be buried alive with the dead

[xùn zàng]
The act of killing the deceased's concubines, relatives, servants, etc
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Sacrificial burial refers to the burial of pottery figurines with objects, livestock or people wooden figurine The servant is buried with the dead in the tomb to ensure the happiness of the dead. Sacrifice with others is a common custom in ancient funeral. The difference between sacrifice and interment is that it makes people live by some means Abnormal death Later, they were buried in the tomb, either voluntarily or under compulsion.
Some of the dead's wives and concubines, servants and officials were buried with them, as well as figurines, property and utensils. After death, they would send everything they enjoyed, including beautiful wives and concubines, to the tomb. Martyrdom system refers to the system of forcing or encouraging people to die for burial, such as《 History of the Yuan Dynasty ·It is recorded in Volume 34 that "He Qianqi's wife, Baidusai Er, died in Hezhong County, Daning, and was buried with her dead husband." [1] , often become Slavery or Feudal dynasty Means of oppressing people.
Chinese name
be buried alive with the dead
xùn zàng
Foreign name
be buried alive with the dead
Use people or objects for burial
The Book of Rites ·Under the Sandal Bow
Termination period
When Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty (the 6th Emperor of the Ming Dynasty) was dying, that is, in 1464 A.D

Definition of words

[Words] Sacrificial burial
[Definition] Use people or objects for burial. The Book of Rites ·Under the sandalwood bow: "Chen Ziche died in Wei, and his wife and his family doctor planned to be buried."《 History of the Song Dynasty ·Biography of treacherous ministers IV, Biography of Jia Shidao Yu Jie If you have a jade belt, you will be buried. " bright Feng Menglong Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty 》The 58th chapter: "It is widely argued that Jiang Zhong once dreamed of going to heaven to perform public duties. Later, he performed public duties in order to go out of the toilet. In response to his dream, he used Jiang Zhong as a martyr." Qing Dynasty Pu Songling "Strange Stories from a Liaozhai · Feng Sanniang": "The decoration of sacrificial burial for goods is used as a reward."

Introduction to the development of martyrdom

be buried alive with the dead
It is a cruel and barbaric act to bury alive people.
In China, the Shang Dynasty was often sacrificed, Qin and Han Dynasties It gradually declined and was often replaced by wooden figurine Pottery figurine Few people died. In the Liao Dynasty, the wind of martyrdom revived, and the Emperor Taizu of the Liao Dynasty Yelu Abao machine After his death, Shuluping even forced more than 100 ministers to be buried.
Since then, the Jin, Yuan and early Ming dynasties all had the system of sacrificial burial until Ming Yingzong The period ended the system of sacrificial rites. [3]
In the Qing Dynasty, people were still buried alive. After the death of Taizu Nurhachi and Taizong Huangtaiji, people died. After Shunzhi, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, died, more than 30 concubines died. Their coffins followed the coffin of Emperor Shunzhi, and the scene was spectacular. Emperor Kangxi hated this evil and ordered the abolition of martyrdom. However, there are still a lot of sacrificial rites, Qing government They called women who were buried dead "martyrs" and "festival women", and they also repaired books and erected memorial archways. The Twenty fifth Book of History of the Qing Dynasty records:“ Geng Wu , a martyred woman who died in honor of her husband, Shandong Qufu Kong Lingbao's wife, Pan Shi, is in Xuanfu History Museum. " [4] The encouragement of sacrificial burial was only one year away from the demise of the Qing Dynasty, so the system of sacrificial burial was not actually eradicated in the Qing Dynasty. After the Revolution of 1911, it was legally forbidden to bury the dead.

development history


Shang Dynasty

live Human martyrdom Burial was very popular after the death of the Yin and Shang kings. They would send everything they enjoyed, including beautiful wives and concubines, to the tomb after their death. Archaeologists have found it in ancient tombs that have been excavated, Yin ruins Houjiazhuang There are 164 skeletons of martyrs in the tomb of King Shang, 16 in the tomb of Lady Hao, Princess Shang, and 21 in the tomb of Marquis Yi, all young women. Shang people died Human sacrifice The victims under the system have different identities. A considerable part of the martyrs are the wives and concubines of the deceased and their close slave warriors; Human sacrifices are mostly slaves with prisoners of war as the main body. Qiang prescription yes Wuding The captured Qiang people became an important source of slaves at that time. They often go with cattle and sheep Be treated as The number of Qiang people is more than the number of animals. Sacrifice covers a wide range, including gods of heaven, earth and ghosts. Sacrifice to ancestors is the most common. The "cutting" sacrifice of beheading and the "burning" sacrifice of burning people are the most commonly used sacrifice methods. In addition, there are chopping, blood sacrifice, live burial, etc.

Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period

There are many historical records about human martyrdom. After the death of the king at that time, not only the beautiful women but also the lucky servants were buried. They were ready to go underground and still be the king. Lord Qin Wugong At the time of death, "at the beginning, 66 people died as martyrs" (Historical Records· Qin Benji 》)。 Duke Mu of Qin After death, "177 people died" (Records of the Historian · Qin Benji), of which three good officials were buried with them. Before his death, Duke Mu of Qin wanted his officials to go to Huangquan together with him. He once drank with them and said, "We monarchs and officials are happy together in life, and we should mourn together after death." stop for a rest The three ministers, Zhong Xing, and Zhen Hu, did not know whether they were loyal to Duke Mu's family with all their heart or whether they were willing to die with him on the spot because of alcohol. This statement did not matter. After Duke Mu died, they followed him into the tomb.
Grave robber unearth Duke You of Jin There are more than 100 martyrs in the mausoleum, lying across each other, their bodies are not decayed, except for one man, all of them are women. These martyrs sit or lie, and even stand. Their clothes and skin color are the same as those of living people. Historical Records· Jin Aristocratic Family 》It is recorded that "You Gong prostituted women, stole out of the town at night and killed You Gong", which means that Jin You Gong was killed by thieves when he was out of the palace fooling with women. You Gong belongs to the wrong Normal death However, there are still so many martyrs in his mausoleum, and there are more martyrs in his mausoleum for other kings who died normally.
  • King Helu of Wu
be buried alive with the dead
The means of luring people to die for their daughter is even more cruel and bloody. Wu Yue Chunqiu 》Record, Helu He Lu was very sad that his daughter committed suicide because she was angry with her father. He built a grave for her outside the gate of Chang, "digging the ground into a pool and accumulating soil into a mountain", and also made beautifully carved Stone coffin And use gold tripods, silver cups, pearls and jade as treasures The funerary objects On the day of his daughter's funeral, Helu made people dance white cranes all the way, attracting thousands of citizens to follow and watch. When he arrived at the cemetery, Helu "introduced men and women with cranes, because of the barriers", that is, ordered all the men and women who followed and watched to rush into the underground palace, and then plugged the tomb door. In this way, these people who watched cranes were buried in tombs and became the martyrs of Helu's daughter. However, Helu is more effective than the later founder of imperial China Ying Zheng But also brutal.
  • Duke Huan of Qi Jiang Xiaobai
The luxury of the mausoleum and the number of funerary objects have been described above. After his mausoleum was dug up, the bones of the martyrs were found lying in the underground palace. Duke Huan of Qi Jiang Xiaobai died Court Coup , was Erect obstinate Dentition The three traitors of Qifang were confined in the dormitory and starved to death. Decades after their death, they were not found until the maggots on the rotting corpses crawled out of the room. He died so tragically that he still had to kill people and bury them. It can be seen that the sacrifice of living people was one of the indispensable funeral rites at that time.
The king and master buried the living, Princes and nobility The rich and powerful women like the empress dowager all rushed to follow suit, so the custom of sacrificing the living for burial prevailed for a time. However, many people objected to this cruel practice at that time, which is recorded in many historical records.
Record 1
According to the Warring States Policy · Qin Policy, the Qin state Of Queen Mother Xuan And ministers Wei Choufu Collusion, and love to death. When Empress Dowager Xuan was seriously ill, she ordered: "When I die, I must be buried with Mr. Wei." When Wei Choufu learned that, he was scared to death. His friends Philistine Volunteer to persuade the empress dowager to withdraw. Yong Rui said, "Empress Dowager, do you think people will be conscious after death?" The Empress Dowager replied, "Of course not." Yong Rui saw her fall into the trap and said, "You are so wise and matchless, like the Empress Dowager, who clearly knows that the dead are unconscious, why should you let the person you loved die in vain and bury him with the unconscious dead? The late king was very dissatisfied with you when he was alive. If the dead were conscious, you would take a man to the ground. The late king would hate you even more. At that time, it would be too late for you to repent! What's the leisure to talk with Mr. Wei? " When Empress Dowager Xuan listened to him, she had to give up her love. Wei Choufu escaped to death.
Record 2
be buried alive with the dead
The Book of Rites · Sandal Bow 》Record: Chen Ziche died defend one's country His wife and the housekeeper planned to bury a living person. After discussion, Chen Zikang came, and they said to Chen Zikang, "Mr. Ziche died of illness, and the patients were left unattended underground, so we plan to bury a living person.". Although he is ill and needs to be waited on, who can be more suitable than his wife and housekeeper? It doesn't matter if someone has to be buried. If someone has to be buried, I think you two are the most suitable ones. Chen Ziche's wife and housekeeper were so shocked that they never mentioned the burial of others. Another name Chen Qian In the past, when he was seriously ill, he summoned his brother and son to the bed and told his son Chen Zunzhi: "If I die, I must make my coffin bigger and let my two maids hold me." His son said: "It is not polite to use people to bury people for martyrdom, not to mention that no one has ever heard of putting the martyr and the dead in the same coffin!" Under Chen Zunzhi's insistence, Finally, the two maids were not buried in the tomb.
Sir《 Mozi ·It is said in the Festival of Burial: "The Son of Heaven killed hundreds of people and dozens of widows; General Doctor There are dozens of martyrs and several widows. horse and carriage woman musician Both This is a matter of dropping out of the people. It is impossible to defeat the people's wealth. " The meaning is that the king killed and buried, sometimes hundreds, sometimes tens; Generals and adults kill and bury, sometimes dozens, sometimes a few. They are equipped with horses, carriages, geishas and dancers. This cruel practice makes people unable to do things, and even more incalculable the waste of people's money. Even those who advocate generous burial Xun Kuang Sir, he also strongly opposes killing and burial《 a pre-Qin philosopher ·In the Book of Rites, it says: "Carving death with life is called ink, carving life with death is called confusion, killing life with death is called thief!" It means that reducing the burial articles of the dead while increasing the expenses of the living is called "Mozi's Way", reducing the expenses of the living while increasing the burial articles of the dead is called muddleheaded, and killing the living to bury the dead is called ferocious!
However, thinkers were not kings, and their criticism did not change the cruel custom of killing and dying at that time.

