
[wǔ guān]
Border Entry and Exit Inspection Office of Ancient Jin Chu and Qin Chu
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Wuguan, Gu Jin Chu Qin Chu [1] Border Entry and Exit Inspection Office. Located in Shaanxi Province Shangluo city Danfeng County On the north bank of Dongwuguan River strategic Qin-dynasty pass in Henan Xiao Guan Great Sanguan Become“ The Fourth Fortress of Qin Dynasty ”。 Wuguan has a long history spring and autumn At that time, it was built and named“ Learn less ”It was changed to "Wuguan" in the Warring States Period. Guancheng is built on a relatively flat highland between the valleys, with the high Shaoxi Mountain to the north and the dangerous mountain to the south. The perimeter of the pass is 1.5km, and the city wall is made of earth, slightly square. Open a door in the east and a door in the west, and wrap the hole with bricks and stones. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were“ Sanqin Fortress ”There are four characters: "Wuguan" on the east gate and "Gushaoxiguan" on the forehead of the inner gate. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the city gates and walls were destroyed. The terrain of the west of the Pass is relatively flat, and the only way out of the Pass is to travel eastward, winding along the mountainside. The cliff is high and the valley is deep, so it is narrow and difficult to travel. Therefore, the Wuguan Pass is a must for ancient military strategists.
Chinese name
North bank of Dongwuguan River, Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province
Historical position
One of the "Four Fortresses of Qin Dynasty"
Current status
Places of interest
Wuguan Ancient City, Qin Chu Boundary Wall, Beacon Tower

Location context

Wuguan was called "Shaoxi Pass" in the Spring and Autumn Period, "Sanqin Fortress" and "the throat of Qin and Chu". the Qing dynasty Gu Zuyu In Volume 54 of the Summary of Fang Yu's History Reading, it is said: "The transition between Qin and Chu is based on the danger of mountains and rivers. The way to Nanyang is moving to the east, and the way to Lantian is closing the right border. The military passes are heavily defended, and the weight of the defense is divided at one stroke."《 Renewal Business Record 》On Chen Qianshi's Day, "There are three ways to enter the Pass since ancient times... One way is to enter Wuguan from the southeast". Gu Donggao, a native of the Qing Dynasty, wrote: "The Wuguan Pass closed the middle of the Qin Dynasty, and the Xiangyun River Huaihe Road was blocked." Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the Wuguan Pass has always been defended. We must fight for war. The old city wall of Wuguan lies on the cliff to the north, the Juejian River to the south, and the river flows around the east, west, and south. The city site crosses the river center. There are four ridges in the east of the city, especially the suspension bridge ridge, which is high and steep. "When you go up the mountain, you can't ride together", shielding Wuguan. Therefore, the history calls it "the gateway to the southeast of Guanzhong Pass is not wrong", and it has the reputation of "one hundred and two Qin passes" (with two enemies and one hundred). So far, there is still a section of the ancient "Qin Chu boundary wall", about more than 300 meters. Known as Shangyu Road and Shangshan Road in ancient times, it is an important gateway in southeast Shaanxi and an ancient capital Chang'an The link connecting Jingxiang and Wuyue. From Chang'an, through Jidao Bashang , Zhiyang Lantian , Xiguan, Shangluo, Wuguan, Danshui, Xi, Li and other places to Wancheng. [2]

