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Water planet

Planets discovered in 2009
Water planet is December 17, 2009 britain Daily Mail 》Reported and discovered by astronomers, the Earth like water planet orbiting a dim star with 75% of its surface covered by water.
Chinese name
Water planet
Distance from ground
forty Light year far
Earth like planet with water

Planetary trajectory

This planet with water, six times the size of the Earth, is classified as“ Super Earth ”Rank, the volume is smaller, rocky planets and Uranus Neptune Between ice giants. Although its parent star is a dim Red dwarf The brightness is only one thousandth of that of the sun, but due to the close distance between the two, the surface temperature of this water planet is as high as 200 degrees Celsius. The temperature is so high that the surface presents a steaming "water world". This "water world" also has an atmosphere, but it cannot support Terrestrial life Exists. Astronomers believe that this planet is closer to the Earth than any extrasolar planet previously found outside the solar system. The distance between the water planet and the parent star is only 1.3 million miles (about 2.09 million kilometers), and it only takes 38 hours to orbit the parent star. Only 40 from the earth Light year Far away. [1]


This one goes around Red dwarf GJ1214 The planet in motion is a small ground Telescope array It was found that the telescope used was not larger than that of many amateurs. The MEArth Project plans to use eight telescopes with the same diameter of 16 inches (about 40 centimeters) to monitor 2000 red dwarfs. Red dwarfs are Galaxy The most common type of star. Through observing the brightness change of the red dwarf, the telescope proves that a planet passes in front of it. Because it is too dim, red dwarfs themselves increase the possibility of discovering planets in this way.
By measuring the brightness reduction caused by the passing of a planet, scientists can calculate the density of a planet and make educated guesses about its composition. The newly discovered planet is named“ GJ1214b ”Three quarters of the surface is believed to be covered with water and ice, leaving only about a quarter of the area for rocks.
Earth like extrasolar planets closer to the Earth
Chakri Bertha, a graduate student and astronomer of the Harvard Smithsonian Center, discovered the watery planet. He said: "Although the temperature is very high, it is still a world with water. Compared with any other known exoplanet, this planet is smaller, colder and closer to the Earth."
Scientists believe that in addition to GJ1214b Outside the earth's surface, something must block the light from the parent star. It may be surrounded by an atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium. With the help of Hubble Space Telescope Astronomers may determine the composition of this planet. David Chaboneo, director of the Mearth Project, said: "Because this planet is very close to the Earth, Hubble should be able to detect the atmosphere and determine its composition. With luck, it will become the first one with a proven atmosphere Super Earth Although this atmosphere may not be friendly to life as we know it. " [1]

Super guess

The discovery was reported in the journal Nature published on the 16th. In an article published in Nature, the famous planet hunter, the University of California Geoffrey Marcy The professor speculated about what the water world might look like. He wrote: "It may have a very deep ocean, which should be liquid. Due to the heat given by the parent star, its surface temperature reaches about 190 degrees Celsius. In addition, a similar sauna Of Vapor atmosphere It may also exist. " [1]
An Earth like planet orbiting a dim star -- the water planet