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Permafrost ice

The ice layer on the earth that will not melt for years
Permafrost ice is located at earth Due to the extremely cold local climate, the polar crowns of the North and South Poles form an ice layer on the earth that will not melt for years.
Chinese name
Permafrost ice
Foreign name
Eternal ice
The scope of permanent ice is shrinking
Will not dissolve

brief introduction

At the poles of the earth ice Its area is not permanent, but will increase or decrease with the change of climate. So, summer Hour Polar crown The area of winter It is much smaller. However, there is still a part that will not melt in summer. This part is called Permafrost ice Part of. However, although the permafrost will not melt, its scope will also change with the global climate. For example: in Ice Age , its scope can be extended to cover the whole Canada [1]

present situation

because The earth's temperature keeps rising The scope of permafrost has been shrinking, and the surrounding ice layer has begun to loosen and collapse due to warmer weather. However, according to the research of scientists, it is impossible for the ice at both poles to melt completely. The reason is seawater Freezing point than pure water Is low when dissolved into the ocean freshwater hold seawater The freezing point of seawater will increase correspondingly when the concentration of. Until its freezing point is higher than the local climate, the melting process of the permafrost ice layer will stop, and in turn, the seawater with lower concentration will begin to freeze, making the ice layer expand again.

