Western Europe

Western Europe
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Europe Western Europe refers to the western half of Europe, with an area of about 5 million square kilometre , accounting for about half of Europe. Traditionally, this area can be divided into Western Europe Central Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Four parts. This area is located in Eurasia Western China Atlantic East bank, mostly located at 35 °~60 ° north latitude North temperate zone
Western Europe in a narrow sense includes Britain Ireland Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg , France and Monaco
In the broad sense of Western Europe, the seven countries mentioned above plus Central Europe Germany Austria Switzerland Liechtenstein Southern Europe Of Italy San Marino , Vatican Spain Portugal Andorra Malta Greece Northern Europe Of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland and Iceland
Chinese name
Western Europe
Foreign name
Western Europe
Western Europe
5000000 km²
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate temperate continental climate Mediterranean climate Tundra climate High mountain and plateau climate

brief introduction

The terrain is dominated by plains and mountains; Mountainous areas are mainly distributed in britain Northwest and France southeast. It has the busiest sea passage in the world English channel as well as Rhine Seine River Loire the Thames And other rivers.
Most regions belong to Temperate marine climate , located in Westerlies The climate is mild and humid, and the precipitation is abundant and even. Inhabited in inland areas temperate continental climate A small part of the southern region has a Mediterranean climate.
It is the area with the earliest development of modern science and technology world economy One of the most developed regions has developed industry, agriculture and foreign trade. There are coal, oil, natural gas, iron sylvite And other minerals.
Important seaports include London Liverpool (English), Marseille Brussels Rotterdam Amsterdam Etc. London, Paris, Rotterdam Antwerp , Brussels, Marseille and other famous cities. except Monaco In addition, the other six countries are European Economic Community Member States. Generalized Western Europe Refers to European owned capitalist country It is located in western, central and northern Europe. Europe's tallest The Alps Across the south, its trunk extends eastward as Carpathian Mountains , stretching southeastward to the Narrak Alps and southward to Apennine Mountains , extending southwest to Pyrenees north scandinavian peninsula yes Scandinavian Mountains Plain is mainly distributed in the middle. South and Iceland many Volcanic earthquake
mediterranean sea Littoral genus Subtropical The climate is dry in summer and wet in winter, and most other regions belong to Temperate humid climate There are coal, iron, oil and other minerals. Most countries are developed capitalist countries, with industry, agriculture, foreign trade and Transportation Both are very developed.



Western topography

1. Mainly plain, low and flat terrain, large proportion of plain, and important plains include Central European Plains Western European Plain Mountains are widely distributed in the north and south, with Scandinavian Mountains in the north and Scandinavian Mountains in the south The Alps Mont Blanc 4810m, the highest peak in western Europe.
Glaciation obvious
North: due to glaciation, there are many fjords Moraine lake The coastline is winding. with scandinavian peninsula The most typical.
South: eroded by glaciers, mostly U-shaped valley Angular peak Cirque Moraine The accumulation of lake and moraine forms wavy hills. The Alps are the most typical.
Topographic map of Western Europe


1. World position: Eastern Hemisphere Northwest, Eurasia west. To the west Atlantic , adjacent to the north arctic ocean , South mediterranean sea Black Sea
2. Latitude position: at 35 N Degrees --- 82 North Latitude, mostly located in North temperate zone , a few are located in Northern frigid zone
3. It is located in the western half of Europe, covering an area of about 5 million square kilometers, accounting for about half of Europe.

Geographical composition

Many peninsulas, islands, seas gulf
Peninsula: 1. Scandinavia 2 Iberian Peninsula 3. Apenning Peninsula 4 Balkan Peninsula 5、 Jutland Peninsula
Islands: 1 Great Britain 2. Ireland 3, Iceland
Map of Western Europe
Inland sea: 1 the Baltic 2. Mediterranean 3, Black Sea 4 aegean sea 5. Adriatic Sea
Marginal sea: 1 the north sea 2. Norwegian Weihai
Gulf: 1 Bay of Biscay 2. Gulf of Bothnia
Channel: 1. English Channel 2. Gibraltar Channel 3 Denmark Strait 4. Dover Strait
Plain: 1 Western European Plain 2. Bode Plain 3, Lower Danube Plain
Mountains: 1. Alps; 2. Apennines; 3. Pyrenees; 4. Scandinavia
Main rivers: 1 the danube 2. Rhine

