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Viper, in English, refers to a snake that can secrete special venom. It is a cunning and vicious predator. Its keen senses make it impossible for prey to flee, and its strange attack makes death follow.
Poisonous snakes are beautiful animals. Their saliva usually shoots from their fangs to paralyze the enemy. It is generally believed that poisonous snakes are poisonous, but the venom of poisonous snakes can only play a corresponding role in the blood, and drinking the venom will not cause harm to the human body (provided there is no wound in the mouth). trimeresurus albolabris The body length is 60-75 cm, the tail length is 14-18 cm, and the weight is about 600 g. The head is triangular, the ventral surface is yellowish green, the trailing edge of each ventral scale is pale white, and the tail end is burnt red. Poisonous snake with triangular head poison gland , can secrete venom. When a poisonous snake bites a person or an animal, the venom flows out of its fangs to poison the person or animal being bitten. Viper White Snake Wait is a poisonous snake. The venom can be used for medicine.
Chinese name

brief introduction

Snakes are very mysterious animals. On the mountain woods They can be seen in the fields, even in the water. However, wherever the snake appears, people will be attracted to watch it, especially children, who are extremely excited. Not only those who like snakes should have a good look, but those who are afraid of snakes often look at it from afar with complex fears. In people's minds, snakes are always somewhat attractive. Snakes are cold-blooded animals belonging to the order Serpentiformes of Reptilia, most of which are non-toxic. The poisonous snakes that can still be seen in the wild are green bamboo snake Protobothrops mucrosquamatus (Solder head) Agkistrodon acutus (Five legged Snake) Bungarus multicinctus cobra Etc. Cobras are distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan, Jiangxi, Tibet, Hunan and other places in China, with obvious characteristics, and there are many kinds of information about them. Zhuyeqing is known as "beautiful snake" and is very ornamental. The body length is 60~100 cm, and the prominent feature is that the head back is all small scales, the whole body is green, the side of the body has white vertical lines, the eyes are red, yellow or green, and the back and tip of the tail are burnt red. Zhuyeqing likes to live in wet streams, weeds, shrubs and bamboo forests in mountainous areas. Because of their green body color and twining tails, they are very suitable for living on trees. They often hang or climb on branches or bamboo branches near streams. Their body color and habitat are green, and they are extremely difficult to find. Sometimes they sit on stones. It is active day and night, and more frequent at night. Zhuyeqing is a common poisonous snake. The average amount of venom discharged by each snake bite is about 28 mg. They prey on birds, frogs and mice, and have the habit of hibernation. The hibernation period is from heavy snow to wakening the insects, and they will leave the cave in May. The newborn snake has poisonous teeth and can hurt people. Tietou, known as "bamboo shoot shell spot" in some places of Sichuan, is relatively rare now. The prominent feature is that the head is triangular, the upper jaw bone is short and high, and a pair of curved fangs are attached. When you close your mouth, you lie flat in your mouth and stand upright with your mouth open. The back of the body is brownish brown, and there are parallel dark brown spots on both sides of the central line of the back, which are connected from left to right in a chain shape. There are irregular small spots below the spots, and the abdomen is grayish brown with many spots. It lives in mountain forests and hilly areas, and likes to come out at night in ventilated and cool or dark places. They prey on small mammals such as rats, frogs, lizards, birds, etc.
For those who like outdoor activities, poisonous snakes are the most representative of dangerous animals and plants to watch out for. The poisonous snake seldom attacks people on its own initiative. Most of the time, it bites people only when we don't find it and get too close to the snake or step on the body of the poisonous snake unintentionally. If you are unlucky to be bitten by a poisonous snake, do not run in panic. Keep the wound as low as possible and keep it relatively fixed locally to slow down the absorption of snake venom; Use rope, cloth belt, straw, etc. to tie a few centimeters above the wound, neither too tight nor too loose, quickly wash the wound with clean water, cold boiled water or soapy water, and immediately go to the nearby hospital for treatment. Of course, we must first be clear that the majority of non poisonous snakes in the wild. People bitten by non poisonous snakes may suffer from severe pain, redness, swelling or even fainting due to nervousness, which is the result of psychological suggestion. If a person happens to be in the wild at this time, it is really dangerous. Even if it is bitten by a poisonous snake, it may not release venom or inject enough venom into the human body due to various factors; Among the people bitten by poisonous snakes, only one person has serious poisoning symptoms, which is life threatening [1]

