zero Useful+1

Belgian Franc

Belgian currency
Belgian Franc, the original symbol: Bi., B.Fr., B.Fc., the standard symbol: BEF. Belgium's monetary unit is the Belgian franc, which is often referred to as the "franc" by the local Chinese. The Belgian franc is issued by the National Bank of Belgium. In 2002, the euro was suspended after circulation.
Chinese name
Belgian Franc
Foreign name
Belgian Franc
Issuing company
Belgian National Bank
Standard symbol
Original symbol
Bi.、B.Fr.、 B.Fc.
Exchange ratio with Euro
1 Euro=40.3399 Belgian Francs

Development history

In the early 19th century, Belgian banknotes were not widely used. In 1835, the Belgian Bank was established to issue bank note But in the circulation at that time, people mainly used Coin Belgian banks are not the only ones issuing banknotes. On May 5, 1850, the Belgian State Industrial Group approved the establishment of the Belgian National Bank, which is responsible for managing the national finance. In 1851, the National Bank of Belgium first issued notes with denominations of 1000, 500, 100, 50 and 20 Belgian francs, replacing notes issued by the Bank of Belgium before that. thereafter, Gold coin With the gradual withdrawal from circulation, paper money is used more and more widely. In 1914, banks replaced silver coins with paper money. On November 20, 1918, the National Bank of Belgium became the only bank in Belgium to issue banknotes, exercising the functions of the central bank.
On December 18, 1946, the gold content of the Belgian franc was initially set at 0.0202765 grams, and the official exchange rate against the United States dollar was 43.8275 francs. On September 21, 1949, the Belgian franc depreciated 12.34% against gold, its gold content dropped to 0.0177734 grams, and the official exchange rate against the US dollar was adjusted to 50 Belgian francs per dollar. Since 1951, Belgium has implemented a dual exchange rate system, with two exchange systems of trade francs and financial francs, Official foreign exchange market It coexists with the free foreign exchange market.
On November 1, 1960, Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg Signed by three countries Benelux Economic Union The Treaty came into force, Three country currency Exchange rate fluctuation is limited to 1.5%. On March 19, 1973, Belgium and France , Netherlands Luxembourg Denmark Ireland , Original Federal Germany 9 countries, including Norway and Sweden, formed a joint floating group of exchange rates, which stipulated that the fluctuation of exchange rates among them should not exceed 2.25%. On March 12, 1976, the exchange rate fluctuation limit of Belgium, the Netherlands and Rwanda was changed from 1.5% to 2.25%. On October 18, 1976, the Belgian franc and Luxembourg Franc One devalued 1.96% against gold, and the official exchange rate was adjusted to 41.14 Belgian francs per dollar. On October 16, 1978, the Belgian franc and the Swiss franc devalued 2% against gold again, and the official exchange rate was adjusted to 41.945 Belgian francs per dollar. On March 13, 1979, the European monetary system was officially established. Belgium was a member country. The fluctuation of exchange rate between its currency and the currencies of other members of the European monetary system was limited to 2.25% Piseta The amplitude is 6% up and down. Abolished by Belgium on March 5, 1990 Dual exchange rate system The central bank is required to issue at least 33.3% of currency and bonds Gold reserves
Belgian franc: on June 5, 1832, King Leopold I of Belgium announced that it became the official currency in circulation French Franc The system is the blueprint. In 1944, the Belgian franc could be directly exchanged with the British pound, and in 1946, there was a direct exchange rate with the United States dollar. In 1979, the Belgian franc joined Eurocurrency System.

Nominal culture

face value
100 Belgian francs
Death and Mask by James Ensol, a Belgian painter, and Ensol
The scene of seaside painting
100 Belgian francs
Red grey
200 Belgian francs
Belgian musical instrument manufacturer Adolf Sax, Sax and staff notes
The figure figure of playing saxophone. At the lower right is the architectural outline of Dinant, a small city in southern Belgium. This is the hometown of saxophone
500 Belgian francs
Belgian painter Renee Magritte
Margaret's painting Golconde
500 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
Belgian painter and sculptor Konstant Permek
Pelmeck's painting Sleeping Peasant
1000 Belgian francs
Orange grey
2000 Belgian francs
Belgian architect Baron Victor Horta
Typical design style of Art Nouveau
10000 Belgian francs
Albert II 1934, King of Belgium, and Paola 1937, Queen of Belgium. In the background is the circular seat inside the Belgian Parliament.
The Royal Greenhouse in Laikenlaeken was designed by Belgian Royal Architect Bharat Alphonse Balat. On the right side of the picture are plants growing in the greenhouse.
10000 Belgian francs

Paper money picture

Originated in 1961
face value
100 Belgian francs
100 Belgian francs
100 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
5000 Belgian francs
5000 Belgian francs
5000 Belgian francs
Originated in 1982
face value
100 Belgian francs
100 Belgian francs
100 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
5000 Belgian francs
5000 Belgian francs
5000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs
Originated in 1994
face value
100 Belgian francs
100 Belgian francs
100 Belgian francs
200 Belgian francs
200 Belgian francs
200 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
2000 Belgian francs
2000 Belgian francs
2000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs

Coin picture

face value
50 babies
50 babies
50 babies
1 Belgian franc
1 Belgian franc
1 Belgian franc
5 Belgian francs
5 Belgian francs
5 Belgian francs
10 Belgian francs
10 Belgian francs
10 Belgian francs
20 Belgian francs
20 Belgian francs
20 Belgian francs
50 Belgian francs
50 Belgian francs
50 Belgian francs

Exchange rate

The Belgian franc is decimal
Paper money has a face value of 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 10000 francs.
The denominations of coins are: 25, 50 cents, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 500 francs.
1 Belgian franc equals 100 Centimes

Circulation period

Term of suspension of circulation: February 28, 2002; The period of stopping receipt of commercial banks: December 31, 2002; Central Bank's deadline for stopping receipt: paper currency is unlimited, and secondary currency is 2004.12.31

Currency size

face value
Dimension (mm)
100 Belgian francs
200 Belgian francs
500 Belgian francs
1000 Belgian francs
2000 Belgian francs
10000 Belgian francs

Country Profile

The Kingdom of Belgium, Le Royaume de Belgique), It is located in the northwest of Europe, bordering Germany in the east, Netherlands in the north, France in the south, and Germany in the west the north sea The land area is 30528 square kilometers, territorial waters And the exclusive economic zone is 3462 square kilometers, and the coastline is 66.5 kilometers long. Belgium covers an area of 2/3 hills and flat lowlands, with the lowest part slightly below sea level. The whole territory is divided into northwest coastal areas Flanders Lun Plain, central hills, southeast Aden Plateau Three parts. The highest point is 694 meters above sea level. The main rivers are Maas River And the Esco River. Marine temperate hardwood forest Climate.
Country name : The Kingdom of Belgium, Le Royaume de Belgium
Independence Day: October 4 (1830)
National Day July 21st (Before the accession of King Leopold I in 1831)
national flag : It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 15:13. The flag face is connected by three parallel and equal vertical rectangles, black, yellow and red, from left to right
Composition. Black is a solemn and commemorative color, expressing the mourning for the heroes who died in the 1830 War of Independence; Yellow symbolizes the wealth of the country and the harvest of animal husbandry and agriculture; Red symbolizes the life and blood of patriots, as well as the great victory of the War of Independence. Belgium is hereditary Constitutional monarchy country. The king's car carries a king's flag. The king's flag is different from the national flag. It is square, the ground is similar to coffee, and there is a flag in the middle Belgium National Emblem There is a crown and the first letter of the name of the reigning king at each corner of the flag.
national emblem : It is cape type. In the center of the whole pattern is an upright lion on the shield, followed by a crossed royal staff, symbolizing royal power. The shield pattern is composed of Order of Leopold Surrounded by ribbons, there is a lion holding the national flag on both sides, with a crown on the top, a medal of Leopold (the first monarch of Belgium) hanging under the ribbons, and the bottom of the ribbons reads "Unity is strength". The top of the cloak is decorated with a crown and nine flags representing nine Belgian provinces.
national flag
national emblem
national flag
national emblem
national anthem :《 La Brabanconne 》(Brabançonne
Ô Belgique, ô mère chérie,
À toi nos cœurs, à toi nos bras,
À toi notre sang, ô Patrie!
Nous le jurons tous, tu vivras!
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle:
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté!
Aura pour devise immortelle:
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté!
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté!
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté!
O liebes Land, o Belgiens Erde,
Dir unser Herz, Dir unsere Hand,
Dir unser Blut, o Heimaterde,
wir schwören's Dir, o Vaterland!
So blühe froh in voller Schöne,
zu der die Freiheit Dich erzog,
und fortan singen Deine Söhne:
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch!
Ah, Belgium, my dear mother,
We give you our hearts and hands,
We offer our blood to you, O motherland!
I wish you evergreen!
You will always be great and brilliant
Always unified and invincible
Our slogan is immortal:
King, law, freedom!
Our slogan is immortal:
King, law, freedom
King, law, freedom
King, law, freedom
national flower : Yu Meiren
Geographic location: West Europe
Type of country: developed country
National Motto Eendlacht maakt macht L'union fait la folce Einigkeit gibt Stälke (Dutch, French as well as German , unity is strength)
State dignitary: Albert II, the king, ascended the throne on August 9, 1993; Prime Minister Latham.
Reputation: the crossroads of Western Europe
official language : Dutch (Flemish before the establishment of the Dutch Language Alliance in 1980), French, German
currency euro , BEF (ceased circulation in 2002 and converted into euros)
Ethnic group: Flemish accounted for 59.3%; Wallong nationality accounts for 40.1%; Germanic nationality accounts for 0.6%
Religion: 90% of residents believe in Catholicism
Time difference with Beijing: - 6 (summer time)- 7 (in winter)
International telephone code: 32
Population density : 344.32/km (29th in the world)
Population: 10364388 (2004)