
An independent political entity
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Nation State means Europe Since modern times, through bourgeois revolution Or a country established by the national independence movement, with one or more ethnic groups as the national subject.
Chinese name

Introduction to Nation States

The nation state is independent Political entities , Yes Europe Dominant in the 19th and 20th centuries Modernity National self-determination And autonomy concept and practice. Different from the traditional empires or kingdoms in Europe, members of the nation-state are loyal to "compatriots" who share a common sense of identity and the system they form together. The source of the sense of identity can be traditional history, culture, language or newly created political system. Therefore, the formation of a government system from one nation, or the formation of a nation from several nations through the same shared government system, are all possible combinations of nation states.
In terms of the definition of nation-state, the ancient Han dynasties, such as Tang, Song, Ming, etc [1] Mongolian Mongol Empire And families Japan and other ancient East Asian countries have some characteristics of nation-state [2] , such as "sharing a single value, history, culture or language".

Identity concept

The nation state is Government system A form of. The nation is the identity concept of the community, and its source can be the shared system, culture or ethnic groups The concept of nation-state therefore includes different thinking such as citizen nationalism and racial nationalism, which mainly depends on the formation elements of the concept of identity. So called Single nation state All citizens share a value, history, culture, or language. Few countries are in line with this type, regardless of inheriting the scope of the former imperial kingdom or the contemporary globalized immigration reality. Therefore, contemporary nation states are often Multi-ethnic country and Multiculturalism It is often used to shape and gain recognition of the system.

Theoretical data

An ideal nation state
Through the realistic existence of nation states and nationalist movement This theory can lead to an "ideal nation state". In the real world, such an ideal model cannot be realized, but this model affects the reality of the nation states, which provides a theoretical model for the reality of the nation states. This model also shows the differences between nation states and other types of countries. Although the national identity of some countries in the real world is imposed from the above, and although the national unity of some countries does not exist, this model can still be used to describe the characteristics of many national countries. So in political science Most of the existing countries are regarded as "nation states".
Special policies
In this "ideal nation state", all citizens belong to the same nation. All members of this nation are permanent residents of this nation state. No member of this nation lives outside this country. In such a nation state, there are no immigrants entering or leaving the country. Every generation in this nation state is 100% of its descendants, so this nation state is passed on from generation to generation. This country is not only the hometown of this nation, but also the protection area and national identity of this nation. In order to preserve the existence of this nation state, it must implement special policies different from those of other non nation states.
In fact, no country is exactly the same as this model, but it is generally believed that Iceland It is very close to this model. Although Icelanders are closely related to other Scandinavian peoples from the ethnic perspective national culture And languages exist only in Iceland. Iceland has no neighboring ethnic minorities. Although Japan has ethnic minority For example, there are indigenous ethnic groups in the south, the Ryukyu people, and some Western ethnic groups. There are also aborigines in northern Hokkaido Ainu However, Japan is generally regarded as close to an ideal nation state (because the proportion of other ethnic groups is less than 5%). Iceland and Japan are island countries.
Deviation from model
The residents of an ideal nation state come from the same ethnic group, speak the same language, have the same culture and religion, and their residents are single. The countries that actually exist are far different. Nevertheless, in history, politics and international law, most countries are regarded as nation states. such as Switzerland Constitutionally, Switzerland is a federation composed of different states. There are four languages in the country. However, Switzerland has a Swiss national identity, a national history, and a classic national hero William Tell
The capital of the Republic of Ireland
The independent movement generally questions the national unity and national identity of a country, but unless a country is disintegrating, the use of these words is a sign of a nation-state. such as Republic of Ireland Although almost all of its residents are Irish, its nationalists believe that its national integrity has not been achieved because Northern Ireland It does not belong to the Republic of Ireland. In addition, there are more Irish living abroad than in Ireland through immigration, although generally speaking the Republic of Ireland is regarded as a nation state. In fact, the borders of a nation state will never be consistent with its ethnic distribution. Sometimes this is simply impossible, because its residents are mixed, and even different nationalities live together in the same street and building.
Whether a country has overseas territory affects whether it is a nation-state. A country with a large number of colonies obviously also has many different nationalities, so it is incompatible with an ideal monocultural country. In most cases, colonies are not regarded as part of the mainland, but are managed separately. some European Nation Countries have foreign claims in Europe. such as Denmark Almost all of the residents are Danes, and there are only a few other ethnic groups living in the mainland. however Denmark Also has Faroe Islands and Greenland Sovereignty. If its residents are regarded as different nationalities, Denmark is not a classic nation state.
The conflict between nationalism
Iceland Not only does it have a clear boundary, but its residents also consider themselves as Icelander But part of the territory of many nation states is also regarded as their own territory by other nation states or nationalist movements. The extent of these territorial claims varies: some are at best a proposal, and some even support armed separatist organizations. Belgium It is a typical example of a controversial nation-state. Belgium split from the Netherlands in 1830 Flemish Speak Dutch. They have a very strong Flemish identity and regard themselves as an independent nation and culture. There is also a very strong separatist movement there. The Walloon people in the south are related to Flanders There are differences among people. In addition, there is an all Belgian nationalism in Belgium. There is a greater Dutch consciousness in the Netherlands and Flemish. There are also some German speaking areas in the west, which were once Prussia The occupation was annexed by Germany from 1940 to 1944.
In a very large country, there are often many competing requirements, and often many Separatism Exercise. These movements often question that this big country is a true nation-state, and sometimes even accuse it of being an empire. In fact, there is no objective standard for judging whether these requirements are correct. A big nation state must put its definition of nation on a broad basis.
Characteristics of nation states
Generally, such disputes do not affect the characteristics of a nation state. But if most of the residents deny their national identity, the rationality of such a country will become a problem, and the effect of its government will also be affected. Belgium is the representative of such a country. If the rationality of a country is completely lost, the result will be civil war in serious cases. The result may be the reconstruction of a national identity, or the creation of one or more new countries.

