sense of justice

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The sense of justice, as a kind of high-level moral emotion of human beings, refers to the moral consciousness and behavior of pursuing and promoting justice. Strengthening individual sense of justice and forming a strong atmosphere of social sense of justice are not only conducive to individual self affirmation, self-improvement and more morality free It is also conducive to uniting others, maintaining the principle of justice, achieving social justice, and promoting social stability and orderly development.
Chinese name
sense of justice
Foreign name
The sense of Justice
Moral consciousness and behavior in pursuit of justice
Play a positive role in social progress


The moral consciousness and behavior of pursuing and promoting justice. People with a sense of proletarian justice can adhere to the truth, fight against all evil forces and wrong acts, and play a positive role in social progress. It is a manifestation of personal moral character.
Fairness is to deal with things reasonably without taking sides. Justice is just and beneficial to the people. Fairness is the embodiment of justice, and justice is the guarantee of fairness. There can be no justice without justice. People are social people, and maintaining social fairness and justice requires not only the leadership of the government and the constraints of laws and regulations, but also the active participation of everyone in the society. This requires each of us to have a sense of justice.


The development of this moral emotion is described in On Justice. Rawls' so-called authoritative morality is the first stage of moral development, that is, children's morality, which is composed of many norms. At this stage, parents are the first teachers of children, family education is the cornerstone of life, parents have absolute authority, parents with moral standards of words and deeds, so that children live in a good moral environment, will gradually gain an emotion. According to psychological rules, parents' love will make children trust their parents and their family environment; It will arouse a sense of value and a desire to be like parents. Children have a kind of authoritative morality, which is manifested in their tendency to abide by the principles of their parents' initial inclination. Of course, such premise is that the authoritative morality must be the principle of justice and justice. Rawls believes that the morality of authority is only preliminary and temporary, children's understanding is limited, and the role it plays is also limited. Because children cannot grasp the larger system of justice and justice.
Community morality is the second stage of moral development. Community morality includes many ideals, each of which is stipulated in a way suitable for their own identity or role. At this stage, the family has become a very small community, such as schools, various neighborhood associations and various forms of short-term cooperation. Their understanding ability will continue to improve with their experience in the role or status of the community, and the corresponding ideal goals will also promote rational judgment and a higher level of moral sense. There are different views, purposes and motivational plans in the community, which can be regarded as needed by different aspects of a cooperation system, and their behaviors can be adjusted in an appropriate way according to these knowledge. In the process of joining an association, feelings and attitudes will naturally be established. When he and his members of the association practice their respective obligations and responsibilities with such feelings, they will also have feelings of friendship and trust, which is the second psychological law of morality. Cooperative community morality has the nature of justice and fairness, loyalty and trust, integrity and impartiality. As long as we gradually become attached to the people who cooperate with us in a just system, these moral attitudes must exist.
Principle morality is the third stage of moral development, and it is also a higher and complex form of community morality. Principle morality includes authority morality and community morality, which marks the final stage of moral development. Thus, the ideals in the first and second stages are understood and organized in these general principles into a consistent system. Rawls concluded that the morality of principle has two forms, one is corresponding to justice and justice; One is corresponding to human love and self-control. Rawls' sense of justice contains the power of reason, and his well ordered society is a society regulated by the concept of public justice, that is, citizens have a sense of justice. In terms of ensuring social stability, the principle of reciprocity requires that each member must make his or her due contribution to the society, and the interconnected individuals are in an interactive state dissolved in the whole society. This means that safeguarding justice is our basic natural responsibility, and moral personality will reflect the ability to sublimate justice and morality into moral necessity. This is an expression of human desire for justice, that is, "this sense of justice can enable them to understand and apply the principles of justice recognized by the public, and for most people, this sense of justice can also enable them to take corresponding actions according to their social position, and these actions also meet the requirements of obligations and responsibilities". To build a moral edifice requires scientific methods, so that moral concepts can be rooted in the hearts of social members.