Population distribution

Distribution in Hainan , Yunnan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Gansu, Guangxi, Fujian; It is found abroad in Nepal, Vietnam and other places. Only about 15% of the world's 3000 species of venomous snakes are considered toxic to humans. About 25 kinds of snakes in the United States are venomous snakes or toxic saliva secretions, except Alaska Maine Besides Hawaii, poisonous snakes in other states are local. Although there are about 8000 people in the United States every year venomous snake bite However, there are less than 6 deaths every year, most of which are children, the elderly, believers who play with poisonous snakes in some religious sects, and those who are untreated or poorly treated. Most are Rattlesnake Bitten and almost all the dead were bitten by rattlesnakes. Most of those bitten by other poisonous snakes are Copperhead snake And a few cottonmouth snakes Moccasin )。 Coral snakes occupy all Snakebite <1% of. Every year, there are about 100 cases of imported snake bites adopted by zoos, schools, snake farms, amateur and professional snake keepers. Most of the bitten are young men, 50% of whom are poisoned, and most of them occur when the snake is deliberately played with or irritated. The most common parts of the bite are limbs.

Snake venom physics

Snake venom is a complex substance, mainly a protein with enzyme activity. Although enzymes play an important role, some more important snake venoms may be polypeptides with smaller molecular weights. Most snake venom components seem to combine with various physiological receptor sites of the victim, so the snake venom is arbitrarily divided into“ neurotoxin "," blood toxin "and" heart toxin "are superficial, which may lead to clinical judgment errors.
Most North America Buccal fossa The venom of venomous snakes (rattlesnakes) contains toxic proteins that can cause local and systemic effects. These effects can cause local tissue damage, Vascular injury , hemolysis, Diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) - like (defibrinated) syndrome (see below) and lung, heart, kidney and neuropathy. The venom of rattlesnake can change the permeability of capillaries, thus causing electrolyte, colloid and red blood cells to overflow to the bitten part and other organs (such as lung, kidney, heart and rare central nervous system )。 Edema at first, hypoalbuminemia And blood concentration. Later, blood and body fluid concentrated in microcirculation, leading to shock, hypotension and lactic acidemia. Decreased effective circulating blood volume can increase heart and Kidney failure In the case of severe rattlesnake bite, thrombocytopenia (platelet count<20000/μ l) or other coagulation disorders can be seen. Intravascular coagulation caused by snake venom can be triggered Defibrin syndrome , resulting in hematemesis, hematuria and internal bleeding. Renal failure may be secondary to severe hypotension, hemolysis, or intravascular disseminated coagulation syndrome Glomerular filtration rate Lower. Some severely bitten by rattlesnake can see proteinuria, Hemoglobinuria And myoglobinuria. The venom of most venomous North American buccal pit vipers only causes slight neuromuscular conduction changes Crotalus adamanteus Its venom can cause serious nerve damage.
Coral snake( cobra )The snake venom mainly contains neurotoxic components, which can cause neuromuscular conduction block. Due to the lack of obvious proteolytic enzyme activity, the symptoms and signs at the bite site are mild.
The teeth of poisonous snakes are hollow, allowing them to store venom. When hunting. They spit out their venom and attack their prey. The venom of a poisonous snake is secreted by the venom gland and injected into the fangs. The teeth on the lower jaw are small and used to bite prey. Some of the fangs of venomous snakes are fixed and some can stand up, which means that some venomous snakes do not raise their fangs until they are ready to attack their prey.