History and Sources

General information
The origin and early history of nation states are controversial. An important theoretical question is "Is there a nation-state first or a nation first?" Nationalists believe that nations first form. nationalism It is the nation that requires its legitimate sovereignty, and the nation state meets this requirement. Some nationalist "modern theories" also believe that national identity is mainly a product of the government policy, which the government uses to unify and modernize the existing country. Most theories believe that nation-state is a European phenomenon in the 19th century, which is the result of mass literature and early mass media. However, historians have also noticed the earlier emergence of relatively unified countries with a consensus feature, such as Britain Portugal And the Netherlands. The formation of the European nation-state is believed to have begun in 1648《 Westphalia Convention 》。
Eric Hobsbaum
Eric? Hobsbaum [3]
Eric Hobsbaum Think that France appeared earlier as a country than the French. He believes that the French state has caused French nation The emergence of the French nationalism, which was in the late 19th century Dreyfus scandal It was formed in the process. Hobsbaum believed that in 1789 French Revolution At that time, only about half of French people spoke some French, and only 12% to 13% of French people spoke "better" French. stay Italian unification The percentage of people who speak Italian is even lower. France has promoted the unification of different dialects into French. According to this theory Conscription system And the 1880s The Third Republic of France The law on public facilities led to the emergence of national identity.
Bandit Anderson
Bandit Anderson It believes that a nation is an "imagined community" (whose members cannot all know each other). The main purpose of nationalism is to create such an imagined group to reduce the privileges brought by contact with the special written language (i.e. Latin). In addition, this movement abandoned the doctrine of divine monarchy. It promotes capitalism The appearance of printing media in the system. The theory that these nation states are "state made" emphasizes the formation of some special countries, such as France and Britain. The expansion of these countries from a core region has produced a sense of national consciousness and national identity. It absorbs the surrounding areas (such as Welsh , Britannia aquitaine Etc.). In the 19th century, the culture of these regions recovered again, which led to the autonomous movement of these regions in the 20th century.
Some countries, such as Germany and Italy, were born at least through nationalist political movements in the 19th century. Before the formation of Germany and Italy, there were many (some very small) countries there. Their common identity comes from the cultural movement, such as those who quickly gained political power in German speaking countries“ National movement ”。 In these two countries, national consciousness and national movement obviously appeared before the nation-state.
The idea of nation-state was born through the emergence of the modern national system. because peace of westphalia The role of this modern national system in this process is also called "Westphalia System". This system is characterized by a "balance of forces", based on the respect for each other's sovereignty and territory between clearly defined, centrally controlled and independent countries (whether empires or nation states). The Westphalia system did not create a nation-state, but the nation-state meets the requirements of the system for the state (on the premise that there is no territorial problem between nation-state).
Fundamentals of Philosophy
In the Romantic period, the nation-state obtained its philosophical theoretical basis. In the 19th century, the tone of origin of ethnic groups and races led to the use of this theory in the definition of the state, which led to the birth of the nation-state. With the development of colonial imperialism and mainland imperialism Racism Then enter, especially in the big Germany And the Great Slavic Movement. The peak of the link between racism and nationalism is the 20th century fascism and Nazism Exercise. The relationship between the state and the nation, especially in“ People's country ”(German VolkischeStaat). Such legislation as the Nuremberg Act is a fascist nation-state such as Nazi Germany The main difference with the illegal Sitist nation-state. Obviously, ethnic minorities are no longer part of the people, so they have no legal role in the country. In Germany Israel Both Roma and Roma are not part of the people, so they are persecuted. Germany's nationality law defines Germans according to their German ancestors and excludes all non Germans from the people. To some extent, German nationality law still has this trend.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the demands of nation states for absolute sovereignty within their borders were criticized by many. The international political system after the Second World War was based on international law and supranational political groups. Non national groups such as Multinational enterprises And non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are increasingly eroding the economic and political power of the nation-state, which may lead to its eventual disappearance.