Wuguan Town Committee of Danfeng County

Wuguan Town

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is dangerous and natural. It was once known as the "Heavenly Fortress and Divine Land", "It is difficult to lock the enemy when closing the door", "Wuguan closes the middle of Qin Dynasty with one hand, and Xiangyun Jianghuai Road is blocked". It has been a place of war since ancient times. During the Warring States Period, Qin went out of Wuguan Pass and took fifteen cities to the east, King Huai of Chu That is, being held in Wuguan; Qin Shihuang passed through Wuguan when he visited the east; Liu Bang entered the military and settled Guanzhong, Guo Ziyi Recruit the Death Emissary at Wuguan Tubo Night escape; Huang Chao went out of Wuguan to fight in the Central Plains; Li Zicheng hoarded troops in Shangluo and marched into Beijing after leaving Wuguan Pass; In 1932, General He Long led his troops to fight fiercely with the enemy Liu Zhenhua's troops in Wuguan. [3] The upper and lower beacon towers also exist. There are Muhu Pass in the west of Wuguan, Fushui Pass in the east, Baiyang Pass, Zhulin Pass, Jingzi Pass and Manchuan Pass in the south, Tiesuo Pass and Jitou Pass in the north, facing each other, which can be used for mutual defense. Liu Bang rebel leader Li Zicheng White Lotus Cult The Rebels and the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army led by He Long all went out of Wuguan. [4]