Qin Dynasty

After the death of the first emperor of Qin, "The second said, 'The first emperor and his harem have no sons, so it's not appropriate to leave.' They all ordered to die, and the dead were numerous." [7] Although it is unknown how many people died innocently and tragically in the Qin Shihuang's harem, it can be seen from the Records of the Historian · The Chronicle of the Qin Shihuang that every time Qin destroyed the princes, he wrote about their palaces, which were on the north of Xianyang, facing the Wei River in the south, from the east of Yongmen to the Jing and Wei Rivers, and the palaces were connected to the Zhou Pavilion. Get the belles and drums of princes, and fill them in. A note in Records of the Historian Justice: San Fu's Old Stories says: "The First Emperor thought the river was the east gate of Qin, the west gate was the west gate of Qin, and the palace view inside and outside was one hundred and forty-five. There were more than ten thousand women in the imperial palace, and their anger rose to the sky." When the First Emperor of Qin annexed the six countries, he plundered the women in the palaces of the six countries to fill the palace, so that there were more than ten thousand women in the imperial palace. Such a large number of people, once the First Emperor fell, had no children in the palace, All those who have not even seen the beauty of heaven will be buried at the same time, which is really an act of killing humanity. [8 ]

Liao Jin Yuan Dynasty

Since the Han Dynasty, most emperors no longer killed for life and death, but often left a posthumous edict to release childless concubines and palace ladies from the palace. Although occasionally emperors were buried with living people, they were not as cruel and vicious as the above people. until Liao Dynasty People died before they came back to life and even became an institution《 Liao History 》Volume 71 Biography The first recorded Liao Taizu Yelu Abao machine When she died, Queen Stating the law level For his funeral: Taizu collapse, later called system, captured the military affairs. When he was buried, he wanted to die with his own body. A hundred officials of his relatives strongly remonstrated, and he was accepted in the coffin because his right wrist was broken. Taizong Enthrone Empress Dowager At the beginning of Huitong, he was honored as Guangde Zhiren Zhaolie Chongjian Ying, empress dowager of the emperor. [5]
Although there has been a ban on burial in China, it is still in history. Especially after the Liao Dynasty, the system of sacrificial rites has revived and once affected ministers. taizu Yelu Abao machine After death, Stating the law level He killed more than one hundred ministers for burial. The burial custom of Nvzhen nobles in the Jin Dynasty was unnecessary Coffins But it is necessary to be buried, "the dead are buried without coffins, and the noble ones burn their favorite slaves and saddles to die" (Song Xu Mengxin《 Compiled by Sanchao Beimeng Association 》)。
In Liao, Jin and other dynasties, Gong Huoren died for despotic emperors one after another, and reached a climax in the Yuan Dynasty. [6] When Genghis Khan died, where the coffin passed, all the people he met were killed, and forty noble palace ladies were buried. Mong-wou At the time of death, 20000 people were killed and buried along the way (Marco Polo). Civil funeral is different from royal funeral, which is mainly carried out by means of commendation, and is the most popular in the Yuan and Qing dynasties. The Yuan Dynasty even encouraged people to die for burial. For example, "He Qianqi, wife of He Qiansaier in Hezhong County, Daning, died and buried her husband with her body, honoring her door," recorded in the "History of the Yuan Dynasty, Volume 34".

Continuation of the early Ming Dynasty

