
[shuǐ guǒ]
Plant fruits with more water and sugar
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Fruit refers to the edible plant fruit which is juicy and has sweet and sour taste. Fruit is not only rich in vitamin Nutrition, and can promote digestion.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Nutritional composition
vitamin dietary fiber etc.
Main taste
Sweet and sour
promote digestion


  1. one classification
  2. Rosaceae
  3. Rutaceae
  4. Cucurbitaceae
  5. Musaceae
  6. Rhamnaceae
  7. Vitaceae
  8. Ribelidae
  9. Azaleaceae
  10. Anacardiaceae
  11. Actinidiaceae
  12. Bromeliaceae
  13. Myricaceae
  14. Persimmon family
  15. Papaya
  16. Moriaceae
  17. Cactaceae
  18. Sapindaceae
  19. Kapok
  20. Oxalis
  21. Chelidaceae
  22. palmae
  23. Garcinaceae
  24. Myrtaceae
  25. Passiflora
  1. Lauraceae
  2. Annonaceae
  3. Solanaceae
  4. Elaeagnaceae
  5. Euphorbiaceae
  6. Caesalpiniaceae
  7. Schisandraceae
  8. Aristolochiaceae
  9. Lamiaceae
  10. meliaceae
  11. Lonicera
  12. Akebiaceae
  13. Malvaceae
  14. Chloranthaceae
  15. two component
  16. three effect
  17. Lower blood pressure
  18. Containing folic acid
  19. Slow down aging
  20. Lose weight
  21. Skin care
  22. Bright eyes
  23. Natural enemies of cancer
  24. Lower cholesterol
  25. Detoxification
  1. four clean
  2. five Magical use
  3. Pear
  4. Apple
  5. Papaya
  6. Mango
  7. pineapple
  8. lemon
  9. Persimmon
  10. grapefruit
  11. Cherry
  12. Fig
  13. kiwifruit
  14. honey peach
  15. Orange and citrus
  16. Apricot
  17. six Saving method
  18. Immature preservation
  19. Preservation method
  20. seven Fruit knowledge
  21. Fruit can sober up
  22. Fruit VS Vegetable
  23. Adverse effects
  24. eight Taboos
  1. When to eat fruit
  2. Attention of puerpera eating fruit
  3. Attention to patients eating fruit
  4. Not suitable for eating on an empty stomach
  5. not suitable
  6. Taboos
  7. nine Weight loss fruit
  8. Kumquat
  9. pomegranate
  10. Loquat
  11. Grape
  12. Apple
  13. lemon
  14. ten The wonderful use of fruit peel
  15. apple skin
  16. Pomelo peel
  17. Banana peel
  18. watermelon rind
  19. eleven Fruit for invigorating qi and nourishing blood
  20. grapefruit
  21. Citrofortunella microcarpa Wijnands
  22. twelve Fruit flavor








Drupe Jujube etc.


Berry Grape Raisin etc.




Drupe: Mango




Drupe Myrica rubra etc.

Persimmon family


Bottle fruit papaya etc.


Mulberry Fig pineapple , Broussonetia papyrifera fruit Milk fruit etc.




capsule Durian , Monkey Breadfruit( baobab tree Fruit), etc


Berry Carambola , three astringent fruits, etc



Drupe Coconut Betel nut Date Snakeskin fruit etc.
Berry Assay berries etc.




passionflower Passion fruit /Passion Fruit/ Eggnut )Etc


avocado Avocado )Etc








Aristolochia fruit( Pandanus Fruit, also known as wild pineapple/hala fruit)



Drupe Dragon fruit (Longgong Fruit/ Longgong /Lengsha/Lansaguo)



Cat dung melon (Akobigo), etc




kiwifruit Fresh jujube strawberry Loquat orange Orange Persimmon Blueberry Rich in vitamin C Calculated by the vitamin C content of 100g fruit, kiwi fruit contains 420mg, fresh jujube 380 mg, strawberry 80 mg, orange 49 mg, loquat 36 mg, orange and persimmon 30 mg each. Bananas and peaches each contain 10mg, grapes Fig , apples only 5 mg each, and pears only 4 mg each.
In addition, there are also some factors that affect the vitamin C Content of. For example, some fruits are often wrapped in paper bags during the growth process in order to prevent insect pests and sun exposure, resulting in a reduction in vitamin C content; Harvest fruits in summer, stored in Cold storage When sold in winter, the vitamin C content of fruits will also be reduced; Modern families generally have refrigerators, and many people like to buy a lot of fruit to put in. But the longer the fruit is stored, the more vitamin C is lost.



Lower blood pressure

Containing folic acid

Among various vitamins, folic acid And DNA Folic acid is important for cell reproduction and repair at the early stage of pregnancy. It helps embryos nervous system To prevent pregnant women from developing well anemia
contain folic acid Fruit: Apple Banana Mango Papaya kiwifruit

Slow down aging

Among common fruits, kiwifruit is believed to contain rich vitamin C, A, E, folic acid trace element Potassium, magnesium and Food fibre And other nutrients, but the calories are very low. All of these make kiwi fruit able to inject life vitality into modern urban people who work fast and are nervous. In addition, the content of amino acid , can help human body manufacture hormone , slow down aging. Because kiwi fruit is cold, pregnant mothers had better eat less.

Lose weight

Some fruits are rich in food fiber, which cannot be digested by the small intestine carbohydrate In the colon, fiber can provide nutrients to the intestinal cavity, which helps promote the metabolism of the body and help suppress appetite.
Fruit for weight loss: Apple , grapefruit pitaya Durian

Skin care

Anthropogenic face Exposed to the air every day Hazardous substances And ultraviolet radiation, even capillary contraction, sebaceous glands Secretion decreases, and the skin becomes dry and dehydrated. Rich in Antioxidant vitamin E And trace elements can nourish the skin, and its beauty effect is not comparable to that of ordinary cosmetics. And if you smoke or get fat, it also means that your adipose tissue lacks these important ingredients.
Skin care fruit: bananas Mango , Hami melon strawberry orange , apple, lemon.

Bright eyes

People's fundus is distributed with many blood capillary The function of vitamin C is to ensure the blood supply of the fundus.
Fruit for eye protection: kiwi lemon .

Natural enemies of cancer

Eating more fruits in daily diet can reduce the risk of disease mammary cancer prostatic cancer And the probability of lung cancer. This is because fruits contain trace elements necessary for human body.
Anti cancer fruits: bananas, kiwifruit Grape orange , apple, lemon.

