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Officials of the Southern Song Dynasty
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Yin Chong, with the word Xiyuan, was born in Changping, County of Chen (today's Xihua County, Henan Province), and served as a servant in the Yellow Gate of the Book of Songs Yin Chun Brother, Southern Song Dynasty official. Huang Menlang, who served as the secretary of the Central Committee, was removed from office because of the crime of improper deliberation. Later, he served as the commoner son of the crown prince, the minister minister minister, and the official in charge of the imperial history, earning the reputation of "the governor of the state". He went out of Beijing to serve as Wu Xing's chief magistrate, and then joined the imperial court Minister of Duzhi Liu Shao The concubine is the daughter of Yin Chun, Yin Chong's brother, and Yin Chong was deeply appreciated by Liu Shao when he served in the Eastern Palace. After Liu Shao killed the monarch and stood on his own feet, he took Yin Chong as his valet and escort, and was promoted to the post of Sili Xiaowei. Yin Chong is knowledgeable and good at writing. Liu Shao ordered him to write Chancery The rune of Liu Jun Yin Chong also worked hard for Liu Shao. When Emperor Xiaowu of the Song Dynasty conquered the capital, Yin Chong was killed. [1]
True name
Southern Song Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Native place
Chen Jun Changping (now Henan Xihua)
Official position
Shizhong, Sili Xiaowei

member of family

Great grandfather: Yin Rong
Grandfather: Acquiescence
Father: Solemn
Brother: Yin Chun
younger brother: Insipid

Historical records

Book of the Song Dynasty, Volume 59, Biography 19 [2]