; Various electromechanical Brake Such as printer typehead drive, computer floppy disk drive (also known as voice coil motor VCM), laser focus and tracker (used for CD, VCR Data processor )。 Aircraft positioning brake, robot, etc; Moving coil ammeter and circuit breaker, micro displacement relay, etc.
(2) Acoustic transducer. Including: various Sounder , such as speakers, headphones Telephone receiver , bell Buzzer and ultrasonic Sounder, etc; Sound receiver, such as microphone, ultrasonic Pickup And audio and video pickups.
(3) magnetic force Mechanics. It is mainly made of magnetic attraction and repulsion: clamping and lifting devices, such as Electromagnetic crane , machine tool chucks and fixtures, refrigerator door seals, advertising signs and toys; Traction devices, such as conveyor belt, concentrator Copier drum; Couplers, such as synchronous torque Coupling Magnetic water pump, linear Follower , oil buoy, etc; Magnetic bearing And magnetic levitation, such as passive watt hour meters Ultracentrifugation Device gyroscope , satellite kinetic wheel vortex Molecular pump Maglev vehicle Etc.
(4) Microwave device. Make various Power tube (e.g Magnetron Traveling wave tube And speed governing tube) amplifier , waveguide device and Particle accelerator Etc.
(5) Sensors and electrical signal converters. Including permanent magnet converter( a sensor and Hall effect Instrument) and physical quantity (position, speed, acceleration, flow, pressure, temperature, etc.) measurement sensors.
(6) Medical electronic instrument And bioengineering. yes Magnetic resonance imaging Devices Stomatology Department Feeding pacemaker artificial heart Pumps, diagnostic instruments and micro hearing aids.
(7) Other aspects. There are magnetic locks, magnetic gemstones, wax removers, automobile smoke reducing and fuel saving devices, etc.