Wuguancheng Site, in Longjuzhai Town 42km to the east, south of the Upper Iraqi National Highway. It is the southern pass of Qin Dynasty. It, together with Hangu Pass in the east, Dasanguan Pass in the west and Xiaoguan Pass in the north, is called "Four Fortresses in Guanzhong". Guanzhong is named for being among the four passes. Its boundary is "the head of Qin and the tail of Chu", "the throat of Qin and Chu", and "the key to Guanzhong".
Wuguan City is bordered by the cliff of Shaoxi Mountain in the north and the unique brook of Wuguan River Valley in the east, west and south. "The mountains are surrounded by water, and the obstacles are natural", which is a place for all generations of military strategists to contend for. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of "focusing on the heaven and controlling China" and "one hundred and two Qinguan passes" (two against one hundred). According to Zuo Zhuan, the Fourth Year of Aigong, "In the fourth year of Aigong in the Qin Dynasty (533 BC), Chu conquered the barbarian tigers and sought the northern part of the country, and will pass Shaoxi Pass to obey orders." This shows that Shaoxi Pass has been set up in the Spring and Autumn Period, that is, Wuguan Pass, renamed since the Warring States Period (the main mountain in the northern part of the pass has been called Shaoxi so far). According to the Record of Rebuilding the Stele at Wuguan, written by Nanbo, Taipu Temple, Ming Dynasty, the gate was rebuilt in the fifth year of Zhengde's reign (1510). According to the field survey, the rammed earth of today's city wall is also broken into the Ming City. The city site is rectangular, 1000 meters from east to west and 500 meters from south to north. It is built with rammed earth, 8 meters high and 3.4 meters thick. There is one gate in the east, one gate in the west and one gate in the south, which is built with brick and stone. There is a city tower on it. Each gate has regular script and engraved stone forehead. The west gate is“ Sanqin Fortress "; The outer forehead of the east gate is "Wuguan", and the inner forehead is "Ancient Shaoxiguan".
the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”The middle city is destroyed and the monument is lost. So far, only a few piles of rammed earth have remained in the east and west of the city wall of Wuguan. After the establishment of the County Cultural Relics Management Committee, from 1986 to 1987, the three lost titles were successively collected back. There are no government offices in the city for generations. In 1980, during the general survey of cultural relics in Shangluo area, carved tiles such as "Wuhou" and "Long live forever" were found at the city site of Wuguan, as well as plate tiles with the character "Wu" in the seal script. In 1956, Wuguan Primary School found a pentagonal Han Dynasty pottery sewer pipe similar to the one unearthed in Longshou Village, Xi'an, when taking soil near the west wall. Since then, copper ding, copper francium, copper sword, copper arrow and a large number of pottery and fragments have been unearthed many times over the years. In 1988, during the general survey of cultural relics in Shangluo area, three pottery kilns and a tomb of Han Dynasty were found in Wuguan. All these can be taken as the material evidence of the establishment of the Yamen in Wuguan during the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty. The streets of the city site of Wuguan are neat, and it is now the seat of the government of Wuguan Township.
With regard to the garrison and defense of Wuguan in the past dynasties, according to the Book of the Han Dynasty - History of Emperor Wu, Zhu Meng was the commander of Wuguan in the first year of Liu Xuan's reform (23). The Sui Shu · Yang Di Ji said: "The Shanluo Pass is the place to set up the guard." According to the Kangxi's "Renewal of Business Annals", in the 18th year of the Kaiyuan era of the Tang Dynasty (730), Yan Jingxun, the deputy governor of the Wuguan Pass, succeeded Xiao Yuanchang. According to the General Annals of Shangzhou, Zhili, in the 26th year of Hongwu's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1393), Wuguan set up a patrol inspection department. In the second year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1737), barracks