Zhu Yuanzhang In the Kaiming Dynasty, there was a bad example of sacrificial burial. "At the beginning, when Taizu collapsed, most palace people followed the dead. Jianwen Yongle At the same time, we have successively given preferential treatment. If Zhang Feng, Li Heng, Zhao Fu, Zhang Bi, Wang Bin and other families all tried to enter hundreds of households from the Royal Guards, and all of them rode into thousands of households with swords, and inherited their salaries, they were called the 'Taizu' Chaotian female household ’。 calendar Cheng Zu Ren and Xuan were both martyred. The emperor of the Jing Dynasty used the imperial crown as the imperial crown, which was still used in the imperial palace at that time. " There were 46 funeral concubines who died after Zhu Yuanzhang died. Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Zhanji (January 31, 1398-1435) Concubines were also buried, including Guo Funeral, whose name was Ai. When he entered the palace, he died for Xuanzong. Other women without a name but only a surname were: He's Zhao's , Wu, Jiao Cao Family Xu Yuan Family , Zhu Shi Li's The canonizing document said that they "committed themselves to justice, followed Long Yu as a guest of honor, should be recommended as a badge, and used to celebrate the festival. Gai Xuanzong died to bury imperial concubines". bright Yingzong (1427-1464) Things turned around just before death. Shi Zaiyengzong was seriously ill. "He took his life by mouth, and decided to be a concubine. Don't bury the emperor with a funeral Four things , Fu Geju retouching ". Since then, the royal family of the Ming Dynasty has been eliminated Human martyrdom System.
Five emperors accompanied nearly a hundred concubines
Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty After death, a total of 40 concubines were buried and buried. Except for two who died before Taizu, they were finally buried on both sides of Taizu's mausoleum, the rest 38 people died.
There are two explanations for the number of concubines buried by Cheng Zu, one is《 Daming Festival 》16 people from North Korea《 Record of Li Dynasty 》More than 30 people.
After the death of Renzong, five concubines were buried, namely, the high ranking concubine Guo Shi general name for the emperor's concubines Wang Lifei Wang Shunfei Tan Shi and Be a concubine Huang Shi. There were eight people buried in Emperor Xuanzong's Jingling Tomb, so there was a saying that the number of people who died was seven; However, according to the list of posthumous titles added at the end of The History of the Ming Dynasty: A Biography of Empress Concubine, it may be ten people. As for Emperor Jing, only "Tang Clan of all concubines and concubines" were buried in the history books, and the specific number was unknown. The total number of the five emperors who buried their concubines was about 100.
Remuneration for burial Chaotian female household
In order to compensate these martyrs, the next emperor will probably give them and their relatives some benefits. The most common way is to posthumously give posthumous titles to commend their deeds. For example, after the death of Xuanzong, "The He, Zhao, Wu, Jiao, Cao, Xu, Yuan, Zhu, Li, and He families of the concubines all died. In the first year of the orthodox era, they were all given posthumous titles. The book said," I am committed to justice and follow the dragon to be a guest of honor. It is appropriate to recommend the emblem and use the name of Zhang Jie. "And" At the age of, you ate in the tomb. " Enjoy the palace All of them have their own names and sacrifices, that is, they can share a little "incense" from the emperor. As for their relatives, they sometimes get preferential pensions. There is a song Ming Palace Ci He wrote: "Ye Ting has been worshipping for many years, and his benefactor always worries about the rain and dew. Long Yu, the distinguished guest, has just entered the ranks of the nobility, and he is pitiful family composed of female members All the way up. " The "Chaotian female household" mentioned in this poem is the family members of the martyrs who received preferential compensation.
According to the Ming History: Biography of Empress Concubines, "when the Emperor Taizu collapsed, most of the palace people followed the dead. When Jianwen and Yongle were in succession, they gave preferential subsidies. For example Zhang Feng Li Heng Zhao Fu , Zhang Bi, Wang Bin and other families are hereditary Royal Guards There are thousands of households, people call them 'Taizu Chaotian female households'. It is the same with Chengzu, Ren and Xuanzong. " Most of these people were the father or brother of the women who were buried in the dead, and their identity as "Chaotian Women Households" was hereditary. However, it is difficult to determine how long this preferential treatment has lasted.

