
chemical element
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Hydrogen is a chemical element with the symbol H in the periodic table of ele ments In the first place. Hydrogen usual Simple substance Form is hydrogen , colorless, tasteless and odorless, is a highly inflammable Diatomic molecule Hydrogen is the lightest gas. Hydrogen is used in medicine to treat diseases. [1]
The explosion limit of hydrogen is 4.0~74.2% (the volume ratio of hydrogen to the total volume of mixture).
Chinese name
Foreign name
molecular weight
2.01588 (Note: the hydrogen molecule has two atoms, and the atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.00794)
CAS login number
EINECS login number
Melting point
-259 ℃
Boiling point
-253 ℃
Water solubility
0.07 g/cm³ [3] (-252℃)
Used as raw material for synthesis of ammonia, methanol and hydrochloric acid, reducing agent for metallurgy, etc
Security description
S16/33: Keep away from fire source and take protective measures to prevent static electricity
Hazard symbol
F+: very flammable substance
Hazard description
R12: Extremely flammable
UN dangerous goods number
Element symbol
Atomic number
S area
First cycle
IA family
Electronic layout
1s one
2.20 (Pauling scale)

Historical development

As early as the 16th century, a Swiss doctor Hydrogen was found. He said, "Take iron filings deliver to sulphuric acid There will be bubbles, rising like a whirlwind. " He also found that the gas could burn. However, he is a famous doctor with many patients, so he has no time to do further research.
In the 17th century, another doctor discovered hydrogen. But at that time, people believed that no matter what gas can exist alone, it can neither be collected nor measured. The doctor thought that hydrogen was no different from air, and soon gave up the research.
It was a British chemist in 1766 who first collected hydrogen and studied it carefully Cavendish
Cavendish likes chemistry experiments very much. He accidentally dropped an iron plate into the experiment hydrochloric acid When he was upset about his carelessness, he found bubbles in the hydrochloric acid solution, which attracted him. He did several more experiments zinc and iron Sufficient hydrochloric acid and Dilute sulfuric acid (The quality of sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid used each time is different). It is found that the amount of gas generated is fixed. This indicates that the generation of this new gas has nothing to do with the type of acid used and the concentration of acid.
For Cavendish Drainage method After collecting new gas, he found that this gas could not help the burning of candles or the breathing of animals. If it was mixed with air, it would explode in case of Mars. After many experiments, Cavendish finally discovered the explosion limit of this new gas after mixing with ordinary air. He wrote in his paper: If this Combustible gas The content of is 9 . Less than 5% or more than 65% will burn but not explode during ignition.
Soon afterwards, he measured the specific gravity of this gas, and then found that the product of this gas after combustion was water, no doubt this gas was hydrogen. Cavendish's research has been more detailed. He just needs to announce to the outside world that he has found a hydrogen element and give it a name. But Cavendish suffered“ Phlogiston theory ”He insists that water is an element and does not admit that he accidentally discovered a new element.
later Lavoisier After hearing about this, he repeated Cavendish's experiment, believing that water is not an element but a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. In 1787, he formally proposed that "hydrogen" is an element. Because the product of hydrogen combustion is water, he named it "the producer of water" in Latin. [1]
In January 2016, scientists from the University of Edinburgh, UK, used diamond anvils to create an extremely high-pressure state, thus generating the "fifth state hydrogen", that is, the solid metal state of hydrogen. Hydrogen in this state usually exists in large planets or solar cores. The molecules are separated into single atoms, and the electrons behave like metal electrons.

Content distribution

Atomic spectrum of hydrogen
There is very little free hydrogen on the earth and in the earth's atmosphere. In the crust, hydrogen only accounts for 1% of the total mass if calculated by mass, and 17% if calculated by atomic percentage. Hydrogen is widely distributed in nature, and water is the "warehouse" of hydrogen - the mass fraction of hydrogen in water is 11%; About 1 in the soil . 5% hydrogen; Oil, natural gas, animals and plants also contain hydrogen. In the air, hydrogen is not much, accounting for about five millionths of the total volume. In the whole universe, hydrogen is the most element in terms of atomic percentage. According to research, in the sun's atmosphere, hydrogen accounts for 81 . 75%。 In space, the number of hydrogen atoms is about 100 times larger than the total sum of all other elements. [1]