The local symptoms and signs of most buccal pit venomous snake bites are immediate obvious burning pain, edema (usually within 10 minutes, rarely more than 30 minutes), erythema and ecchymosis at the bite site and adjacent tissues. If not treated, the edema develops rapidly and can affect the whole limb within several hours. Regionality can occur Lymphangitis And swollen and tender lymph nodes accompanied by temperature rise on the surface of the injured site. In moderate or severe rattlesnake bites, ecchymosis is common, and appears at the bite site within 3-6 hours after the bite. After being bitten by oriental and western diamondback rattlesnakes and prairie, Pacific and forest rattlesnakes, most of them are very serious; And was Copperhead snake And mojave rattlesnake bite is not serious. The skin may be tight and discolored; Herpes usually appear on the bitten part within 8 hours and can often bleed. These changes are usually superficial because the North American rattlesnake bite is limited to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. If not treated, necrosis is common around the bite, and there may be peripheral superficial blood vessels Thrombosis The peak of most snake venom effects occurs within 4 days after the bite.
Systemic symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sweating, fever, general fatigue and weakness, paresthesia, spontaneous muscle contraction, mental state change, hypoxemia and shock. Rattlesnake bites can have rubber, mint and metal smells. Mojave rattlesnake bite can cause respiratory depression. Rattlesnake Snake venom poisoning Can cause a wide range of coagulation abnormalities, including prothrombin time (measured according to the international normalization ratio) or prolongation of partial thromboplastin activation time (aPTT), thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, Fibrin degradation products A syndrome similar to diffuse intravascular coagulation (defibrination) that is elevated or co existing with the above changes. Bleeding may occur in the bitten part or mucous membrane, and hematemesis, black stool and hematuria can be seen. In most cases, Hematocrit The obvious increase is secondary to the early phenomenon of blood concentration. Later, the hematocrit can be reduced due to the blood loss caused by fluid infusion and coagulation disorders. In severe cases, hemolysis can rapidly reduce hematocrit. When coral snakes bite, the pain and swelling are slight or absent, and often temporary. Systemic symptoms can be delayed to 8~24 hours. Abnormal sensation is often found around the wound, and limb weakness is obvious within a few hours. The patient may have obvious weakness and drowsiness, and the feeling may change, including euphoria and drowsiness. Cranial nerve paralysis can also occur, including ptosis, diplopia, blurred vision, dysphonia and Dysphagia And salivation. Respiratory distress and muscle tetany may follow. Once the nerve effect of coral snake venom poisoning appears Snake toxin It is difficult to reverse it. Although the treatment can still last for 3-6 days, the untreated patient died of respiratory failure.
The degree of snake venom poisoning The severity of snake bite poisoning depends on the size and type of snake, the amount of snake venom injected, the number of wounds, the site and depth of the bite (for example, head and body bites are more serious than limb bites), the age, weight and health status of the victim, the time between the bite and the start of treatment, and the susceptibility (reaction) of the victim to snake venom.
In the literature, snake venom poisoning is sometimes classified by numbers, but it is more practical to classify it into mild, moderate and severe according to local changes, systemic symptoms and signs, coagulation parameters and other experimental examination results. The classification of snake venom poisoning should be based on the most serious symptoms or signs or the results of experimental examination. Snake venom poisoning can quickly develop from mild to severe, so it must be continuously reassessed. The venomous snake tooth print can indicate the type of venomous snake, but it cannot be used as a positive identification. The typical tooth mark pattern based on the anatomy of the snake's jaw bone is not found at the scene. Rattlesnake It can leave 1 or 2 tooth marks or bites and other tooth marks; Single tooth marks are common. Non poisonous snake bites usually have multiple tooth marks.
There are more than 40 species of venomous snakes in China, mostly distributed in Yangtze River The vast provinces to the south. According to its nature, snake venom can be divided into three categories: neurotoxin, blood circulation poison and mixed poison.
krait Bungarus multicinctus , sea snakes and white snakes mainly contain neurotoxins. Viper, sharp snout
Zhuyeqing mainly contains blood circulation toxin. Cobra King Cobra Cobra It mainly contains mixed poison.
Nowadays, more and more people like wild activities, but they often underestimate the dangers of wild activities, especially those caused by animals and plants, especially poisonous snakes.
It is very necessary for every person who is active in the wild to know the poisonous snake correctly and comprehensively and understand the prevention and treatment of snakebite.

