Goethe Institute

Language and Culture Communication Center
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Goethe Institute is Federal Republic of Germany A cultural institute that actively engages in cultural activities worldwide. Its work is to promote German language teaching abroad and engage in international cultural cooperation. In addition, by introducing German culture, society and Political life And other information to show a Rich and colorful Germany.
The Goethe Institute, established in 1951, has developed rapidly, covering 78 countries and regions There are 144 branches, including 128 overseas branches. For more than 50 years, through the network of Goethe College, Goethe Center, reading room, examination center and language learning center, it has been engaged in the global work focusing on foreign cultural and educational exchanges.
Chinese name
Goethe Institute
Foreign name
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
Main work
Promote German teaching and international cultural cooperation

College Profile

Goethe College Brochure
Our work is to promote German language teaching abroad and engage in international cultural cooperation. In addition, by introducing information about German culture, society and political life, we can show a colorful image of Germany. With the help of Goethe Institute, Goethe Center, Cultural institutions We are engaged in cultural and educational exchanges with foreign countries through a network of reading rooms and language learning and examination centers. At the same time, we are also partners of public and private cultural institutions, German federal states and economic organizations.
The open German society and vivid German culture are like a kaleidoscope, which is the source of our work. We combine the experience and creativity of our partners at home and abroad with our professional characteristics to cooperate in the dialogue. For all active and German As for people working on German culture, we are both service providers and collaborators. We are responsible for our own work independently, without any political implication.
We are willing to face globalization Cultural and political challenges, people should live in a Cultural diversity In the world of wealth and mutual understanding, we will bring more innovation to this goal.
GOETHE INSTITUT PEKING works closely with partners and institutions in China and Germany to jointly organize and support international cultural activities. The scope involves modern art , culture, contemporary events, and socio political philosophical issues. The project was conceived, organized and funded jointly with Chinese partners. The purpose is to establish long-term mutual trust and understanding through dialogue and cooperation, so as to help promote international cultural cooperation.
Goethe Institutes Beijing Branch for German foreign language teaching Our teachers provide seminars and seminars. A variety of test items complement our language work. In addition, we have set up language classes at various levels.
The information center/library introduces the latest information about German culture, society, political life, etc. Here are rich books and other materials for all people who are interested in Germany and want to learn German.
Founded in 1951, it covers 78 countries and regions with 144 branches.
Goethe Institute is a German cultural institute that actively engages in cultural activities around the world.
The work of Goethe Institutes is cooperation and exchange. Moreover, for all people engaged in work related to Germany and German, it is their service provider and collaborator. The work of Goethe Institutes is independent and is not attached political obligation Of. The total budget of Goethe Institutes is up to 280 million euros, most of which is allocated annually by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Information Agency. Appropriation proportion consists of Framework Agreement Adjustment.

speech center

Goethe Language Center of Sichuan International Studies University
Sichuan International Studies University Goethe Language Center cut the ribbon
Founded in Chongqing at the end of 2008, Goethe College and Sichuan International Studies University The crystallization of deep cooperation between. It is committed to providing and operating German training courses at all language levels under the European Common Reference Standard (GER). As the professional consultant of the language center, Goethe Institute of Germany provides a lot of experience and support in German teaching, teacher training, syllabus examination and textbook research and development. At the same time, as the central organization engaged in foreign language training, studying abroad, teacher foreign language training and other aspects, Sichuan International Studies University is a partner with mature experience in implementing this project. Teachers in the language center receive regular training from Goethe Institutes, and adopt German style teaching model And interactive and open teaching methods, teaching facilities And the idea has the original German color. Except A1-C2 European Standards In addition to the level courses, there are also youth classes, enterprise customized courses, holiday courses and Defu classes.

