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Civil Information Bureau

[mín xìn jú]
Privately run for-profit institutions
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During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty (1403-1424) Ningbo Gang The "Civil Information Bureau" initiated by businessmen. The Civil Information Bureau is a profit making organization operated by a private person. Its business includes sending and delivering letters, articles, and handling exchange. During the years of Tongzhi, Xianfeng and Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, there were thousands of people's trust bureaus in China and in Asia, Australia and the Pacific where overseas Chinese live, forming mainland trust bureaus, ship trust bureaus and overseas Chinese approval bureaus (Fujian dialect pronounced "letter" as "approval", so overseas Chinese approval bureaus are also overseas Chinese information bureaus, which are dedicated to serving overseas Chinese in the South). The larger civil trust bureaus set up headquarters in Shanghai, the commercial center, and set up branches and agency stores in various places. The civil trust bureaus also cooperated with each other to form a private communication network.
Chinese name
Civil Information Bureau
Ningbo Gang businessman
Yongle Period of the Ming Dynasty
Date of establishment
In 1928 the Nanjing National Government A traffic working conference was held to pass a resolution: "The Civil Information Bureau shall be abolished in the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930)". By 1935, the Civil Information Bureau had completely disappeared.