Materialized attribute


Element Introduction

Hydrogen is Atomic number The chemical element with the chemical symbol of H is 1, which is the first in the periodic table of elements. Its atomic mass is 1 . 00794u, the lightest element, is also the most abundant element in the universe, accounting for about 75% of the universe's mass. The main components of stars in the main sequence are Plasma state Hydrogen. On the earth, natural conditions Free state Hydrogen is relatively rare. [2]
The most common isotope of hydrogen is Protium (pi e), including 1 proton , excl neutron stay Ionic compound The hydrogen atom can obtain an electron to become a hydrogen anion (H - Indicate) Composition hydride , can also lose an electron to become a hydrogen cation (with H + Stands for short Hydrogen ion )But hydrogen ions actually exist in a more complex form. Hydrogen and removal Noble gas Almost all elements except can form compounds, which exist in water and almost all organic substances. It is particularly important in acid-base chemistry. Hydrogen ion exchange often occurs in acid-base reactions. As the simplest atom, hydrogen has special theoretical value in atomic physics. yes hydrogen atom Of energy level , bonding, etc quantum mechanics Played a key role in the development of. [2]
Hydrogen (H two )It was first artificially synthesized in the early 16th century by putting metals in strong acids. 1766-81, Henry Cavendish It is found that hydrogen is another gas different from the gas previously found, which generates water when burning. This property also determines the Latin name "hydrogen" (meaning "the substance that generates water"). Under normal temperature and pressure, hydrogen is a kind of gas that is easy to burn, colorless, transparent, odorless and tasteless.
The hydrogen atom has very strong Reducibility Hydrogen is very active at high temperatures. Except for rare gas elements, almost all elements can form compounds with hydrogen. [2]

Basic Attributes

Substance state
The content of elements in the sun
Content in the crust
one . 5%
Atmospheric content
zero . 0001%
Proton mass
one . 673×10 -27 [4]
Proton relative mass
one . 00794
Number of families
Molar mass
H two O
Highest valence oxide
H two O

Atomic attribute

Peripheral electronic layout
1s one
Extranuclear electron arrangement
Electronic layer
Atomic weight
one point zero zero seven nine four
Atomic radius
(Calculated value) 25 (53) pm
Covalent radius
Vander Waals radius

Specific nature

Colorless gas at normal temperature
melting point
fourteen . 025K(-259 . 125℃)
boiling point
twenty . 268K(-252 . 882℃)
Three phase point
critical point
Molar volume
twenty-two . 4L/mol
Heat of vaporization
zero . 44936kJ/mol
Heat of fusion
zero . 05868kJ/mol
Vapor pressure
209 Pascal (23K)
Specific heat capacity
sound velocity
1270m/s(293 . 15K)
Ionization energy (kJ/mol)
M-M + one thousand three hundred and twelve
Density and hardness
zero . 0899kg/m³(273K)、NA
Thermal conductivity


Hydrogen is the only element whose isotope has a different name. (In history, different isotopes of each element have different names, which are no longer used.) D and T can also be used as deuterium (deuterium) and tritium (tritium), but P has been used as the symbol of phosphorus, so it is no longer used as the symbol of protium. according to IUPAC Guidelines, D or two H and T or three H can be used, but it is recommended two H and three H (isotope relative atomic mass is different), protium is usually used in life.
Hydrogen isotopes in nature include:
Protium (pi e) (hydrogen 1, H)
Deuterium (d  o) (hydrogen 2, heavy hydrogen, D)
Tritium (chu  n) (hydrogen 3, superheavy hydrogen, T)
Isotopes synthesized artificially include: hydrogen - 4, hydrogen - 5, hydrogen - 6, and hydrogen - 7
Protium (hydrogen - 1)
Protium has only one proton in its nucleus, and its abundance reaches 99 . 98% is the simplest atom. [1]
Deuterium (hydrogen - 2)
Deuterium is a stable isotope of hydrogen, also known as Deuterium , the element symbol is generally two H or D. Its nucleus consists of a proton and a neutron. The content of hydrogen in nature is about 7000 times that of ordinary hydrogen. Isotopes of hydrogen (H), which Relative atomic mass It is twice that of ordinary hydrogen. A small amount of it exists in natural water. It is used for nuclear reaction And in the research work of chemistry and biology Tracer atom (deuterium) - also called "heavy hydrogen", element symbol is D.
Tritium (hydrogen - 3)
Tritium, also known as superheavy hydrogen, is one of the isotopes of hydrogen. The element symbol is T or three H。 Its nucleus is composed of one proton and two neutrons, with radioactivity , will occur Beta decay Its half-life is 12 . 43 years. Extremely small in nature, it is made from nuclear reaction and mainly used for Thermonuclear reaction
Hydrogen - 4
Hydrogen - 4, one of the isotopes of hydrogen, contains one proton and three neutrons. In the laboratory, the deuterium nucleus is used to bomb the tritium nucleus to synthesize a hydrogen - 4 nucleus. In this process, the tritium nucleus will absorb a neutron from the deuterium nucleus. The mass of hydrogen-4 is 4 . 0279121u, half life Is 9 . 93696×10 -22 Seconds.
Hydrogen - 4.1
Hydrogen 4.1 is similar in structure helium It contains two protons and two neutrons, but because one of the electrons is a muon, but because of the special orbit of the muon, the orbit is very close to the atomic nucleus, and the innermost electron orbit is very outside compared with the muon orbit. Therefore, the muon can be regarded as a part of the atomic nucleus, so the whole atom can be regarded as: the atomic nucleus is composed of one muon, two protons and two neutrons There is only one electron outside, so it can be regarded as an isotope of hydrogen and a strange atom. A tiny child weighs about 0 . 1u, hence the name hydrogen-4 . 1( four . one H)。 Hydrogen - 4 . An atom can react with other elements, unlike a hydrogen atom inertia Helium atom.
Hydrogen - 5
Hydrogen - 5 is one of the isotopes of hydrogen. Its atomic nucleus contains four neutrons and a proton. In the laboratory, a tritium atomic nucleus is used to bomb tritium, which makes tritium absorb the neutrons of two tritium atomic nuclei to form hydrogen - 5. The half-life of hydrogen-5 is very short, only 8 . 01930×10 -22 Seconds.
Hydrogen - 6
Hydrogen - 6, one of the unstable hydrogen isotopes, contains one proton and five neutrons with a half-life of 3 × 10 -22 Seconds.
Hydrogen - 7
Hydrogen - 7, one of the unstable hydrogen isotopes, contains one proton and six neutrons.


