Step stallion

Important officials of Sun and Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period
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Bu Zhi (? - 247 years), with the character of Zishan, was born in Xuzhou near Huaiyin (now in the northwest of Huaiyin, Jiangsu), and was the representative figure and official of the scholars living in Sun Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. [54]
In his early years, Bu Zhi moved to Jiangdong to avoid chaos, served as the master of Sun Quan, later as the head of Haiyan, and also served as the general of riding, Dong Cao Piao, and also served as the governor of Xuzhou. In the 15th year of Jian'an (210 years), he led Poyang Prefecture, and then moved to the post of governor of Jiaozhou and general of Liwu Zhonglang. The following year, he paid homage to the envoy Zhijie, the general of Nanzhong, the general of Jia Pingrong, and was granted the title of Guangxin Marquis. In the second year of Huangwu's reign (223), he was moved to be the Right General and the Left Guard, and was renamed Linxiang Marquis. In the fifth year of Huangwu's reign (226 years), he was awarded Fujie and stationed at Oukou. In the first year of Huanglong (229), Bu Zhi was appointed as the general of cavalry, and in the same year, he was appointed as the governor of Xiling, replacing him Lu Xun Zhen Fu Wu Shu border. In the ninth year of Chiwu's reign (246 years), Bu Zhi replaced the dead Lu Xun as Prime Minister. He died in the tenth year of Chiwu (247 years). [54]
In the battle of Yiling, Bu Zhi pacified Lingling, Guiyang and other counties in Jingnan and stabilized the strategic rear of Sun Wu. The victory of the State of Wu in Yiling laid the strategic pattern of tripartite confrontation. The step stallion had been in charge of Xiling for 18 years. He was skillful and magnanimous, and won the hearts of the people. The neighboring enemies also feared their prestige and never dared to intrude. [56 ] His works include Saying the Saying of Blocking the River, Shangshu Asking for Shu Preparation, Shangshu Commenting on Classic School, Shangshu Rewarding and Persuading the Prince to Ascend, etc. [55 ]
Full Name
Step stallion [1]
Late Han and Three Kingdoms
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Linhuai County Huaiyin County
Date of death
247 years
Key achievements
Pacify diplomatic relations and break down the rebellion
Main works
Saying that the river is blocked [24] Please prepare for Shu [24] Shangshu on Canon [24] Shangshu Award Advises the Prince to ascend [24]
Highest office
the prime minister
Guangxin Marquis → Linxiang Marquis

Character's Life


Family background

The ancestors of the stallion are Zhou dynasty Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Doctor Yang Shi, because Manor At Bu, I took Bu as my surname. Famous among Houbu people Bu Shucheng People of Confucius One of the seventy-two disciples. According to historical records, this person is Bu Shucheng , Zi Zi Che. Qin and Han Dynasties At that time, there was a general of the Bu clan who granted the title of Huaiyin Marquis with merit, so the Bu clan became the Huaiyin clan. Bu Zhi is a descendant of the Bu clan of Huaiyin scholars, king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era Your favorite concubine Madam Bu They are of the same family. [2]

Take refuge in Jiangdong

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Bu Zhi moved to Jiangdong to avoid chaos Jiangdong Post life is difficult. Later and same age Guangling people Wei Jing They met and made friends. They were self-sufficient by growing melons in the daytime and studying books in the evening. Bu stallion learned a wide range of knowledge and skills. He could read all kinds of books. His character was generous, elegant and deep. He could bend his heart and humiliate himself. [3-4]
Joint inspection people Focal correction (Once served as Levy Qiang Ling, known as Jiao Zhengqiang [5] )It's from the county Haozu Its guests indulge in unreasonable and overbearing behavior. Bu stallion and Wei Jing made a living on their territory. They were afraid of being invaded by them, so they took famous posters and fruits to Jiao Jiao. After arriving at his residence, Jiao Jiao was sleeping indoors, and the two had to wait outside.
After a while, Wei Jing When he was impatient and wanted to leave, Bu Zhi stopped him and said, "Our original intention was to fear his power. Now we have come to visit him without success and leave without authorization. We want to show our dignity by this way, and we will only get angry with him." After a long time, Jiao Jiao opened the window and saw them, so he ordered someone to spread seats outside and let them sit outside, But he was sitting in the room. Wei Jing felt more humiliated, but Bu Zhi looked and talked calmly. Jiao Jiao arranges them to have dinner. His big case is full of delicious food, but he gives them a small plate of food. Wei Jing, only a few vegetables. Wei Jing was depressed and hard to swallow, but Bu Zhi ate all the food. Later, he left with Wei Jing. Wei Jing angrily scolded Bu Zhi: "How can you bear such an insult?" Bu Zhi replied: "We are humble people. It's proper for the host to treat us with humble gifts. What's shameful?" [6]