Anglo Saxon Abolition

Among the Ming emperors, Yingzong Zhuqi Town It is generally acknowledged that the emperor has no achievements. He is Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Zhanji The eldest son of“ Tumu Crisis ”, twice emperor, once overlord You are always under the control of others. When Jingtai Emperor At the time of his death, he also arranged for his concubines to be buried for him, which did not seem to mean to cancel the burial. But on his deathbed, he made such a decision Zhu Youstew There is a certain relationship.
King of Zhou Zhu Youstew It's the fifth son of Taizu Zhu Jiu His son died four years ago without children. Before his death, he expressed to Yingzong in some way that the funeral after death should be frugal and not require sacrificial burial. Yingzong attaches great importance to this matter. Zhu Youstew After his death, Yingzong personally issued a decree to his younger brother Zhu Youyou , and told him, "It is not necessary to die under the imperial concubine. Those who have parents are sent back when they are young." Unfortunately, the edict was issued late, and Zhu Youyao has ordered his brother's "imperial concubine Gong, his wife Shi, Ou Chen Shi Zhang han Li died ". Yingzong had no choice but to commend their "chastity" and "chastity".
Presumably influenced by this, on February 22, 1464, Zhu Qizhen made a decision on his deathbed: starting from him, abolish this system. His successor Emperor Xianzong also stressed once again not to be buried in death before his death, in order to show respect for the decision of the former emperor. The insistence of the two generations of emperors finally put an end to the system of martyrdom since the early Ming Dynasty.
 Sacrificial coins Sacrificial coins
Sacrificial coins

Kangxi ends

According to historical records, martyrdom was very popular in the early Qing Dynasty. Taizu Nurhachi After death Imperial Concubine Ulanara Concubine Ajigen and Dainza were buried. After Emperor Taizong's death, Zhang Jing Dundali Andari be buried alive with the dead. Ancestor Fulin After death, the imperial concubine E and the bodyguard Fu Dali died. Prince Rui After Dourgen's death, Wu Erkuni, the maid, died.
Holy Ancestor of the Qing Dynasty Kangxi When, Han Jiang Zhu Fei Shangshu requested to stop, which was forbidden in the 12th year of Kangxi (1673) Eight Banners The servants under the order of the dressing assistant were buried with the master, and the system of martyrdom was abolished. Since then, the emperors of all dynasties have never ordered large-scale burial of living people. [2] This ended the cruel custom of the early Qing Dynasty.

