Yongshu Reef

One of the coral reefs in Nansha Islands
zero Useful+1
Yongshu Reef, in the South China Sea Nansha Islands 1. Large atoll, People's Republic of China Hainan province Sansha Nansha District Government residence. exceed Nansha Six Group Reef In 1988, China established some reefs here the United Nations UNESCO Ocean Observatory—— Nansha Yongshu Reef Observation Station Administrative subordination to the People's Republic of China Hainan Sansha Nansha District [1]
Yongshu Reef is 26 kilometers long, 7.8 kilometers wide and 108 kilometers in area square kilometre , has multiple relatively independent children Reef Its southwest reef covers an area of 4.33 square kilometers Artificial island , namely the southwest island of Yongshu Reef Yongshu Island
Among the Nansha Islands, the Chinese mainland has the most perfect management of Yongshu Reef, which is also the administrative and military command center of the Chinese mainland in the Nansha Islands. Yongshu Reef On the dock An eye-catching sovereignty monument is erected. The reef of Yongshu Reef is large, and there is no enemy stronghold nearby, so the environment is relatively stable development potential A larger island reef. Yongshu Reef has a marine monitoring station, which was successfully opened in May 2010 China Mobile Business. In 2014, an artificial island, namely Yongshu Island, was built. If other sub reefs were also built, Yongshu Islands would appear.
Chinese name
Yongshu Reef
Large atoll
Nansha Islands
Current situation
Nansha District Government Station, Sansha City, Hainan Province, China [1]
108 km²
United Nations site
Nansha Yongshu Reef Observation Station
Main reef
It is the southwest reef, covering an area of 4.33 square kilometers
Island building
2.8 square kilometers of artificial island is now called Yongshu Island

geographical environment


geographical position

Yongshu Reef
Yongshu Reef, Nansha Islands A coral atoll. Located at 9 ° 37 north latitude, 112 ° 58 east longitude, about 740 nautical miles away from the mainland of China Hainan Island Yulin 560 nautical miles, belonging to Hainan province Sansha be situated Taiping Island to Nanwei Island Midway through, located in the central route of the South China Sea( Hong Kong to Singapore )And Nanhua Waterway At the junction, about 250 nautical miles northwest from Jinlan Bay, Chinese fishermen are known as "Tuwu".

topographic features

Yongshu Reef
Yongshu Reef is long oval, divided into southwest and northeast Reef About 7.8 km wide, 26 km long and 108 square kilometre , shallow lake shape is not obvious, water depth is 14.6-40 meters, At high tide The reef is not below 0.5 to 1 m deep, and only a few reefs are exposed when the tide ebbs. Yongshu Reef is 560 nautical miles away from Yulin Port, Hainan Island. The reef is northeast southwest, about 22 kilometers long and 7 kilometers wide. At high tide The reef is not below the water depth of 0.5 to 1 m, and most of the reef is above the water at low tide. The main reef of Yongshu Reef is the southwest reef, covering an area of about 4 square kilometers.
Northeast Reef Northeast monsoon Under the influence of Bean sprout Shaped sandbars have the potential to form grey sand islands.

natural resources


fishery resources

The platform is like a fish
The fishes in Yongshu Reef belong to the indian ocean - the pacific ocean tropic Fauna , divided into Benthic fish Intertidal zone Fish Reef Swimming fish and Oceanic fish Several categories, and Coral reef fish And tropical oceanic fishes account for the vast majority, accounting for about 90% of the total species Marine fish Flora An important part of. Among them, there are 364 worldwide species distributed in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, accounting for 68% of the total number of fish; There are 140 species of fish distributed in the Pacific Ocean, accounting for 26.17% of the total species; Distributed in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Atlantic There are 31 fish species, accounting for 5.79% of the total fish species. [5]

mineral resources

Water layer of Yongshu Reef
The sea floor around Yongshu Reef contains a large number of valuable minerals, including dozens of iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, etc metallic element and zeolite , Coral Shell limestone etc. Non-metallic minerals , and Hydrothermal deposit [5] Strong Northeast monsoon A large amount of surface seawater is blown to the southwest, forming a anti-clockwise Circulation. Monsoon in spring and autumn Conversion period Is also the period of alternating surface currents. The summer genus Southwest monsoon During the period (from May to August each year), the surface circulation of the South China Sea is roughly opposite to that in winter. The west sea area in the north of the South China Sea is counterclockwise, while the southwest is Clockwise Circulation.



