
Legal tender of 20 EU countries
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zero Useful+1
Euro is European Union The common currency of 20 countries in China. 20 in the Eurozone member state yes Germany France Italy Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Ireland Spain Portugal Austria Finland Lithuania Latvia Estonia Slovakia Slovenia Greece Malta Cyprus Croatia
January 1, 1999 European Union Unification in the country monetary policy (Single Monetary Act), in July 2002, the euro became eurozone The legal currency of the euro is European Central Bank European Central Bank (ECB) and central bank The European System of Central Banks (ESCB) is responsible for management. In addition, the euro is also the currency of six non EU countries (regions). They are: Monaco San Marino vatican Andorra Montenegro and Kosovo Among them, the first four pocket countries use the euro according to the agreement with the EU, while the last two countries (regions) use the euro unilaterally.
From January 1, 2023 local time, Croatia officially launched the euro and joined Schengen area [10] , thus becoming Eurogroup The 20th Member State. [7]
Chinese name
Foreign name
European Union Common currency of 20 countries in China
Standard code
Predecessor of currency
European Currency Unit (ECU)
Currency symbol
Monetary system
1 euro=100 euro cents (cent)
central bank
European Central Bank
Inflation rate
1.3% (June 2017)
Number of countries used

essential information

face value
The denominations of euro notes include 5 euros, 10 euros, 20 euros, 50 euros, 100 euros, 200 euros and 500 euros. [12]
There are 8 denominations of euro coins, namely 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, 1 euro and 2 euros [13]

historical origin

euro Is from Imperium Romanum Since Europe Monetary reform The most significant result. The euro does more than European Single Market To be improved, eurozone Inter country free trade More convenient, and more european union integration process An important part of.
although Monaco San Marino vatican Andorra Not EU countries, but because they used French Franc Italian lira perhaps Spanish peseta As a currency, it also uses the euro and authorizes the casting of a small amount of its own Euro coins Some non EU countries and regions , such as Montenegro and Kosovo , also use Euro as Payment instrument
Euro is composed of European Central Bank And each eurozone National central bank Constituent European Central Bank System Responsible for management. Headquartered in Germany Frankfurt The European Central Bank of monetary policy The central banks of the euro zone countries participate in the printing, casting and issuance of euro notes and euro coins, and are responsible for the euro zone Payment system Operation.

development history

1957《 Treaty of Rome 》(Treatment of Rome) was approved. In December 1969, the plan of establishing the European Economic and Monetary Union was proposed.
In March 1969, European Community The Hague Conference proposes to establish European Monetary Union And entrust the current post Prime Minister of Luxembourg Of Pierre Werner Specific suggestions are put forward in this regard.
In March 1971“ Werner Plan ”Through, the construction of the European single currency took the first step. The "Plan" advocates to build it in three stages within 10 years European Economic and Monetary Union However, the subsequent oil crisis and financial crisis , causing the "Werner Plan" to run aground.
In March 1979, with the advocacy and efforts of France and Germany, European Monetary System Announcing the establishment of the European Monetary Unit“ Seclusion ”Birth. The European Monetary System (EMS) began to operate.
In February 1986, the European Community signed《 Single European document 》And proposed to establish a unified market at the beginning of 1993 at the latest.
In June 1989, the Delors Report was adopted, which advocates the establishment of the European Economic and Monetary Union in three stages: first, to fully realize the free flow of capital; The second step is to establish the European Monetary Authority (the predecessor of the European Central Bank); The third step is to establish and implement an economic and monetary union and replace the currencies of member countries with a single currency.
After the first phase was officially launched in 1990,
It is necessary to coordinate and unify relevant monetary policies, and the Central Bank Governor Committee has begun to play an increasingly important role. Then on Maastricht Treaty In the end, it established the status of the European Central Bank.
The European Monetary Authority was established on January 1, 1994 at the beginning of the second phase of the economic and monetary union. Its mission is to coordinate monetary policies, strengthen cooperation among the central banks of member countries and prepare for the establishment of the European Central Bank system. The power to formulate and implement monetary policies remains with the governments of member states.
On December 10, 1991, the European Community Summit adopted《 European Union Treaty 》(generally known as the Maastricht Treaty), decided to rename the European Community as the European Union. According to the Mayo Treaty, the implementation of the single currency can begin if more than 7 member countries meet the "convergence criteria", as confirmed by the European Council, no later than January 1, 1999.
The Treaty of the European Union entered into force in November 1993.
On December 15, 1995, the Madrid Summit decided to Europe The single currency was named Euro, replacing Seclusion
1998 European Central Bank (European Central Bank) was established. In May of the same year, the Brussels Summit officially scheduled the list of 11 founding countries of the euro.
On January 1, 1999, the euro was officially issued in all EU member states. It is a super currency with independence and legal tender status National nature According to the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union has officially circulated the euro since January 1, 2002. On January 4 of the same year, the euro international financial market Official debut. By 11 Europeans National recognition It is the official currency. [1]
On January 1, 2002, after three years of transition, the European single currency, the euro, officially entered circulation. In July of the same year, the original currency ceased to circulate. Euro notes and coins officially enter the market as Currency in circulation On February 28 of the same year, the national currencies of member countries completely withdrew from the circulation field, and the coexistence period of the euro and the currencies of member countries ended.
2008 financial crisis, 2009 European debt crisis After many "baptisms", the euro zone has expanded to 19 member countries, covering 340 million people. The share of euros in international payments is about 36%, accounting for all central banks foreign exchange reserve 20% in total, becoming the world's second largest currency in circulation and the second largest reserve currency.
Eurosculpture near the Eurotower in Frankfurt, Germany
Since 2009, the euro has External storage The proportion of.
Since 2018, with the changes in the US EU relations, European politicians have been concerned about improving the euro international status The voice of promoting European integration with the help of the euro is growing.
In December 2018, the EU issued an action initiative aimed at improving the international status of the euro, and agreed to strengthen European Stability Mechanism The role of national budget It is also recommended to use the euro more in international energy contracts and transactions. President of the European Commission Juncker The statement also said that the euro has become a symbol of unity, sovereignty and stability.
On January 1, 2019, the euro celebrated its 20th birthday. Originally used only for accounting and financial transactions Of Virtual currency Up to now (as of 2019), the euro has been questioned and experienced crisis in the past 20 years as a real currency used by 340 million people in 19 EU countries. [1]
2022 is the 20th anniversary of the circulation of the euro. On January 1, 1999, the euro was launched as the recording and transfer currency; Three years later, euro notes and coins were officially circulated and replaced the currencies of all countries in the euro area. [5]
On June 16, 2022 local time, Eurogroup Approved 19 member states finance minister The proposal to let Croatia officially use the euro. According to the proposal, Croatia will use the euro from January 1, 2023, thus becoming the 20th member of the Eurogroup. [7]
On July 12, 2022, the EU officially approved Croatia Euro will be used from 2023. [8]
On July 12, 2022, the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar fell to 1. As of December 12, the euro was down 0.34% at 1.0005 against the dollar. [9]
From January 1, 2023 local time, Croatia officially launched the euro and joined Schengen area [10]
In December 2023, the euro, the global payment currency based on amount statistics, ranked second. [17]