Related issues

Composition of Goethe Institutes
It is Federal Republic of Germany There are 134 Goethe Institutes and more than 200 examination and language centers in 82 countries around the world, as well as 13 Goethe Institutes in Germany. Goethe Institute was founded in 1951, headquartered in Munich Its annual budget of 278 million yuan mainly comes from Government appropriation
The difference between college and language center
A country generally has 1-2 Goethe Institutes (Beijing and Hong Kong Goethe Institutes in China), whose functions are relatively complete, focusing on the dissemination and exchange of German art, society and knowledge. German language learning and German teacher training are part of its functions. Sometimes there are more than one Goethe Language Center and Examination Certification Center in one country (Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xi'an Qingdao Shenyang Goethe Language Center), whose main function is to teach German, and also to train German teachers, provide part of the examinations of Goethe Institutes, and actively participate in Sino German cultural exchanges.
Course setting
It is generally divided into standard regular courses, holiday courses, various pre exam training courses, youth courses, and customized courses for enterprises and individuals. In addition, there are online courses distance learning Courses. The length of most courses is two months each, and the class hours are generally 200, 152 and 80. Students can choose corresponding courses according to their German level and time.
Test level setting
according to European Commission The uniform standard for language (GER) is divided into A1 A2. B1. B2. C1 C2。 It is also divided into half levels of A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, B1.1, etc. A1 means zero basis, and C2 means a fairly high language level. Generally speaking, German Professional students reach A2-B1 level after their first year and B1-B2 level after their second year DFT (TestDaF) If you reach the four four point German university entrance criteria, you generally need to take B2-C1 level, that is, 800-1000 class hours of German courses.
Grading test
For those who have a basic knowledge of German, they need to take the Grading Test of Goethe Institut before enrolling in the course. Grading Test is not an exam, and there is no certificate. Most places are free of charge. The test is divided into 60 written questions, 50 minutes, and 10 minutes of oral examination. The examiner will evaluate the German level of the students according to the comprehensive scores of the written and oral examinations, so as to suggest which courses they should take. Generally speaking, Chinese students' oral proficiency is generally lower than their test scores, while Goethe's curriculum teaching pays more attention to listening, speaking and practical application ability, so students often test results lower than their own estimates.
From low level to high level
Goethe Certificate A1: Junior German Certificate 1, Junior German Certificate 1
Goethe Certificate A2: Junior German Certificate 2, Junior German Certificate 2
Goethe Certificate B1: Junior German Certificate (ZDj), Junior German Certificate (ZD)
Professional German Test: Business German Certificate (ZDfB)
Goethe Certificate B2: Intermediate German Certificate
Intermediate German Test: Goethe Intermediate Certificate C1
Goethe Advanced Certificate C2: Advanced Examination( ZOP
Diploma in Major Languages( GDS
DSH Similarities and differences with ZOP
To study in Germany, applicants are required to pass the German examination to prove their solid German foundation and good listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. There are many examinations and language certificates recognized by German universities. Common ones are:
TestDaF=foreign students apply for the German Proficiency Test for College Entrance, which is administered by Germany Hagen The unified proposition of "Defu Examination Institute" is held many times a year around the world. The results are valid for life and can be participated in an unlimited number of times.
DSH=When foreign students apply for the German entrance examination, they have their own questions, and the examination is held twice a year.
ZOP=Goethe College Central Advanced Examination Certificate.
GSD/KSD=Goethe Institutes' language certificates, which are irregular examinations held by Goethe Institutes.
The B2 certificate of Goethe Institute is also TestDaf The levels of certificates are parallel. It is worth mentioning that some universities allow students to have 600 or 800 class hour certificates in China and then go to Germany to take the DSH exam. However, in this case, they have to go back to China if they have not passed the DSH exam twice abroad. Therefore, it is generally easier for them to enter the society directly after passing the DFH or other examinations and receiving the admission notice.
How long does it take to pass the DFT exam successfully?
This depends on your own situation. Generally speaking, if you can participate in the class with the most class hours for each course, you can take a pre exam training course after learning the four courses of A1-B2, plus a week's rest after the end of each course, it may take 10 months or more. Of course, there are also some strong people who have mastered a language in a short time.