Lower cholesterol

Apple Grapefruit Hawthorn.


strawberry Rich in vitamin C and Carotene It also contains rich pectin and dietary fiber to help digestion, clean the intestines, strengthen the liver, and is also an important detoxification fruit.
Apple In addition to rich fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, the galactose contained in it is very helpful for detoxification; Pectin can prevent food from decaying in the intestine. It is better to change apples of different colors frequently.
Purple grape Purple grapes also have Detoxification It can help the liver, intestines, stomach and kidney clear away the garbage in the body, so it has the reputation of "scavenger". But the heat is a little high.
Cherry It has a certain medicinal value, can remove toxins from the body, has a considerable effect on kidney detoxification, and has a mild catharsis effect.


The reason why it is difficult to clean fruit is that its surface is rough and its skin is thin, which will break when washed.
Therefore, many people simply use water Go ahead and eat. In fact, fruits belong to plants. The plants are relatively low and the fruits are tender and juicy, which makes them vulnerable Diseases and pests and microorganism The invasion of. Therefore, pesticides should be frequently used in the process of growing fruits. These pesticides, fertilizers and germs are easy to attach to the rough surface of fruits. If they are not cleaned thoroughly, they may cause diarrhea, or even pesticide poisoning. To clean the fruit, it is best to wash it with tap water constantly. Flowing water can prevent pesticides from seeping into the fruit. Do not eat the washed fruit immediately. In addition, do not soak the fruit with detergent such as detergent. These substances are difficult to clean and are easy to remain in the fruit, causing secondary pollution.
Nowadays, pesticides and various chemicals are widely used Preservative and preservative , various growth hormone Before that, every family was completely in a state of no resistance and could only accept passively. Every day, they were in the process of being poisoned by pesticides and other chemicals. For example, various cancers and cardiovascular diseases were related to long-term ingestion of excessive pesticides and chemicals.
Do not use ordinary detergents to clean fruits. The chemical components contained in the detergents themselves are easy to remain on the fruits. Wash them with salt water.
Instructions for eating Fruit cleaning
[Grapes]: Grape There is a layer of white frost on the surface (fruit powder, which naturally appears during the ripening period of grapes), and some soil is also adhered to the surface. If the hand is heavy enough to wash, it can't be washed away. What should I do? One simple method is to put grapes in water, and then put two spoons of flour or starch into it. Don't rub it hard, just toss it back and forth, and then brush and screen it back and forth in the water. The flour and starch are sticky, and it will bring all the messy things down
[Apple]: Many people like to eat apples with their skins. Many preservation technologies make it difficult to clean the residual chemicals on the surface of apples. Here is a trick: after the apple is soaked in water, put a little salt on the skin, and then gently rub the apple back and forth with both hands, so that the dirt on the surface can be quickly rubbed clean, and then rinse with water, you can eat safely.
  1. one
    First, flush the strawberry with running tap water for several minutes pesticides And other pollutants. Note: Do not immerse in water first, so as to prevent pesticides from dissolving in water and being absorbed by strawberries, and seeping into the fruit;
  2. two
    Soak strawberries in Rice washing water (It is better to use the first rice washing water) and brackish water (add half a spoon of salt to a basin of water) for 3 minutes. Their functions are different. Alkaline rice washing water can decompose pesticides; The brackish water can float the insects and insect eggs attached to the surface of strawberries, which is easy to be washed away by water, and has a certain disinfection effect;
  3. three
    Then rinse the rice washing water, brackish water and possibly residual harmful substances with flowing tap water;
  4. four
    Rinse once with clean water (or cold boiled water).
In addition, it should be reminded that the strawberry stem should not be removed before washing strawberries, so as not to allow pesticides and pollutants to seep into the fruit through the "wound" during the soaking process, which may cause pollution.

Magical use



It is the most famous of all kinds of fruits. It is a good heat clearing product with cold nature. People with weak and cold constitution and cold cough should not eat it raw. They must steam it, or put it in soup, or stew it with herbs.
Swan pear Fragrant pear , tribute pear is cool; Rough skinned sand pears and imported beer pears are cooler. A sore throat after eating too much.
Apricot , Pear with cold+ Tremella fuciformis Boil sugared water in a cool way to cure the mouth dryness of sound sand. However, it is more suitable for those who need to clear away heat with excess heat or empty fire.
North and south apricot, pear with cold+ Fritillaria cirrhosa 9 grams of boiled sugar water can strengthen lung qi.
North and south apricots and pears are cold+ Lily Boil sugar water to nourish yin and calm nerves.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away from me, Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach Type Chronic diarrhea It needs to be wrapped with tin foil, cooked and eaten, containing most fructose, organic acid, pectin and trace elements.
  1. one
    Pectin: It belongs to soluble fiber and promotes cholesterol Metabolism, reduce cholesterol level, promote fat excretion;
  2. two
    Trace elements: potassium can dilate blood vessels and benefit hypertension patients; Zinc deficiency can lead to blood glucose metabolism disorder and Sexual function Down.
  3. three
    The stomach and intestines can be organized: fiber helps excretion; It also has astringent effect on diarrhea.
  4. four
    Apple peel+several pieces of ginger boiled water: can stop vomiting.
  5. five
    It can reduce the coldness of pears, strengthen moistening the lungs and stomach.
Autumn lung moistening syrup: several apples/pears+1 two lilies+15 grams of dendrobium+9 grams of north and south apricots.
Sweet in taste, mild in nature, slightly cold, protein decomposing enzyme.
  1. one
    The enzyme contained is similar to human growth factor, so eat more to maintain youth.
  2. two
    Protease helps to decompose protein and starch, which is of great benefit to the digestive system.
  3. three
    Besides helping digestion, it can relieve heat and thirst, moisten the lungs and stop coughing, and is helpful for coughing up phlegm, constipation and chronic bronchitis.


Cooked papaya+persimmon can cure asthma and cough.
Peeling of cooked papaya+steaming+honey, treatment Dry lung cough
Raw papaya juice or dried powder can Anthelmintic
Papaya is used to cook fish tail or pig's hoof to promote milk secretion, which has the function of breast enhancement and whitening.


