Gross profit margin

[máo lì lǜ]
Percentage of gross profit and sales revenue
zero Useful+1
Gross Profit Margin is Gross profit And sales revenue (or business income )Of percentage , where gross profit is income and corresponding to income Operating costs The difference between formula Means: gross profit rate=gross profit/operating revenue × 100%=( Main business income - Main business cost )/Main business income × 100%. [1]
From the perspective of composition, gross profit is the difference between revenue and operating costs, but in fact this understanding reverses the concept of gross profit margin. In fact, gross profit margin reflects the value-added part of a commodity after its production is converted into an internal system. In other words, the more value-added, the more gross profit will naturally be. For example, the product passed research and development The differentiated design of Marginal price The increase of is positive again, and then the gross profit also increases. [1]
Chinese name
Gross profit margin
Foreign name
Gross Profit Margin
computing method
Gross profit % of sales revenue
Gross profit rate of single commodity and general commodity
Gross profit rate=gross profit/operating revenue × 100%
influence factor
Quantity and quality



By commodity category

Gross profit rate of single commodity Gross profit rate of major commodities and comprehensive commodities

By industry

Gross profit rate of product sales of industrial enterprises, gross profit rate of commodity sales of commercial enterprises, gross profit rate of construction enterprises communications and transportation industry Gross profit rate, gross profit rate of tourism catering service industry

By region

Gross profit rate of regional sales project Gross profit rate of divided projects

Calculation formula

1. Gross profit rate=(sales revenue- Cost of sales )/Sales revenue × 100%=(sales price excluding tax - purchase price excluding tax)/sales price excluding tax × 100%
2. Gross profit rate=(1 - purchase price excluding tax/sales price excluding tax) × 100%
Comprehensive gross profit rate Net interest rate of assets , Yes Net profit Divided by the ratio of average total assets
Comprehensive gross profit rate Calculation formula Is: net interest rate of assets=(net profit/ Total average assets )× 100%=(net profit/sales revenue) × (sales revenue/total average assets)= Net profit rate of sales × Asset turnover Reflected by net interest rate of assets Enterprise assets The comprehensive effect of utilization can be decomposed into Net profit margin It is multiplied by the asset turnover rate, so that we can analyze what causes the increase or decrease of the net interest rate of assets.

Calculation of gross profit

calculation Gross profit The gross profit amount and income amount of the rate usually refer to the gross profit amount and income amount of a certain period divided in a certain way, corresponding to a certain division method and a certain period. When calculating the gross profit rate Calculation caliber Consistent with the accounting calculation Industrial and commercial enterprises , income means excluding value added tax For construction enterprises, the income of output tax is tax inclusive. It should be noted that for general commercial taxpayer enterprises, the cost is calculated as per amount of taxes on purchases The unit price is calculated and determined.
For industrial and commercial enterprises, the amount of gross profit depends on two factors: Quantitative factor Is the sales quantity, and the other is the quality factor, which is the gross profit per unit, expressed in the formula:
Total gross profit=∑ [sales quantity × unit gross profit]
=∑ [Sales quantity × (unit price - unit Cost price )]
=∑ [Classification sales revenue × corresponding gross profit rate]
Gross profit margin
= Total sales revenue × Average gross profit rate


The gross profit margin usually depends on the following factors:

market competition

As the saying goes, scarcity is more expensive. If there is no such product in the market, or if there are few such products, or if such products are compared with those in the market Similar products If the quality and function value of the product should have advantages, then the price of the product should naturally adopt the high price strategy, otherwise, if the product is sold on the road or Sunset industry The market is saturated, so we can only get the average sales price Sales gross profit

Enterprise Marketing

Is to expand Market share There are other reasons to consider. If it is to expand the market share, it is possible to open the market at a lower price first, and then according to the market Recognition again Adjust pricing strategy If it is to recover the investment as soon as possible, the enterprise may enter the market at a higher price, and then gradually penetrate the market. The market usually adopts the return method of high price, small quantity, and small price, large quantity for mature products. How to balance the price and sales volume to obtain Profit maximization , is carried out by enterprises Marketing Planning An important problem that must be faced but cannot be avoided.

research and development costs

One of the characteristics of modern economy is that the products are updated very quickly. If we can develop new products with new functions faster and better, the products can use value And the price advantage, who can occupy the highest point of the market, the enterprise's R&D investment is large, usually its Invention Many achievements, received patent protection The benefits obtained are more. Emerging products have great advantages in cost and efficiency, and their gross profits are also large.

brand effect

If the enterprise has popularity , for example, its products have well-known trademark Or local well-known brand trademark product quality If it is recognized by the market, the gross profit of this kind of products is usually high. On the contrary, for low-quality products, even if their quality is good, their gross profit margin is usually not as high as that of products with no popularity Brand value The gross profit rate of our products is high. Of course, we can't generalize. The gross profit of some well-known brand products belongs to the middle level, which mainly depends on the high sales volume to earn profits, while some miscellaneous brand products do not spend advertising input costs, which mainly depends on counter And human resources development, because its price Advertising costs Not much, but its gross profit rate is very high.

fixed cost

Mainly refers to fixed assets Investment on, such as machinery equipment , factory buildings and factory rents Fixed overhead From a certain point of view, it also reflects the high and low threshold for enterprises to enter Investment cost It will also increase the gross profit of its products. On the contrary, if the enterprise does not invest much machinery and equipment, or mostly adopts OEM In the form of assembly and processing, or Subcontracting , which Sales profit If we want to give some of them to third-party manufacturers, their gross profit may only be average;

