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Owen Ross

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American biologist
Owen Ross( Irwin Rose From July 16, 1926 to June 3, 2015) [3] , a famous American biologist, who discovered Protein degradation , and Israeli scientists aaron ciechanover Avram Hershko Jointly obtained 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry [1]
Chinese name
Owen Ross
Foreign name
Irwin Rose
date of birth
July 16, 1926
Date of death
June 3, 2015 [3]
University one is graduated from
University of Chicago (Doctor and undergraduate)
Key achievements
2004 Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry
one's native heath
New York, NY

Character experience

Ross was born in Brooklyn, New York, USA on July 16, 1926,
In 1948, from the world's top university, the United States University of Chicago Bachelor degree,
Then in 1952, he received a doctor's degree from the University of Chicago. He once presided over the Fox Chase Cancer Research Center in Philadelphia, USA. Before his death, he was a professor at UC Irvine [2]

Main contributions

Ross (2000)
two thousand and four Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to Aaron Sichanova, an Israeli scientist Avram Hershko And American scientist Owen Ross, for their breakthrough discovery: how human cells control the process of certain proteins - the "waste disposal" process of human cells for useless proteins. The jury of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry used the "kiss of death" to describe their discovery: as Human immune system Some useless or pathogenic proteins must be "eliminated". To achieve "goals", cells will "send" specific molecules to "kiss" those target proteins, leaving "kiss" marks. Eventually, the labeled protein will be destroyed. Three scientists revealed the death form of human protein, which can help people explain the chemical working principle of the human immune system and provide the possibility for the radical cure of some cancers [2]