It should not be eaten too much, and has medicinal value. It is mild in nature, sweet in taste, thirst quenching and fluid production.
Nature: with eczema, skin disease or tumor, avoid eating eczema/ Purulent discharge /Gynecological disease/edema/beriberi – eating mango will worsen in wet people.
The immature may cure allergy, asthma Taboos. One of the few fruits rich in protein, it is easy to be full if you eat more.
  1. one
    It is good for eyes and skin.
  2. two
    Detoxify, eliminate stagnation and reduce blood pressure.
  3. three
    Antiemetic Seasickness wave Pregnant women vomit.


It can produce fluid and stomach, and is damp and hot in nature. Patients with sensitive trachea or bronchi should abstain from eating. It is necessary to soak salt water to decompose some organic acids to reduce their toxicity.
  1. one
    Rich in fiber, it can stimulate the intestines. It has astringent effect and can help stop diarrhea without diarrhea.
  2. two
    healthy Spleen and stomach . Strengthen the vitality. Pineapple can decompose protein in the stomach and help digestion.
  3. three
    If you feel uncomfortable in your throat after eating, it is an allergic symptom. You need to drink a cup of light salt water to dilute the allergens.


Citrus lemon (L.) Burm f.), Citrus plants of Rutaceae, also known as lemon, lemon, motherwort, etc. Small arbor with few or nearly no thorns on its branches, dark purplish red tender leaves and flower buds, thick papery leaves, oval or oval. Single flower axillary or few flowers clustered. The fruit is oval or ovoid, the peel is thick, usually rough, lemon yellow, the juice is acid to very acid, the seed is small, ovoid, and the tip is sharp; The seed coat is smooth, the cotyledons are milky white, and usually single or double polyembryonic. Flowering from April to May, fruiting from September to November.
Lemon is produced in the south of the Yangtze River in China, originating in Southeast Asia, and its main origin is U.S.A , Italy, Spain and Greece


The whole body is full of treasure, sweet and cold, weak, spleen and kidney deficiency cold Exogenous wind chill It is taboo. It is best to take it without skin to prevent iron absorption.
  1. one
    The content of vitamins and sugar is 1~2 times higher than that of ordinary fruits.
  2. two
    It can eliminate heat and annoyance, quench thirst and promote fluid production, moisten the lungs and remove phlegm, and treat hot cough.
  3. three
    Persimmon is mainly used for hiccup and nocturia.
  4. four
    Persimmon leaf tea contains a lot of vitamin C, which can reduce blood pressure, protect cardiovascular system and cure insomnia.
  5. five
    Persimmon is mild in nature, moistening the lungs and regulating qi.
  6. six
    Frost on persimmon: special medicine for dry throat and stomatitis.


Moisten lung and stop cough It is mild in nature, moistening the lungs and relieving cough.
  1. one
    It contains rich fiber natural laxatives, vitamin C natural laxatives, and vitamin P to promote intestinal peristalsis.
  2. two
    The pectin contained in it can reduce cholesterol, increase vascular elasticity with vitamin P, and relieve constipation with vitamin C, as well as fight against aging free radicals.
  3. three
    Fruit juice contains similar insulin It can reduce blood sugar.
Frequent colds, coughs and trachea sensitivity: fresh pomelo with skin and stone removed+Zhengbei apricot fritillaria thunbergii 30 grams of undiluted tremella and 30 grams of honey stew to strengthen the lungs


It is suitable for those who are champion of blood tonifying and kidney strengthening, have mild sex tonifying, have excessive heart fire, dry heat and sore throat, and eat less.
  1. one
    The highest iron content in fruit can enrich blood. People who suffer from anemia, low hemoglobin or need to be sexually active will have a good appetite and stomach after eating.
  2. two
    The false fire caused by cherries is solved by drinking sugarcane juice.
  3. three
    The whole body is treasure. The nucleus can penetrate measles and prevent the virus from trapped in the body.
  4. four
    Leaves can detoxify snake venom, and roots can worm.
At present, the chemical pollution is serious. The sweeter the taste is, the smaller the size is, the deeper the damage will be. Soak it in salt water for 5 to 10 minutes before eating.


Health Ambassador, Curable ulcer The pulp contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper manganese , zinc and boron mineral and trace element
  1. one
    It is mainly used to clear throat, open chest and diaphragm, clear phlegm and transform stagnation.
  2. two
    5. Hemorrhoids are swollen and painful, and decoction is frequently smoked and effective.
  3. three
    Accelerate wound recovery and have curative effect on digestive tract ulcer.
  4. four
    Treat hemorrhoid bleeding Colorectal cancer It has auxiliary function.
  5. five
    It contains antioxidant and anti-aging.
  6. six
    Containing pectin and fiber, it can absorb toxic substances in the intestinal tract and has detoxification effect.
  7. seven
    Like apples, Bidirectional regulation Gastrointestinal, spleen deficiency diarrhea stagnation can stop diarrhea; Constipation: Eat to moisten intestines and relieve constipation.
  8. eight
    Drying grinding powder can help heal gastric ulcer.


There is a good way to prevent cancer. Eating when coughing may aggravate the disease.
  1. one
    Vitamin C is 20-80 times higher than apples and 5-10 times higher than citrus. This antioxidant can effectively prevent carcinogens Nitrite It is formed in human body.
  2. two
    Adjust the lower air. Nourish and strengthen body, clear heat and diuresis, clear stomach and moisten dryness.
  3. three
    Treatment of internal heat and upset, prevention and treatment Scurvy , hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.
  4. four
    He is good at curing digestive tract cancer and lung cancer.

honey peach

It can nourish the blood and skin, and is warm in nature. Eating more will make the body overheat, stomach distension and chest tightness.
  1. one
    It is rich in iron and increases the amount of human hemoglobin.
  2. two
    It contains more fat and protein.
  3. three
    Peach flesh is beautiful.
  4. four
    Peach kernels can promote blood circulation and remove stasis, relieve asthma and cough, but should not be used in excess and during menstruation.
  5. five
    The gum from the peach tree is a good medicine for diabetes, which can strengthen, nourish and regulate the blood sugar level.
  6. six
    Peach blossom can be boiled for washing, bathing and drinking.
  7. seven
    Wash the face with peach juice+rice washing water to moisturize the skin.