Proton number
Neutron number
Atomic mass unit (u)
half life
Nuclear spin
Variation rate of abundance
one H
one . 007,825,032,07(10)
Stable [> 2 . 8×10 twenty-three Year]
zero . 999885(70)
zero . 999816~0 . nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-four
two H
two . 0141017778(4)
zero . 000115(70)
zero . 000026~0 . 000184
three H
twelve . 32 (2) years
four H
four . 02781(11)
one . 39(10)×10 -22 s[4 . 6(9)MeV]
five H
five . 03531(11)
>9 . 1×10 -22 s
six H
six . 04494(28)
two . 90(70)×10 -22 s[1 . 6(4)MeV]
seven H
seven . 05275(108)#
two . 3(6)×10 -23 #s[20(5)#MeV]
remarks: The data marked with # represents theoretical speculation without experimental proof, while the data enclosed in parentheses represents data uncertainty.

Biological effects of hydrogen

As early as 1975, someone had carried out research on the treatment of tumors with hydrogen. Later, in 2001, French scholars used high-pressure hydrogen to treat liver parasitic infections. The early research can only simply observe the reaction of hydrogen after it is breathed by animals. Obviously, the observation results prove that hydrogen has no significant effect on animals. As for the biological effect of hydrogen, the most lively place belongs to diving medicine, because hydrogen, as the gas for human diving breathing, has been deeply studied by many important international diving medical research units. The most important premise of hydrogen as a breathing gas is the safety of the gas, that is, it cannot have a significant impact on the human body, including breathing the gas under extreme pressure. Many years of diving medical research has proved that breathing hydrogen is very safe, but it also gives people a deep impression that breathing hydrogen has no obvious biological effect on the human body. In 2007, Japanese scholars reported that animals breathing 2% hydrogen can effectively eliminate highly toxic free radicals and significantly improve cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Chemical reaction and cytological methods proved that hydrogen dissolved in liquid can selectively neutralize hydroxyl free radicals and nitrite anions. The latter two are the most important mediators of oxidative damage. The lack of their clearance mechanism in the body is an important basis for the occurrence of many diseases. Then they used animal models of hepatic ischemia and myocardial ischemia to prove that breathing 2% hydrogen can treat hepatic and myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury. Drinking saturated hydrogen water can treat nerve damage caused by stress and chronic oxidative damage caused by oxidative stress animals with gene deficiency. Nakao, a scholar at the organ transplantation center of the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, and others later proved that breathing 2% hydrogen can treat inflammatory damage caused by small intestine transplantation, and drinking saturated hydrogen water can treat myocardial damage after heart transplantation and chronic kidney disease after kidney transplantation. Xie Keliang of the Fourth Military Medical University in China and other researchers have proved that breathing hydrogen can treat animal system inflammation, multiple organ failure and acute brain injury. Sun Xuejun and other researchers also proved that breathing 2% hydrogen can treat neonatal cerebral ischemia and hypoxia injury. Later, Sun Xuejun and others successfully prepared saturated hydrogen injection, and cooperated with more than 40 laboratories in China. They successively found that the injection had significant effects on pain, arthritis, acute pancreatitis, senile dementia, chronic oxygen poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning delayed encephalopathy, cirrhosis, fatty liver, spinal cord injury, chronic hypoxia, peritonitis, colitis, neonatal cerebral ischemia and hypoxia injury Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, renal ischemia-reperfusion injury and intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury have good therapeutic effect. These studies show that hydrogen is an ideal free radical, especially a good scavenger of toxic free radicals, and has potential clinical application prospects. [1]