Technical cost

If the enterprise produces Independent intellectual property rights Of patented product , especially Invention patent and Technical patents , and the patented product Product Functions Compared with the original similar products in the market, it has advantages in cost and competition exclusiveness , naturally has the ability to increase the price, and the gross profit of the product is usually high at this time;

Technical process

Employing technical requirement Labor cost Size of, product Production process Complex, technical content High, the level of technicians used is high, and the gross profit of its products will naturally be high. On the contrary, for products with simple process, no technical content, and most of them are operated by general workers, of course, it is impossible to have high gross profit.


because Accounts receivable Will occupy Cost of capital The boss usually puts the cost of capital into the sales price, that is to say, if the transaction is cash sale and the money and goods are cleared Transaction price It is much lower. However, for credit sales, the transaction price is higher than that for cash sales. A higher sales price means a higher gross profit, while a lower sales price means a lower gross profit Turnover Small and small gross profit is a very abnormal situation, and its cost or purchase and sale price should be Substantive examination.

life cycle

Generally speaking, the gross profit of a new product with a new function is relatively high in the early stage when it is first put on the market, but as time goes by, with the expansion of the market and the participation of competitors, more and more people are doing it, so the enterprise must on sale , accompanied by raw material As the labor price rises, the gross profit of sales will gradually decline Health products industry or High tech industry Quite obvious.

Product parts

Whether it is solved by the enterprise itself or entrusted External processing Generally speaking, the gross profit of enterprises that produce their own parts is higher, and the profits of enterprises that produce their main parts by outsourcing should be divided into a part of the profits of cooperative manufacturers. At this time, the gross profit of enterprises is relatively lower.
The above analysis of gross profit rate is only in general terms, but there are exceptions in fact.
The distribution of gross profit rate is usually High tech industry Its gross profit rate is higher than that of ordinary industries, Emerging industries Gross margin ratio of Traditional industries The gross profit rate of sunset industry is high. Compared with similar products, the gross profit rate of newly developed products is higher than that of old products.


The bosses of enterprises are all rational economic men. They can't always do business at a loss. The gross profit is enterprise operation The basis of profit. If an enterprise wants to operate profitably, it must first obtain sufficient gross profit. If other conditions remain unchanged, large gross profit and high gross profit rate mean that Total profit It will also increase, and the total profit is collected corporate income tax Of tax base , enterprises pay enterprise income tax and shareholders Dividend tax The amount of is positively related to the profit of the enterprise. According to VAT theoretical tax burden The principle that determines the amount of VAT paid is positively related to the gross profit rate of enterprises. In order to avoid payment, enterprises value added tax Or corporate income tax, which is usually falsified in the external account of the enterprise, may reduce the gross profit and gross profit rate reflected in the book of the enterprise by falsely increasing the cost or falsely reducing the selling price, thereby reducing the tax base of value-added tax or corporate income tax, so as to achieve the purpose of evading value-added tax, corporate income tax or shareholder dividend tax. For export enterprises Price transfer By reducing the gross profit rate, you can also get the benefit of refunding more taxes.
During the audit tax audit, if the gross profit margin of an enterprise is found to be too low, or too low compared with similar products in the same industry, and the total gross profit is just or insufficient to maintain its Period expenses When the book long-term reflects low profits or losses, the authenticity of its costs and revenues is also questionable. Too low gross profit rate is usually a manifestation of inflated costs and hidden revenues.

Example of calculation

A. It is known that the purchase price of a commodity excluding tax is 13.5 yuan, and the sales price excluding tax is 15 yuan. What is the gross profit rate of the commodity
1. Gross profit rate=(Sales price excluding tax - Sales price excluding tax Purchase price )/Sales price excluding tax × 100%
2. Gross profit rate=(15-13.5)/15 * 100%=10%
B. It is known that the purchase price of a commodity excluding tax is 800 yuan, and the sales price including tax is 990 yuan, value added tax Rate: 10%. What is the gross profit rate of this product (20 points)
1. Sales price excluding tax=sales price including tax/(1+VAT rate)=990/(1+10%)=900 yuan
2. Gross profit rate=(sales price excluding tax - purchase price excluding tax)/sales price excluding tax × 100%
C. It is known that the purchase price of a commodity excluding tax is 30 yuan, the manufacturer discount is 5%, the value-added tax rate is 5%, and the gross profit rate is set at 10%. What is the sales price including tax of the commodity
1. Deduction Discount? The purchase price excluding tax=30 - 30 × 5%=28.5 yuan
2. Sales price including tax=purchase price excluding tax × (1+VAT rate)/(1 - gross profit rate)
=28.5 × (1+5%)/(1-10%)=33.25 yuan
D. It is known that the purchase price of a commodity including tax is 100 yuan, and the manufacturer discounts 5%, Transportation expenses 2 yuan/piece, VAT rate of 5%, sales price including tax of 110 yuan, ask what is the gross profit rate of this commodity
1. Purchase price excluding tax=purchase price including tax/(1+ value added tax )=100/(1+5%)=95.24 yuan
2. Deduct discount, plus freight After that, the purchase price excluding tax=95.24 - 95.24 × 5%+2=92.48 yuan
3. Sales price excluding tax=sales price including tax/(1+VAT)=110/(100%+5%)=104.76 yuan
4. Gross profit rate=(sales price excluding tax - purchase price excluding tax)/sales price excluding tax

financial analysis