Orange and citrus

anticancer Food, phlegm and qi. Hot expectoration, turbid mouth, and dry mouth are the best choices for those who want to eat orange or orange, cold cough, and throat scars.
  1. one
    Vitamin C is rich, enhances resistance, and is a veritable antioxidant of Baobaokang.
  2. two
    Shunqi Huatan, Qingre Shengjin, Jianpi Kaiwei.
  3. three
    Tangerine peel: Vitamin C and carotene are more than pulp. It contains volatile oil to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, eliminate fat and reduce blood cholesterol. Fujian tangerine peel is more peaceful, increases the secretion of gastric juice, promotes the dispatch of phlegm, and is anti-inflammatory and cholagogic.
Nausea and stuffiness when catching a cold: Orange peel ginger Porridge.
Cough with phlegm : Boiled apricot rock sugar with orange peel


It can protect the body, be gentle, moisten the lungs and quench thirst.
  1. one
    Fresh apricot is rich in protein, carotene, vitamin AC, calcium, phosphorus, iron and catechin, which can help fight against the invasion of cancer substances and free radicals.
  2. two
    Almond paste helps defecate, stop coughing and moisten lungs.
  3. three
    Ginkgo also contains a small amount Hydrocyanic acid It is not suitable to eat raw in large quantities. Eating ten capsules raw can clear away heat.
  4. four
    Ginkgo has the effect of lowering cholesterol, strengthening the kidney and relieving cough.
Deficiency cold: Simmer the ginkgo to make medicine.
Night urinator: Simmer ginkgo and dip it in honey.
Plenty of leucorrhea: stew gingko and boiled egg syrup.
Bean curd with gingko egg syrup: not suitable for people with poor health.

Saving method


Immature preservation

If you buy the undercooked ones, they are not only not delicious, but also may harm your health. How should you keep them
  1. one
    Store it at room temperature until it is ripe enough, and then store it in the refrigerator. The cold degree of the refrigerator can keep the fruit fresh.
  2. two
    Hard skinned fruits are recommended to be directly put into the refrigerator, such as watermelon, pineapple, cantaloupe and other fruits.
  3. three
    Thin skinned and soft skinned fruits are put into plastic bags before being put into the refrigerator. Such as apples, pears Mango Etc.
  4. four
    Especially for litchi and longan, if they are kept in the refrigerator for a long time, the shell will become dry, hard and black, and affect the flavor of the pulp. Therefore, it is recommended that you spray a little water on the fruit before putting it into the plastic bag to keep the fresh taste of the pulp. Litchi can also be cut one by one with scissors, dipped in salt water for a few minutes, picked up, and put into a plastic bag in the refrigerator, which can maintain the flavor for a long time.

Preservation method

  1. one
    For fruits that cannot cool down and are easy to rot, wrap them at room temperature. For example, papaya is also a fruit that cannot be stored in the refrigerator. There will be black spots. Although the display cabinet has the effect of absorbing water, once the refrigerated display cabinet is taken out, the temperature difference will cause moisture on the surface of the papaya, resulting in stale black spots. Store in a cool place. In this way, the papaya can be stored for a long time. The correct storage method should be to wrap the papaya with newspaper first, and keep it fresh all the time.
  2. two
    For fruits that are easy to rot in contact with the air, apply the method of cool and fresh-keeping bag insurance. For example, bananas, the correct way to bananas should be to put them into fruit preservation bags. Store in a cool place. The popular food here reminds everyone not to put bananas in the freezer.
  3. three
    If the skin is very thick, use the fresh-keeping bag insurance method. For example, watermelon can be covered with plastic wrap. In fact, it is wrong to keep watermelon fresh just like this, because it looks very easy to put watermelon in the cake cabinet. But in fact, the delicatessen cabinet will absorb water from the watermelon skin, so it is useless even if it is covered with plastic wrap, so watermelon preservation should be wrapped with plastic wrap, including the skin. Then squeeze the air out.
  4. four
    If the fresh-keeping period is very short and may corrupt within one day, the cooling method shall be used. For example, litchi, a basin of water with about 10 grams of salt, soak for a while and then dry, put it into a fruit music fresh-keeping bag, put it into a below zero freezing layer, and then take it out to naturally thaw at room temperature. Litchi fresh-keeping should not be put in the fresh-keeping warehouse. It is better to keep it in the freezing layer at a temperature below zero, and let it thaw naturally after taking it out, because only in this way can the color, aroma and taste of litchi be effectively preserved.

Fruit knowledge


Fruit can sober up

Excessive drinking is often Drunken There are many omens of drunkenness, such as more and more words, malaise of tongue, fever and numbness of cheeks, dizziness and instability of standing... These are all omens of drunkenness, which need to be solved at this time. Many people know that eating some sour fruit or drinking 1~2 liang of clean vinegar can sober up.
This is because fruit contains Organic acid , for example, green plum is rich in Fruit acid , apple contains malic acid Citrus contains citric acid, grape contains citric acid tartaric acid The main component of wine is ethanol, and organic acids can interact with ethanol to form esters to achieve the goal of anti alcoholism.
In the same way, vinegar can also sober up because it contains 3%~5% acetic acid, which can be generated by esterification with ethanol ethyl acetate Although sour fruits and vinegar can alleviate the anesthetic effect of excessive ethanol, the effect is not very ideal because the above esterification reaction is interfered by many factors in vivo. Therefore, the best way to prevent drunkenness is not to drink.

Fruit VS Vegetable

  1. one
    The natural food fiber in vegetables is very rich, and most of it is insoluble crude fiber, which is conducive to the absorption of cholesterol and bile acid in the intestinal tract, can reduce the occurrence of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and colorectal cancer, and is also beneficial to the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
  2. two
    The minerals and trace elements in fruits are not as rich as those in vegetables, and the contents of vitamin B and vitamin A are relatively low. Therefore, if fruits are completely used to replace vegetables, the above vitamins and trace elements may be lacking.
  3. three
    Fruits are rich in fructose, and the caloric effect is far more than that of vegetables. Therefore, eating the same amount of fruits and vegetables, fruits are more likely to promote obesity and overweight. Patients with diabetes and obesity should strictly control the amount of fruit they eat, while vegetables are relatively safe.
  4. four
    Compared with fruits, vegetables are alkaline food, which can more effectively adjust the environmental balance in the body, alleviate fatigue, and excrete toxins. Because fruits contain tannin, the effect of regulating the internal environment of the human body is worse.
[Anemia]: [1] , orange, apple, strawberry, cherry
[High cholesterol]: mangosteen, walnut
[Hypertension]: grapes, oranges, apples, bananas, watermelon, persimmons, pears, peaches
Arteriosclerosis 】: oranges, apples, strawberries, bananas
[Vascular steatosis]: oranges, apples, strawberries, bananas
[Stroke]: apples, persimmons, pineapples, kiwifruit
[Heart disease]: apples, walnuts, pears, bananas, pineapples, kiwifruit
[Diabetes]: Pear, watermelon, peach, guava, loquat [2]
bronchitis 】: Grape, apple, strawberry, cherry, persimmon, pear, pineapple, loquat
[Asthma]: Grapes, peaches
[Ulcer]: pear, banana
[Gastritis]: grapes, apples, pears
[Enteritis]: grape, apple, banana, pineapple, guava
[Diarrhea]: Apple
[Hemorrhoids]: apples, bananas, persimmons, peaches
[Liver disease]: grapes, oranges, bananas, plums
[Cystitis]: watermelon, peach
Urethral calculus 】: watermelon, kiwi, plum
[Urethritis]: grape
[Kidney disease]: grapes, oranges, apples, strawberries, cantaloupes
Endocrine disorder 】: Grapes, apples, papayas, cantaloupes
[Back pain]: watermelon, pear, citrus
[Low back pain]: watermelon, pear, citrus
[Arthritis]: Grape, loquat
[Gout]: pineapple, kiwi fruit
[Skin disease]: apple, strawberry, papaya
[Oral inflammation]: oranges, pears, guava
[Tooth disease]: oranges, strawberries
[Cold]: strawberry , pineapple, loquat lemon , Pear
[Pregnant women stop vomiting]: pear