Preparation method


Industrial process

Water gas method:
In addition electrolysis France, hydrocarbon splitting Method, hydrocarbon steam conversion method, etc. Laboratory made zinc and Dilute sulfuric acid Reaction:
If used hydrochloric acid , the produced hydrogen may be mixed with Hydrogen chloride Gas (HCl), because dilute hydrochloric acid also has a certain volatility.
If iron or magnesium is used as the metal, the reaction rate will affect the experimental observation effect.
Other methods:

Elemental purification

With the development of semiconductor industry, fine chemical industry and photoelectric fiber industry High purity hydrogen Needs. For example, the semiconductor production process needs to use 99 . More than 999% of high purity hydrogen. However, the purity of hydrogen obtained by various hydrogen production methods in industry is not high. In order to meet the demand for various high-purity hydrogen in industry, hydrogen must be further purified. Hydrogen purification methods can be roughly divided into two categories (physical method and chemical method) purification The main methods are low temperature adsorption, low temperature liquefaction, metal hydride hydrogen purification; In addition, there are palladium membrane diffusion method, hollow fiber membrane diffusion method and PSA And six other methods.
Applicable feed gas
Hydrogen concentration produced (%)
Applicable specifications
High pressure catalytic method
Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to remove oxygen
Oxygen containing hydrogen, mainly produced by electrolysis
ninety-nine point nine nine nine
Metal hydride separation method
After forming metal hydride with hydrogen, heat or reduce pressure to decompose it
Gas with low hydrogen content
middle-sized and small
High pressure adsorption method
Adsorbent selectively adsorbs impurities
Any hydrogen containing gas
ninety-nine point nine nine nine
Low temperature separation method
Condensate gas at low temperature
Any hydrogen containing gas
Palladium alloy film diffusion method
Palladium alloy film has selective permeability to hydrogen, and other gases cannot penetrate
Gas with low hydrogen content
middle-sized and small
Polymer film diffusion method
The diffusion rate of gas through the film is different
Refinery waste gas
Small [1]

Storage method

Hydrogen is a clean and renewable energy with high energy density, but its special nature makes it difficult to store at room temperature and pressure, leak There is a danger of explosion. If the storage technology can be broken through, it can be widely used in various power equipment. China uses special solutions to absorb a large amount of hydrogen, which can absorb more than 50 kg per cubic meter. Usually, it can be stored stably catalyzer Hydrogen can be released, Hydrogen storage material It can be reused for 2000 times. This technology is leading in the world, or may trigger a revolution in hydrogen utilization.
There are many methods for hydrogen storage, but the efficient hydrogen storage methods mainly include: Liquefied hydrogen storage (The cost is too high, and high energy is required to maintain its liquefaction); Compressed hydrogen storage (both weight density and bulk density are very low); metal hydrides (The bulk storage density is high, but the weight density is low), and the carbon nanotube adsorption hydrogen storage under study. (It has been proved that single-walled carbon nanotubes can absorb 5% - 10% of hydrogen and multi walled carbon nanotubes can store 14% of hydrogen at room temperature and under a pressure of less than 1 bar (about one atmospheric pressure), but these reports have been questioned because there is no internationally recognized detection standard for carbon nanotubes to detect hydrogen storage.) At present, according to theoretical calculation and repeated verification, it is generally believed that the reversible hydrogen storage/desorption amount is about 5% (mass density percentage), but even only 5% is the best hydrogen storage material so far.
Hydrogen storage and transportation technology is the main technical bottleneck restricting the development of hydrogen energy. At present, its research mainly focuses on hydrogen storage and transportation technologies such as high-pressure oxygen storage tanks, light metal materials, complex hydride materials, and organic liquid materials. The vision of dissolving hydrogen in liquid materials through special treatment to realize normalization and safe application of hydrogen energy, and even shipping with ordinary mineral water bottles, is gradually approaching reality. The industry believes that this technology is at the international leading level and may lead to a revolution in hydrogen utilization.
On September 9, 2014, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) The liquid hydrogen storage technology developed by the Sustainable Energy Laboratory has completed the research in the laboratory stage and is preparing for large-scale pilot test and engineering test.
The team successfully overcame the technical bottleneck that hydrogen energy is difficult to store and release under normal temperature and pressure by using the method of catalytic hydrogenation of unsaturated aromatic compounds, realized the transportation of hydrogen energy liquid under normal temperature and pressure, and overcame the disadvantages of high cost and high risk of traditional high-pressure transportation. The stored hydrogen can be used after being released by catalyst under mild conditions. The technical performance indicators of hydrogen storage materials exceed the standards for vehicle hydrogen storage materials issued by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Laboratory research shows that the melting point of hydrogen storage molecules can be as low as - 20 ℃, which can achieve efficient catalytic hydrogenation at about 150 ℃, and can be stored and transported under normal temperature and pressure; When the catalytic dehydrogenation temperature is lower than 200 ℃, the purity of hydrogen produced in the dehydrogenation process can reach 99.99%, and no CO and NH are produced three And other gases; Hydrogen storage materials have high cycle life and strong reversibility (more than 2000 times); Mass hydrogen storage capacity>5.5wt%, volume capacity>50kg (H2) · m-3. Cheng Hansong told the reporter that the catalyst used can be reused without regeneration, and does not need to be updated within 5 years.