How to avoid

1. When hiking, you should avoid the grass and dense forest that are rarely visited by people. You can take a soft stick or bamboo pole and hit a dozen roadside grass while walking. Snakes will run away quickly and will not attack actively. In addition, you should wear trousers and rubber shoes before entering the grass, and tighten the pants to prevent the attack of snakes.
2. In the morning and evening after the rain, it is better not to walk in the environment with poisonous snakes. Especially in the days after the flood, it is not suitable to enter the mountains. This is the time when poisonous snakes swim most frequently.
3. Before turning over rocks and picking wild fruits, watch carefully and beat them with bamboo poles. This is because some snakes often live on trees (such as green bamboo leaves), and their body colors are mostly similar to those of tree trunks. A little neglect will cause them to bite.
4. Try to avoid resting in the grass. When camping, sprinkle realgar, lime powder or water soaked tobacco leaves around the tent, and then fully close the zipper of the tent. When cleaning the mat or tent in the morning, be careful to check. It is possible that the lovely snake slept with you last night.
5. Keep calm and quiet after seeing a poisonous snake. Do not move or run suddenly, but slowly detour or retreat. Do not attack without full confidence. Once being chased by a snake, do not run straight or downhill, and run out of the zigzag line.
6. Snakes hate Essential balm It's better to take some with you when you go hiking in the wild. In addition, you should also take some snake medicine that can cure a wide range of snake injuries.


Albino rattlesnake
Snakes can be divided into poisonous snakes and non poisonous snakes. It is very important to be able to distinguish poisonous snakes and non poisonous snakes when catching snakes. For example, if a person who is not good at catching snakes finds a snake that is really non-toxic, he can immediately catch it with his bare hands. It doesn't matter if he doesn't catch it well and get bitten. If you recognize a poisonous snake, especially a highly poisonous snake, you can't catch it with bare hands in any case. You must use the snake catching tools to catch it. A really experienced person can tell whether a snake is a poisonous snake or a non poisonous snake by glancing at its appearance or a short segment. How to distinguish? First from the appearance, then from the ecological situation, and finally from the structure of fangs to identify. Of course, it is not absolute to distinguish from appearance, shape and other aspects, there are exceptions. The most accurate method is to identify the presence or absence of fangs.
1. Distinguish from the shape of the snake's head: the head of a poisonous snake is generally triangular, such as ancistrodon acutus Turtle shell flower snake Etc. But there are also a few poisonous snakes, such as Bungarus multicinctus, with oval heads.
The head of non-toxic snakes is generally oval, such as Zaocys dhumnades, Chinchilla, etc. But there are also a few non-toxic snakes, such as the Dunnuke Snake, whose head is triangular.
2. The color of the stripes on the back of the poisonous snake is generally bright, such as the five legged snake and the silver snake. But there are also a few poisonous snakes whose back markings are not bright. For example, the white bellied cobra is gray all over, without any markings.
The stripes on the back of the non-toxic snake are generally not bright, such as Zaocys dhumnades Green Green Snake Etc. But there are also very few non-toxic snakes with distinctive stripes on the back, such as the whole body of the fire red chain snake. More than 80 obvious red and black spots crisscross both sides of the back of the body, often mistaken for poisonous snakes.
3. Judging from the length and thickness of the snake's tail: the tail of a poisonous snake is generally thick and short, but suddenly becomes thin from the anus back, such as gorge snake, cobra, etc. But there are also very few poisonous snakes with long and thin tails, such as the silver snake.
The tail of non-toxic snakes is generally thin and long, and gradually tapers from the anus back, such as chinchilla, emerald green snake, etc. But there are also a few non-toxic snakes with thick and short tails, such as fishing snakes.
4. From the ecology of snakes: poisonous snakes generally do not run away when they find people, or they crawl slowly when they run away; When you roll up to rest or sleep, your head is often inserted under the skin of your abdomen (except for the five legged snake). After being alarmed, he got up quickly and crawled very fast, such as the Zaocys dhumnades and the king snakes.
5. Distinguish from the feeling of touching the snake: when catching with bare hands, you will feel the softness of the body as soon as you touch the poisonous snake, such as cobra, silver snake, etc. When touching a non poisonous snake, you will immediately feel its body strong, such as the grey rat snake, the fire red chain snake, etc.
6. The most fundamental difference: poisonous snakes have fangs and glands, while non poisonous snakes do not.