Sovereign Monument

55 nautical miles northeast of Yongshu Reef Daxian Reef , 50 nautical miles southeast Lifelong reef , 46 nautical miles south by west East reef All are Vietnam? Encroachment.
Yongshu Reef
Yongshu Reef On the dock An eye-catching sovereignty monument is erected. This sovereign monument is composed of three parts, namely, the pedestal, the stem and the top of the monument. The pedestal has three layers of purple red, marking Xisha Islands Nansha Islands Zhongsha Islands Three large islands, with an area of 8.23 Square kilometers , symbolizing 823000 of the Nansha Islands square kilometre The area of the ocean.
The central trunk of the Sovereign Monument is 1.988 meters high, implying that our army entered in 1988; The front of the stele trunk is engraved with three super red words "Yongshu Reef", and the right side is engraved with“ The People's Republic of China "Nansha Islands" in red, engraved on the left“ PLA Navy May 2000 "in red.
The back of the stele trunk is inlaid with three large red characters "Yongshu Reef", and the right side is engraved with“ The People's Republic of China "Nansha Islands" in red, engraved on the left“ Hainan Provincial People's Government May 2000 ".
There is a big red "heart" pattern on the top of the monument, and a piece of Map of the People's Republic of China The red five stars mark the location of Beijing and Nansha Yongshu Reef, which means that "the motherland is in my heart" and "Nansha reef guards always care about Beijing".
The design and production of this sovereignty monument were completed by the reef guards themselves. At that time, the Navy Nansha was responsible for this task Garrison Captain, one of the top ten outstanding youth in China, and the current naval garrison known as the "reef guard king" Hainan Deputy commander of a base Gong Yunchong He led the reef guards to use the remaining materials from the construction to make this sovereignty monument. [2]

Observation station

In 1988, China established the United Nations UNESCO Ocean Observatory—— Nansha Yongshu Reef Observation Station
Sovereign Monument on Yongshu Reef [3]
Yongshu Reef Ocean Observation station The preparations for the construction of the station began after the meeting held by UNESCO. To build a manned marine observation station here, it is necessary to excavate channels and stack Artificial land , houses and helicopter platforms. In construction, we should not only overcome natural condition In addition to the difficulties in living conditions, we must always guard against external interference and invasion. The task is quite arduous.
In March 1987, the 14th annual meeting of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO discussed sea level union Measurement problems China is required to establish five marine observation stations, including Nansha, Xisha One for each. The survey data obtained shall be shared. The establishment of the Yongshu Reef Marine Observatory will enable China to make its own contribution to the global sea level measurement and contribute to the future marine science Research, development and utilization ocean resources , are of great significance.
In April and May 1987, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Oceanic Administration sent ships to Nansha Islands respectively Comprehensive investigation , focusing on the investigation and survey of more than a dozen uninhabited islands and reefs South China Sea Fleet Organizational destroyer The formation will guard, and Yongshu Reef will be selected as the site for the station.
On August 7, 1987, the State Oceanic Administration and the Navy submitted an official report to the State Council and the Central Military Commission on the timing, location, scale, feasibility and possible problems of the station. On October 13, the Navy sent engineering design Take the South Diversion 350 ship with the construction personnel to Nansha again for construction investigation on Yongshu Reef to further understand Yongshu Reef Reef The preliminary idea of construction design is put forward.
On November 6, 1987, the State Council and the Central Military Commission officially replied to the Navy and the State Oceanic Administration, agreeing to build a manned marine observation station on Yongshu Reef in the Nansha Islands, and instructed that the task of building a station should be mainly undertaken by the Navy and assisted by the State Oceanic Administration, Ministry of Transport The engineering ship provided necessary support.
In 1988, China the United Nations UNESCO requires that Yongshu Reef be selected as the ocean Observation station Relevant reports describe the process of building Yongshujiao Station:
From February to August 1988, according to the decision of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the Navy built an ocean observation station on Yongshu Reef in the Nansha Islands. This station is in response to the United Nations science education It is established according to the requirements of the cultural organization.