Hydrogen is an important industrial raw material, such as production synthetic ammonia And methanol, also used for refining petroleum The hydrogenated organic substances are used as shrink gases in oxygen hydrogen flame fusion splicers and rocket fuels. Using hydrogen at high temperature will metallic oxide Compared with other methods, the property of the product produced by reduction is easier to control, and the purity of the metal is also high. Widely used for tungsten, molybdenum, cobalt, iron, etc metal powder And the production of germanium and silicon. Because hydrogen is very light, people use it to make hydrogen balloons. Hydrogen and oxygen When combining, a large amount of heat is released and used for cutting Metal [1]
utilize Hydrogen isotope Deuterium and tritiated atomic fusion The energy generated by Hydrogen bomb , its power ratio Atomic bomb Much larger.
Clean energy, used as fuel for automobiles, etc. For this reason, the United States also proposed the National Hydrogen Power Plan in 2002. However, due to the immature technology, a large number of industrial applications have not been carried out. In 2003, scientists found that the use of hydrogen fuel would increase the hydrogen in the atmosphere by about 4-8 times. Think it might make Stratosphere The upper end of the ozone hole is colder and has more clouds, which will also aggravate the expansion of the ozone hole. However, some factors can also offset this effect, such as the reduction of chlorofluoromethane use, soil absorption, and fuel cell The development of new technologies.
At room temperature, hydrogen is relatively inactive, but it can be activated with a suitable catalyst. At high temperatures, hydrogen is highly reactive. Except for rare gas elements, almost all elements can form compounds with hydrogen. Nonmetallic element Of hydride It is usually called some hydrogen, such as Hydrogen halide hydrogen sulfide Etc; The hydrides of metal elements are called metal hydrides, such as Lithium hydride Calcium hydride Etc.
Hydrogen is an important industrial raw material, a future energy source and the cleanest fuel.
Hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium can be applied to nuclear fusion , provide energy, because of technical reasons, nuclear fusion power generation can not be widely used. [2]

industrial production

Different hydrogen production methods have different fixed investment and marginal cost. The energy and fuel for hydrogen production can come from various sources, such as natural gas nuclear energy , solar energy wind power Biofuels coal mine Other fossil fuels and geothermal energy.