hydrographic features

1、 river network Dense, with large water volume and few long rivers. (Limited by the twists and turns of the continental contour and mountains)
2. Steady (slow) water flow, hydraulic energy Reserve Small. (due to the flat terrain inside the continent)
3. The seasonal variation of flow is small, the shipping value is large, and the water transportation is developed.
4. The lakes are mostly distributed in the northwest and the north and south sides of the Alps, Finland It is called "the country of thousands of lakes".


Mainly white, mainly white range world Densely populated area one of. world natural population growth rate At the lowest level, some countries have negative growth.


Distribution Map of Climate Types in Western Europe
Most of them are located in the north temperate zone, and a few are in the north frigid zone. They are deeply influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and have prominent marine characteristics geographical position Is special and has Cold Climate , temperate continental Marine climate as well as Mediterranean climate The shape of the sea and land contour is favorable for North Atlantic Warm Current In depth, the marine climate has been extended to arctic circle Nearby.


The climate is mild in winter and cool in summer, annual temperature range and Diurnal range Smaller. The precipitation is more and the seasonal distribution is even. The annual temperature range is getting bigger from west to east, precipitation On the whole, the west of Europe is becoming more and more continental from west to east.

Marine impacts

  • Located in the mid latitude westerlies
  • The terrain is low and flat
  • There are few north-south mountains blocking the westerly wind
  • Approaching the ocean

Climate impact

Located at 43 ° N~58 ° N, it belongs to westerlies, cool in summer and warm in winter
Western European Scenery
Ocean regulation, influence of warm current
It is the most significant " Positive deviation Area
It rains all year round: the west wind blows
The reason for more rainfall in autumn and winter: warm and wet coastal areas in Western Europe Marine air mass And the mainland Cold air mass Meet in this district and bring Convective rain
Main factors affecting rainfall distribution: mountains Windward slope Leeward slope


There are more than 30 countries, many of which are small in size. Among them, the Vatican, the smallest country in the world, is less than 0.5 Square kilometers The population is only about 798. There are also some small areas, such as: San Marino Liechtenstein Andorra , Monaco, etc., known as“ Pocket country ”。 It is difficult to develop farming due to its small territory, but it pays attention to the development of tourism and the production of high, fine and sharp high-tech product and Handicrafts To increase National income The per capita income of these countries is among the best in the world. Apart from tourism, Liechtenstein and San Marino are both world-famous for their stamp industry.

Agriculture and animal husbandry

Plain terrain is suitable for development Animal Husbandry And planting. because Temperate marine climate Warm and humid, Western Europe suitable Succulent forage Growth, Dairy livestock industry to develop. Most local development Mixed agriculture And develop dairy livestock industry while planting wheat to form complementation. France is a developed agricultural country in western Europe.


Industrial status: Western Europe industrial revolution It is also one of the industrial developed regions in the world.
Industrial characteristics: manufacturing is the main industry in western Europe. (Manufacturing refers to the department that processes raw materials into various products)
Industrial distribution characteristics: this area industrial center Many, densely distributed. From England to poland Domestic, from scandinavian peninsula reach Italy , forming the world famous "+" shaped industrial cluster.
Main industrial area: France Paris Basin industrial area; Germany Ruhr Industrial Zone England Central industrial zone; London Regional industrial zone.

Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry is developed, and people call pasture 'green gold'. Animal husbandry in Britain accounts for 70% of the total agricultural output value. In the agricultural output value of France and Germany, the proportion of animal husbandry is slightly higher than that of planting. Netherlands Denmark And other countries are world famous dairy and livestock countries. Denmark's dairy and livestock products account for more than 30% of the total export, Ham , bacon sausage cheese It is a major export product. Farmers engaged in animal husbandry in western Europe to raise cattle, sheep, etc livestock Mainly planted at the same time Cereals And pasture, mainly producing meat, Milk And dairy products, wool and other livestock products. here Labor shortage agricultural production Highly mechanized and automated. For example, dairy livestock industry consists of forage and Feed crop Modern machinery operation is adopted in the process from farming to milking.