People at all times and in all over the world regard it as the expression of the most sense of justice. It is a kind of heroic spirit that people admire, a kind of noble sentiment and good morality, and reflects people's good wishes of advocating justice and pursuing fairness. Since ancient times, China has advocated the chivalrous act of "helping each other when the road is not smooth". There are many people who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of righteousness.
However, the sense of justice is not only reflected in upholding justice, fighting against injustice, and daring to fight against bad people and bad things, but also in people's words and deeds, and in all aspects of social life, big and small things. Abiding by disciplines and laws, respecting the old and cherishing the young, being civilized and polite, rescuing the dying, helping the wounded, helping the poor, and dealing with emergencies and disasters are all manifestations of a sense of justice.
To have a sense of justice, we must first distinguish right from wrong. There are many people with a sense of justice, kind-hearted, hateful. However, due to the weak ability to distinguish between right and wrong, it is often unclear who is right and who is wrong in some specific matters. Some do evil things with good intentions; Some people do something wrong, but they don't know where it is, and they are ignorant; Some violated the law and thought they had done a good deed. When the police put handcuffs on his hands, they woke up. The most basic way to improve the ability to distinguish between right and wrong is to strengthen the study, especially the study of basic laws, regulations and moral norms, and know what is advocated by the society, what is opposed by the society, what can be done, and what can not be done.


System guarantee: social system refers to the behavior mode or social norm system established to meet the needs of human social life under certain historical conditions. The basic meaning has three levels: (1) refers to social form; (2) It refers to various specific social systems; (3) It refers to the social system of various social organizations. "In the period of value diversification, the integration level of social value consciousness is no longer entirely attributable to the mainstream ideology or some political needs, but depends on people's social public awareness and emotional needs based on the social system, mainly the strength of social justice." The formation and development of human morality is a long-term development process, System guarantee is the key to the realization of a just society and the development of people's sense of justice. In the stage of moral development, the role of external moral norms and institutional ethics is also very important, and institutions, norms and models play an important role in the selection of moral behavior and the cultivation of moral quality. Rawls believes that the moral evaluation and selection of the system should take precedence over the moral evaluation and selection of individuals. The sense of justice of social members plays a fundamental role in various forces within the system. A society regulated by the sense of justice is a harmonious and stable society. "The main problem of justice is the basic structure of the society. More accurately, the main system of the society allocates basic rights and obligations, and determines the way to divide the interests generated by social cooperation." That is to say, only the system guarantee can find a solid foundation for morality. In short, the protection of the system and personal virtue complement each other. As Liang Yuxiang thought, "institutional ethics includes two meanings: the first is the moral spirit and moral belief embodied in the basic social system, emphasizing the moral rationality of the basic social system; the second meaning refers to the institutionalized and legalized moral norms, emphasizing the use of institutional forces to regulate people's moral behavior." To achieve real social justice, we also need the power of social system, the power of legal system and law. Although morality has deeper value, law is a supplement to morality, and laws that violate morality should be abolished. Laws and systems are conducive to the formation of a good social order, which is conducive to the development of morality and functions. However, it is difficult to form a perfect moral personality only by laws and systems, and moral personality can most fundamentally guarantee the moral consistency of people's behavior choices. Therefore, morality is the foundation of law and the guarantee of legal personality. To achieve this goal, we must establish an effective mechanism that is conducive to the realization of a just society.

System guarantee

Internal and external combination: as Rawls understood, the expression of human love goes far beyond natural obligations and responsibilities to improve the common good of people, which is a unique virtue and the highest level of selflessness and kindness towards others; Self control is a moral form of self-restraint, which is a higher kind of good beyond the requirements of justice and beyond the requirements of obligations and responsibilities. Only when the internal quality and external norms are integrated, can we reach the substantive stage of morality, which is closely linked with people's outlook on life, happiness, honor and disgrace, dignity, etc., and constitutes the most sacred code of conduct in people's hearts. The society should be responsible for morality. The individual is a member of the society, a carrier of the society, and everyone has a responsibility. Only by jointly building the "Great Wall" of morality can we prevent the loss of morality and make the society the home of beauty. The ancients once said, "Talents without virtue, walk not far". "Virtue" always stands in an important position. People are facing the torture of moral problems. The lack of morality is manifested in the decline of morality, which may be the result of the joint action of various factors. Maybe it's the omission of family education, maybe it's the imbalance of school education, maybe it's the infection of social environment, but the personal quality is also a crucial factor. We should strive to become the defenders and promoters of social morality.