were added. In the 22nd year of Qianlong's reign (1757), the Yamen was rebuilt, with five courtyards, five grand courtyards and more than ten prison rooms. The gate is hung with a large gold plaque with the words "Wuguan City Camp Guarding". There is a huge stele of "Ancient Shaoxi Pass" written by Luo Wensi, a state official (it is said to be laid in the canal in the middle of Wuguan East Street). Its yamen was occupied by grain station after liberation. the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”The Houliang Station was reconstructed into a warehouse. At present, there are only Guandi Temple Hall and Lelou in the city, which were rebuilt by Qingdao Guangshi at the inner side of the west gate. The Kuixing Building in the southeast corner of the original city, the Sizuizi Stone Buddha Temple in the southwest corner, the Dragon King Temple, the Lelou and the temples of Bodhisattva, the God of Wealth and the God of Fire have all collapsed successively. Since ancient times, Wuguan has been known as a military fortress that "closes the door without locking the enemy", "opens the door at night without locking the door", and "rejects thousands of people at the magnificent gate". There is a "boundary wall between Qin and Chu" at Sidaoling (Hangqiao Ridge) in Guandong. Ridgetop, originally closed Suspension bridge It is a natural danger to ride together outside the mountain. The front and rear beacon towers are set on the side of the wall (see the "Qin Chu Boundary Wall" in this chronicle for details), which still exist.
According to Gu Zuyu's "Records of the History Reading Party", "at the turn of Qin and Chu, according to the danger of mountains and rivers, we can move from Nanyang to the east, and enter the Lantian to close the right. The great defense of the Wuguan Pass can be divided into two parts." Gu Donggao's poem said: "The Wuguan Pass closed the middle of Qin with one hand, and the Xiangyun River Huaihe Road was impassable." Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the military affairs of all dynasties in Wuguan have been frequent and redundant. The poem "Wuguan" written by Tan Sitong in Qing Dynasty says: "The sky is clear and the sky is clear, and the ancient battlefield of the Chu River and the Qin Mountain is clear." "Qin and Chu fight and behead 80000 people", that is, the battle is on the shore of Dan and Xi. Later, King Huai of Chu is held in Wuguan. Du Mu said in "Wu Guan Tiao": "Bixi left me in the east of Wu Guan, and I was poor when I smiled at the memory of the king." Cui Rong wrote a poem: "Six miles of green mountains and the world laugh, and Zhang Yi is easy to return.". Liu Bangke Wuguan, Cheng Diye; Deng Ye Get the Wuguan Pass, get rid of it usurper who founded the Xin dynasty ; Red eyebrow army Enter Wuguan Pass and shake the Han Dynasty; Huanwen and Liu Yu The army broke through the Wuguan Pass, and the former and later Qin dynasties were destroyed; Guo Ziyi reorganized the army in Wuguan, and Tubo fled at night; Huang Chao went out of Wuguan to fight in the Central Plains; When the Red Scarf Army entered the Wuguan Pass, the "three assistants" were frightened; Li Zicheng After leaving Wuguan Pass, Dashun will be built; White Lotus Cult Taiping Army The Boxers attacked Wuguan Pass and shocked the Qing court. In 1932, the Red Army led by He Long and the warlord Liu Zhenhua also fought fiercely at the bottom of the temple in the west of Wuguan.
The Wuguan Pass of the Qin Pass and the Chu Mountains is not only a military fortress, but also a beautiful landscape. In the past, there were "eight sights": afterglow, stone bridge and ancient ferry, deer chirping on the brush mountain, inkstone and fish leaping, Longtan Ancient Temple, white rock fairyland, python cold magic fungus, and jade spring beads. Wenchun and He Jingming, among the poets and poets who have stopped at Wuguan, are Han Yu, Yuan Zhen, Bai Juyi, Du Mu, Cen Shen, Li Shangyin, Kou Zhun, Wen Chun, He Jingming, and many other well-known works. Chairman Mao Zedong once wrote the poem "Resting at Wuguan again" written by Li She of the Tang Dynasty in person to inspire people with lyricism. In 1959, the Ministry of Forestry held a national on-site meeting of 16 provinces (cities) of walnuts in Wuguan, and built a stone tablet in Xigang.