Adverse effects

Some people mistakenly believe that fruit has high nutritional content, and eating more is good for people. Actually not. For example, apples contain sugar and potassium salt, which is bad for the heart, coronary heart disease myocardial infarction , nephritis diabetes Patients should not eat more; The elderly with cold citrus, gastrointestinal discomfort, and kidney and lung function deficiency can not eat more; Pears contain more sugar, which will cause diabetes patients to eat more blood sugar rise; Persimmons contain Tannin Persimmon gum phenol, patients with gastrointestinal problems or constipation should eat less, otherwise it is easy to form persimmon stone; Pineapple is rich in vitamin A B, C, citric acid, protease, etc., and have the effects of digestion, diarrhea, blood pressure and diuresis. But some Idiosyncratic constitution People who eat it will suffer from abdominal pain, even vomiting and other maladjustments. It is best to soak the peeled pineapple in salt water before heating it. Eating too much hawthorn will hurt people's morale, because hawthorn contains a lot of vitamin C, fruit acid and other ingredients. It is a product that can break qi and remove stagnation. It is ordinary Spleen and stomach weakness Or those who are taking Renshen and other qi tonics should not take it. Children are in the period of tooth replacement. If they often eat a lot, it will be harmful to the growth of teeth and affect their appetite. Watermelon is cold in nature. Eating too much is easy to cause stomach cold, abdominal distension, gastrointestinal digestion decline and other adverse symptoms. Bananas contain more magnesium, potassium and other elements. Although these mineral elements are necessary for human health, if they are ingested too much in a short time, they will cause a sharp increase in the content of magnesium and potassium in the blood, resulting in imbalance in the proportion of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other elements in the body, which is harmful to health. In addition, eating more bananas can also be caused by the reduction of gastric acid secretion Gastrointestinal disorders And emotional fluctuations.



When to eat fruit

Spring and summer are the seasons when fresh fruits are in great demand. Fruit contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, crude fiber, protein, fat and other nutrients necessary for the human body... Eating fruit is not only delicious, but also can promote health, thus achieving the effect of disease prevention, skin care and beauty. It is the most popular natural healthy food for modern people.
But eat fruit at the right time. The best time to eat fresh fruit is in the morning.
It is also to eat fruits. Choosing to eat fruits in the morning is the most effective way for the human body, which can give play to the nutritional value and produce substances beneficial to human health. This is because after a night's sleep, the function of the stomach and intestines is still activated, and the digestive function is not strong, but it needs to supplement enough nutrients. At this time, eating fruit that is easy to digest and absorb can meet the nutritional needs of work or study activities in the morning.
However, melons and fruits have a cold characteristic
There is a saying in Britain that "fruit in the morning is gold, from noon to 3pm is silver, from 3pm to 6pm is copper, and after 6pm is lead".
It is advisable to eat fruit before meals
First, many ingredients in fresh fruits are Water solubility Soluble with vitamin C that can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood Plant fibre -Pectin, etc. Its digestion and absorption do not require the mixing of complex digestive liquid, but can quickly pass through the stomach and enter the small intestine for absorption. The absorption rate on an empty stomach is much higher than that on a full stomach.
a mandarin orange
Secondly, eating fruit before meals is conducive to a healthy diet“ Eight points full ”The assurance of. Fruit is Low calorie food Its average calorie is only one quarter of that of pasta of the same weight, and about one tenth of that of pork and other meat of the same weight. Advanced low calorie food is easier to grasp the total intake.
Moreover, many fruits are easy to be oxidized and putrid. Eating fruits first can shorten their stay time in the stomach, reduce their oxidative putrefaction, and reduce the possible adverse effects on the body.
Many people have already formed“ Consequences ”But in fact, this way of eating is unscientific.
Some people are used to eating fruits when they get up. In fact, most fruits are Cold food , eating when you just get up will stimulate your stomach. It is best to eat fruit at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, which is conducive to the absorption and utilization of nutrients.

Attention of puerpera eating fruit

Postpartum confinement does not eat fruit, and the diet of the parturient is very monotonous, which is unscientific, and is also detrimental to the physical recovery of the parturient and the growth and development of the baby. As we know, the nutrition of the puerpera is closely related to the health of the puerpera and the breast-feeding of the newborn. The parturient lost some blood and needed to be replenished in time; The reproductive organs are damaged and need to be repaired; The growth and development of the newborn requires the secretion of a large amount of human milk. According to these physiological characteristics, in addition to eating more meat, eggs, fish and other foods, the puerpera should also eat more vegetables and fruits.
In order to ensure the recovery of the mother's body and adequate nutrition of breast milk, the mother must take an appropriate amount of fruit every day during the month. Pay attention to the following aspects when eating fruits:
  1. one
    It's better to eat fresh fruit.
  2. two
    It is better to eat fruits at room temperature, rather than cold ones. For example, fruits just taken out of the refrigerator should be kept at room temperature for a while before eating.
  3. three
    When eating fruit, please pay attention to cleanliness. Wash or peel it before eating to avoid diarrhea
  4. four
    After eating fruit, rinse your mouth in time to prevent Tooth erosion

Attention to patients eating fruit

  1. one
    People suffering from hepatitis can eat some fruits with more vitamin C, such as oranges and red dates, but do not eat more acidic fruits.
  2. two
    People suffering from diabetes should eat less pears, apples, bananas, watermelons, etc., which contain more sugar.
  3. three
    People who often have dry stools can eat some peaches, bananas, oranges, etc. in moderation because these fruits have the effect of slowing down.
  4. four
    People who often suffer from diarrhea should not eat more fruits with slow down effect, but should eat some apples appropriately because of their astringent effect.
  5. five
    People with more stomach acid should not eat plum, hawthorn and other fruits with more organic acid.
  6. six
    People suffering from heart disease and edema should not eat watermelons and coconut juice with more water content to avoid increasing the burden on the heart and edema.

