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Toxic reaction

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Toxic reaction
Toxic reaction refers to the harmful reaction to the target tissue (organ) of the drug user when the drug dose is too large, the drug application time is too long, or the drug accumulates too much in the body.


Toxic reaction refers to the harmful reaction to the target tissues (organs) of the drug user when the dosage of the drug is too large, the duration of the drug is too long, or the drug accumulates too much in the body. [1]

Production mechanism

Toxic reaction is a reversible or irreversible interaction between chemical substances and chemical components of biological system, which interferes with the normal metabolism and self stabilization mechanism of the body, resulting in cell death, cell oxidation, mutation, malignant transformation, allergic reaction or inflammatory reaction, mainly a molecular process. Toxic reaction is one of the main types of adverse drug reactions. It refers to the toxic effect without any prevention and treatment significance, which generally occurs when the drug is overdosed or when the drug user has poor drug tolerance.
The type and severity of toxic reactions mainly depend on the physical and chemical properties of poisons, exposure conditions, and the sensitivity of biological systems or individuals.

Classification of toxic reactions

Toxic reactions are generally serious, but adverse reactions can be predicted and should be avoided. There are two categories:
(1) Acute toxicity: toxicity that occurs immediately after overdose in a short period of time.
(2) Chronic toxicity: the toxicity that gradually occurs due to the accumulation of long-term drugs in the body. Carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic reactions also belong to the category of chronic toxicity. [2]

Similarities and differences with side effects

The similarities between side effects and toxic reactions are predictable and belong to the category of adverse reactions of drugs. The difference is that side effects are not related to the purpose of drug use, that is, the effects of drugs themselves. Toxic reaction is a serious side effect.

Herbalist tips

If drugs that are toxic to the hematopoietic system, liver and kidney are used, the biochemical indicators of blood and urine should be checked regularly. If abnormalities are found, the drug should be stopped or replaced with other drugs in time. Toxic reactions are usually related to the dosage and administration time of drugs. When using drugs in clinical practice, attention should be paid to the dosage and interval time to prevent toxic reactions. [3]