
Political system and social norms
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Democracy has two meanings.
The original democracy means ancient Greek The system practiced in Athens. The ancient Athenians believed that all citizens, excluding slaves, were equal in all aspects, so the Athenian officials were determined by drawing lots, which was the original democracy. This and China Zhou Dynasty Sometimes it is similar. The crown prince or official of the Zhou Dynasty usually passed the Otsuge Uranainandesu , which is also a kind of lottery.
Modern democracy means that the people are the masters of the country and are democratic( People's democracy )By the people( masses )Regular general election. Democratic candidates are nominated by political parties that control society.
Democracy and monarchy Relatively, the monarchy is autocratic and official. In the democratic system, officials and legislators are decentralized. Officials and legislators are people's trustees and public servants. Public servants are democracy if they are not people. Democracy is a kind of Social norms In contemporary society, the value of its contract and decentralization system will be more and more widely accepted.
Chinese name
Foreign name

Primitive democracy



(1) Primitive democracy is a common affair within primitive society management system , not a State form
(2) Primitive democracy is enjoyed by all members of the clan democratic system , rather than the class democracy after the country came into being;
(3) The power in primitive democracy is in society, not like State power In that way, it will become an independent and social dominant subject.