Not suitable for eating on an empty stomach

  1. one
    Fresh litchi: Lichee has a high sugar content. Eating it on an empty stomach will stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing stomach pain and distention. And eating too much fresh litchi on an empty stomach will cause "hyperosmolar coma" due to the sudden infiltration of excessive high sugar into the body.
  2. two
    Banana It contains a large amount of magnesium. If you eat a large amount of bananas on an empty stomach, the magnesium content in the blood will suddenly increase, causing the imbalance of magnesium and calcium in the human blood, which will inhibit the cardiovascular system and be harmful to health.
  3. three
    Orange: It contains a lot of sugar and organic acids. Eating oranges on an empty stomach will stimulate the gastric mucosa, which will lead to increased gastric acid and make the spleen and stomach full of stuffiness and acid.
  4. four
    Persimmon : There is a large amount of stomach acid in the stomach when the stomach is empty. It is easy to react with the persimmon phenol, colloid, pectin and soluble astringent contained in persimmons to form stomach persimmon stone disease, which causes heartburn, nausea, vomiting, stomach dilatation, gastric ulcer, and even stomach perforation, stomach bleeding and other diseases.
  5. five
    Black jujube It contains a large amount of pectin and tannic acid, which is easy to combine with stomach acid in human body and cause stomach lumps. In particular, people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases should not eat too much before going to bed.
  6. six
    Hawthorn: sour in taste, with the function of promoting qi and digestion, but if eaten on an empty stomach, it will not only consume gas, but also increase hunger and worsen stomach disease.
  7. seven
    pineapple : The protein decomposing enzyme contained in it is quite strong. If it is eaten before meals, it is easy to cause injury to the stomach wall.

not suitable

The way to health should start from small things. Sometimes the dirt and pesticide residues on fruits can't be seen, but you should never take it lightly when cleaning, and don't ignore it because of trouble. The stolen goods on the fruit will enter the body and slowly accumulate in the body, which will lead to physical problems. Of course, in the opinion of Xiao Bian, these are unnecessary, as long as you pay attention to cleaning the fruit at ordinary times.
Eating principle Fruit timing
When the blood glucose control is ideal, that is, the fasting blood glucose can be controlled below 7.8 mmol/L, and the blood glucose 2 hours after meal can be controlled below 10 mmol/L, glycosylated hemoglobin Control it below 7.5%. If there is no frequent hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, the prerequisite for enjoying fruits will be met. If the blood sugar control is not ideal, you can eat tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables as fruits first, and then choose fruits after the condition is stable.
Time to eat fruit
Fruit is usually eaten between meals (such as 10 a.m. or 3 p.m.) or one hour before bed, which can avoid excessive carbohydrate intake at one time and overload the pancreas. It is generally not recommended to eat fruits immediately before or after meals.
Fruit type
The carbohydrate content of various fruits is about 6%~20%. The fruit with relatively low sugar content and slow blood sugar rise should be selected. The latter may have certain differences in different diabetic patients, and can make choices according to their own practical experience. Generally speaking, watermelon, apple, pear, orange, kiwifruit, etc. have low sugar content, which is suitable for diabetics, while bananas, red dates, litchi, pineapple, grapes, etc. have high sugar content, which is not suitable for diabetics.
Fruit quantity
According to the effect of fruit on blood sugar, about 200g of fruit can be eaten every day (which can provide about 90 kcal of calories), and at the same time, half of the staple food (25g) should be reduced. This is the way of food equivalent exchange, so that the total calories consumed per day remain unchanged.
At the same time of doing according to the above four elements, diabetics should also explore the rules by themselves. If they can measure blood sugar and urine sugar 2 hours before and after eating fruit, it will be very helpful to know whether they can eat this fruit and whether they eat too much.
Choose secret size
The size of apples, pears, peaches, etc. can be divided into large, medium, and small. A large fruit indicates normal development and can reflect the flavor of the variety. On the contrary, the smaller the fruit type, the worse the flavor. However, the fruit is too large and loose to store. In addition, some fruit varieties themselves are small, such as Jingbai pear NanFeng Orange , seedless white grapes and so on, although small, have very good flavor. Therefore, we should also rely on experience.
The color is an important sign of whether the fruit is ripe or not. Such as orange, the ground color is generally yellow after maturity, orange red or bright red. Immature ones are full green or semi green, which is bad for citrus flavor. Banana peel The green color indicates that it is not too ripe, while the black spot on the banana skin indicates that it is too ripe. Yellow banana Apple and pear taste best when they are golden yellow. However, some varieties, such as Greening No.3 peach, green banana and Indian apple, are mainly green themselves, which is an exception.
This is the most intuitive way to observe fruit quality. The fruit with bright color, correct appearance, fine, smooth, and luster is generally of good quality. Although there is rust on the surface of some fruits, it has no effect on the quality. If the fruit surface is crushed or bruised, it should not be stored for a long time.
Most mature fruits have strong aroma, which is the reason why the fruits contain volatile oil. The lack of aroma indicates that the fruit is not very ripe.