Medical use

1、 Overview of hydrogen therapy for diseases
In 2007, Ohsawa's report on selective anti-oxidation of hydrogen and its therapeutic effect on cerebral ischemia in rats was a pioneering work in this field. Although there were reports on hydrogen anti-oxidation as early as 1975 and 2001, the effect of breathing 800kpa hydrogen for 14 days was studied in 2001, while the effect of breathing 2kPa hydrogen for less than 1 hour was reported in 2007. The difference between the partial pressure of the two is 400 times, and the difference between the breathing time is 600 times, so this is definitely a work of completely different nature. In this study, the middle artery of rats was temporarily blocked for 90 minutes (a suture was inserted into the starting segment of the middle cerebral artery), and then perfused. This is a classic animal model of stroke, similar to the situation of blood flow recovery after cerebral ischemia. The animals were given 35 minutes of mixed gas containing 1, 2 and 4% hydrogen 5 minutes before the blood supply was restored. The results showed that the necrotic volume of brain tissue was significantly reduced. Japanese scholars attributed this effect to the fact that hydrogen can selectively neutralize hydroxyl radicals (hydroxyl radicals are the most toxic free radicals in organisms). Although hydrogen can also neutralize nitrite anions, its effect is relatively weak. After the publication of this article, it quickly attracted wide attention from the international community, and a large number of clinical and basic medical scholars quickly followed up. Up to now, 63 disease types have been proved to be effectively treated by hydrogen. The annual number of hydrogen biology articles, such as 3 in 2007, 15 in 2008, 26 in 2009, 50 in 2010, 63 in 2011, and 95 in 2012, shows an explosive growth. The molecular effects of hydrogen can exist in a variety of tissues and diseases, such as brain, spinal cord, eyes, ears, lungs, heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, small intestine, blood vessels, muscles, cartilage, metabolic system, perinatal diseases and inflammation. Among these organs, tissues and disease states, hydrogen has the most significant therapeutic effect on organ ischemia-reperfusion injury and inflammation related diseases. There are 4 articles related to malignant tumors. [1]
2、 Pathophysiological mechanism of hydrogen therapy for diseases
At present, the mainstream view on the pathophysiological mechanism of hydrogen treatment for diseases is still the selective anti-oxidation of hydrogen. On the basis of selective anti-oxidation, people have successively proved that hydrogen has therapeutic effects on oxidative damage, inflammatory reaction, cell apoptosis and abnormal vascular proliferation in the process of various diseases. Reactive oxygen species play an important role in the pathophysiological process of human important acute and chronic diseases, such as various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as stroke and myocardial infarction, metabolic diseases, such as diabetic arteriosclerosis. It is an intermediate product of molecular oxygen in the reduction process, including two categories of substances in the form of oxygen free radicals and non oxygen free radicals, Oxygen free radicals include hydroxyl free radicals, superoxide anions, nitric oxide, nitrite anions and other substances. Under physiological conditions, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are constantly produced and eliminated in the body, and are in dynamic balance. However, under the pathological conditions such as ischemia and inflammation, the body will produce a large number of reactive oxygen species. Among them, hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite anions are the main mediators of oxidative damage due to their strong toxicity. However, nitric oxide, superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide are less toxic and play an important role in signal transduction. In the past, in the treatment of antioxidant damage, drugs with strong reducibility may lead to a new imbalance in the redox state of the body. In 2007, Ohsawa et al. confirmed that hydrogen can selectively scavenge highly toxic hydroxyl radicals and nitrite anions, but has little impact on other reactive oxygen species with important biological functions and low toxicity. This is the selective antioxidant effect of hydrogen. This effect provides a new idea for antioxidant treatment. As early as 2001, Gharib et al. reported that inhaling hydrogen at 8 atmospheres has a therapeutic effect on the inflammatory reaction caused by liver schistosomiasis infection. They believed that the direct reaction of hydrogen with hydroxyl free radicals is the basis of hydrogen's anti-inflammatory effect. In 2009, Kajiya et al reported that hydrogen can significantly inhibit the colon inflammatory reaction induced by dextran sodium sulfate, reduce the level of inflammatory factors in the damaged colon, alleviate the pathological damage of inflammation, and improve the prognosis. The anti-inflammatory effect of hydrogen is related to its inhibition of reactive oxygen species production, neutralization of hydroxyl radicals, and inhibition of the release of proinflammatory factors. In addition, macrophages play an important role in inflammatory response and immune regulation, and the regulation of hydrogen on macrophages has laid the foundation for its anti-inflammatory effect. In 2008, Sun Xuejun and other researchers found that hydrogen can reduce tissue damage in rat models of ischemia and hypoxia. Breathing low concentrations of hydrogen can time-dependently reduce the activities of apoptotic enzymes Caspase-3 and Caspase-12, and reduce the number of apoptotic positive cells. Research suggests that the role of hydrogen is related to reducing Caspase dependent apoptosis. Kubota et al. reported that the use of hydrogen containing water eye drops has the effect of anti corneal vascular proliferation. [1]
3、 Therapeutic effect of hydrogen on central nervous system diseases
Since the discovery of the biological effects of hydrogen, hydrogen has obvious protective effects on the dysfunction of central nervous system diseases represented by cerebrovascular diseases and senile dementia.
Therapeutic effect of hydrogen on cerebrovascular disease
After the therapeutic effect of breathing hydrogen on the left middle cerebral artery occlusion model in rats reported by Ohsawa et al. in 2007. Sun Xuejun and others soon proved that breathing hydrogen has an ideal therapeutic effect on hypoxic-ischemic brain injury caused by neonatal asphyxia. They found that hydrogen has an inhibitory effect on the activity of neuron apoptosis enzyme after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. The decline of apoptosis enzyme activity leads to the reduction of neuronal apoptosis and the reduction of neuronal necrosis. Thus, it can reduce brain damage and protect the brain function of adults. Hydrogen has protective effect on brain injury caused by cardiac arrest, which further confirms the protective effect of hydrogen on hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Edaravone is the only antioxidant approved for stroke treatment at present. Compared with simply using Edaravone, hydrogen combined with Edaravone has achieved better improvement in the above nuclear magnetic resonance detection indicators. The LomaLinda Institute of Neurosurgery in the United States and three laboratories including Nanjing Medical University and the Neurosurgery Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University have reported that hydrogen breathing and injection of hydrogen physiological saline have ideal protective effects on early brain injury, neuronal necrosis, cerebral edema and vasospasm caused by cerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Therapeutic effect of hydrogen on neurodegenerative diseases