Travel in Wuzhong

Six years of construction and installation (201 years) [49] [49] , Bu Zhi's resignation and Zhuge Jin Yan Xian And other places in Wuzhong [49] , the three people gradually became famous, known as the current heroes and talents, and later served as Haiyan County Long. [7-8]
In the 14th year of Jian'an (209), Liu Bei Acting by Sun Quan title of a commanding general , Collar Xuzhou Mu , Sun Quan's mission is title of a commanding general Dongcaopine Concurrently in Xuzhou Engaging in governance , and take it as Maocai [9-10]

Stable communication

In the 15th year of Jian'an (210 years), Bu Zhi was appointed used in place names prefect [45] Since the end of the Han Dynasty, Jiaozhou It is difficult to control because of its remote location, so it was handed over to the governor of the state Zhu Fu Zhang Jin They were forced to flee and were killed because it was difficult to effectively control the situation, liu biao Governing Jingzhou Shipai Lai Gong Served as governor of Jiaozhou, Wu Ju As the chief guard of Cang Wu, the latter two resented each other, and Wu Ju expelled Lai Gong to Lingling County Lai Gong then asked Sun Quan for help, and Sun Quan immediately moved to the post of governor of Jiaozhou Liwu Zhonglang General , Commander Armed shot More than 1000 officials headed south to take over Jiaozhou. [11]
In the 16th year of Jian'an (211 years), Sun Quan paid homage to To hold a knot [48] General Zhonglang of the South Expedition When Bu Zhi arrived, Wu Juyin, the Chief Warden of Cangwu, had a different heart and refused to obey the order. Bu Zhi set up a game to kill him, which was very powerful, region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam prefect Subordinates And his brothers came to join them. At that time, Zhang Jin, the former governor general Barbarian Liao Qian Bo The disciples are still separatist. The dominant party should be defeated by the stallion one by one. The order of Jiaozhou gradually became stable, and the law was implemented. later Yizhou County First name Yong Kai Killed Liu Bei Appointed Yizhou prefect Zhengang , expressed his hope to surrender to Sun Quan through Shi Xie, and Bu Zhi accepted and pacified him. So worship General Ping Rong [29] , a letter from Guangxin. [12]

suppress the rebellion

Yankang In the first year (220), Sun Quan appointed Lu Dai The successor of Bu Zhi was the governor of Jiaozhou, so Bu Zhi led 10000 Jiaozhou righteous men to Changsha. At that time, I met Liu Bei The expedition to Sun Quan, Wuling County Of Baiyue More acceptable Shuhan Sun Quan appointed Bu Zhi to garrison Yiyang [13] Later, Liu Bei Yiling cover Lu Xun Defeat, but Lingling Tomb Guiyang Other counties are still unstable, and they are all pacified by the foot stallion [13] [13]

