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European Union of Universities for Top Industrial Managers

European Union of Engineering and Management Universities
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Top International Managers in Engineering Association I.M.E., It is an alliance network of engineering schools and polytechnics dominated by European universities, [1] from Central Polytechnic University of Paris It was founded in 1989. [2]
The 16 founding universities of the European Union of Top Industrial Managers are all European universities. In 1997, the Alliance was officially registered as a non-profit organization recognized by French law, and its member colleges expanded to 29. Today, the Alliance has 57 universities in 23 countries, including universities in non European countries such as Australia, Argentina, Japan, and China Xi'an Jiaotong University and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics He is also a member of the Alliance. [3]
Chinese name
European Union of Universities for Top Industrial Managers
Foreign name
Top International Managers in Engineering Association
University Alliance