Myth 1
Small snakes are not poisonous
Poisonous Snake (Agkistrodon ciliaris)
Although the symptoms of being bitten by a big snake are more serious in general, in many cases, a young snake just hatched may be more toxic than its mother snake whose teacup is thick. For example, large snakes prey frequently and inject less poison when biting people. On the contrary, small snakes, especially newly hatched ones, seldom prey, so they inject more poison when biting people, and most small snakes Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. —Young people are fearless. , cruel to people. Many snake farmers and even snake experts have learned this lesson.
In addition, different kinds of snakes have different toxicity. For example, Bungarus multicinctus is usually very small, but its venom is extremely toxic. Therefore, even if you encounter a small snake, you should not take it lightly. I believe everyone has seen such a scene: several boys with big sticks and stones chasing a small snake running away desperately. You should know that this is not just fun. Moreover, snakes themselves are extremely beneficial to human beings, and we should try to protect every creature in the wild.
Misunderstanding 2
I have been bitten by a snake, but I feel no discomfort within a few minutes. It must be a non-toxic snake. This is a very common cognitive fallacy. Even in the "field classroom" column of many websites, there are similar mistakes. In fact, the symptoms of some poisonous snake bites can only appear after 1 to 4 hours. For example, in 1997, Fujian First Affiliated Hospital admitted an 8-year-old child. He developed symptoms four hours after being bitten by a silver snake, which delayed the most valuable rescue time. Later, after all parties tried their best to rescue him, he was still in a coma for more than a week before waking up. There are many patients with snake injuries in the hospital!
Mistake 3
Bitten by a snake, my life is over
First of all, it must be clear that the majority of non poisonous snakes in the wild. People bitten by non poisonous snakes may suffer from severe pain, redness and even fainting due to nervousness. This is the result of psychological suggestion.
Even if there is a venomous snake bite, most of them are also due to various factors. When a venomous snake bites a person, it is not necessary to release venom or inject enough venom into the human body. Only a small number of people bitten by a venomous snake have serious poisoning symptoms, and individual people are in danger of life.

Life habits

Snakes are temperature changing animals. Their activities are closely related to the outside temperature. They do not come out until the temperature reaches above 18 degrees. In the south, the highest incidence period of snakebite is usually from May to October. Especially when it is hot and rainy or it is sunny after rain, the snake often goes out of the cave. In addition, there are too many floods at the turn of spring and summer in recent years, which will submerge a large range of snake caves and increase the number of homeless snakes on land. Therefore, special attention should be paid to snake prevention before, after rain and after flood in summer.
The daily activities of snakes have certain rules. The rules of activities are different for different kinds of snakes. Cobra, King Cobra, Bungarus at night, and Agkistrodon halys all have activities during the day and night. Snakebite is also mainly concentrated at 9-15 o'clock in the daytime and 18-22 o'clock in the evening.
In addition, Agkistrodon halys is very sensitive to heat sources and has the habit of putting out fires, so you should wear trousers when traveling at night. When you light up with an open fire, you should avoid being bitten by poisonous snakes. The tent zipper should be fully closed when camping.
The poisonous snake is afraid of people and will run away quickly after being frightened. Generally, it will not attack people on its own initiative. Most people bite when we don't find it and get too close to the snake body, or step on the body of a poisonous snake unintentionally. Therefore, when walking in an environment suitable for poisonous snakes, we should be vigilant and take proper protection. Many snake injuries can be avoided.