Internal and external combination

Human love is to be friends with others. Only by promoting justice can we truly achieve the goal of human existence and social stability. Just behavior reflects the dauntless spirit and great power to adjust the relationship between people. In this sense, people with a sense of justice have sacred virtues, lofty virtues, and human virtues. Aristotle believes that justice is a kind of social virtue involving people. Both law-abiding people and just people are just. Virtue requires, of course, compliance with justice, that is, obedience to virtue is obedience to justice. As the highest principle to regulate social relations, the flames of justice will benefit all members of society. I am willing to be a person with conscience and justice with the heart of reverence and worship for the big family of society, and hope that this will help the whole society to establish a system of interlinked souls and a society with a fair and just moral foundation.
In short, from Moral psychology It is the only way to realize social justice and build a harmonious society from the perspective of developing people's sense of justice and combining with the guarantee of the system.

Be a person with a sense of justice

How can I become a person with a sense of social justice?
First, be honest. Integrity is the most basic character of a person and the foundation of a sense of justice.
Second, respect and abide by systems, rules and procedures as a habit of your own behavior. We young people should establish a sense of pride in consciously abiding by various social systems and rules, develop a good habit of consciously abiding by various social systems and rules, and safeguard justice with practical actions.
Third, it is the minimum requirement of justice not to harm others or infringe upon their basic rights. Intentional harm to others' bodies or even lives is the most serious injustice. In a legal society, everyone has the obligation not to harm others, and everyone has an inviolable basic right based on justice. Everyone's property rights, reputation rights and privacy rights should be equally respected and protected. Everyone's freedom is within the scope of his own rights, and the rights of others are the boundary of our freedom. Justice guarantees the safety of people's lives and property, enables people to survive and develop, and promotes social progress.
Fourth, we should despise unjust acts. When it happens, we should actively persuade and stop the perpetrators of unjust acts. When necessary, we should fight against unjust acts with our own courage and resourcefulness.
Have a sense of justice, but also practice. There are many people whose sense of justice is only expressed in words, but when they want to take action, they only rank others among them and exclude themselves. For example, some people are indignant when they talk about some unjust people and things in the society, but they are indifferent when they see unjust people and things, especially those that endanger the safety of people's lives and property; Some even try their best to get others out of trouble but are unwilling to lend a helping hand. To safeguard social fairness and justice, everyone is a participant and practitioner. To have a sense of justice, the most important thing is to reflect in their own actions. No empty slogans, no action; We should not only ask others, the government, not ourselves; Not to mention one set for another. Instead, we should take justice as the standard to regulate our words and deeds everywhere, at all times and in everything.
Have a sense of justice, but also speak out. With the explosive development of information technology and the acceleration of China's social democratic process, each of our citizens has more and more free speech and plays an increasingly important role. This requires us to adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion, take the facts as the basis, take the law and morality as the criterion, support and support the just and oppose and denounce the unjust people and things. We must take a clear stand in what we advocate and oppose. Don't follow others' example, let alone forget righteousness for profit, and help unjust people talk to things.
Related words: Ah Q True Story, A Zheng An Zhai, Zhenglu, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzuo, Yingzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzi, Tongyuan, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengzhong, Zhengzheng, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzhong, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengjing, Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng, Zhengfei, Zhenghu, Zhengxue, Zhengzheng, Zhengda, Zhengjia, Zhengming, Zhengjia, Zhengzheng, Zhengming, Zhengzheng Positive and negative
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Ah Q True Story Ah Zheng An Zhai True Road
Zong Zheng is dignified, upright, and upright. Shi Zheng Zuo Ying Zheng
Righteous and upright, correct words, correct voice, correct middle and correct circumference
To be upright, to be upright, to be upright, to be upright, to be upright, to be upright
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