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Yongfeng Town

Tianchang Town, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
open 19 entries with the same name
Yongfeng Town, subordinate to Anhui Province Chuzhou City tianchang , located in the northern suburb of Tianchang City, bordering on the east Gaoyou Lake , South and Tianchang Street Adjacent to the office, west to Datong Town Adjacent, north and Yangcun Town Adjacent, the town people's government is 4 kilometers away from Tianchang downtown, [1] The administrative area is 100 square kilometers, [2] By the end of 2019, the registered population of Yongfeng Town was 27129. [2]
At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yongfeng Town was under the jurisdiction of seven townships, namely Minsheng, Guozhang, Huga, Puxi, Pudong, Shuangliu and Xieng. In May 2007, Yongfeng Town was merged with Qiaowan Street. [1] As of June 2020, Yongfeng Town has jurisdiction over 4 communities and 5 administrative villages; [3] The town people's government is stationed in Huchengqiao Community. [1]
In 2019, there were 326 industrial enterprises in Yongfeng Town, including 40 enterprises above designated size, and 3 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]
Chinese name
Yongfeng Town
Administrative Region Category
Chuzhou City, Anhui Province tianchang
geographical position
North suburb of Tianchang downtown
100 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 communities and 5 administrative villages
Government residence
Huchengqiao Community
Area Code
Postal Code
two hundred and thirty-nine thousand three hundred and two
climatic conditions
Subtropical Warm monsoon climate
License plate code
Wan M
27129 persons (Registered population by the end of 2019)

Historical evolution

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yongfeng Town was under the jurisdiction of seven townships, namely Minsheng, Guozhang, Huga, Puxi, Pudong, Shuangliu and Xieng.
In August 1956, it belonged to seven senior cooperatives, namely Yongfeng, Guozhang, Hongda, Hongfeng, Shuangmiao, Pudong and Zixu.
In October 1958, it was merged into Guozhang Commune.
In August 1961, a part of Yongfeng Community was set aside.
In April 1983, it was renamed Yongfeng Township
In April 1992, it was incorporated into Tianchang Town, and then transferred out, called Yongfeng Office.
In April 1993, Yongfeng Township was restored.
In 2001, it was renamed Yongfeng Street.
In May 2007, Yongfeng Town was merged with Qiaowan Street. [1]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had jurisdiction over three neighborhood committees, namely Minsheng, Qiaowan and Huchenqiao, and five village committees, namely Erdun, Sanyuan, Hongda, Shuangmiao and Pudong; There are 66 residents' groups and 112 villagers' groups. [1]
As of June 2020, Yongfeng Town has jurisdiction over 4 communities and 5 administrative villages: Minsheng Community, Huchengqiao Community, Qiaowan Community, Daxiongwei Community, Hongda Village, Shuangmiao Village, Sanyuan Village, Erdun Village and Pudong Village. [3] The town people's government is stationed in Huchengqiao Community. [1]

geographical environment


Location context

Yongfeng Town is located in the northern suburb of Tianchang City, Anhui Province, bordering on the east Gaoyou Lake , South and Tianchang Street Adjacent to the office, west to Datong Town Adjacent, north and Yangcun Town Adjacent, the town people's government is 4 kilometers away from Tianchang downtown, [1] The administrative area is 100 square kilometers. [2]
Yongfeng Town

natural resources

In 2011, Yongfeng Town had 45000 mu of arable land.


At the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had a total population of 24579, including 6000 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 24.4%. Among the total population, 12187 were men, accounting for 49.6%; 12392 women, accounting for 50.4%; 3806 people under 14 years old, accounting for 15.5%; 18019 people aged 15-64, accounting for 73.3%; 2754 people over 65 years old, accounting for 11.2%. In the total population, the Han nationality is the dominant, accounting for 99.95% of the 24567 people; There are 12 other ethnic minorities, accounting for 0.05%. The population density is 296.1 people per square kilometer. [1]
By the end of 2019, the registered population of Yongfeng Town was 27129. [2]
Yongfeng Town