Usage process

investment Usage expenses Up to 160 billion yuan, but with greater income
There is a huge project to launch the euro. According to economists' calculations, the cost from issuing the euro to putting it into use alone is as high as 160 billion to 180 billion euros. However, the euro was launched to european union The benefits will be immeasurable.
First, the 12 nation eurozone Is a huge market with unlimited business opportunities. Its annual internal trade volume is up to 1.4 trillion US dollars, accounting for about Global trade 15% of the total. The implementation of a unified currency has not only saved huge amounts of money transaction cost And make the best allocation of talents, capital, technology and resources, so as to obtain the maximum economic performance According to preliminary estimates, a single currency would make Trade volume It quickly doubled, or even tripled.
At present, residents of the euro area will soon directly feel the benefits that the euro facilitates consumers to choose goods from 12 countries, and consumers will save an average of 12% of the cost. For example, Spain Of salmon only Average price 61% of the grid, and Denmark But up to 133% of the average price; cheese stay Netherlands Than in Italy 2 times cheaper; Ireland Potatoes are 3.5 times cheaper than Denmark.

Carl Award

At the turn of spring and summer Aachen The city attracts worldwide attention. At this time, the ancient imperial capital will award "Carl Prize" to those who have made special contributions to the cause of Europe. The award was founded in 1950 to unify the Ebro River reach Elbe River Watershed Karl the Great It is named after a person, institution or thing that has made outstanding contributions to European unification. winston churchill Jacques Delors Vaclav Havel , and Adenauer And before German Chancellor Cole ——All of them have won this famous European award.
In 2002, the "Carl Prize" was awarded to an "idea" for the first time, which is the euro. According to the introduction of the board of directors of the "Carl Prize", the reason why the award was given to the euro in 2002 is that the euro represents the thinking of European integration, strengthens the common sense of Europeans, and has an important political and economic significance As European Central Bank President Deissenberg said, the meaning of the euro is not just Europe integration process It will also contribute to maintaining stability, peace and prosperity in Europe. The euro is a symbol of European economic and political integration, and a symbol of European stability and unity. After centuries of war, European countries vowed to unite and defend freedom, democracy and human rights.
The euro has given the EU a foundation for closer joint development. The significance of the euro is not only a monetary unit, but also a symbol of solidarity among European countries. With the entry of 50 billion euro coins and 15 billion euro notes Circulation field , used by 12 euro countries for generations Local currency Will end its Historical mission , this great feat seems to be showing“ United States of Europe ”The arrival of the times. This is World War II British Prime Minister Churchill put forward the concept of "unified Europe". Today, the birth of the euro is the most powerful evidence that 300 million Europeans in the euro area have taken a big step towards the "United States of Europe".

monetary union

Money has always been about seeking National interests It is a strategic tool to implement monetary power to other countries. because economic globalization The development of, International system Three fundamental changes have taken place -—— Cold War The end of, the decentralization of monetary power, and financial market The development of has created great opportunities for the implementation of monetary power. Therefore, the highest significance of the euro is that Europe is expected to create a Strong currency And a powerful Regional currency To weaken the hegemony of the US dollar and seek the interests of Europe international monetary system Have a far-reaching impact. The 19 countries in the Eurozone have a population of 330 million and a GDP of 13.2 trillion euros world trade More than 15% of the total (excluding Trade volume )。 After the circulation of the euro, it will become a Settlement currency And very attractive reserve currency , which directly challenges the currency dominance of the US dollar.
Euro pair regional economies Integration has a good demonstration effect. European integration Open the world Economic regionalization It is the first of its kind. For half a century, encouraged by European integration, regionalization of the world economy has become a common practice and flourished european union North American Free Trade Area and APEC In addition to the three major groups ASEAN And "10+3" South Asia Economic Community South Pacific Free Trade Zone, Gulf Economic Community Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)、 Caribbean Economic Community, South American Economic Community, Northwest African Economic Community, Central African Economic Community, South African Economic Community and other dozens of regional economic groups. The start and use of the euro is Regional integration It provides a new way of thinking, which makes the existing regional economic integration approach a big step forward. along with monetary union And economic integration will inevitably require political unity“ European Union ”Now it has become a hot topic in the EU. This transcendence of national boundaries and national economy The new combination of borders is undoubtedly very attractive to countries and groups, thus encouraging more countries and Group selection The road of "monetary union". In the long run, the birth of the euro International economic integration A new blueprint has been drawn.

Euro banknotes

First series Euro
face value
Date of issue
Printing deadline
10 EUR
20 EUR
50 EUR
100 EUR
200 EUR
500 EUR
Second Series Europa Euro
face value
Date of issue
10 EUR
20 EUR
50 EUR
100 EUR
200 EUR
Europe Monetary Bureau There are 7 euro draft samples released, with the face values of 5 euros (gray), 10 euros (red), 20 euros (blue), 50 euros (orange), 100 euros (green), 200 euros (yellow) and 500 euros (purple) respectively. The ticket is composed of three basic building elements: windows, gates and bridges, which respectively represent the spirit of openness, cooperation and communication between the EU.
Since the creation of the new Euro, there have been seven denominations of notes, namely € 5, € 10, € 20, € 50, € 100, € 200 and € 500. The first set of euro notes was issued from January 1, 2002 to May 1, 2013, and subsequently was issued on May 2, 2013 Europa sequence Paper money. Unlike coins, the design of paper currency is the same throughout the euro area. In order to make paper money more durable and make it easier for people to identify by touching, the paper used to print paper money is made of pure cotton fiber. The minimum size of euro notes is 120 mm × 62 mm, and the maximum size is 160 mm × 82 mm; Different banknotes use different theme colors to distinguish them.
On January 13, 2014, the European Central Bank released a new version of the 10 euro note sample, which was listed and circulated on September 23, 2014.
Printed on the new version of 10 euros Mythological figure Europa As a security mark. This portrait is taken from the portrait on an antique vase with a history of more than 2000 years in southern Italy. In addition to the portrait of Europa, the new note has other Anti counterfeiting mark Printed on the front of the note Face value figure When viewed from the side, the color will change from Emerald It turns dark blue, with raised corrugations on the edge of the note, printed with special materials, slightly thicker than other parts. In fact, one of the purposes of the European Central Bank's introduction of the new 10 euro note after the new 5 euro note was issued in 2013 is to improve the service life of the note and facilitate people's access to ATMs vending machine Withdraw money or make payment on the bank to avoid the situation that money cannot be recognized by old machines.
All euro notes bear the signature of the President of the European Central Bank. Therefore, when a new ECB president takes office, the signature on the euro notes will also change. So far (up to 2019), the euro notes have been signed by three different presidents. To prevent Counterfeit money The EU plans to introduce a new set of banknotes every seven or eight years. The second set of banknotes was originally planned to be launched in 2010, but was later postponed to May 2, 2013. It is expected that the new set of banknotes will gradually replace the old ones in the coming years.
2002 Edition (First Series)
Main colors
architectural style
Print Code Location
120 × 62
Since the first century
Image edge left
127 × 67
11-12th century
The star at eight o'clock
133 × 72
13th and 14th centuries
The star at nine o'clock
140 × 77
15-16th century
Image edge right
147 × 82
17th and 18th centuries
Nine o'clock to the right of the star
153 × 82
Art Nouveau (glass and steel)
19-20th century
Seven o'clock above the stars
160 × 82
20-21 century
The star at nine o'clock
2013 (Europa version of the second sequence)
Main colors
architectural style
Print Code Location
120 × 62
Classical architecture
Since the first century
Upper right corner of image edge
127 × 67
11-12th century
The star at eight o'clock
133 × 72
13th and 14th centuries
The star at nine o'clock
140 × 77
15-16th century
Image edge right
147 × 77
17th and 18th centuries
Nine o'clock to the right of the star
153 × 77
Art Nouveau (glass and steel)
19-20th century
Seven o'clock above the stars