Boundary wall

From Wuguan, the "Sanqin Fortress", turn eastward. About 2.5 kilometers away, one ridge is the road, the fourth ridge of the four ridges (Hangqiao Ridge), which is the "outline" of Wuguan. This was the only way to get in and out of Wuguan in ancient times. The mountain is high and steep, and its road cannot be ridden together. The Records of the Historian said that "there are hundred and two (two against one hundred) in the Qin Pass, and the potential is like building a strategic position". It has always been a battleground for military strategists.
On the top of the suspension bridge ridge, there is still a section of the "Qin Chu boundary wall", which is about 3500 meters long, 2 meters wide at the bottom, 1 meter wide at the top, and 3.5 meters high. It is made of rubble. The wall is Qin to the west and Chu to the east, which is the boundary between the two countries during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Across the road, there are city towers. Its arched door opening is 3.4 meters high, 2.7 meters wide and 3.4 meters deep. There are three buildings on it, and a suspension bridge is set in front of the door. There are two beacon towers in the southeast of the wall. The front desk is 30 meters higher than the boundary wall, and the backstage is 150 meters higher than the front desk. It echoes with the Tieyupu, Taohuapu, Ziyuling, Longju Village, Shangshan, and Dihua towers, which are the main facilities for transmitting messages in ancient wars. The boundary wall was initially built in the Warring States Period, and has been repaired for many generations. The existing boundary wall is built in the Ming Dynasty. Before liberation, there were five characters on the boundary wall: "Qin Chu boundary wall". According to legend, this wall stretches for thousands of miles in ancient times, forming a line with Baiyang Pass, Zhulin Pass, Manchuan Pass, and Jitou Pass. To the west of the wall, the original "Four Dragon Palace" (named after four green dragons). The Palace was built in the first year of Yongle (1403) of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, with a total area of about 500 square meters. There are 11 halls, music halls, Daofang, tea houses, bell and drum towers. Temple fair on the third day of the third month in the ancient calendar (three days). Classics“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”All the main buildings collapsed. There used to be 17 ancient steles arranged in a single line beside the road, but now there are only two sides of the "Rebuilding Dragon Palace Stele": one is at the head of Sidaoling, inscribed with "The Ming Dynasty set up Wuguan Yamen" (established in March of the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign in the Ming Dynasty); 1. In the government compound of Wuguan Township. Over the years, many weapons such as arrows, spears and spears have been found near the "Qin Chu boundary wall".
Reviewing historical books and records, poet of Tang Dynasty Du Mu When you visited Wuguan Pass, the poem "Tiwu Pass" said that "the mountain wall and valley are still there, and the weak spit and the strong swallow are empty." It refers to this wall. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, the "Renewal of the Annals of Commerce" said that "the important place of the throat of Qin and Chu, and the business is in the key area of success." The first volume of the General Annals of Shangzhou, Zhili in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty said that "between Qin and Chu in the business world", "there is a natural danger of Wuguan in the east... the throat of Qin and Chu". The Record of Rebuilding the Stele at Wuguan, written by Nanbo, Taipu Temple, Ming Dynasty, said: "Wuguan is 500 miles away from the provincial capital... One man is the gateway, and a hundred men are invincible. Rock hazards are heard around the world... It is the gateway of Qin Dynasty." Therefore, there is a boundary wall set at the national gate. In the Qing Dynasty, Wang Zhaoji's "Crossing the Wuguan Pass" said: "The majestic pass once looked up to the Western Qin Dynasty, and was born on a rocky land. The mountains cut across the boundary between Qin and Chu, and the sound of water flowed through the Han and Tang dynasties. The Cancong Road at the mouth of the valley in Yunfeng, and the city head soon became dusty at sunset. The guest house once had a dream of traveling, and Zigui was called Fangchun at midnight.". The poem also clearly points out that Wuguan is "the boundary between Qin and Chu", and its "Cancong Road at the mouth of the Yunfeng Valley" actually refers to the tortuous way of climbing the boundary wall between Qin and Chu. [5]
According to the General Examination of Continued Literature, Yu Water control passes through Shangshan, eliminating floods, benefiting agriculture and facilitating transportation. At that time, the domestic roads were improved to a certain extent. The title of "assisting Yu in flood control" was granted to the Shang Dynasty. According to Shiben · Zupian, Qisun Xiangtu once made a "horse riding" (carriage) in the Shang Dynasty. The invention of horse drawn carts promoted the formation of local trunk lines. "Look for the way along the river", the main line basically runs along the Danjiang River, thus connecting the Guanzhong Plain and Nanyang Basin to the Jianghan Plain. This is "business on the road". In the Zhou Dynasty, the road became a military trunk line for southward use of troops, and along the road "gradually became a settlement". In the 27th year of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty (220 BC), "for the sake of the world, the east is poor, Yanqi is poor, and Wu and Chu are in the South Pole", "the road is fifty steps wide, three feet long, and the trees are thick, hidden with golden cones, and the trees are green pines". The Chidao of Wu and Chu in the South Pole, including the main line within the territory, was called Wuguan Dao or Lanwu Dao at that time. Twenty eight years ago (219 BC), the First Emperor of Qin went eastward to the counties, "returning from Wuguan". In the 37th year (210 BC), the First Emperor of Qin made a tour "from Wuguan Pass".