Nature of the State

Classic in Europe in the 18th century Non ethnic countries Including multi-ethnic empires, such as those in central Europe Austro Hungarian Empire , Eastern Europe Russian Empire And Southeast Europe Ottoman Empire And many small countries that are regarded as sub nations.
The multi-ethnic empire is all monarchy A country whose head of state is a king, emperor, or Sudan In a multi-ethnic country, many nationalities coexist and speak many different languages. Generally, a nation occupies a dominant position in such a country, and its language is generally the language used in public administration. The ruling dynasties generally belong to this nation, but some do not belong to this nation. Such a country is not unique to Europe. There have been such empires on all continents. Some small European countries are not so diverse, but they are generally also monarchical countries with a ruling dynasty. These countries may merge or expand with other countries through marriage between dynasties. Some European countries (especially in Germany) are very small. They are recognized as independent countries by their neighbors and have their own governments and laws. Some of these countries are ruled by archdukes or other forms of hereditary rulers, while others are ruled by bishops or abbots. Because they are very small, their residents do not have different languages and cultures, but have the same language as the residents in the neighboring areas.
Europe in the 19th century some of these countries were nationalist movement Overthrow. Some old nation states, such as Britain and France, seem to have been formed by combining small neighboring countries before the 19th century. Liberal trade freedom in Germany played an important role in the process of its merger. This idea first made Deutscher Zollverein Formation of. Austro-Prussian War And the German Alliance Franco-Prussian War Played a decisive role in the merger process. In central Europe Austro Hungarian Empire And those that rose in western Asia and later expanded to southeastern Europe and northern Africa Ottoman Empire Split after the First World War. The Russian Empire Soviet Russian Civil War Later it became the Soviet Union.
Some small countries survived, such as Liechtenstein Andorra Monaco And San Marino. Although there was once a religious country in history vatican Not its successor. The Vatican was created in 1929 through the Lateran Treaty signed between Italy and the Roman Catholic Church.

basic feature


General information

The nation-state and the pre nation-state have a series of different characteristics. The first is their different attitudes towards their fields. Compared with the dynastic states before the emergence of the nation-state, the nation-state regards its territory as sacred and indivisible. No country will transfer part of its territory to another country because the king's daughter is married. The nature of the border between the nation state and the previous countries is also different. Although a nation state may also use natural boundaries such as rivers and mountains as its borders, its borders are basically defined as the areas where its ethnic groups live.
The most important feature is the extent to which a country uses national unity as its national policy in economic, social and cultural life.