Prosperous Tourism: Western Europe natural condition various. south mediterranean sea Coastal, sunny summer, beautiful beach scenery; north fjord Deep twists and turns, fascinating; Towering in the middle The Alps It is a good place for people to climb mountains and ski. In history, the European people have created a splendid culture. There are many ancient architectural sites, cultural and artistic cities and museums in this area, together with the unique local customs, which provide good conditions for the development of tourism. Tourism revenue in many countries has become national income One of the main sources of.
Famous scenic spot: Notre Dame de Paris Big Ben, Fjord

Characteristic industries

Switzerland The land area is small and industrial raw materials are scarce. It mainly produces precision instruments that consume less raw materials and require high technical level, such as clocks and watches. For a long time, it has been known as the "kingdom of clocks and watches" in the world.
Sweden Take advantage of domestic quality Iron ore And cheap hydropower, smelting high-quality steel, shipbuilding industry , cars and Machine manufacturing It enjoys a high reputation in the world.
3. Denmark has developed animal husbandry, pork beef cheese butter , and marketing of dairy products such as ham and sausage international market , known as "Europe's pasture and food bank".
4. Norwegian marine fishery Developed, per capita Aquatic product output It ranks first in the world.
5. The Netherlands is famous for its flower planting industry, including“ tulips Kingdom ".

dietary structure

Europeans Beef and mutton And milk products as the main food, which are common on their table steak Leg of lamb cream , cheese and other foods. European eating habits It is closely related to developed animal husbandry.


Europe military strength The top three are undoubtedly Russia , France and Britain military power Although Russia has experienced The disintegration of the Soviet Union After the huge damage, but its War potential and Military strength and Mobility Europe is the absolute leader.


France is also a European military power with a relatively complete military system. From the perspective of aircraft carriers, except the United States, France has The nuclear powered aircraft carrier This is France. Although there are many problems with the medium-sized nuclear powered aircraft carrier "De Gaulle", it is a usable ejection nuclear aircraft carrier after all. Besides, there are three other aircraft carriers working in shifts“ northwest wind ”Level Amphibious assault ship , which Triumph class ballistic missile nuclear submarine , M51 submarine launched nucleus Strategic missile All self-developed, plus four and a half generations of Rafale fighters, and Italy Co developed Horizon Class Destroyer European multi mission frigate , developed by France and Germany "Tiger" helicopter gunship NH-90 helicopter In general, France maintains national defense industry Independent, as an old military power, the use of force is also a frequent choice, as far back as the 1990s Persian Gulf War , close to the overthrow of Gaddafi Libyan War The French army actively participated in the war against the Islamic State, even acted as a pioneer.


Britain, once the world's largest colony, Military industry The strongest country, World War II After that, it was basically the decline of the sun. I followed the role of the former brother of the United States, even the strategy Nuclear missile Are directly imported into the United States trident All aircraft carriers after 2011 Empty window period , new aircraft carrier hms queen elizabeth Although he has served, he has not yet Carrier borne machine Available, waiting for the arrival of F-35B manufactured by the United States, it is easy to see British Empire How serious is the decline of strength, but even so, its military strength is still ranked among the top three in Europe for the following reasons: first, it has the nuclear strike capability; second, it has an experienced strategy Business ability Third, it has sufficient military R&D capability.


Western Europe is densely populated with many countries, most of which are developed country The European diet is dominated by wheat products, milk and meat products agricultural structure of
European Union It is a regional political and economic group with the highest degree of integration in the world today. Its predecessor is European Community There are now 27 member states.
The role of the European Union: the European Union has established customs union , realizing common foreign trade, agriculture and Fisheries policy , founded European Monetary System , established a general budget system It basically realized the free circulation of goods, personnel, capital and services.
The economic position of the European Union in the world: the world today presents one superpower and many poles Development trend America is super Economic Powers Japan is an economic power. The EU and the United States and Japan have become a tripartite confrontation with the advantage of unity. In Western Europe's foreign trade, exports are larger than imports, and both exports and imports are larger than those of the United States world economy It plays an important role in.