Position weight

Huang Wu Two years (223 years), Bu Zhi moved Right General , Zuo Escort, renamed Linxiang Hou. [14]
In the fifth year of Huang Wu (226 years), Bu Zhi was awarded a tally used in ancient times as credentials or a warrant , garrison at Oukou. [15]
Huanglong April C, the first year (May 23, 229 [28] ), Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor in Wuchang and appointed Bu Zhi as title of cavalry general , Collar Jizhou Animal Husbandry [32] In the same year, the governor of Xiling [33] , instead of Lu Xun Zhenfu Wu Shu Border. June [34] , sent by Shuhan Guard Chen Zhen He sent an envoy to the State of Wu to congratulate Sun Quan on his accession to the throne. So Sun Quan and the Shu Han agreed to divide the world equally, with Yu, Qing, Xu and You as the four states belonging to Sun Wu [35] Yanzhou, Hebei and Bingzhou belonged to Shuhan [35] , due to the division of Jizhou to Shuhan [35] Therefore, Bu Zhi was relieved from the post of herding in Jizhou [33] [16]
September of the same year [36] , Sun Quan moved the capital Jianye , leaving the crown prince Sun Deng and Supreme General Lu Xun continues to guard Wuchang. Sun Deng wrote a letter to Bu Zhi asking for instruction. Bu Zhi then took the officials who held important positions in Jingzhou at that time as Zhuge Jin Lu Xun Zhu Ran Cheng Pu Pan Jun Pei Xuan Xiahoucheng Wei Jing Li Su Eleven people, including Zhou Tiao, Shi Gan, were listed to introduce and analyze their character and talent one by one, and Shangshu hoped Sun Deng would trust and reuse these outstanding talents. [17]

Rescue the virtuous

Later, Sun Quan trusted A cruel official Zhongshu School affairs Lv Yi Let him be responsible for supervising officials and handling prison sentences. Lv Yi often reviews official documents and finds fault with many specific matters. Officials with slight problems will be framed as felons, abused harsh punishment, and impeached many innocent officials, even Sun Quan's son-in-law General Zuo Zhu Ju , Prime Minister Gu Yong It is also hard to avoid being falsely accused of being under house arrest.
Bu Zhi was deeply dissatisfied with this, many times Book remonstrate. later Canonical army Liu Zhu, an official, provided evidence to prove Zhu's innocence, exposed the truth of Lv Yi's injustice Pan Jun Under the pressure of others, Sun Quan finally realized and killed Lu Yi Zhongshulang Yuan Li Go to appease the stallion and others. Bu Zhi went to the public for dozens of times to recommend the inferior sages to excuse the innocent officials. Although Sun Quan did not adopt all of them, he still corrected his wrong behavior and intention many times through his advice. [18]
The first year of Chiwu (238 [52] ), Minister of Nong Zheng Lv Yi Was executed. Previously, Zhuge Jin Lu Dai Zhu Ran Bu Zhi thought he was a military officer and did not interfere with Lv Yi. After Lu Yi died, king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era He sent a Chinese scholar, Yuan Li, to reprimand the four people, pointing out that he and the four people were as kind as flesh and blood, happy and sorrowful, and shared weal and woe. He made mistakes in politics, so he should give advice and should not stay out of the way [52]
In the second year of Chiwu (239), Zhuge Jin , Bu Zhi, even on the name, hoped Sun Quan would forgive Zhou Yin At first, Sun Quan did not allow it. later Zhu Ran and Whole cong He also begged for help, but Sun Quan finally agreed. Unfortunately, Zhou Yin died of illness soon after. [27]
April in the fourth year of Chiwu (241) [31] king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era Divide troops to attack Wei in four ways: General Wei Whole cong He led tens of thousands of troops out of the water of Jushaopi (south of Huishou County in today's An'an) in Huainan, General Weibei Zhuge Ke attack Lu'an (Today Anhui Lu'an Northeast), Former general Zhu Ran attack Fancheng (Today Hubei Xiangyang ), General Zhuge Jin Attack the middle of the thigh [31] (The Man River Basin in Nanzhang, Hubei Province today). In May, Quan Cong invaded Shaopi, Zhu Ran and Sun Lun besieged Fancheng, and Zhuge Jin and Bu Zhi invaded the feet, Sima Yi Please send troops to ask for it. June Joker Day (July 24 [42] ), defeated by Sima Yi in the middle of the leg [42-43] [30] In the same year, the crown prince Sun Deng died. [44]