morphological character

There are hard teeth in front of the poisonous snake's mouth, and some snake's hard teeth are located in the rear. The snake I in front of the fangs has long and concave hard teeth. Daban poisonous snake, sea snake, cobra and African tree snake The firm teeth of the rattler are actually the sound of the scales at the end of the tail. When threatened, snakes rattle by vibrating their tails to warn predators and stop their attacks. Cause fatal threat. The King Cobra of Southeast Asia is the longest poisonous snake in the world, which can grow to more than 6 meters. In India, cobras kill more than 7000 people every year. The venom of a king cobra can kill an elephant in 4 hours [2]
For different poisonous snakes, the methods of prevention and control are different. Only by correctly identifying poisonous snakes can we carry out symptomatic prevention and treatment.
1. The symbol organ of a poisonous snake is its fangs. According to its shape, it can be divided into groove teeth and canal teeth, and according to its location on the upper frontal bone, it can be divided into anterior teeth
Fangs and back fangs. But this kind of identification is not convenient in application. Another method is to identify the snake from its shape and color spots.
2. The back is black with many white stripes: Bungarus multicinctus It is distributed to the south of the Yangtze River. When frightened, it runs away, but when it is too close, it will bite. Bites are common. The wound was not swollen or painful, and after a few hours, the whole body was paralyzed and breathing stopped.
3. The back is black with many yellow stripes: krait It is distributed to the south of the Yangtze River. Others are similar to the Silver Snake.
4. The whole body is mainly brown, with a big head and a triangle: Agkistrodon halys. It is distributed all over the country and even lives on the snow mountain of Lijiang, 4000 meters above sea level. When you are frightened, you should run away rather than attack. Symptoms: severe onset, systemic bleeding, severe wound pain Tissue necrosis
5. The whole body is mainly brownish brown, with a big, triangular head and a cocky nose (it looks like a cigarette end): Agkistrodon acutus (sometimes called a five legged snake or a seven legged snake) is ferocious and attacks actively, with severe symptoms, systemic bleeding, severe wound pain, and tissue necrosis.
6. The whole body is mainly brown, and the head triangle is slightly long: adder. When frightened, they can face off for a long time. The symptoms are similar to the five legged snake.
7. Overall green: green bamboo leaves. It is distributed in the south of China, in the Yangtze River basin, and runs away when frightened. The bite symptoms are relatively mild.
8. The whole body is mainly black, erect, and flat neck: cobra. It is distributed in the south of the Yangtze River in China. It is ferocious and can stand up for a long time and spray poison, but does not attack people actively. The symptoms of bite are wound tissue necrosis, chest tightness, high fever, dyspnea
9. The whole body is mainly dark brown, erect, and flat neck: King Cobra It is distributed in the south of China. He is ferocious and the largest among poisonous snakes. Take the initiative and bite hard. The symptom is that the disease is extremely urgent and will die soon Snakebite In addition to active rescue, we should also pray for good luck.
10. Poisoning characteristics of being bitten by various poisonous snakes——
Neuropoisons: The venoms of Bungarus multicinctus and Bungarus multicinctus belong to this category. The main manifestation of poisoning is damage to the nervous system. There may be no special performance locally. The poisoning process is characterized by that it usually goes through an incubation period, generally about 1~4 hours after the bite, when the systemic poisoning symptoms appear, but once it occurs, it develops rapidly and is difficult to control. In serious cases, the patient became unconscious and stopped breathing, but his heart rate and blood pressure were still good at this time. If he insisted on artificial respiration, there would be hope for rescue.
Blood circulation poisons: five legged snake, bamboo leaf green, viper snake venom belong to this category. The symptoms of poisoning are complex, mainly The blood circulatory system Damage. Poisoning is characterized by short incubation period, rapid disease development, local necrosis and ulceration, massive bleeding of wounds, and even bleeding of the seven orifices. There is an old saying that Yi Nian Street is a filter, but in fact, as long as timely rescue, within a few hours to the nearest hospital, it can still be cured.
Mixed poisons: Agkistrodon halys, cobra, king cobra, etc. belong to this category. The symptoms of poisoning include both neurotoxicity and blood circulation toxicity. The main characteristics of poisoning are Respiratory paralysis And circulatory failure, so even artificial respiration is difficult to rescue. Among them, the risk of death caused by king cobra bite is relatively high, and most deaths occur within a few minutes to 2 hours after the bite. There is a village in the north of Fujian. Knowing that catching a cobra can make people rich, all the men and women in the village go to the mountain to catch snakes. Therefore, every year, people are killed by the king cobra. If the cobra bite is treated timely and properly, and the 48 hour danger period is over, it can generally be cured.