Different notes

2002 Edition
The first set of euro notes, with the theme of "architectural styles in various European periods", represents European Architecture Two thousand years of evolution. The front porch or window of the note, which is drawn with simple lines, symbolizes the core spirit of "openness and cooperation" of the EU; The bridge on the back of the note symbolizes "exchanges between the European people and people in other parts of the world". In addition, the 12 stars on the note also represent "the vitality and harmony of contemporary Europe".
According to the The principle of equality , on euro notes Design Elements A building that does not represent any entity. This relatively neutral choice maximizes the Common values And effectively avoided disputes caused by the design of paper currency in euro zone countries.
All banknotes are printed with the EU flag, covering the initials of the abbreviation "European Central Bank" (BCE ECB、EZB、ΕΚΤ、EKP)、 European map, "Euro" text( Latin :EURO; Greek (e) and the signature of the President of the European Central Bank.
The final scheme of this set of banknotes was selected from 44 works in a competition held by the European Central Bank on February 12, 1996 Dublin Held European Council Announce Austrian National Bank Robert Karina's design won. Although Robert Kalina initially used the existing bridges in Europe as his design elements, the drawings of all bridges and doors and windows on the euro notes are based on the architectural styles of different periods in their history. The different architectural styles shown by different notes are detailed in the table below. A map of Europe is drawn on the back of the euro notes. Because some European countries overseas possessions (e.g French Guyana )The euro is also used, so the maps of these overseas territories are also drawn separately and placed in Continental Europe The lower left corner of the map. 2004 european union After expansion, Cyprus and Malta They began to use the euro, but because of the map layout, their territory was not drawn in this set of euro notes.
The euro notes bear the signature of the President of the European Central Bank on the front. In 2002, the first president Wim Duisenberg 's signature appears on the note and is subsequently Jean Claude Trichet Is replaced by the signature of. Current President printed in March 2012 Mario Draghi Signed banknotes began to be issued.

Safety measures

Euro notes include many complex Safety measures , such as watermark infra-red And UV ink Hologram , microprinting, etc. to ensure the authenticity of paper money. In order to let the public identify the authenticity of paper money, the European Central Bank has disclosed some security measures. However, the complete security measures for euro notes are strictly kept confidential by central banks in the euro system. Generally speaking, there are four ways to distinguish the authenticity of euro notes. The first three identification methods are "touch, observation, tilt" (French: touch, regarder, incliner), So that ordinary people can easily identify the authenticity of paper money.
  • Paper - the paper is treated with special materials to make it tough and brittle;
  • gravure —— Notes Main patterns and representatives on face value The large numbers of and the abbreviations representing the European Central Bank are printed in intaglio to make them feel concave and convex;
  • Watermark - the paper currency is watermarked, and the pattern includes Notes The face value of and the windows of European buildings in different periods become clear when viewed against the light;
  • Safety line - when looking into the light, a magnetic black line can be found in the middle of the note, with transparent words "Euro" and corresponding face value printed in the middle of the black line;
  • Complementary antithesis ——When looking at the light, we can see that the incomplete numbers in the upper left corner of the front and the upper right corner of the back of the note are combined into one, which represents the face value of the note;
  • Hologram ——On the right side of the front of the 5, 10 and 20 euro notes, there is a holographic tape, which can be repeatedly tilted up and down to see the face value of the note, the EU flag, the euro symbol and the word "euro"; On the right side of the front of the 50 to 500 euro notes, there is a hologram label printed with the face value of the note, the word "Euro" in miniature and the main design on the front of the note;
  • Rainbow band - there is a rainbow band printed with the face value and euro symbol on the back of the 5 euro, 10 euro and 20 euro notes;
  • Optical color changing ink ——At the lower right corner of the back of the 50 euro to 500 euro banknotes, the face value figures printed with light variable ink can be seen by repeatedly tilting up and down.
Other measures:
  • Infrared and ultraviolet characteristics - under the infrared instrument, part of the paper money will disappear; Under ultraviolet light, the paper money pattern will have fluorescence effect;
  • Micro characters - carefully observe the banknotes, and you can see the characters that can be recognized by the naked eye. These characters are thin and clear, and it is difficult to forge them through general printing;
  • Anti copy circle ——Irregularly arranged circles on the paper currency. Some photocopiers can identify the paper currency through these circles, and then refuse to copy it;
  • Digital watermark - embedding information into the pattern through mathematical encryption algorithm, so that some image processing software (such as Adobe Photoshop )Identify and refuse to deal with it;
  • Magnetic ink ——The specific area of the paper currency is printed with magnetic ink (such as the serial number of the paper currency) for the detection of special instruments;
  • bar code ——When the note is viewed against the light, it can be found that there is a bar code watermark in the middle left of the note, and the bar codes displayed by different denominations are different.
Although the signature of the president of the European Central Bank will vary with the time of issuance, it is not part of the euro anti-counterfeiting measures.