The battle between the two palaces

Red ebony In the fifth year (242), Sun Quan died before the death of the crown prince, Sun Deng, and became the third son Sun He by crown prince , set up another four sons Sun Ba by King Lu King Lu Because Sun Ba was favored by Sun Quan, his ambition gradually grew Full mailing Wu An Sun Qi Yang Zhu [51] With the support of, etc., the plot to abolish the reserve and seize the throne triggered the dispute between the two palaces.
Since Sun Quan failed to solve the battle in time, the battle between the two palaces became more and more fierce, and civil and military forces at home and abroad gradually split into two factions. the prime minister Lu Xun [47] , General Zhuge Ke [47] Too often Gu Tan [47] title of cavalry general Zhu Ju [47] , Chief Inspector of Joint Inspection Teng Yin [47] dadudu Performance [47] Shangshu Dingmi [47] Etc crown prince Sun He , step on the stallion and General Zhennan Lu Dai General Wei Whole cong General Zuo Lv Ju [47] Middle order Sun Hong Equiattachment King Lu Sun Ba The two factions fought endlessly, which almost led to the political crisis of the State of Wu.
Remnant volume of the biography of the step stallion
In the seventh year of Chiwu (244), the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period Taifu Sima Yi He led his army south to Shucheng and soon returned. Bu Zhi Heard about the Shuhan guarding Hanzhong Dasima Jiang Wan Instead of taking advantage of Sima Yi's southern expedition to attack Wei to support the Eastern Wu Dynasty, he returned to Fulian County (In fact, Jiang Wan returned to Fu County for recuperation due to physical problems); It is also said that Shu Han used to build boats to repair the city walls. Bu Zhi then thought that Shuhan might betray the alliance and prepare to attack the State of Wu, but together with Zhu Ran, he told Sun Quan about this matter and urged Sun Quan to prepare for the attack of Shuhan at any time. However, Sun Quan believed that Shuhan could not have such an intention, and believed that Bu Zhi and other judges made mistakes, which later proved that Bu Zhi was indeed over anxious.
September of the ninth year of Chiwu (246) [53] , step stallion replaces the dead Lu Xun Serve as Prime Minister [37] [19]
May in the 10th year of Chiwu (247) [50] , Bu Zhi died. By its children Walking association Inherit his title, continue to command the army of the foot stallion, and add Fujun General [20]

Character evaluation


General comments

Bu Zhi had been stationed in Xiling for 20 years, and the frontier officers and men of the Cao Wei Dynasty admired his prestige. He has a broad personality and is very popular. He is not happy or angry. He always shows great respect both internally and externally. When Bu Zhi taught the students, he kept his hands on it, and his clothes and residence were as simple as those of ordinary Confucian scholars. But his wife and concubine's luxurious clothing made him ridiculed by people at that time. [21]

