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Chemical terminology
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Normal alkane refers to saturated hydrocarbon without carbon branch chain, which is a chemical term.
Chinese name
organic compound
Substance Introduction
Definition of organic matter: hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
The pure hydrocarbon here refers to the organic matter without other elements and functional groups.
Functional group: it determines organic compounds chemical property An atom or group of atoms. Common functional groups olefin , alcohol phenol , ether aldehyde ketone Etc. Organic chemical reactions mainly occur on functional groups, which play a decisive role in the properties of organic substances, - X, - OH, - CHO, - COOH, - NO two 、-SO three H、-NH two RCO -, these functional groups determine the halogenated hydrocarbon, alcohol or phenol, aldehyde, carboxylic acid Nitro compound or Nitrite Chemical properties of esters, sulfonic acids, amines and amides.
Normals and isomers exist not only in hydrocarbons but also in all organics. It refers to whether the structure of the carbon skeleton in the organic framework is linear or contains Branched chain All organics with carbon branch chains in their skeletons are isomers; All straight chain structures without other carbon branches are orthomorphs. Remember that refers to the branched chain of carbon (C).
So normal alkanes refer to saturated hydrocarbons without carbon branches.
In addition to normal and isomeric organics carbon atom The ring structure connected together is called cyclic hydrocarbon.