Coin pattern

All euro coins have the same obverse, marked with the face value of the coin, called "common side", while the reverse of the coin is composed of Country of issue Self designed (national side). Constitutional monarchy Countries often use the head of their monarch, and other countries usually use the symbol of their country. All different coins are available in all eurozone Use, such as cast King of Spain The coins of the head portrait are also used in other countries that use the euro except Spain Legal tender Euro coins There are eight denominations. Although 1 euro cent and 2 euro cent coins are not generally used in Finland and the Netherlands, they are still legal tender.
The design of euro notes of each denomination is the same in all countries. There are seven denominations of euro notes. Although large denomination notes are not issued in some countries, they are still legal tender. Pan European Automated Real Time Clearing System (English: Transfer European Automated Real Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System (TARGET for short) is a European system established before the issuance of the euro Large amount transaction Clearing system about Small amount payment Of general rule Yes: On eurozone Transfers within the euro zone are regarded as domestic transfers. The fees for credit card payments and ATM withdrawals within the euro zone are the same as domestic fees. Bill payments, such as cheques, are also the same as domestic fees.
The design of the euro was finally determined on December 13, 1996 by the European Monetary Agency, which publicly solicited the design. Austria The scheme of the banknote designer Robert Karina was adopted. According to the Kalina scheme, Nominal value The larger, the larger the paper currency area. The main components of the positive patterns of various banknotes are doors and windows, which symbolize the spirit of cooperation and openness. 12 stars form a circle, symbolizing european union Countries live harmoniously in Europe. The reverse of the note is a bridge pattern, symbolizing the close ties between European countries. The patterns of doors, windows and bridges represent the architectural styles of different periods in Europe, and the currency values from small to large are classicism, romanticism, Gothic Renaissance style , Baroque and rococo , iron and glass modern The architectural style is gray, red, blue, orange, green, tawny and lavender. The euro notes printed by countries in the region have the same design on the front and back, and there is nothing on the notes National logo
Coins are made by eurozone All coins are minted in various countries. The front of all coins is engraved with the symbol of the European Economic and Monetary Union, and the reverse is the design of various countries.
For euro notes Tissue paper It is made with a special feel, some of which will be uneven, and has an anti-counterfeit line. The face value on the top of the note is used Color changing ink Printing.
Euro notes (as shown in the figure) are divided into 7 denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros, with different sizes and colors. The notes of each denomination show a period of European architecture, a map of Europe and a European flag. For these seven kinds of banknotes, without exception, the design of doors and windows on the front and bridges on the back is adopted, which shows different architectural styles in different periods of Europe and represents European culture and history in seven different periods. The arches and windows symbolize the spirit of openness and cooperation, European Union The 12 stars represent the driving force and the unity of European countries. The bridge shaped building on the back of the note represents the cooperation and communication between European countries and between Europe and the world. The amount of money is printed on the note, which is marked with Latin and Greek letters respectively. European Central Bank For the acronym of european union National official language Five kinds of language variety Logo. The banknotes are printed with the flag and territory of the European Union, and the abbreviation of the European Central Bank and the signature of the President of the Central Bank are expressed in five official languages of the European Union, including BCE, ECB, EZB, EKT and EKP.