Ancient folk burial

Martyrdom is an ancient custom. As early as Primitive society People are used to burying the tools, weapons and daily necessities they loved with the dead. In the slave society, slaves were killed or buried alive as tools that could speak“ the underworld ”Continue to serve the master. Used at that time Slave burial It has become a system
As the case may be, the number of martyrs is from dozens to thousands.
get into class society Later, women became playthings and vassals of noble men, and women accounted for a large proportion of the martyrs. Shang dynasty Oracle inscriptions There are special sacrifices and martyrs in slave girls Records. Of course, not all the martyrs were slaves, but also the wives and courtiers of the tomb owner.
In the Spring and Autumn Period Slavery On the verge of collapse, the practice of martyrdom began to cause criticism. In 621 BC, after the death of Duke Mu of Qin, 177 people were buried, including three good men with outstanding talents and high popularity. Chinese people make《 oriole 》The poem expresses the mourning for the dead and hatred for the tyrant. At this time Vassal states The evil custom of women dying as masters, maids and concubines was gradually abandoned. After Chen Ziche, the doctor of Qi, died, his wife and the superintendent agreed to appoint someone to be buried. Zikang, Ziche's younger brother, said to them, "If my brother is here the underworld If someone needs to wait on him, there is nothing more suitable than his wife and the superintendent. This matter should not be considered. If I must insist, I will use you two to die. " The wife and the steward of Ziche had to agree to cancel the plan of dying for their maidservant concubine.
After the Spring and Autumn Period, the practice of human martyrdom was rare, and it was basically replaced by wooden or clay human shaped idols. In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin formally ordered the abolition of martyrdom in the first year of Xian Gong (384 BC). However, in 221 BC, after the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries, there were once again massive and appalling events of life and death.
First Emperor of Qin In order to pray for immortality, he sent thousands of boys and girls to the sea to seek immortality. At the same time, it took more than ten years and hundreds of thousands of people to build a huge mausoleum, namely the Tomb of the First Emperor of Lishan. After the death of Qin Shihuang, Second Emperor of the Qin dynasty It was officially announced that all women in the harem were buried. The number of maids and craftsmen killed in this funeral was so large that it was "tens of thousands".
Qin Dynasty A series of tyrannies aroused strong resistance from the people, Peasant War at the End of Qin Dynasty Not only overthrew the Qin Dynasty, but also taught a lesson New Dynasty The ruler of. Prestigious Martial Emperor After death, although a large number of gold, silver, property, birds and animals were buried Fish and turtle , cattle, horses, tigers and leopards, but his thousands of concubines and palace maids all saved their lives after all. With the people's resistance and social progress, from the Han Dynasty to yuan dynasty , except remote Ethnic minority areas In addition, the forced burial of women as a system no longer exists.
In the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the evil system of human martyrdom revived and became popular for nearly 700 years. Mong Yuan's invasion envoy Chinese culture In the Yuan Dynasty, people were encouraged to die for burial《 History of the Yuan Dynasty 》There are many records: "Shunde Maben's wife Hu Runnu, Zhen Dingmin's wife Gardenvale The wife of Ji Ningmin, Wei Yihong, died and died for her husband "He Qianqi's wife, Berthusel, died in Hezhong County, Daning, and was buried with her body." [1]
In the Ming Dynasty, the custom of martyrdom was practiced in Jianzhou Prefecture of Manchu people. Manchu people liked to be buried, both up and down. The death of husband and wife was the law.
After the Manchus entered the Central Plains, they still used the traditional folk concept of chastity. "February Ren Xu The funeral ceremony will be set, and the wife who died for her husband will still be praised. In the history of the Qing Dynasty, Nurhachi Shunzhi Kangxi During the period, there were martyrs. In the 12th year of Kangxi (1674), "In Yimao, the Eight Banners were forbidden to be buried as slaves". So far, the widespread system of "Eight Banners Sacrifice with Slaves" was prohibited. However, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty "on the one hand explicitly abolished the system of martyrdom, on the other hand, they vigorously commended their wives and concubines for their 'voluntary' martyrdom in practical action. The local civil authorities praised their wives and concubines for their martyrdom, called them 'martyrs' and' festival wives', and revised books Memorial archway So in the end of the Qing Dynasty, the system of martyrdom was not completely eradicated.

