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European Intervention Initiative

For crises that may threaten European security, military deployment can be taken immediately
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The European Intervention Initiative was launched by the French President Makron The proposal is aimed at taking immediate military deployment against crises that may threaten European security.
Chinese name
European Intervention Initiative
Foreign name
European intervention initiative

Scale of participation

France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Portugal participated in the plan. The new Italian government has temporarily refused to join, and it is unknown whether it will participate in the future. [1]

Purpose of the initiative

French Defense Minister Parry, the main initiator of the establishment of the European Union force, said that the official signing of the "European Intervention Initiative" by nine European countries meant that Europe would create a military force of its own to jointly deal with future crises. Rome is still considering whether to join the plan. However, for the EU, the UK's accession and participation are crucial. [1]