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State Key Laboratory of Hydropower Equipment (Harbin Power Plant Equipment Group Company)

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State Key Laboratory of Hydropower Equipment rely on Harbin Power Station Equipment Group Co., Ltd , the lab is Ministry of Science and Technology In July 2007, 36 institutions and enterprises were approved for construction for the first time State Key Laboratory of Enterprises one of.
corporate name
State Key Laboratory of Hydropower Equipment (Harbin Power Plant Equipment Group Company)
Foreign name
State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Power Equipment
Headquarters location
Date of establishment
July 2007
State Key Laboratory of Enterprises

Brief overview

On July 15, 2010, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized experts to check and accept the construction of the State Key Laboratory of Hydropower Equipment in Harbin. Department of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Technology , Basic Research Management Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province Harbin Science and Technology Bureau And other relevant department heads and relevant personnel attended the meeting. The acceptance expert group is composed of well-known scientists from domestic colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and industry associations, Shanghai Jiaotong University Academician Rao Fangquan is the expert leader. After discussion, the expert group believed that the laboratory attached importance to the role of academic leaders and key scientific and technological personnel, formulated corresponding rules and regulations, and attached importance to the laboratory construction by the supporting unit, which successfully completed the requirements of the construction plan and achieved the construction goals. The expert group unanimously agreed that the laboratory passed the acceptance. At the same time, the expert group made valuable suggestions to the laboratory on refining key research directions, enhancing technology diffusion capacity and strengthening international exchanges.

research field

The laboratory carries out research on applied basic technology, key and common technologies around hydropower equipment, guides enterprises to strengthen early technology research and investment, creates an environment conducive to independent innovation, and promotes the construction of a technology innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market orientation, and combination of industry, education and research. Scientific research has been carried out in five directions, including key common technologies of hydropower equipment, and a number of scientific research achievements have been achieved; A batch of internationally advanced test instruments and equipment have been purchased, and the research platform required for large-scale test has been newly built and reconstructed.