The nation-state promotes economic unification and abolishes internal tariffs and road taxes. In Germany, the German Customs Union was the predecessor of a unified country. A nation state typically has policies to manufacture and maintain the country's transport infrastructure, promoting trade and travel. In the 19th century, the expansion of railway transportation in Europe was first the business of private railway companies, but it was gradually brought into the control of national governments. For example, France's railway network radiating from Paris to all parts of the country is regarded as France centralization The reflection of the nation state. The nation states also attach special importance to the establishment of national road networks. Transnational infrastructure, such as trans European railway and road networks, did not emerge until the beginning of the 21st century.
Compared with its predecessor, the nation state is generally more centralized, and its public management is relatively consistent. Local characteristics are subordinate to national characteristics. General local administrative organs are subordinate to the central government. This process was partially cancelled after the 1970s, resulting in a series of autonomous regions.

Significant impact

The most important influence of a nation-state is to create a unified national culture through national policies. The model of a nation state shows that its inhabitants are composed of a nation, united by the same ancestor, the same language and many shared cultures. If a country lacks such a unity, it generally tends to create a unity. It promotes the unification of national languages through language policy. The most effective way to popularize national languages is to establish a national unified basic education and a relatively unified secondary education. These schools also teach national history, often with propaganda and legendary content. Especially during the crisis, some countries still carry out such education.
Sometimes these language and cultural policies also lead to negative effects, such as the suppression of non ethnic elements. Language oppression accelerates the popularization of national languages and reduces minority languages.

Defect data

In some cases these policies have led to very stubborn resistance and separatist movements. Where it succeeds, cultural consistency and oneness improve. At the same time, cultural differences in border areas are strengthened. According to the theory, French culture extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rhine, and German culture begins on the other side of the Rhine. The language boundary in Germany basically disappeared through language policy and education system, and from 1870 to 1945 Alsace Change hands four times.

National Unification

The borders of an ideal nation state include the places of residence of all members of that nation. In fact, there will always be members living abroad. Sometimes some ethnic groups' native land is also outside the country, and they are inhabited by "foreigners". The reaction to this phenomenon may lead to National Unification That is to say, we need to occupy the territory we should occupy and incorporate it into our nation state. Generally, when some members of a nation live in neighboring countries, there will be calls for national unity. Sometimes this appeal also includes areas that are not currently inhabited by their own ethnic group, but have lived in the past or speak the same national language there, are affected by their own culture, and form an integral part of their national geography. There may be many other reasons. Past hatred may also intervene in such territorial claims( Revenge )。 Sometimes national uniformism and Grand nationalism The distinction is very small. Both require that an ethnic group and a cultural nation be included in the same country. But big nationalism is often not limited to a particular nation. such as Greater Germany The requirement of the "Three Kingdoms" is to establish a great German country, which also includes many countries in the Austro Hungarian Empire Slavic
Generally speaking, the requirement of national unity is first put forward by non state nationalist movement members, and then adopted by the state. These demands always lead to tension in relations, and actions to occupy territory are almost always the cause of war. Such a request is often made when the two countries have long been hostile. In general, the national reunification movement always draws maps, requires national territory and establishes a big national country. The requirements of this territory always play a central role in its propaganda.
Nationalism is different from the requirements for ocean going colonies. These colonies are generally not regarded as the homeland of the nation.

national culture

All ethnic groups created in the long-term historical development process National characteristics The culture that reflects the history and social life of the nation, including material culture and spiritual culture. It usually refers to spiritual and cultural aspects, mainly including language, literature, science, art, philosophy, religion, customs, festivals, etc. When National community Since the formation and differentiation from other types of people's communities in human history, culture has always been manifested as different and even different national cultures. Any culture and cultural creation is based on the nation and national society. Without the fertile soil of national social life, culture cannot take root. Culture enables the formation of a nation and a national society, provides it with the broadest material, spiritual and other bases, and performs the function of national differentiation with its overall internal structure and complete external appearance. In the internal structure of national culture, there are various backgrounds, such as stages, strata, grades, various interest groups, languages, religions, etc., which may lead to the existence and development of culture. However, as long as a nation or national society still exists, it will always have a common national culture.

Examples of nation states

The Third Republic of France