In 2011, the total financial revenue of Yongfeng Town was 24.245 million yuan, an increase of 81% over the previous year. Among them, local fiscal revenue was 2.32 million yuan, up 70% over the previous year. From the perspective of major taxes, business tax was 1.18 million yuan, value-added tax was 17.88 million yuan, corporate income tax was 1.3 million yuan, and per capita fiscal revenue was 986 yuan, up 80% over the previous year. [1]
In 2019, there were 326 industrial enterprises in Yongfeng Town, including 40 enterprises above designated size, and 3 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [2]


In 2011, Yongfeng Town mainly planted wheat and rice, with agricultural added value of 137 million yuan, accounting for 28.68% of the total output value of the town. Grain crops were mainly wheat and rice, producing 40000 tons of grain, including 16000 tons of wheat and 24000 tons of rice. Animal husbandry was dominated by raising pigs and poultry. The number of pigs sold was 5900, and the number of pigs on hand at the end of the year was 4600; The number of poultry sold was 204400, with 122200 on hand at the end of the year. [1]


In 2011, Yongfeng Town's industry formed an industrial system focusing on the production and processing of instruments, cables, pump valves, plastic products and new building materials, with a total industrial output value of 1.25 billion yuan, 176 industrial enterprises, 3829 employees, and an industrial added value of 330 million yuan, up 36.1% over the previous year. [1]

Commerce and trade

At the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had 63 commercial outlets, 513 employees and a total social commodity sales of 60 million yuan, up 15.5% over the previous year; There were two urban and rural fairs, with an annual turnover of 10 million yuan and exports of 5.1 million dollars, an increase of 22% over the previous year. [1]

Telecommunication industry

In 2011, the annual telecom business income of Yongfeng Town was 2 million yuan. [1]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 5 kindergartens in Yongfeng Town, with 420 children and 17 full-time teachers; There are 4 primary schools with 990 students and 66 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There are two junior middle schools with 805 students and 60 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior middle schools, the rate of primary school entrance and junior high school entrance, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reach 100%. The education expenditure is 5.535 million yuan. [1]

Cultural and sports undertakings

At the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had 1 comprehensive cultural station and 8 village cultural activity centers; 6 cultural professionals; There are 11 libraries of all kinds, with a collection of more than 20000 books; There are 60 amateur creative teams in music, art, calligraphy, photography and literature. 12.5% of the villages have installed fitness equipment, and 15% of the permanent residents often participate in sports activities. [1]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had one town level medical and health institution; There are 25 sickbeds, 1.02 medical beds per thousand people, and the total value of fixed assets is 2.1 million yuan. 33 professional health personnel, including 6 licensed doctors, 9 licensed assistant doctors, 5 registered nurses, medical institutions (outpatient department or above) completed 10000 person times of diagnosis and treatment, and the participation rate of new rural cooperative medical care was 100%. [1]

social security

In 2011, there were 39 urban minimum living security households in Yongfeng Town, with 67 people, and the expenditure was 32840 yuan, an increase of 10% over the previous year; 119 people received urban medical assistance and 1199 people received assistance from civil affairs departments to participate in cooperative medical care, with a total expenditure of 59950 yuan, up 39% over the previous year. The number of rural minimum living security households was 413, with 849 people, and the expenditure was 676000 yuan, an increase of 30% over the previous year; The five guarantees in rural areas provide centralized support for 40 people. 206 people were entitled to various types of state pension and subsidies, and 790000 yuan was spent on pension business expenses. 13998 people participated in the new rural endowment insurance, with the participation rate of 93%. [1]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had 2 telecom enterprises, 8 service outlets, a total capacity of 5000 telephone exchanges, 3000 fixed telephone users, and a telephone user penetration rate of 46%; 21500 mobile phone users and 1310 broadband access users. [1]


  • Landscaping
At the end of 2011, Yongfeng Town had a green area of 10000 square meters. [1]


In 2011, Yongfeng Town had 205 provincial roads passing through, with a length of 6 kilometers, reaching Tianchang City in the south and Tongcheng Town in the north, 60 kilometers of village roads and 1.5 kilometers of town roads. [1]

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
Yongfeng Town gets its name from the meaning of eternal harvest. [1]