The mountain is high and the clouds cover it In business Wuguan Road is often blocked by rainy mountain floods in summer and autumn, and the facilities and maintenance of this trunk line have been attached great importance to by all generations. In the Tang Dynasty, this trunk line was called Shangshan Road and belonged to the official road. In the seventh year of Zhenyuan in the Tang Dynasty (791), Li Xihua, the governor of Shangzhou, widened the Shangshan Road, and did not deviate from the road to avoid the flood. He worked more than 100000 people, built bridges and roads, started guest houses, and opened a new road more than 700 miles from the west of Shangzhou to Lantian, and to the east of Neixiang. Li Shangyin, a poet, once wrote a poem called "Shang Yu's New Road", praising the feat of "who is more likely to open a shortcut and quickly draw up the green clouds". According to Chen Sici's Collection of Treasure Carvings, Shangshan Road was renovated again in the eighth year of Yuanhe (813) of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty. After completion, the stele was engraved with "A Record of Newly Built Bridges and Posts in the Tang Dynasty". According to the General Annals of Zhili Shangzhou, Chi Yuanhong, the magistrate of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, once presided over the construction of the plank road; In the seventh year of Wanli era (1579), Wang Bangjun, the governor of Zhizhou, built a road by "burning the stone wall, digging holes and erecting beams", and renovated the mountain road again. In the Qing Dynasty, the most important renovation project was in the 22nd year of Qianlong's reign (1757). The Zhizhou Luo Wensi presided over the construction of a stone lined road 8 feet wide and 6 miles long at the copper Buddha niche in Baiyangdian. The road was surrounded by stones and had simple facilities for travel and rest. People called it "Luo Gong". It greatly facilitates pedestrians from Longju Village to Shangxian County. The Qing Dynasty also renovated the seven mile long Bian in the east of Wuguan, which was intended to be called "Pei Gong Bian".
So far, there are still traces of ancient roads in Dihua Old Street, Baozi Village, Laojun Hall, Gucheng Village, Luciping, Ziyu Guofeng Building, Wuguan Xinkai Ridge, and Diaoqiao Ridge, which are generally about 3 meters wide and often have gentle slopes of about 30 ° - 40 °. Most of them are earth roads. Important sections such as entering villages and crossing towns are paved with stones or pebbles. [6]
Martial Emperor In the fourth year of Taichu (101 BC), he moved to Hongnong Duwei in Wuguan. Book of the Han Dynasty, Biography of Wang Mang 》In the fourth year of the emperor (23), Deng Ye and Zhu Meng, the captains of Wuguan, were once recruited and surrendered in Kuang's westward march. Although the Duwei is a military officer, he is also in charge of the smooth road when he is stationed at the pass.
In the Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, according to the "Book of Jin Fu Qin", from Chang'an to Zhuzhou, "there is a pavilion in 20 miles, a post in 40 miles, and tourists get it from the way". It is the beginning of setting up a post for the territory. Sui Yan strengthened the management of Wuguan. Sui Shu · Geography 》According to records, Shangluo County of Shangluo County has "Guan Guan". According to the Sui Book: A Chronicle of Yang Di, Yang Di ascended the throne "to dig a trench from Longmen and reach Shangluo so as to set up a defense" (referring to Wuguan). In the Tang Dynasty, "every thirty miles is a post". Yan Gengwang said in "A Survey of the Journey of Wuguan Road and Posthouse in Lantian, Tang Dynasty" that it was 23 Posthouses from Chang'an to Xiangyang. Luoyuan Posthouse in Shangluo County is connected to the post station in Shangluo County. Dihua Posthouse, Sihao Posthouse, Qingyun Posthouse, Taohua Posthouse and Wuguan Posthouse enter the country, and Chengfeng Posthouse in Shangnan County exit the country. "Each post house has one post master, several post men, and the post house of a county is managed by the county magistrate". There are post fields, cars, horses, boats, etc. for use. During the Emperor Dezong's reign in the Tang Dynasty, it was decided that "from Xanadu to Bianzhou, it was a great post station, and from Xanadu to Jingnan, it was a secondary post station". Shangdu is to the south of Jingnan, passing through the present Danfeng County. The Book of the Tang Dynasty · Hundred Official Records said: "Those who have a post road in the county are called Shangguan", and Wuguan in the county is called Shangguan. Its main function is to "ban the last travel and detect the traitors". During the Zhenyuan period, Li Xihua, the governor of Shangzhou, set up "official houses" on Shangshan Road to receive past officials. At that time, private hotels were also growing. Seven years ago in the Tianbao era, the Tongdian reached Song Bian in the east, Qizhou in the west, and Jingxiang in the south (this way, passing through the local area). "There are shops for business travel".