Communication station

In order to solve the problem of difficult communication between officers and soldiers guarding the reefs in Nansha, the headquarters, the Navy and the South China Sea Fleet at all levels have investigated the reefs in Nansha for many times, and proposed a plan to establish mobile phone service base stations on the reefs in Nansha. [4]
Yongshu Reef [2]
Communication Department of Naval Headquarters, Communication Department of South China Sea Fleet China Mobile Hainan Branch And related Engineering technicians We overcame many difficulties, carefully organized the construction, and successfully opened the mobile phone service in Yongshu Reef, Nansha in late May 2010. Since then, China Nansha Islands For the first time China Mobile Mobile phone signal. [4]
China Telecom A few days ago, the ceremony of CDMA 3G base station opening and service provision was held in Yongshu Reef, Nansha, marking that China Telecom 3G network Sansha Yongshu Reef in Nansha Islands was officially put into operation.
3G network After the launch, reef guarding officers and soldiers can make phone calls, send text messages to their relatives and friends in the mainland via the 3G network of China Telecom, or Video call See relatives.
Nansha Islands will be opened in the first half of 2013 territorial waters Seven 3G base stations on other islands and reefs in the region provide 3G for all reef guards and fishermen in Nansha network service
It is understood that besides China Telecom, China Mobile also built the first mobile in Yongshu Reef, Nansha in 2010 Information station On July 9, 2011 Mobile signal Full coverage of seven reefs and eight islands of our garrison in the Nansha sea area. [5]

Other equipment

Yongshu Reef in Nansha, exposed after falling tide
In 1988, when China set up an ocean observation station on Yongshu Reef in Nansha Reef 10 above Beacon light The structure of these beacon lights is reinforced cement base, and the tower body is FRP make, Tower height 7 meters, 1.8 meters in diameter.
Foreign reports have reported that I will build a simple Airstrip , but there is no domestic information to confirm.
According to the external electricity analysis, Yongshu Reef Marine Survey Station can accommodate about 200 people, including radio, radar, oil and maintenance personnel. The building includes a helicopter platform, a 4000 ton dock, a 2-storey building, and a 500 square meter vegetable shed.