Euro coins

Pattern of 2 Euro Coins in Each Country
San Marino
Coins have 8 denominations: 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, 1 yuan, 2 yuan. eurozone The coins of 16 countries have the same design on one side and different designs on the other
Among them, 1, 2 and 5 cents have been minted since 2002 without modification Copper plated steel Cast 94.35% steel, 5.65% copper, the front shows Europe for the earth, Middle East Africa one side
The other five types of frontal patterns are divided into the 2002 version and the 2007 version, and the European map in the pattern is different.
Euro Coin Information Table
face value
Diameter mm
Thickness mm
Mass g
texture of material
particular year
1 euro minute
sixteen point two five
one point six seven
two point three zero
Smooth edges
Copper plated steel core
Europe, Africa and the Middle East in the Earth
two thousand and two
2 euro points
eighteen point seven five
one point six seven
three point zero six
There is a groove on the edge
5 euro points
twenty-one point two five
one point six seven
three point nine two
Smooth edges
10 euro points
nineteen point seven five
one point nine three
four point one zero
Fine grain scale on the edge
Nordic gold
Europe on the left
two thousand and seven
20 euro points
twenty-two point two five
two point one four
five point seven four
Seven notches on the edge
50 euro points
twenty-four point two five
two point three eight
seven point eight zero
Edge fine grain scale
1 Euro
twenty-three point two five
two point three three
7.50 (core 3.71)
Three groups of fine edges, three groups of smooth blanks
Outer ring brass nickel plated inner ring white copper
Europe on the right
twenty-five point seven five
two point two zero
8.50 (core 4.10)
The lettering on the edge detail varies from country to country
Nickel plating on brass of outer ring and inner ring
The different aspects of each country are
Austria : 1 point- Gentian flowers , 2 points- Edelweiss , 5 points - Austria The Alps Regional flowers; 10 points - St. Stephen's Church, Vienna Gothic Architecture, 20 points- Beauty Palace Baroque architecture , 50 points- Vienna Separatists Building, Art Nouveau, 1 yuan - composer Mozart , 2 yuan - Austrian radical pacifist, The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Berta Freirrouu von Suttner
Belgium : All Albert II Portrait of the King
Finland : 1,2,5,10,20,50 points- Finland National Emblem On Heraldry Lion, 1 yuan - two swan Flying over Finland, swan Finland national bird , 2 yuan - flowers and leaves of Yunmei
Germany: 1,2,5 points - German oak branches also used on Fenny, Germany, 10,20,50 points - Brandenburg Gate, representing division and unity, 1,2 yuan - representing German sovereignty Germanic Eagle logo
France: 1,2,5 points- Mariana head portrait, French Republic logo, 10,20,50 points - sower, front franc The theme used, 1,2 yuan - a stylized hexagon The tree inside is engraved with mottos Liberté Egalité Fraternité (Freedom, equality, fraternity)
Greece: 1 point - Athenian triple row battleship in the 5th century BC, 2 points - early 19th century frigate , 5 points - Hyundai tanker , the symbol of Greek business, 10 points - Rigas Ferreos, Greek writer and revolutionist, 20 points - Jan Capoditchas, the first Prime Minister of Greece, 50 points- Elefcelios Venizelos , Greek statesman, 1 yuan - Athens in the 5th century BC 4 drachma Coin pattern, owl, 2 yuan - Zeus abducts Europa in the image of a bull
Netherlands : All portraits of Queen Beatrix
Ireland : All Celtic harp
Italy: 1 point- Priya Of Montebourg , 2 points- Turin Of Mole Antonelliana , 5 points- The Roman Colosseum , 10 points - painter Sandro Botticelli 's paintings The Birth of Venus Head of Venus in, 20 points- Boccioni Of Futurism Sculpture Unique form with continuous space , 50 points- Ancient Rome statue Marcus Aurelius Horse riding statue, 1 yuan - the Vitruvian of Leonardo da Vinci, 2 yuan - painter Rafael Dante's head painted
Luxembourg : All Duke Henry portrait
Portugal : Royal Family in 1134 (1,2,5 points), 1142 (10,20,50 points), 1144 (1,2 yuan) emperor's seal
Spain: 1,2,5 points- Catedral de Santiago , 10, 20, 50 cents - Cervantes, the writer of Don Quixote, 1, 2 yuan- King Juan Carlos king
Slovenia : 1 cent - The stork used to spend 2 cents on the 20 Slovenian dollar coin - 5 cents for Prince Stone - 10 cents for Ivan Grohar's famous painting stars- Slovenian Parliament 20 points- Lipizama 50 points - Trigraf Mountain, the highest mountain in Slovenia 1 yuan - Primo Trubar, a Protestant reformer in Slovenia 2 yuan - Franze Plescheren
Cyprus : 1,2,5 points- Morphalen sheep 10,20,50 points- ancient Greek Cargo Ship Kilonia 1, 2 yuan - Portrait of Pemos
Malta : 1,2,5 points - 10, 20, 50 points for the Temple of Mnala- Malta National Emblem RMB 1,2- Maltese cross
Slovakia : 1,2,5 points - Slovakia Tatra Mountain The main peak at 2655m above sea level Gollah Peak , and Slovak National Emblem 10,20,50 points- Bratislava Castle And the Slovak national emblem of 1,2 yuan - the Slovak national emblem
Estonia : A single design of all 8 coins, featuring a map of Estonia and surrounded by 12 stars.
vatican : Head of the current Pope, currently the 266th Pope Francis
Euro symbol The official structural form of, specifying the international three letter code of the euro that should be printed in yellow on a blue background( ISO 4217 Standard) is EUR. Its symbol is a specially designed euro symbol. The winner is selected by a group of four experts. European Commission Declare that this symbol is "representative of European civilization Greek alphabet epsilonΕ, The combination of E representing Europe and the horizontal parallel line representing the stability of the euro ". But before one EEC Art Design The editor in chief claimed that he created this symbol as a representative symbol of Europe.
The European Commission initially stipulated that the euro symbol has a certain structural proportion, which does not change according to the font. This provision means that the euro symbol will be used as a symbol, not like letters or dollar pound Others Currency symbol As a designable symbol. However, strictly maintaining its size will cause the euro symbol to be wider than other symbols and numbers in most fonts, and sometimes lead to some layout problems. As a result, most font designers ignore the provisions of the European Commission and design their own variants of euro characters in various fonts, usually based on the capital C。 The picture above is the official euro symbol.
Entering the euro symbol on a computer depends on the operating system and language used Locale some Europe and America The mobile phone company of SMS service system Specific to character set The software has made a transitional upgrade version RMB or Japanese yen The symbol ¥ is replaced by the euro symbol. The latest phone already contains both symbols.
International three letter code of euro( ISO 4217 Standard) is EUR Its symbol is the specially designed euro symbol (€), which is divided from ten design scheme Two of them will be selected and finally submitted European Commission Select the final design. The winner was designed by a team of four experts.
Euro symbol in Unicode character set The name in is EURO SIGN, and the code is U+20AC( decimal system 8364)。 The upgraded version of the traditional Latin character set has the same encoding. Shortly after the introduction of the euro symbol, the HTML 4.0 version introduced the euro symbol, but some browsers could not parse this code correctly.
Entering the euro symbol on the computer depends on the operating system and language and regional settings. Some mobile phone companies in Europe and the United States have made a transitional upgrade version of the specific character set software of the SMS service system Japanese yen The symbol ¥ is replaced by the euro symbol. The latest phone already contains both symbols.
Oufen doesn't Official recommendation The amount is usually expressed as a decimal of Euro (such as € 0.05 instead of 5 ¢ or 5c). a lowercase letter letter c It is also commonly used from Dutch guilders Secondary of Monetary unit Cent. stay Ireland Usually, it is indicated by a lowercase c (such as on a stamp), but the penny symbol ¢ is sometimes used in shops. Greece is widely represented by the capital letter lambda (Λ), the abbreviation of its original monetary unit Lepton (Λε πτ≤), and this unit is also used in the Euro coins Self designed surface. Germany usually uses the abbreviation "ct" for "cent". Finland generally uses decimal form, such as -. 82 €, but sometimes you can see Finnish The abbreviation of "sentti" is "snt", such as 50 snt.
There are also differences in the position of the euro symbol in currency representation. Although it is officially recommended to put it before the number, people in many countries still retain the habit of the original currency. People in Spain and France are hard to change into this kind of people. They think it is a little bit Illogical In the form of (currency symbol is in the front when writing: e.g. € 2; but in the back when reading: deux/dos euros "2 euros"). So in France € 3.50 is usually written as 3 € 50, which comes from franc The customary writing style (such as 22F96).
The euro was issued on January 1, 2002 eurozone Of the 12 member countries( Belgium Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy Finland Portugal Austria Netherlands Luxembourg )Be unique Legal tender There are 7 types of notes and 8 types of coins in the euro.
Face features
Euro notes are made by Austria Designed by Robert Kalina of the Central Bank, the theme is "European era and style", which describes the seven periods in Europe's long cultural history architectural style It also includes a series of anti-counterfeiting features and representative features of member states.
In the front design of the paper money, the windows and arches symbolize the openness and cooperation of Europe. representative european union The 12 five stars of the 12 member countries symbolize the vitality and harmony of contemporary Europe. The pattern on the back of the note depicts seven European bridges and maps of different times, implying close cooperation and exchanges between EU countries and the whole world.
Seven different types of banknotes adopt different colors as the main colors, and the specifications also increase with the increase of the face value. In addition, the euro notes have the following main characteristics:
(1) Use Latin and Greek Marked Currency name
(2) Use 5 different Languages Indicated in the abbreviated form of“ European Central Bank ”The name of;
(III) copyright protection Identification symbol;
(4) Signature of the President of the European Central Bank;
(V) EU Flag
Anti counterfeiting features
The euro has adopted a number of advanced anti-counterfeiting techniques , mainly in the following aspects:
(1) Watermark: Euro notes all adopt double watermarks, that is, they are identical with each denomination Main scene Doors and windows with the same pattern Pattern watermark And denomination figures White watermark
(II) Safety line : The euro notes adopt a fully buried black safety line, which contains the euro name (EURO) and denomination number.
(III) Counterprint Pattern: The irregular figures on the upper left corner of the front and back of the euro notes are just complementary to the denomination figures, and the docking is accurate without dislocation.
(V) Pearlescent ink Print pattern: a strip is printed with pearlescent ink in the middle of the back for 5, 10 and 20 euros, and different colors can be seen from different angles Euro symbol And denomination figures.
(6) Holographic logo: Holographic film strips are pasted on the right side of the front of 5, 10 and 20 euros, and bright euro symbols and denomination figures can be seen by changing the angle of observation; 50, 100, 200, 500 euros front right Lower corner Holographic film block is pasted, and the bright main scene pattern and face number can be seen by changing the angle of observation.
(7) Light variable denomination number: 50, 100, 200, 500 euros The denomination number in the lower right corner on the back is Photorefractive ink When printed, the banknote is tilted at a certain angle, and the color changes from purple to olive green.
(8) Colorless fluorescent fiber: ultraviolet Below, we can see that there are bright red, blue and green colorless fluorescent fibers in the Euro paper.
(9) Colored fluorescent printing pattern: under ultraviolet light, european union Flags and European Central Bank The blue ink signed by the president turns green; 12 stars changed from yellow to orange; The map and bridge on the back turn yellow.
(X) Gravure printing Microtext: The front and back of the euro notes are printed with micro text magnifier It was observed that the lines of the micro characters on the real coins were full and clear.
recognition methods
Just like the identification of RMB, the identification of euro notes also requires the method of "one look, two touch, three listening and four testing".
(1) The first one is the light facing perspective: mainly observe the watermark, safety line and counter printing pattern. The second is shaking observation: mainly observe the holographic logo, the pearlescent ink printing strip mark on the back of 5, 10, 20 euros, and the number of light variable ink on the lower right corner of the back of 50, 100, 200, 500 euros.
(2) The first is to touch the paper: the euro notes are thin Stiffness Good. It is not slippery and dense to the touch. You can feel the thickness changes at the watermark part. The second is to touch the intaglio printing pattern: the denomination number on the front of the euro note, the door and window pattern, the abbreviation of the European Central Bank, and the braille All marks are made by Intaglio printing Yes, it has obvious concave and convex feeling.
(3) When you listen to the hand shaking of paper money, real money will make a crisp sound.
(4) Measurement UV lamp And magnifying glass Professional anti-counterfeiting features.
The front and back of euro notes are printed with micro text. When viewed under a magnifying glass, the micro text lines on the real currency are full and clear.

