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Cheng Yifei (Deputy Chief Physician) Peking University People's Hospital
Toxemia is Systemic infection A type of Pathogen After growing and reproducing in the invaded local tissue, only the Exotoxin get into Blood circulation , the pathogen does not enter the blood. The exotoxin reaches susceptible tissues and cells through blood, causing special toxic symptoms, such as diphtheria tetanus Etc.
Foreign name
Visiting department
Infectious Disease Department
Common causes
Exotoxins produced by various pathogenic bacteria
common symptom
Myocarditis, soft palate paralysis, hoarseness, adrenal dysfunction, etc
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Cheng Yifei | Deputy chief physician

Pediatrics Department of Peking University People's Hospital compose

essential information

Foreign name
Visiting department
Infectious Disease Department
Common causes
Exotoxins produced by various pathogenic bacteria
common symptom
Myocarditis, soft palate paralysis, hoarseness, adrenal dysfunction, etc
Chinese name


The etiology is exotoxin produced by various pathogenic bacteria. Exotoxin is protein , mainly released during the growth and reproduction of bacteria Toadstool Mostly Gram positive bacteria , few are Gram negative bacteria

clinical manifestation

Clinical manifestations of toxemia and pathogenic bacteria The exotoxin produced is related. For example, diphtheria, the bacterium diphtheria itself generally does not invade the blood stream, but the absorbed exotoxin can combine with susceptible tissues, causing various clinical manifestations, such as myocarditis soft palate Paralysis Hoarseness adrenal gland dysfunction And other symptoms. For example, tetanus, which Pathogen by Clostridium tetanus The tetanus spastic toxin produced by it causes tetanus specific opisthotonos . Occlusion symptoms.


As a type of systemic infection, toxemia laboratory examination More blood White blood cell count increase, Etiology Materials can be obtained from the invaded local tissue bacteriology Evidence. Like diphtheria Pseudomembrane Materials were taken at the junction with mucosa, smear Microscopic examination after staining can detect Diphtheria The general symptoms of tetanus are typical, and no bacteriological examination is required.

differential diagnosis

Pathogens and their toxicity Metabolites It spreads to the whole body and causes systemic infection symptoms, often fever , may be accompanied by general discomfort Muscle soreness , loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting abdominal distention , diarrhea, dizziness, headache, apathy, irritability Delirium Or coma, anemia Hepatosplenomegaly Serious cases may occur Toxic myocarditis DIC acute renal failure Etc. Systemic infection is usually divided into toxemia Bacteremia septicemia Sepsis Endotoxemia Several types of infection.
  1. one
    Bacteremia Pathogens invade the blood stream locally, but do not grow and reproduce in the blood stream. They only reproduce after reaching the appropriate part of the body through the blood circulation for a short time to cause disease, for example, there is bacteremia in the early stage of typhoid fever.
  2. two
    septicemia After invading the blood stream, pathogenic bacteria grow and multiply in large numbers, producing toxic metabolites, causing serious systemic poisoning symptoms, such as high fever, skin and mucous membrane ecchymosis, hepatosplenomegaly, etc. Yersinia pestis, Bacillus anthracis, etc. can cause septicemia.
  3. three
    Sepsis It refers to the massive reproduction of pyogenic bacteria after invading the blood stream and spreading to other tissues or organs of the body through the blood stream to produce new pyogenic lesions. For example, the sepsis of Staphylococcus aureus often leads to multiple liver abscesses, subcutaneous abscesses and renal abscesses.
  4. four
    Endotoxemia Gram negative pathogens invade the blood stream and multiply in it, disintegrate and release a large amount of endotoxin to cause disease.


  1. one
    General treatment and symptomatic treatment.
  2. two
    Pathogen treatment: Including targeted antitoxin treatment and antibiotic treatment.