Evaluation of past dynasties

Lv Fan Zhuge Ke : Every time you read the stallion table, you will laugh. This river is born with the development, so we'd rather have it Sandbag Sally!
Wei Zhao : (1) The stallion is knowledgeable in Taoism and art, and has a broad and elegant nature Shen Shen , can defeat one's ambition and humiliate oneself. [22] ② At the age of over, the stallion fights against Langxie with disease Zhuge Jin Pengcheng Yan Xian All of them visited Wuzhong and became famous as handsome at that time. [22]
Zhou Zhao : In ancient and modern times, those who lost their fame and lost their lives and devoted themselves to harming the country have different reasons. However, if they want to return, they will always suffer from four things. Urgently discuss one thing, strive for fame and power, attach importance to three friends, and strive for speed and four things. Urgent discussion will hurt others, striving for fame will defeat friends, valuing friends will shield the main party, and haste will lead to immorality. These four factors are not eliminated, and none of them is complete. The current gentleman who can do otherwise is better than others. How can the ancients be unique! However, in terms of its uniqueness, it is not as beautiful as Gu Yuzhang, Zhuge's envoy, Prime Minister Bu, Yan Weiwei and Zhang Fenwei. On the language, 'the learned teacher is good and attractive', which is also called 'the beauty of becoming a person, the evil of being an immature person', Yuzhang has it‘ Look at it as if it is warm, and listen to it as if it is fierce‘ The prime minister should be courteous but calm, authoritative but not fierce. Learn not to seek salary, and be scrupulous in getting it. Wei Wei and Wei Wei will follow suit. These five monarchs, though their virtue is actually poor and their weight is different, will not commit any of the four crimes in the great examination of interesting houses. Xiding Xu was born in a lonely family. I am charmed because of Muzhu, and Yuzhang promotes his goodness. He combines the land and the whole. It is because people have no seclusion and stagnancy and have thick customs. The envoy, the prime minister, and the guard were all friendly in the past with cloth clothes, and all the commentators described their advantages and disadvantages because of their own. At the beginning, there were first guards, second prime ministers, and then envoys; Since then, he has made clear his master and managed the world affairs. His provenance has been different. The names of his predecessors must be different from those of his predecessors. Ordinary people in this world are determined to be diligent and humble. As for the division of the three monarchs, if they die without loss, wouldn't the ancients pay for them! In the past, there were ten thousand soldiers in the cross river of Lu, and the garrison was stationed at Lukou. The beauty of the industry in the world is also, whether it can or not, which is not original? When Hengjiang was dead, the guards should be chosen. They thought that they were not generals. They gave in deeply and finally failed. Moving backward nine columns and moving to eight canons, honor is not enough to honor oneself, and salary is not enough to worship oneself. As for the two monarchs, they are both generals, rich and poor. The guard has no desire, and the two monarchs do not recommend him. Each of them keeps his will and keeps his name. Confucius said, 'Gentlemen are modest but not contentious, and people do not belong to the same party.' It's windy. The name of Fenwei is also the second of the three monarchs. As a garrison of one side, he is appointed as a general, just like the envoy and prime minister. However, in terms of national affairs and contributions, there is a certain order, so the honor of the title is very special. And Fenwei will be here, and he will definitely be able to show his part. He has no desire to lose his way, and he has no desire to make things better. Every time he goes to court, he will follow the rules of etiquette, and he will speak out and improve his career. He is not only loyal but also loyal. Although Shusi is dear and noble, he worries about his defeat. Although Cai Wenzhi is sparse and humble, he is called virtuous. The woman who matches the prince is like a pendant when receiving a gift. She tends to be generous and has a strong sense of solidarity. Her success or failure is as well as her loss. She can be said to be a man who sees the opportunity and is good at ancient times. If it is through the country, when the military, in the rush to concentrate on the occasion of the supremacy, these five are not outstanding. To the point of purely following the Tao, they are meticulous in their pursuit of success. They rise and fall in the present world, and preserve their fame and deeds. They are extremely vulgar and have some real teachers. Therefore, a rough discussion of the matter will show the later gentleman. [22]
Sun Deng : The step stallion is loyal to the country and knows how to govern the body.
Lu Kai : In Han Dynasty, there were Xiao and Cao Zhizuo, and the first emperor had Gu and Bu.
Land-based aircraft : Elegance makes Zhuge Jin, Zhang Cheng and Bu Zhi famous.
Fu Xuan : Zhang Zibu, Lu Yi, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Lu Fan, Zhu Ran, Lu Fan, Zhu Ran, Lu Fan, Zhu Ran, Zhang Zibu, Lu Yi, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Lu Fan, Zhu Ran, Lu Fan, Zhu Ran, Zhang Zibu, Zhang Zibu, Zhang Zibu, Lu Yi, Zhu Fan, Zhu Ran, Lu Fan, Zhu Fan, Zhu Ran, Zhang Zibu, Zhang Zibu, Zhu Zibu, Zhang Zi. [38]
Chen Shou : ① He is still teaching and educating students. He can't put down his books, and his clothing is like a Confucian scholar. However, the wives and concubines in the door have extravagant clothes, which is quite ironic. Twenty years in Xiling, the neighboring enemy respected its prestige. His broad nature won the public. His joy and anger were not reflected in his appearance, but he was solemn inside and outside. [22] ② Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, and their virtue and rules [22] [22]
Cheng Gongxu : Shu Jiang Ruguan, Zhang Pang series , Wu Jiangru Zhou Yu Lu Su Long ambition and short life are cherished by the world. and ma chao Huang Zhong Zhao Yun Fei Yi Lvmeng Cheng Pu , step stallion Ganning All generations are brilliant and brave enough to be one side. [23]
Hao Jing ① At the beginning of the reign of Quan, he was called king, and used as a prime minister according to the Han system Sun Shao Gu Yong, Lu Xun and Bu Zhi successively called them honorific titles. All of them are virtuous, dignified and calm, and have the style of ministers. ② He who speaks to his ministers will help them. The sound of the thundering stopped, and the country was blessed with spring. Yuan sighs with virtue, deep and distant. Clear the abyss without waves, and the dragon will turn. Zishan is pure, and Ziyu is solemn. The life of Zan Yuan is to secure the Kun axis.

