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Dead Lake

Basalt lava plain on the northeast surface of the moon
Dead Lake (Lacus Mortis ", Latin for" the lake of death ") is Moon A basalt on the northeast surface Lava Plain, about 151 km in diameter; In the north, a thin arm shaped rugged surface separates it from the southern end of the Cold Sea; In the south, embedded Prana crater and Mason Crater And an uneven zone Dream Lake Phase separation.
Chinese name
Dead Lake
Foreign name
Lacus Mortis
geographical position
Moon Northeast surface
To the right of the dead lake center Bigger Crater , while a series of crisscross Moon Valley They are collectively called Rimae B ü rg.
Dead Lake Lunar coordinates Location is 45°N 27.2°E , with a diameter of 151 km. The name comes from an Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Rijoli The map of the moon was drawn in 1651, and in 1935 International Astronomical Union Recognized and adopted.
In March 2014, Astrobotic announced that it would take the Dead Lake as the destination of its first lunar mission and Google Moon X Grand Prix Part of. Their plan is to land next to a crater on the Dead Sea Plain, and then sail around the crater with a lunar rover.