Top 10 Poisonous Snakes


Bungarus multicinctus

Bungarus multicinctus
Commonly known as: Silver Foot Belt, Cross Base Gorge. Silver ring snake is a poisonous snake. They often rest at the roadside when they are full, and return to their homes at dawn. Night walkers are often bitten when passing by. The venom of Bungarus multicinctus is stronger than that of Golden Snake. The book says they are kind, slow and seldom attack people. When people touch it, it will press its head under its body and hide its head. In fact, I haven't tried it. I guess it will make you bullied and worried, and you will hang up!

ancistrodon acutus

ancistrodon acutus
Scientific name: Agkistrodon acutus Deinagkistrodon acutus Agkistrodon acutus is widely distributed in southern China and some regions in Southeast Asia. Its aggressiveness is strong, but as a poisonous snake, its toxicity is not very toxic. According to some studies, the median lethal dose (mice) of the venom of Agkistrodon acutus is about 10mg/kg, compared with the world's most poisonous Australian inland taipan Oxyuranus microlepidotus The LD50 of snake venom is about 0.002mg/kg, while that of Bungarus multicinctus, the most toxic snake in China, is 0.1mg/kg.
Like his Agkistrodon halys, the venom of Agkistrodon acutus is a blood toxin rather than a neurotoxin like cobra venom. The symptoms of poisoning are swelling, necrosis and bleeding. Although the toxicity is not the strongest, Agkistrodon acutus likes to attack people, with large fangs and a large amount of detoxification, so the danger should not be underestimated.
Taiping Guangji mentioned:
"There are venomous snakes in all the five streams in the south of the mountain and in the middle of Guizhou. They have black noses and curl up in the grass. Their teeth are hooked upside down, and they walk straight away. They are as fast as arrows. If they sting people to death, the middle hand will break the hand, and the middle foot will break the foot. Otherwise, the whole body will be swollen and rotten, and there will be no one alive. They are called vipers."

King Cobra

King Cobra
It is commonly known as "crossing mountains". As we have just said, it is the most dangerous snake in the world because of its fiercer temper, extremely quick reaction, flexible head and neck rotation, and large amount of detoxification. King Cobra Most of them live in coastal lowlands to mountains with an altitude of 1800m, and most of them are near the water at the edge of forests. They travel in the day and lie in the night. They are mainly distributed in South China and Southwest China. The longest can reach 6m, and the upper body can also reach 1.8m after meeting a person, which is enough to look at an adult. Its main food is its similar kind - other snakes can even prey on their own kind if they are short of food. Therefore, in the territory of the king cobra, it is difficult to see other kinds of snakes. They either run away or become the belly of the king cobra.

Naja atra

Naja atra
Naja atra In Guangdong, Guangxi and Hong Kong, it is commonly known as the rice shovel head, while in Taiwan, it is called the rice spoon qian, the rice spoon gun, and the swollen neck snake. It belongs to Cobra family and is distributed in the low and middle altitude areas of southern China, Taiwan and Indochina Peninsula.
Zhoushan cobra is large Anterior sulcus Tooth poisonous snake. When disturbed, they often erect the front half of their bodies, flatten and expand their necks, and make an aggressive gesture. At the same time, the nape of their necks shows double circles of "glasses" shaped stripes. Chinese Cobra The body color is generally black brown or dark brown, with or without white fine stripes on the back. The total length of the snake body is 1.5-2m.

Protobothrops mucrosquamatus

Protobothrops mucrosquamatus
The former spear head pit viper, also known as the tortoise shell flower snake, is Viperaceae The reptiles of the former genus Agkistrodon, commonly known as Tietietou, Bamboo Shoot Shell Ban, etc., mouse snakes and evil aconites, etc., are one of the six poisonous snakes in Taiwan. The head is triangular in length and about 1.5 times its width. Turtle shell flower is usually non-toxic Macropisthodon rudis rudis Confused, the head of the turtle shell flower is round.

trimeresurus albolabris

trimeresurus albolabris
The body of Zhuyeqing is green. If you don't identify it carefully, it will be mixed with the non-toxic green snake. But its tail is burnt yellow, which is the difference between Zhuyeqing and the green snake. Because its tail is like fire, it is called "Jiaoweizai" or "Huoshaowei" bamboo snake. Zhuyeqing has the habit of putting out fires and living together. Day and night activities, mostly at night to find food. Zhuyeqing likes trees and often twines on the bushes or small trees near the stream, and will attack people actively. Where there is a "bamboo master", you'd better wear a hat. Why do you want to. Generally, you can't see it, so don't always reach into the tree to pick a fruit or flower. You know whether there is it on the fruit tree - you really want to hit it with a stick.