Song Dynasty Just like the previous generation, at the beginning of the founding of the country, the government of all Daozhou prefectures were ordered to use soldiers to deliver documents to the people. Shen Kuo of the Song Dynasty said in his Mengxi Bi Tan, "There were three kinds of posts, namely, step, horse, and rush. The most rapid delivery was four hundred miles a day, and only when the army was flourishing, it was used. In Xining, there were gold lettering cards delivered quickly at the foot, just like the ancient Yu Xi, with the gold lettering on the lacquered wood, and five hundred miles a day." All the people who looked at it avoided the road, that is, Yue Fei was honored with twelve gold medals a day. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the territory was the war zone between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. In the rush of the territory, there were ten soldiers, five soldiers or four soldiers in the main road.
element The post office on behalf of the post office is more detailed than before. The post office is called Zhanchi, which is the transliteration of the Mongolian post office. Each ordinary station is set up with one person to pick up and carry out the ninth grade printing, and the vocational school's chariot and horse battle. Attached to it, there are seven post houses in Shangzhou, including Dihua, Qingyun, Peach Blossom and Wuguan Post House. At that time, according to the Travels of Marco Polo, there was a post station every 25 or 30 miles in the Yuan Dynasty.
In the Ming Dynasty, there were post stations and emergency delivery shops in the territory, and the post officials of Lishang County were in charge of the reception and delivery by post. In the Qing Dynasty, the post office was under the charge of the post officials of Shang County at the beginning, and was also under the charge of the Longju Zhai Prefecture and the Yamen after it was established in the reign of Qianlong. Each post station has post script, post soap, groom, veterinarian, pole bearer, donkey driver, etc. There are "delivery shops" dedicated to delivering official documents, each with four shop managers and 21 soldiers. From Shangzhou to Wuguan, there are eleven shops. There are eight shops in this area (the shops in Yecun Village, Shangxian County are connected above, and the shops in Jianchang, Shangnan County are connected below). The shops in the territory are called Dihua Shop (small and middle class food), Shangluo Shop (big and middle class food), Longju Village Shop (the place of "festival stop"), Ziyu Shop, Taohua Shop (middle class food stop), Tieyu Shop, Sidi Shop, and Wuguan Shop (the place of "festival stop"). In terms of transportation organization, on September 29, the 26th year of Guangxu's reign (1900), Empress Dowager Cixi ordered all provinces to send Beijing's wages to Xi'an, and decided to move the General Transportation Bureau set up by Qingjiang (Jiangsu) to Hankou, and set up branches in Laohekou and Longju Village. The south road transportation goes from Hanshui to Jingziguan, and then goes back to Longju Village to Xi'an. This is regarded as "the first plan of Xixing". In addition, in the Qing Dynasty, there were also folk industry organizations such as the Boat Gang, the West Horse Gang, the North Horse Gang, the Qingqi Gang, the Salt Gang, the Chuhuang Gang, the Linjin Gang, and the Siti Gang that built clubs in Longju Village to receive past peers. [7]
Legend of Yuhua Bridge in Wuguan Dixin (Yin King Zhou )Yu Hualong, the top general, sent three sons to garrison Wuguan and built a stone bridge between the ravines at the foot of Shaoxi Mountain in the northeast of the city, hence the name "Yu Hualong Bridge", commonly known as the Big Stone Bridge. In the Eight Sceneries of Wuguan, there is a saying that "Shiqiao Ancient Ferry has lasted for thousands of years". According to the examination, although there is a stone bridge (more than ten feet) in the original land, the time when it was first built is still short of history. In the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), when the Wuguan section of Xijing Highway was built, the bridge was occupied by the subgrade, and now a culvert is set in the original place. [8]

Related poems


Appreciation of the original text

[Tang. Wu Rong]
Time comes and time goes like a cycle. Close the clouds and lock the mountain. The only way to teach Qin is to set up risks, but I don't know that heaven and Han are the barriers.
Don't try to live for a thousand years. When you arrive, you will become a dreamer. Contention is like water flowing from a rock.

Tiwu Pass

[Tang Du Mu ]
Bixi left me in Wuguandong, and I was poor with a smile. Zheng Xiu is charming and intoxicated, while Qu Yuan pines away like a tent.
The mountain wall and valley are still there, and the weak spit and the strong swallow are empty. Today, the Saint God's Family is everywhere, and the flag guarding scroll is in the sunset.

Resting at Wuguan again

[Tang. Li She]
Far away from Qincheng, you can travel thousands of miles, and go out of Shangzhou in the mountains. Don't lock the cold stream when you close the door. The night is full of sorrow.