Parkinson's disease is a disease caused by the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the brainstem nucleus. It is often a secondary manifestation of many other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. Sun Xuejun and others began to give animals hydrogen saturated water at will one week before the model preparation, and found that this treatment could completely eliminate the symptoms of unilateral Parkinson's disease. The number of dopamine neurons on the injection side of the non treatment group was reduced to 40.2% compared with the control side, while the number of dopamine neurons in the treatment group was only reduced to 83%. Even if hydrogen water treatment was started 3 days after model preparation, unilateral Parkinson's disease symptoms could still be suppressed, but the treatment effect was lower than that of pre-treatment, and the number of neurons was reduced to 76.3% compared with the control side. 48 hours after the preparation of the model, the tyrosine hydroxylase activity of dopamine neuron terminals in the striatum of the pre-treatment group was significantly decreased in the model control group and the treatment group. Fujita et al. used MPTP induced mouse Parkinson's disease model to prove that hydrogen has a similar effect. The results show that hydrogen has a better therapeutic effect than other treatments such as ginkgo biloba leaves. [1]
4、 Therapeutic effect of hydrogen on liver disease
The research on the application of hydrogen in the field of liver is very outstanding. As early as 2001, some scholars in the field of diving medicine in France hoped to prove the antioxidant effect of hydrogen. With the help of the equipment, technology and personnel of COMEXSA, a famous French saturation diving equipment company in Marseille, they carried out this research. The mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni in the liver were allowed to breathe hydrogen oxygen mixture (hydrogen concentration was 87.5%, partial pressure was 0.7Mpa) for 14 consecutive days, and the effects on liver function, liver tissue oxidative damage, fibrosis and blood inflammation in mice were observed. The research results showed that continuous breathing of high-pressure hydrogen could damage liver tissue Inflammatory reaction and late liver fibrosis have very significant protective effects. Fukuda et al. established a rat liver ischemia-reperfusion model in 2007. Through HE staining, MDA and liver function enzymology detection of tissue samples, it was found that hydrogen therapy had a very obvious therapeutic effect on liver ischemia injury. In 2009, Kajiya, a scholar from Harvard University Stomatological Hospital, et al. made rats drink bacteria that can produce hydrogen in the experiment, and found that it has a preventive effect on the hepatitis induced by concanavalin. If these bacteria are killed with antibiotics, the anti hepatitis effect will disappear, which shows the preventive and therapeutic effect of hydrogen on hepatitis. They also demonstrated that drinking hydrogen saturated water has a similar therapeutic effect on concanavalin induced hepatitis. In the same year, Tsai et al found that drinking hydrogen rich electrolyzed water could protect liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice. Chinese scholar Sun Hanyong and others adopted GalN/LPS, CCl4 and DEN animal models of liver injury. By detecting the levels of hydrogen and reactive oxygen species, and evaluating the degree of oxidative damage, cell apoptosis and inflammatory reaction, it was found that intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen physiological saline had a significant inhibitory effect on acute liver injury, liver fibrosis and liver cell proliferation, while the activities of cell death related molecules such as JNK and caspase-3 decreased, The results show that hydrogen can not only treat acute liver injury, but also treat cirrhosis. Liu Qu and other researchers believe that intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen physiological saline can treat jaundice and liver injury after bile duct obstruction by improving liver antioxidant capacity and inhibiting liver inflammatory reaction, which is of great clinical significance. The research on nonalcoholic fatty liver has proved that drinking hydrogen water for a long time can fight against fatty liver caused by high-fat diet, which not only has a significant blocking effect on liver function and liver morphology such as fibrosis, but also has a significant blocking effect on the signal pathways in cells related to fatty liver. This effect can be compared with the traditional drug pioglitazone (which promotes insulin Receptor sensitivity, lowering blood lipid). Long term drinking hydrogen water can not only fight against fatty liver, but also significantly reduce the proportion of fatty liver transformed into liver cancer in late stage, that is to say, it can reduce the possibility of fatty liver developing liver cancer. Hydrogen can play a role in weight loss and treatment of fatty liver by promoting an important signal molecule FGF21. The clinical research of hydrogen in liver diseases is very scarce. Recently, Korean scholar Kang et al. used a randomized placebo control method to give 49 patients with malignant liver cancer who received radiotherapy a certain amount of hydrogen water made of magnesium during radiotherapy. Through the evaluation of the quality of life, it was found that the hydrogen water could significantly improve the life of liver cancer patients after radiotherapy, At the same time, it can reduce the oxidative stress indicators in the blood. As a selective antioxidant, hydrogen has an effective and obvious therapeutic effect on liver ischemia, drug-induced hepatitis, cirrhosis caused by bile duct obstruction, fatty liver and other types of liver diseases. [1]
5、 Clinical research progress of hydrogen
So far, there have been 7 clinical research reports on diseases, including Type 2 diabetes Metabolic syndrome Hemodialysis inflammation /Mitochondrial myopathy brainstem Ischemia and side effects of radiotherapy and systemic lupus erythematosus. It can be found from the information registered by the World Health Organization that there are also some clinical studies without published papers. These research reports show that hydrogen plays a key role in regulating lipid metabolism and glucose metabolism. [1]