archaeological discovery

In 1974, Shaanxi Spring drought Serious, Lishan Mountain Many villagers were forced to dig wells to fight drought. At the bottom of the well, someone suddenly dug a strange clay head. At that time, none of them would have thought that the pottery head would lead to a huge square array of terracotta warriors. Qin terra cotta warriors It was discovered unexpectedly.
be buried alive with the dead
These figurines with different shapes are all dressed up by warriors. These warriors protect Chinese history The first unified dynasty in the past, strong Qin Empire Founder of—— Zhao Zheng, King of Qin Before that, people's understanding of the first emperor and the Qin Dynasty was mostly limited to historical records. terra cotta warriors The discovery made people have more resources to outline the general outline of the dynasty. The problems that followed puzzled the archaeologists. Where did this empire come from and where were their ancestors' remains? [4]

Kicked off

In 1975, Shaanxi An archaeological team from the provincial archaeological institute came Baoji Fengxiang County Lingshan Mountain This archaeological team has traveled all over the place Guanzhong The famous mountain ranges fall from corner to corner.
What they are looking for is the footsteps of the powerful dynasty, the Qin Empire, and its ancestors. However, after months of hard work, the archaeological team found nothing.
At the same time, 30 kilometers southeast of Lingshan, in a place called South Command Village Jin surname A strange thing happened to the villagers.
This seemingly insignificant incident is a prelude to an unprecedented archaeological excavation. From 1976 to 1986, the excavation lasted for 10 years. One by one, difficult mysteries emerge in front of people through thousands of years, and a period of complicated history gradually reveals clearly.
South Command Village is located in Shaanxi Province Baoji city Fengxiang County Five kilometers south of the city, not far from the village, there is a strange wasteland. In spring and summer, no matter how much rain, the crops there will not grow well. People living nearby seem to be accustomed to this, and no one wants to go deep into it.
One day in 1976, a nearby Zhao The villager came here with a small cart, and he wanted to dig some earth to repair his courtyard wall.
Shovel There are some strange soil blocks in the loess. Their color and shape are obviously different from the surrounding loess. They are yellow and red, mixed with some gravel, and very hard.
A few days later, the matter mentioned again in the villagers' chat was accidentally recorded by the archaeologist of the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology. The professional sensitivity made the archaeologist realize that there must be something strange in it.
A team of archaeologists came quickly to carry out field survey.
Those strange earth blocks were rammed manually, Preliminary survey As a result, the archaeologists were shocked. They came from a huge underground engineering This mysterious square underground project, whose floor area was marked by the archaeological team, has two international standard The basketball court is big!
What would such a huge project be? No one was able to answer this question at that time, and soon after, the archaeological survey found that there were strange signs of outward extension in the east-west direction of the project. The whole project is in a strange "Chinese" shape.
A few months later, the archeological team found out the general shape of the project below the ground. Its main part is divided into three layers, and there is a circle of two layers of table top at more than ten meters. The engineering depth is equivalent to 8 floors Building height In this shape, it can be basically confirmed that this is an ancient tomb. The size of the tomb is really rare. The owner of such a huge tomb must also be very distinguished!

Abroad - Shiv, India

stay ancient India the Vedas Widows can remarry during the period. After the 2nd century AD, widows were not allowed to remarry. Later, the regulations became increasingly strict, and they must be buried at a martyr's death. The system of burial at a martyr's death is also called Sati (Sati), Sati It is a girl in the ancient Indian mythology. Sati was insulted by her family Shiva And jumped into the flame to commit suicide. The earliest act of burial can be traced back to the 6th century BC, when Princess Raveverma was buried. Indians believe that a woman who was buried will be able to ascend to heaven. Martyrs should put on their full attire when they were brides, sit on the firewood pile, and then light a fire. They may burn with their dead husbands or burn themselves alone. If the deceased is polygamous, the right wife and the dead husband will be buried together, and the other wives will be burned alone. hinduism Times are in the upper class and among the Rajput Widow died The custom of Bengal On average, two widows set themselves on fire every day. In 1819, there were 839 widows in Bengal Shifu
The death of a widow in 1829 was officially declared illegal in Britain.
Indian women demonstrated in the street at that time, demanding that women Shifu The phenomenon of martyrdom has been repeatedly prohibited, and some remote villages still have this bad habit. At the end of the 20th century, Indian widows were still heard of and respected for their self immolation, but most widows were forced to die. India, 1987 Rajasthan There was an 18-year-old man in a village Young woman Rup Kanwar was forced to burn himself to death, and a wave of protests broke out all over India. For this reason, the Indian government has revised the law to prevent widows from dying. Violators will be sentenced to up to seven years' imprisonment.