exchange rate

Exchange with USD
At the beginning of the introduction of the euro, the euro against various currencies (especially dollar )Both fell sharply. When the euro was introduced in 1999, it was 1.18 dollars per euro; On October 26, 2000, the euro fell to a historical low of US $0.8228. But then the euro began to experience a period of recovery. At the beginning of 2001, the euro rose to nearly US $0.96. But then it entered into a period of decline, although this time Decline Smaller, the lowest drop was 0.834 US dollars on July 6, 2001. currency Start to restore the check and balance of the US dollar. Due to the influence of corporate scandals in the United States, the two currencies were close to 1:1 on July 15, 2002. By the end of 2002, the euro had reached $1.04, and then continued to rise.
On May 23, 2003, the euro exceeded its height of $1.18 on the day of its debut for the first time, and broke through $1.35 on December 24, 2004 (0.74 euros=1 dollar). On December 30, 2004, it set a record of $1.3668. Some analysts predict that the euro will remain strong against the dollar. On August 13, 2007, the euro reached $1.37. On November 23, 2007, the euro reached $1.49. On April 22 and July 15, 2008, the euro reached a record high of $1.60 twice. In the experience financial crisis Later, the euro entered a period of strong shocks.
Linked currency
Currencies currently linked to the euro include: Republic of Cape Verde currency Escudo Bosnia And Herzegovina Convertible Mark Bulgarian Lev , France overseas franc Central African franc West African franc Comoros Franc and Lithuanian Lite
The euro is the official currency of 16 countries and regions outside the EU. Moreover, the currencies of 22 countries and regions are directly linked to the euro, including 14 West African countries and three French countries Pacific region , two Africa Island countries and three countries on the Borgan Peninsula.
Driving force of exchange
From 2001 to 2004, one of the forces was that European interest rates were more attractive than those in the United States. Federal Reserve System In recent years, it has maintained relatively high European Central Bank The lower interest rate, except for several larger economies in Europe, especially Germany, grew very slowly or even did not grow. This phenomenon is attributed to the responsibility of the European Central Bank to coordinate the overall inflation rate of the euro area; Some countries with excellent performance, such as Ireland Has exceeded the ECB's goal.
However, although the difference in interest rates has become one of the reasons for the growth of the euro, the main reason is that the United States current account There are huge and unstable Deficit The market generally pays attention to the double deficit problem in the United States. This issue has left the US dollar vulnerable. U.S.A deficit Up to US $427 billion, accounting for gross domestic product 3.7% of GDP. The current account, which includes capital flows, is the most commonly used trade indicator. Its deficit reached US $166.18 billion in the second quarter of 2004.
One of the main factors is that Asia The exchange rate of the currency against the US dollar is not the same as that against the euro. China RMB It was not long ago that the yen was decoupled from the US dollar Bank of Japan To intervene and be held. These pressures have softened the dollar and strengthened the euro.
After the euro was introduced as a cash currency, it rebounded from the bottom. From 1999 to 2002, Eurosceptics believed that the weakness of the euro was a precursor to the failure of the euro experiment. The weak performance of the euro during this period may be due to the fact that the currency has not yet been "formally formed". Since the issuance of euro notes and coins had not yet started, the plan still had a chance to fail. However, when the euro is circulated in cash, the market's confidence in the euro increases, and more and more people believe that the euro will continue to circulate, which makes the value of the euro rise. During the period from 1999 to 2002, this factor had a great impact on the process of strengthening the euro from weakness, but after this period, other factors became more important.
Another reason for the early decline of the euro is that the original purpose of holding multiple currencies is to avoid a single currency exchange rate The risk of decline, so when fixed rate Once identified, many investors and central bank Will sell a lot of their holdings Local currency When the exchange rate between the currencies of the euro area countries is fixed, for example, Germany mark and franc It has the same meaning. In addition, there is reason to believe that a large amount of black money has been converted into dollars to avoid public exchange of euros.
Although the euro and other major or minor appreciation , USA trade deficit Still growing. economic theory think Depreciation of the dollar (That is, becoming cheaper) and the appreciation of the euro (that is, becoming more expensive) will help US exports and reduce US import activity. However, to some extent, it depends on the, Cost of money The mode of transfer. In addition, the devaluation of the dollar makes foreign countries in the United States Investment amount Growth (although accompanied by lower returns), so the continued growth of foreign investment will consolidate the position of the US dollar to some extent. Moreover, the depreciation of the US dollar makes foreign countries in the United States Investment cost Lower (although benefits have also decreased). Therefore, the increasing foreign investment will consolidate the position of the US dollar. US dollar as a global reserve currency The role of budget deficit However, the normal operation of these two functions still depends on continued foreign support.
It is predicted that the strength of the euro against the dollar may encourage countries to use the euro as an alternative reserve currency Saddam Hussein Epochal Iraq In 2000, the reserve currency of the country was changed from the US dollar to the euro. Some countries with large reserve currencies (such as India and China) have also foreign exchange reserve Converting dollars into euros, or even OPEC They also changed their trade currency from the US dollar to the euro. These will strengthen the depreciation trend of the US dollar in the long run. In 2004, Bank for International Settlements According to the report of, the euro deposit rate of banks has increased from 12% in 2001 to 20%, and will continue to rise. The depreciation of the US dollar will also make Americans gain more from investing in foreign stocks, which further depresses the US dollar.
The appreciation of the euro will restrain the export of the euro area, but there is still little sign of this situation. The main reason is that the currencies of the major global consumer countries in the euro area also appreciate against the US dollar. As the current account deficit continues to rise, and the United States does not plan to take austerity measures to reduce imports and increase exports. This situation will probably cause the US dollar to lose its role as the world Settlement currency The status of the A basket of currencies replace.
Exchange between Euro and RMB
As of January 15, 2013, 1 euro can be exchanged for 8.2903 yuan, up 6% from June 2012. industry insiders Introduction: Due to the impact of the European debt problem, the euro area has always been volatile, but many countries business climate index Better than expected, it pushed the euro up continuously for a time, and made the euro get rid of the downward channel since May 2008. The resolution of the European Central Bank was undoubtedly the biggest focus of the market, and the result did not disappoint the market, leading to a strong counter attack on the euro Break position Rising, many investment banks and other market investors have turned their backs and sharply bullish on the future of the euro. Good Spain and Italy The results of standard bonds also laid a favorable atmosphere for the trend of the euro. Bank wealth managers believe that benchmark interest rate Is close to zero, and economic growth rate Is negative, so the euro zone's Fundamental plane The environment is still weak, and Euro is expected Exchange rate It will remain within the fluctuation range, and there is still the possibility of further rise in the future. If citizens are in urgent need of euros, it is recommended to buy more; If the euro will be used later, you can temporarily hold the currency to invest in other value-added channels, and move when the euro fluctuates again.
September 29, 2014 People's Bank of China to grant authorization, China Foreign Exchange Trading Center Announced on interbank foreign exchange mart Carry out direct transactions between RMB and Euro. Direct transactions between RMB and Euro are conducive to the formation of the direct exchange rate between RMB and Euro, reducing Economic entity Exchange costs to promote the exchange between RMB and Euro bilateral trade Used in investment. The People's Bank of China actively supports this.
The European Central Bank announced the opening Quantitative easing Policy, stimulated by the news, the euro exchange rate fell. China Foreign Exchange Trading Center data display On January 23, 2015, the inter-bank foreign exchange market Central parity rate of RMB exchange rate Is 1 euro to RMB 6.9795 yuan, compared with the previous one Trading day 1409 basis points lower than "7" Integer gateway , again hitting a new low since the reform of foreign exchange.
Since May 2014, the euro has been in the downward channel against the RMB, and the market expects that the euro will continue to decline in the future. The reporter combed and found that RMB middle rate For example, after climbing to a recent high of 8.5756 yuan on May 7, 2013, the euro continued to decline all the way down to 6.9795 yuan as of May 2014, which means a decline of nearly 19% in more than eight months. [2]
In November 2023, global enterprises and banks are raising a record amount of RMB, which will push the RMB to surpass the euro and become the world's second largest trade financing currency. In September 2023, the data released by the International Fund Clearing System (SWIFT) shows that the RMB has achieved a record increase in its share of global payments, rising from 3.9% at the beginning of the year to 5.8%, surpassing the share of the euro for the first time. Since November, the offshore RMB exchange rate has soared nearly 2000 basis points. On the 22nd, both onshore and offshore RMB rose to around 7.13, a new high in nearly four months. [16]
Euro depreciation
The European QE will further devalue the euro, which will China's economy What are the impacts. China Economic Network commentator Lin Yun Said: "The devaluation of the euro has become an irreversible reality, because just after the news of the launch of QE by the European Central Bank, the euro showed a trend of breaking new lows, falling below the key point of 1 euro to US $1.15, which I believe will be a trend of weakening." "The impact on China is nothing more than trade and investment. The devaluation of the euro will certainly help some enterprises in the euro area to export to China. From the perspective of investment, the devaluation of the euro will make the yuan and the dollar more valuable, so it will become cheaper to buy assets. But be careful what you buy, and investors should see clearly." [3]
Updated: July 5, 2020
EUR per unit quantity
money changing
1 Euro
seven point six four two one
1 Euro
one point one eight zero two
1 Euro
zero point eight five three seven
1 Euro
nine point one seven seven eight
1 Euro
eighty-six point eight four zero eight
1 Euro
one hundred and thirty point zero three four four
1 Euro
one thousand three hundred and fifty-eight point five zero four six
1 Euro
one point four eight zero two
1 Euro
one point five nine nine six
1 Euro
one point six eight seven seven
1 Euro
twenty-seven thousand one hundred and fifty-two point eight six one four
1 Euro
six point one zero nine four
1 Euro
eighty-seven point seven four five five
1 Euro
seventeen thousand and ninety-five point one nine seven
1 Euro
thirty-eight point eight zero five
1 Euro
four point three three four six
1 Euro
seventeen point four four one two
1 Euro
one point six zero two eight
1 Euro
thirty-three point zero seven nine eight