Uncooked fruit should not be eaten
Some people like sour taste, so they like to choose some immature fruits when eating fruits. However, this practice is harmful to health.
This is because most of the immature fruits contain oxalic acid, benzoic acid and other components, which are difficult to be oxidized and decomposed in the human body, and the products after metabolism are still acidic, which will damage the normal weakly alkaline environment of the human body, leading to the impact on physiological functions.
In addition, some fruits, such as bananas and apricots, contain toxins when they are immature, which is also harmful to the human body.
Therefore, it is not suitable to eat unripe fruit.
Peel the fruit
Many people eat fruit without peeling its skin. They eat it after washing it. In fact, eating fruit like this is very unsanitary.
In order to prevent and control diseases and pests, fruit farmers often use a variety of pesticides during the growth of fruit trees. Some pesticides can be soaked and remain in the wax layer of the peel, so the pesticide residues in the peel are much higher than those in the pulp. Moreover, the pesticide residues in the peel are difficult to wash off with water. If you eat without peeling for a long time, you may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, chest tightness, skin allergy and other reactions, or even damage your stomach and health.
In addition, most fruits have pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs on their skins. If they are not cleaned thoroughly, once eaten, they will cause dysentery Ascariasis And other diseases.
Rinse your mouth after eating fruit
Some people like to eat some fruit after meals to replace gargling and achieve the purpose of cleaning the mouth. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this.
In fact, most fruits contain more sugar. These sugars and fruit residues embedded in the crevices and gingival spaces will gradually ferment in the mouth and become sour. Over time, they will corrode the teeth, easily form dental caries, and eventually produce cavities. Therefore, eating fruit does not clean your mouth. On the contrary, you should rinse your mouth after eating fruit to remove sugar from your mouth.

Weight loss fruit



Kumquat contains rich vitamin C, kumquat glycoside and other nutrients, which can play a role in prevention and control Angiosclerosis It can promote blood circulation and dissipate phlegm. The fruit acid in kumquat can help us increase the secretion of gastric juice, add gastrointestinal peristalsis, and more effectively discharge the accumulated food and toxins in the body. It is a great weight loss fruit.


Pomegranate contains a lot of vitamin C, B, trace elements and protein, which can not only supplement the nutrition needed by the human body, but also stop bleeding and treat some gastrointestinal diseases. The fruit acid contained in it can accelerate the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, clean the grease in the intestines, discharge all the garbage from the body, and make you relaxed.


Loquat is also a fruit that can quickly lose weight. The organic acid contained in it can stimulate the secretion of digestive glands, promote the peristalsis of intestines and stomach, and help us to discharge the garbage in the body; Moreover, it contains very high cellulose content, which is not easy to be absorbed by the human body and can inhibit the growth of fat. It is really great!


Grapes mainly contain glucose, which can be quickly absorbed by the human body. Moreover, it contains unique nutrients that are very rich and suitable for all ages. It can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, but also its fatty acids can help us to promote digestion of the intestines and stomach, quickly remove the body's excess garbage and play a role in weight loss.


Apples are rich in pectin, which can accelerate detoxification and reduce heat absorption. In addition, apples have more potassium, which can prevent leg edema. Chew the slightly hard apple slowly and release the ingredients, which not only makes you feel full, but also has low calories.


The sour taste of lemon is citric acid Mainly, citric acid is an essential part in the process of promoting heat metabolism, and also has the function of eliminating fatigue.
Artificial toxin
  1. one
    Mango: Green mango Cover the skin with quicklime to make it look yellow, but it doesn't taste like mango, and there is also the problem of excessive use of preservatives.
  2. two
    Peach: Soak in industrial citric acid. Juicy peaches are soaked in industrial citric acid. They are bright red and not easy to rot. This chemical residue can damage the nervous system, induce allergic diseases, and even cause cancer. Semi cooked crisp peach, add alum, sweetener, alcohol, etc. to make it crisp and sweet. The main component of alum is aluminum sulfate. Long term consumption will lead to bone hyperplasia, memory decline, dementia, skin elasticity decline, wrinkles increase and other problems. When white peach is smoked with sulfur, there will be residual sulfur dioxide.
  3. three
    Jujube: dyed with chemicals. Soak in boiling water. No matter how green the date is, it turns red after soaking in boiling water. There are also fruit vendors who use chemical colorants to dye and industrial paraffin wax to make jujube poisonous.
  4. four
    Longan: spray sulfur to become bright. Soak in sulfuric acid or acid solution to make it bright. Sulfuric acid is highly corrosive and can burn people's digestive tract. It is also easy to cause colds, diarrhea and strong cough.
  5. five
    Pears: The growth promoting hormone makes them mature early. Use swelling element and growth promoting element to make it precocious, and then use bleaching powder and colorant (lemon yellow) to bleach and dye it. The treated pear juice is less tasteless, sometimes accompanied by peculiar smell and putrid smell. This kind of poisonous pear has a short storage time and is easy to rot.
  6. six
    Banana: ripen with ammonia. Accelerate ripening with ammonia or sulfur dioxide. The skin of this banana is yellow and beautiful, but the flesh tastes stiff and not sweet. Sulfur dioxide causes damage to human nervous system and also affects liver and kidney functions.
  7. seven
    Watermelon: The swelling agent promotes the enlargement. If ripening agents, bulking agents and highly toxic pesticides are used in excess of the standard, the stripes on the watermelon skin are uneven, the flesh is fresh after cutting, and the seeds are white with peculiar smell.

The wonderful use of fruit peel

In our daily life, most people throw away the peel, but in fact, these peel are good helpers for our life. They can help us prevent some diseases and keep us healthy, as long as we know how to use them.

apple skin

It has convergence effect. It can be used to make soup or tea Hyperacidity of stomach It has a certain effect on chronic diarrhea, neurocolitis, hypertension and other diseases. In addition, take a handful of fresh apple peel and mash it into mud, dip it in the cloth strip to wipe the bathtub, washbasin, toilet, etc., to make it as bright as before.

Pomelo peel

It can regulate qi and dissipate phlegm, relieve cough and asthma. Chop a pomelo peel, add some honey or maltose to steam it, add a small amount of hot yellow rice wine, take one spoonful of it orally in the morning and evening, and it can cure the cough and asthma of the elderly; Using pomelo skin to fry soup clothes can dissipate phlegm, digest food, calm asthma and stop colic. In addition, the pomelo peel can be put in the kitchen cupboard and refrigerator to remove odor.

Banana peel

Banana peel contains cannacanin, which can cure skin pruritus caused by fungal and bacterial infections. The banana peel also has the effects of relieving thirst, moistening the lungs and intestines, unblocking the blood vessels, and enhancing the essence. Smash the banana peel and add ginger juice to diminish inflammation and relieve pain. Rubbing hands and feet with banana skin can prevent chaps and chilblains. In addition, it can also treat hypertension and prevent and treat cerebral hemorrhage. Drying and grinding the banana skin into powder is also a good beauty product to protect the skin. In addition, the stains on the vamp can be removed by repeatedly wiping the leather shoes with banana skin. Then apply shoe polish to brighten your feet.

watermelon rind

It is used for relieving heat and thirst, clearing heat and detoxification. The watermelon skin is better than the watermelon flesh. Traditional Chinese medicine uses watermelon skin and juice as medicine“ Watermelon Cuiyi ”It has the effects of clearing away heat, purging fire, removing annoyance, lowering blood pressure, etc. It has certain effects on anemia, dry throat, cleft lip, cystitis, liver ascites, nephritis. In addition, because watermelon skin is rich in vitamin C and E, use it to wipe the skin, or pound it into slurry and apply it on the skin. After 10-15 minutes, wash it with water. It has the functions of nourishing, rejuvenating, beautifying and preventing prickly heat furuncles.