Vipera ruselli siamensis

Vipera ruselli siamensis
Agkistrodon baimei Viperaceae The reptilian of the genus Agkistrodon asiatica, which is highly toxic, is distributed in the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan Island, and Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places in mainland China, and mostly inhabits in Plain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Hilly areas and mainly inhabit in and near graves and grass. The model habitat of this species is Busan

Banded sea krait

Banded sea krait
Laticauda colubrina Inhabits in the sea, with a water depth of no more than 10 meters, more than haunting coastal beaches and rocks at night. In the daytime, they mostly hide in the rock crevices on the coast to sleep. As far as the sea snakes are concerned, the blue grey sea snakes have a strong ability to travel on land. Even if they are tens of meters away from the sea, they can still be found. Common fish are the main prey.
The blue grey sea snake has a strong neurotoxin, but because of its small mouth and low aggressiveness, it does not pose a particularly serious threat to humans.

Round spotted viper

Round spotted viper
The round spot viper is also called Baibu leopard Lushi Viper (Russell's Viper), lock snake, yes Serpentiformes Viperaceae Viperaceae Mountain viper A poisonous viper. The body is sturdy, with a total length of about 1m. The head is large, triangular, narrow at the front and wide at the rear; The nostril is large, dorsal, without cheek fossa, and the back of the head is scaly and ridged.
It is mainly distributed in South China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.


Golden Snake is commonly known as Golden Foot Band. It is a snake of moderate thickness. Its cross section is a very special triangle. Its head is very narrow and integrated with its neck, and its scales are smooth. The snake is decorated with black and white (or milky white) stripes of roughly equal width from neck to tail. It is a dangerous poisonous snake. krait The poisoning symptoms of are obvious nervous system symptoms: salivation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, muscle paralysis, uncoordinated movement, weak breathing, and finally death. But its toxicity is not comparable Bungarus multicinctus

The eight most poisonous snakes

Most toxic: Inland Taipan
Scientific name: Oxyuranus Microlepidotus
Distribution: Australia Central (Oceania)
Other: body length is about two meters. It inhabits dry plains and grasslands,
With frogs Toad Small mammals feed on eggs.
Second place: King BrownSnake
Chinese name: Pseudechis australis
Scientific name: Pseudoscience Australis
Distribution: Australia (Oceania)
Other: body length is about two meters. It lives in woods and deserts, feeds on frogs, toads and small mammals, and lays eggs.
Third place: Taipan Snake
Chinese name: Taipan snake
Scientific name: OxyuranusScutellatus
Distribution: in northern Australia New Guinea
Other: body length is about two meters. It lives in woods and woodlands, feeds on small mammals, and lays eggs
4th place: Eastern Tiger Snake
Chinese name: Oriental tiger snake
Scientific name: Notechis. sp
Distribution: Australia
Other: body length is about two meters. Inhabit in woods and grasslands,
Feeding on birds and small mammals, laying eggs
Tiger snake
5th place: Tiger Snake
Chinese name: another Tiger snake
Scientific name: NotechisScutatus
Distribution: Eastern Australia
Other: Body length is about 1. 2 meters. Inhabit in woods and grasslands,
They feed on amphibians and lay eggs.
6th place: Black Tiger Snake
Chinese name: Black tiger snake
Black tiger snake
Scientific name: NotechisAter
Distribution: Southeast Australia Tasmania Island
Other: Body length is about 1. 2 meters. Inhabit in sand dunes, beaches, grass, etc,
It feeds on amphibians, birds and small mammals and lays eggs.
7th place: Death Adder
Chinese name: Death Adder
Death Adder
Scientific name: Acanthophilus Antarcticus
Distribution: Australia
Other: Body length is about 50 cm. Inhabit in dry and stony shrubwood
It feeds on birds and small mammals and lays eggs.
8th place: WesternBrownSnake
Chinese name: Western Cobra
Hydrophis belcheri
Scientific name: Pseudonaja Nuchalis
Distribution: Australia
Other: Body length is about 1. 5 meters. inhabit woods Grassland desert Etc,
In small size Reptiles And small mammal For food, eggs are laid.