Euro symbol

zero Useful+1
euro Sign in Unicode character set The name in is EURO SIGN, and the code is U+20AC( decimal system 8364)。 The upgraded version of the traditional Latin character set has the same encoding. Shortly after the introduction of the euro symbol, the HTML 4.0 version introduced the euro symbol, but some browsers could not parse this code correctly.
The euro symbol € is composed of the third letter C (also Greek (The fifth letter of) is formed by adding two horizontal lines in the middle. The embryonic form of this symbol comes from well-known letters, so it is easy to identify. The two horizontal lines in the middle can be reminiscent of dollar and Japanese yen etc. Currency symbol Two lines on the. These are basically in line with the requirements of the European Union on the euro symbol: symbol of Europe, easy to recognize and write, in addition to aesthetic feeling.
Chinese name
Euro symbol
Foreign name
Shortcut key
It is not easy to adapt to thousands of printing fonts

Symbolic information


Formal meaning

euro symbol The official structural form of, specifying the international three letter code of the euro that should be printed in yellow on a blue background( ISO 4217 Standard) is EUR. Its symbol is the specially designed euro symbol (€), which is written by poll From ten design scheme Two of them will be selected and finally submitted European Commission Select the final design. The winner was designed by a team of four experts. The European Commission declared that the symbol "represents European civilization Greek alphabet epsilonΕ, The combination of E representing Europe and the horizontal parallel line representing the stability of the euro ".

Structure proportion

Euro symbol
The European Commission initially stipulated that the euro symbol has a certain structural proportion, which does not change according to the font. This provision means that the euro symbol will be used as a symbol, not like letters or dollar pound Others Currency symbol As a designable symbol. However, strictly maintaining its size will lead to the euro symbol being wider than other symbols and numbers in most fonts, and sometimes lead to some layout problems. So most Font design They ignore the provisions of the European Commission and design their own variants of the euro symbol in various fonts, usually based on the capital C。 The picture above is the official euro symbol.

Euro point representation

Oufen doesn't Official recommendation The amount is usually expressed as a decimal of Euro (such as € 0.05 instead of 5 ¢ or 5c). a lowercase letter The letter c is also commonly used from Dutch guilders Secondary of Monetary unit Cent. stay Ireland Usually, it is indicated by a lowercase c (such as on a stamp), but the penny symbol ¢ is sometimes used in shops. Greece The abbreviation of its original monetary unit Lepton (∧ε πτ?) - capital letter lambda (∧) is widely used, and this unit is also used in the Greek Euro coins Self designed surface. Germany usually uses the abbreviation "ct" for "cent". Finland Generally, decimal form is used, such as -. 82 €, but sometimes it can be seen Finnish The abbreviation of "sentti" is "snt", such as 50 snt.

Position difference

There are also differences in the position of the euro symbol in currency representation. Although it is officially recommended to put it before the number, people in many countries still retain the habit of the original currency. Spain And people in France are hard to change into this kind of people Illogical In the form of (currency symbol is in the front when writing: e.g. € 2; but in the back when reading: deux/dos euros "2 euros"). So in France € 3.50 is usually written as 3 € 50, which comes from franc The customary writing style (such as 22F96).


While affirming the euro symbol, aesthetic experts also pointed out its defect, that is, the arrangement of two horizontal lines makes people's eyes uncomfortable
This symbol is not easy to adapt to thousands of Typography
Nevertheless, the EU is satisfied that the shape of this symbol is based on the Greek letter ε, which is the birthplace of European culture,
Therefore, it symbolizes the cradle of European culture and the first batch of letters of European characters. The parallel double horizontal lines represent the stability of the euro. But Eisenmenger
Designed this in 1974 Symbol The stability of the euro in the future was not considered at all.

Microcomputer input


Input conditions

Entering the euro symbol on a computer depends on the operating system and language used Locale some Europe and America The mobile phone company of SMS service system Specific to character set The software has made a transitional upgrade version RMB or Japanese yen The symbol ¥ is replaced by the euro symbol. The latest phone already contains both symbols.

Shortcut key

stay word Middle press "Alt+Ctrl+E" Key combination You can enter the euro symbol.
actually Shortcut key , you don't need to print it in Word, just do the following:
Shortcut key: Alt+0128 (Note: 0128 should be Keypad Input)


The designer of the euro symbol is Luxembourg Former Chief Calligrapher and Painter of the Official Publishing Office Atul Eisen Menger. The blue European Union flag with the golden star ring was written by him. As early as the end of 1974, he was instructed to draw patterns related to Europe, including the design of the symbol of the European single currency. Until 1997, Eisenmenger saw on TV that, President of the European Commission Sant was surprised that the new symbol of the European single currency he showed to the public was his own work 20 years ago.
A former editor in chief of art design of EEC claimed that he created this symbol as a representative symbol of Europe, which is controversial.