Fruit for invigorating qi and nourishing blood

For women, we can have a good body if we have sufficient qi and blood. So we often need to supplement qi and blood in autumn. In fact, we don't have to drink Chinese medicine or take supplements when replenishing qi and blood. Sometimes we can eat a lot of fruits when replenishing qi and blood. Let's talk about which fruits we often eat to replenish qi and blood.


Sweet and cold in nature. Containing naringin, trifoliate orange glycoside Neohesperidin , carotene, vitamin C, B1, B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sugar and volatile oil. It can lower qi, quicken diaphragm, dissipate phlegm, relieve cough and benefit lung.
However, because of the cold nature of pomelo, you should not eat too much. Two or three pieces is enough.

Citrofortunella microcarpa Wijnands

Sweet and sour, mild and non-toxic. Enters the lung and stomach meridians. Sweet lungs, appetizing and healthy food, thirst quenching and fluid production.
All oranges have this effect, but the most beneficial thing is the small kumquat sold on the fruit stall. It should be included in your daily fruit list.
Fruit Pyramid
Pyramid NO1: apples, bananas
Recommended index: ★★★★★
Apple has a variety of varieties, beautiful appearance, rich nutrition and health functions. It is a healthy food for babies in all periods. Juice, mud, flakes and pieces made from apples are all good auxiliary foods for babies. Apples are rich in zinc. Zinc is a component of many important enzymes in the human body and an important element to promote growth and development, especially an indispensable element to form nucleic acids and proteins closely related to memory. Eating apples often can enhance memory and improve intelligence. Babies from 3 to 4 months old can eat some "soft fruits" such as apple puree and banana puree.
Bananas contain high potassium, which is good for heart and muscle function. At the same time, bananas can help treat constipation, which is good for keeping the baby's digestive tract unblocked. In addition, research also shows that eating bananas can also help babies improve their memory and is suitable for eating before meals. The banana can be crushed into a paste and fed to the baby in small amount.
Add Guide
As a preparation, before adding complementary food to your baby, it is best to drink some vegetable juice for your baby. By doing so, on the one hand, you can supplement the necessary water and vitamins in your baby's body, on the other hand, you can often provide different kinds of juice, which can also enrich your baby's taste.
Methods of apple and banana puree
Ingredients: apple (banana), cold boiled water
How to do it: wash and peel the apple (banana), then slowly scrape it into mud with a scraper or spoon, and then feed it; Or wash and peel the apple, cut it into small pieces the size of soybeans, add proper amount of cold boiled water, steam it for 20-30 minutes, and feed it after it is slightly cool.
Babies eating apples can supplement calcium, phosphorus and other human trace elements, prevent rickets, and also have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and blood. It has a good preventive effect on iron deficiency anemia of babies, and is also suitable for babies with spleen deficiency and indigestion.
Fruit peel nutrition
In cities, many families do not know the characteristics of various food ingredients. They often discard those food ingredients that do not look beautiful because they are used to or do not know how to eat them, including the leaves and stems of many vegetables, and the skins of various vegetables and fruits. In fact, we all know that everything has its own natural laws and principles when vegetables and fruits grow. The peeled skin, selected leaves, roots and stems have many unique nutrients.
Don't lose skin in a hurry. It's a good anti-oxidation weapon.
When cooking in ordinary families, the skins of vegetables and fruits, such as radishes great burdock , apples and tomatoes, etc. However, the outer skin of plants is closest to the sun and has a high ability to synthesize anti ultraviolet substances. It is usually the part with the strongest antioxidant capacity. As long as it is cleaned, it should be used as much as possible.

Fruit flavor

The fruit is getting sweeter and sweeter, which is actually the result of the two-way rush of consumers and the market. Sweetening is the pursuit of human instinct. "Sweet" often means the existence of sugar, which can quickly and efficiently provide energy for the normal operation of the human body. In order to meet the needs of consumers, the whole production chain from breeding to cultivation will strive for "sweeter" indicators.
Breeding is the first step for fruit to become sweet. In order to breed varieties that meet the needs, cross breeding, stock breeding, bud breeding, ploidy breeding, molecular marker assisted breeding and other technical means are commonly used. In the past, the sweetness of watermelons reached 12, which was already very high. However, the new watermelon variety Golden Luohuang launched in Japan in 2020 not only has attractive golden yellow flesh, but also has a maximum sweetness of 20. The sweetness of ordinary pineapple is generally about 8-10, while the sweetness of Philippine black diamond pineapple can reach 16.
The fruit has become sweet and will continue to become sweeter. So can you eat such sweet fruit at ease? Will the sugar exceed the standard? Fruit sweetness index is calculated according to the sugar content of fruit. Some fruits become sweet, which is really related to the increase of sugar content.
But not all high sweet fruits are like this. "Sweet" is a taste experience, which is mainly affected by sugar, but also by other substances, such as bitter substances, sour substances, sour substances, etc.
In the formation of fruit flavor, organic acid is the key component that affects the flavor, and the ratio of sugar and acid is the index that really determines the flavor of fruit. If the sugar acid ratio is high, the taste will be sweet. If the sugar acid ratio is medium, the taste will be sour and sweet. If the sugar acid ratio is low, the taste will be sour.
Some fruits become sweet by reducing acid. For example, the sugar content of Jufeng and Yangguang Rose is not much different, but the acid content of Jufeng is almost twice that of Yangguang Rose, which also makes the sugar acid ratio of Yangguang Rose reach more than 60, 1-3 times that of other fruits.
in general, The sweetening of fruits may be caused by many factors, such as the increase of sugar content, the decrease of acid content, and the increase of the proportion of fruit acid. Sweeter fruits may not necessarily bring more sugar. Of course, even if the sugar content of fruit is indeed higher than before, there is no need to worry about health for the time being. [3]
Data Graph [3]