Currency conversion

The euro was established in 1992 European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and signed in Maastricht《 European Union Treaty 》Determined. Member States need to meet a series of strict criteria, such as a budget deficit of no more than 3% of GDP, Debt ratio Not more than 60% of GDP, Inflation rate Close to interest rate european union National average.
Due to the different rounding habits of the euro currency in different countries, the conversion between the currencies of various countries must be carried out through the euro. Fixation of Euro and original currency Conversion ratio As follows:
1 Euro (EUR)=40.3399 Belgian Franc (BEF)
1 Euro (EUR)=13.7603 Austrian Shilling (ATS)
1 Euro (EUR)=1.9558 Deutschmark (DEM)
1 Euro (EUR)=6.559 French Franc (FRF)
1 Euro (EUR)=2.2037 Dutch guilders (NLG)
1 Euro (EUR)=1936.27 Italian lira (ITL)
1 Euro (EUR)=0.581 Cyprus Pound (CYP)
1 Euro (EUR)=5.9457 Finnish Mark (FIM)
1 Euro (EUR)=0.4262 Maltese lira (MTL)
1 Euro (EUR)=0.756087 Irish Pound IEP
1 Euro (EUR)=40.3399 Luxembourg Franc (LUF)
1 Euro (EUR)=200.482 Escudo, Portugal (PTE)
1 Euro (EUR)=166.386 Spanish peseta (ESP)
1 Euro (EUR)=340.750 Greek drachma (GRD)
1 Euro (EUR)=251.8166 Toral, Slovenia (SIT)
1 Euro (EUR)=29.5868 Slovak Krone (SKK)
1 Euro (EUR)=15.64664 Estonian Krone (EEK)
1 Euro (EUR)=0.702804 Latvian Lat (LVL)
Euro banknotes
These conversion ratios are determined by European parliament according to European Commission According to the proposal of December 31, 1998 Market exchange rate Determined on the basis of, 1 European monetary unit It is equal to 1 euro. Because the value of the European Monetary Unit depends on non euro currencies (mainly pound )The day of Closing price , so the exchange rate was not determined earlier.
Greece At the beginning, it did not meet the standard of using the euro, so it did not join on January 1, 1999 eurozone Two years later, on January 1, 2001, Greece joined the euro area, and its currency conversion ratio was 340.750 Greek drachma (GRD) to 1 euro.
Since 00:00 on January 1, 1999, the euro has been introduced as an intangible currency( Traveler's cheque electronic payment banking Etc.); On January 1, 2002, the new euro notes and Euro coins Enabled, known as the Legal tender
Of original notes and coins Conversion period It lasts for two months until February 28, 2002. The official date of stopping using the original currency as the legal tender varies from country to country. The earliest is Germany. The German mark was no longer the legal tender of Germany on December 31, 2001, but it can be converted into euros before February 28, 2002. By February 28, 2002, all countries had stopped using their original currencies as legal tender. However, after this date, the central banks of various countries will still accept the original currency for several years, Austria Ireland Central Bank of Spain Permanent Accepts the original currency. The earliest coins that were not used were Portugal Escudo, which ceased to have Monetary value The paper currency will remain convertible until 2022.
Finland It was decided not to cast 1 euro cent and 2 euro cent coins except for a small amount for collectors. Therefore, when Finland exchanges euros, those ending in 1 euro cent or 2 euro cents will be rounded off, and those ending in 3 euro cents or 4 euro cents will be rounded up to 5 euro cents. But 1 euro and 2 euro are still in Finland Legal tender
Slovenia Euro was adopted on January 1, 2007. Its conversion ratio is 239.640 Slovenian Tolar (SIT) to 1 euro.
Malta Cyprus Euro was adopted on January 1, 2008. Its conversion ratio is: 0.585274 Cyprus Pound (CYP)、0.429300 Maltese lira (MTL)
Slovakia Euro was adopted on January 1, 2009. Its conversion ratio is 30.1260 Slovak Krone (SKK)
Estonia Euro was adopted on January 1, 2011. Its conversion ratio is: 15.6466 Estonian Krone (EEK)
Latvia Euro was adopted on January 1, 2014. Its exchange rate is 0.70204 Latvian Latvian Latte (LVL)
Lithuania On January 1, 2015, it became the 19th member of the euro area, which coincided with the 15th anniversary of the birth of the euro.
Circulation area
according to european union Provisions of, Euro foreign cash It was officially circulated on January 1, 2002, eurozone The original currencies of all member states of the Group will cease to circulate as of March 1, 2002. Now more than half of the 27 EU member states have joined the euro area, poland Czech Republic Denmark For reasons such as considering their own interests, other countries have not yet entered the euro area.
Sweden held a referendum in 2003. According to the result of the referendum, it refused to let the euro become Sweden The currency of.
Since January 1, 1999, in Germany France Italy Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Ireland Austria Finland Spain and Portugal The currencies of 11 countries (euro area countries) were officially used and replaced on July 1, 2002.
Greece Joined the Eurozone in 2000, becoming the 12th member of the Eurozone.
Slovenia Joined on January 1, 2007 eurozone , becoming the 13th member of the Eurozone.
Cyprus Between January 1, 2008 and Malta Joined the Eurozone together, becoming the 14th and 15th member states.
Slovakia Joined the euro zone on January 1, 2009, increasing the number of euro zone members to 16.
Estonia The euro was officially launched on January 1, 2011, becoming the 17th member of the Eurozone.
Latvia It officially joined the euro area on January 1, 2014, becoming the 18th member of the euro area.
Lithuania It officially joined the euro area on January 1, 2015, becoming the 19th member of the euro area.
Croatia Joining the euro zone on January 1, 2023, residents bank account On Kuna It is automatically converted into euros at the exchange rate of 1:7.5345 between euros and Kuna. [11]