personal works

All three languages 》Yes《 Saying that the river is blocked 》, Shangshu Please Prepare for Shu《 Shangshu on Canon 》、《 Shangshu Award Advises the Prince to ascend 》Etc. [24]

Anecdotes and allusions

Step stallion Jiaozhou When he was an assassin, he once reached the South China Sea to watch Wei Tuo An old administration. The place is close to the mountain and faces the sea. It is wide and open, with mulberry gardens at the top and fertile fields below. There are all kinds of birds and animals in the forest at the foot of the mountain. There are also sea monsters, fish and turtles Turtle Alligator Crocodiles, treasures and foreign objects are numerous and various.
Wei Tuo built a high platform by leaning against the mountain. The platform faces north and faces Han soil. It encircles the foundation. It is thousands of steps in circumference, steep and hundreds of feet high, with an area of about three mu on the top. He built a winding compound road around it. Every New Year's Day and the 15th day of the lunar new year, he would climb the platform and worship from afar, called Chaotai.
Before and after the appointment of the provincial governor and prefecture governor, when the new comers took office, they all came by car and walked on the stage. The stallion climbed high and looked far, saw the vast sea, overlooking the wild lakes, rich and prosperous, and said: "This is really a fertile place on the island, a place suitable for building a capital." [25] So it was reported to Sun Quan for approval to build the city wall. Later, the place was called "Buzhi City" Eastern Han Dynasty Guangzhou City, officially named“ Panyu City ".

Family members

  • Son
The eldest son: Walking association , inheriting the title of Bu Zhi and serving as the general of Fujun.
second son: Step elucidation , succeeded as governor of Xiling, general Ren Zhaowu, and was granted the title of marquis of Xiting. Later, he betrayed Wu and was beheaded.

Artistic image


Literary image

In the novel《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》In the middle, Bu Zhi's life is roughly the same as the official history. to Sun Ce after death [40] king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era When recruiting talents, they come to join us [40] [40] Cao Cao After the pacification of Jingzhou, the army of one million soldiers crushed the territory of Wu. Zhang Zhao , step stallion, etc Zhuge Liang An envoy to Soochow [46] , the tongue fights with the scholars [46] , refute it. [26] And Cao Cao Ping Dongchuan [41] , attacked Wu personally, refused to win for more than a month. Sun Quan ordered Bu Zhi to seek peace with Cao Cao [41] , Xu Niannasuigong [41]
Liu Bei, the leader of the late Shu Kingdom, personally attacked Wu [39] , all battles are conquered, and the foot stallion is playing general Fan Jiang Zhang Da Two [39] , and Zhang Fei The head sent envoys back to Jingzhou and sent them back to his wife. He asked for peace and said goodbye to his former love, and tried to destroy Wei altogether. Sun Quan Follows [39] , but Liu Bei still disagrees [39]

Film and television image

Bu Zhi's Image in Film and Television
particular year
Film and television types
Play title
TV play
Chu Jianfu
TV play