natural gas

It needs 15% after the improvement of gas electricity symbiosis . 9 million cubic meters of gas. If 500 kilograms of gas is produced by a modified gas station (such as a high-tech gas station) every day, it is equivalent to 777 kilograms of modified gas , 000 gas stations cost $1 trillion; It can produce 150 million tons of hydrogen every year. Assuming that the investment cost of additional hydrogen distribution system is not required, it is equal to $3 per GGE unit . $00 for nuclear power.
To provide Electrolytic water Hydrogen power source. Requires 240 , 000 tons of uranium ore - provide 2 , 000 600 MW power plants equal to $840 billion, equal to $2 per GGE unit .50 USD.

solar energy

Hydrogen power source used to provide electrolytic water. The solar panel technology that requires 2500 kW (per hour) efficiency per square meter has a total of 113 million 40 kW units, and the cost is estimated to be about $22 trillion, equal to $9 per GGE unit . $50.

Hydrogen energy

The chemical element hydrogen (H) is the first in the periodic table of elements, and it is the smallest of all atoms. As we all know, hydrogen molecule combines with oxygen molecule to form water, and the usual simple form of hydrogen is hydrogen (H two )It is a colorless, odorless, highly inflammable diatomic gas. Hydrogen is the gas with the lowest density. stay Standard status At (0 ℃ and one atmospheric pressure), the weight of hydrogen per liter is only 0.0899 grams, which is only two nineths of the mass of the same volume of air. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. Hydrogen and its isotopes account for 84% of the total mass of the sun, and 75% of the mass of the universe is hydrogen.
Hydrogen is an energy carrier and fuel with high volatility and energy. At the same time, hydrogen is also widely used in industrial production. At present, the annual hydrogen consumption of industry is 550 billion cubic meters. Hydrogen is used together with other substances to produce ammonia and fertilizer, and is also used in gasoline refining process, glass polishing, gold welding, weather balloon detection and food industry. Liquid hydrogen Can be used as Rocket fuel Because of hydrogen Liquefaction temperature At - 253 ℃.
Hydrogen energy is likely to become an important secondary energy on the world energy stage in the 21st century. It is an extremely superior new energy. Its main advantages are: high combustion heat value. The heat per kilogram of hydrogen after combustion is about 3 times that of gasoline, 3.9 times that of alcohol, and 4.5 times that of coke. The product of combustion is water, which is the cleanest energy in the world. Rich in resources, hydrogen can be produced from water, which is the most abundant resource on the earth. It deduces the classic process of natural material recycling and sustainable development.

Introduction to hydrogen energy

Secondary energy Is the connection Primary energy And energy users. Secondary energy can also be divided into“ Process energy ”And“ Energetic energy ”。 today electric energy It is the most widely used "process energy"; Diesel and gasoline are the most widely used "energetic energy". At present, "process energy" cannot be directly stored in large quantities, so modern transportation vehicles with strong mobility such as automobiles, ships, aircraft, etc. cannot directly use the electric energy output from power plants, and can only use "energetic energy" such as diesel and gasoline. It can be seen that process energy and energetic energy cannot substitute each other, and each has its own application scope. As people turn their eyes to seek new "energetic energy", the electric energy as a secondary energy can be produced from various primary energy sources, such as coal, oil, natural gas, solar energy Wind energy , hydraulic Tidal energy geothermal energy , nuclear fuel, etc. can directly produce electric energy. However, gasoline and diesel, as secondary energy sources, are not, and their production almost depends on fossil fuels. along with fossil fuel With the increasing consumption and decreasing reserves, these resources will be exhausted one day. It is urgent to find a new energy bearing body with abundant reserves that does not rely on fossil fuels. Hydrogen energy is just a kind of new secondary energy that people expect when the conventional energy crisis appears and new secondary energy is developed.

wind power

Hydrogen power source used to provide electrolytic water. The average wind speed of 7 meters per second requires 1 million 2 megawatt wind turbines. The cost is about $3 trillion, which is equal to $3 per GGE unit . 00 dollars.

Bio fuel

After gas and electricity symbiosis improvement in gasification plant. 1.5 billion tons dry biological materials ,3 , 113 required for 300 plants . 4 million acres (460 , 000 square kilometers), the farm provides biological materials, about $565 billion, equal to $1 per GGE unit . $90.

coal mine

thermal power The hydrogen power source of electrolytic water is provided after the improvement of gas electricity symbiosis. Need 1 billion tons of coal , 000 275 MW power plants cost $500 billion, equivalent to $1 per GGE unit.
It can be seen from the above that hydrogen production from coal mines is the cheapest, but unless carbon dioxide storage technology is popularized and applied, the high pollution generated will make the environmental protection of hydrogen technology disappear. [1]

scientific research

In October 2022, The National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences used the Chinese Celestial Eye FAST to make imaging observations, and found a huge atomic gas system with a scale of about two million light-years, that is, a large amount of diffuse hydrogen atomic gas, in the dense galaxy cluster - "Stephen Quintuple Galaxy" and the surrounding sky region. [5]

world record

The most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe (more than 90%) and the solar system (70.68%). Guinness World Records