Coastal defense construction

Yongshu Reef
On January 31, 1988, Vietnam Navy 661 transport ship, 712 armed fishing boat loaded with construction materials and more than 40 people from West reef We set sail straight to Yongshu Reef and were driven away by our navy escort team.
Nansha, February 1988 weather conditions It is very bad. The wind is about force 6 every day, and the waves are up to 3.5 meters high. The gale lasted for more than 20 days, and still showed no signs of weakening.
From 1 to 7 February 1988, East China Sea Fleet Dispatched 929 Landing ship (Shipboard equipment Construction site Command post, responsible for the living security of construction personnel), South China Sea Fleet Ship 833, Nanjun 613609, Nanbarge 42, 45 and Landing craft No. 8535, and the floating crane "Dali" from Shanghai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, Semi submersible barge Eleven ships including Chongren No. 1 arrived at Yongshu Reef one after another, loaded with construction personnel and station building equipment and materials.
The Navy dispatched combat ships and large Auxiliary ship , Yes Zhubi Reef Wait for 11 islands on-the-spot investigation At the same time, aircraft were dispatched to strengthen the patrol of Nansha Sea Area.
On February 3, 1988, South China Sea Fleet stay Zhanjiang Port Solemnly held Oath taking meeting Li Yaowen, Political Commissar of the Navy, Deputy Commander of the Navy Li Jing And leaders of relevant units.
On February 18, 1988, Chinese explorers just boarded the Huayang Reef Vietnam Navy No. 851 Minesweeper The armed transport ship No. 614 and No. 614 entered the southwest end of the reef and sent two more ships to harass the reef the next day, which was also harassed by our navy Fleet drive away.
On February 24, 1988, the weather slightly improved, but Wave height It is still between 1.5 and 1.8 meters, which greatly exceeds the requirement that the wave height of semi driven ship shall not exceed 0.62 meters. Determined not to wait any longer, the staff of the command post and the Shanghai Rescue and Salvage Bureau finally unloaded five construction vessels safely with their professional skills.
Yongshu Reef
At dusk on February 24, 1988, after a day of intense work, all the staff decided to try to dig the channel in order to seize the time schedule. Due to the hard geology of Yongshu Reef, in some places, the reef digging boat can not move. The divers risked their lives by stacking explosives on the reef surface for naked blasting. After 9 days of hard work, the channel was finally blown open. Use the excavated coral dregs Pile up 8080 square meters of land.
On August 2, 1988, China established the first Yongshu Reef Marine Observatory Successful completion. Yongshu Reef, where most of the reefs were not underwater in the past, now has a spacious Artificial land , built a 4000 ton dock, built houses, paved roads, stadiums, and planted coconut tree , modern instruments are installed.
It can automatically observe and record water level, wave, water temperature, salinity, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, air temperature, etc hydrometeor Parameters, can also meteorological data Through computer processing, storage, printing, and timely sending to domestic and foreign meteorological organizations via satellite, reliable Nautical warranty
While building the naval station, the navy was also at Zhubi Reef, Chigua Reef Huayang Reef, Nanxun Reef and Dongmen Reef Wait for 5 islands and reefs to build a half of them that can resist a typhoon of magnitude 12 Permanent Of Stilted house , and send people to garrison.
On August 3, 1988, the State Council and the Central Military Commission sent a commendation message to the Navy to commend the station builders and encourage them to make greater contributions to the protection and construction of Nansha. On August 18, 1988, Navy Commander Zhang Lianzhong and Political Commissar Li Yaowen signed a circular calling on the entire Navy to learn from all the personnel who participated in the construction of the Nansha Station.
The maritime conflict occurred on March 14, 1988 Chinese Navy And inflicted heavy losses on the invading Vietnamese army.

South-west island building

Yongshu Reef
Yongshu Reef covers an area of 108 square kilometers, with several relatively independent sub reefs. Its southwest reef covers an area of 4.33 square kilometers. In 2014, 2.8 square kilometers of Artificial island , namely the southwest island of Yongshu Reef Yongshu Island
Yongshu Reef Becomes a Reef Expansion Base to Support the Development of Surrounding Islands and Reefs
Yongshu Reef photographed on April 20, 2014 satellite image It does not show that the dredging work at both ends of the reef is in progress, which indicates that China is using the facilities on Yongshu Reef as the base for exploration activities on adjacent reefs. [6] On October 16, the world famous commercial high-resolution map website DigitalGlobe Updated its satellite photos. According to the analysis of its latest photos, the area of the main island of Yongshu Island has further expanded compared with the end of September, reaching about 0.9 square kilometers. This not only means that Yongshu Island has become the mainland of China Actual control The largest Nansha Island in China, also marks the replacement of Yongshu Island Taiwan authorities Taiping Island under its control has become the largest island in the Nansha Islands. Observer Network Military commentary Members believe that the area of Yongshu Island is still likely to be doubled in the future, and China's political and military presence here will inevitably be strengthened environment It will also be greatly improved. [7]