Countries that officially use the euro include: Germany France Italy Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Ireland Spain Portugal Austria Finland Lithuania Latvia Estonia Slovakia Slovenia Greece Malta Cyprus In some euro area countries Overseas Territories , for example French Guyana Reunion Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands Martinique Other regions also use the euro.
Previously used in Monaco French Franc San Marino And the Vatican used to use the Italian lira, and the two have been replaced by the euro. According to them and european union They can also forge agreements on behalf of the European Union Euro coins
Andorra Previously, French francs and Spanish pesetas were used, Montenegro Kosovo Previously, the German mark was used. After the above currencies were replaced by the euro countries and regions The euro was used as the actual currency, but there was no legal agreement between them and the EU, and they did not participate European Central Banking System In October 2004, Andorra began to negotiate with the European Union on an agreement allowing Andorra to coin euro coins like Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican.
In December 2002, the DPRK used the euro instead of the US dollar as the main currency for external circulation and settlement black market The dollar has also been replaced by the euro, compared with the stores that used to use dollars.
In general, the euro is the official currency of 23 countries and regions, and the exchange rates of 28 countries and regions are linked to the euro.

Exchange market black horse

The euro has become the absolute dark horse in the foreign exchange market in 2013 Increase It has exceeded 4% and is the currency with the highest growth rate.
On January 1, 2014, Prime Minister of Latvia East Brofskis stay Riga An ATM in the center of the city takes out Latvia's first euro note. On the same day, Latvia officially became the 18th member of the Eurozone.

Monetary function


economic interest

from economic interest From the perspective of european union Countries bring the following benefits
(1) Strengthen own economic strength and improve competitiveness
future eurozone stay gross domestic product and Total foreign trade Both will be higher than that of the United States and Japan After the launch of the euro, the joint promotion of the unified currency and the unified market will undoubtedly bring about new economic growth, making the EU in a favorable position in the competition with economic powers such as the United States and Japan.
(2) Decrease Internal contradiction , prevent and resolve financial risks
Increasing economic competition globalization In the general trend of regionalization and collectivization, the unified currency is one of the most powerful weapons. The EU is the most integrated in the world today regional group , but yes domestic market The shock of turbulence still lacks resilience. 1995 Mexican Peso Both the crisis and the yen crisis in 1996 once led to the decline of EU economic growth, export decline and employment reduction. It turns out that the EU floating rate Multinational currencies that act independently under the mechanism Monetary Value The "soft" and "hard" are different. The differences in interest rates, changes in exchange rates and other factors have triggered internal EU financial order The chaos of. After the official use of the euro as a single currency, the above problems will naturally be greatly alleviated.
London morgan stanley Economist Firth pointed out that the planning tools of EMU persistence The advantages of this system have been reflected in the Asian financial crisis. In the past, the European region could not survive such storms.
(3) Simplify circulation procedures, cost reduction
The use of the euro not only simplifies procedures, saves time, speeds up the flow of goods and funds, but also reduces the exchange and commission losses of nearly 30 billion dollars, making EU enterprises virtually reduce costs and enhance their competitiveness. With the rise of the euro and European Capital Markets The development of Cost of capital It will also decline, which is conducive to investment and economic growth.
Although unified within the EU Big market It has been established, but because of the existence of multiple currencies, the same resources, goods and services show different prices in different countries. If this phenomenon persists for a long time, it will distort the industrial structure and investment structure Is not conducive to the rational development of the large market. If a single currency is implemented European Central Bank Develop and implement unified monetary policy The prices, interest rates and investment interests of various countries will gradually narrow the differences or become consistent, forming a price and Interest rate level The overall decline, the expansion of residents' social consumption, enterprises investment environment Improvement, ultimately beneficial european union The sound development of the overall economy.

Relationship with oil

Euro pair oil price Will have a significant impact. eurozone More oil is imported for consumption than that of the United States, which means that the euro will flow into those who do not price oil only in dollars OPEC country. OPEC It is also often discussed to price oil in euros, which requires oil importing countries to reserve euros instead of dollars used for oil imports. although Venezuela Most of its oil is exported to the United States, but President of Venezuela Chavez (Hugo Ch á vez) has declared support for this plan. Another person who supported this plan was the deceased Iraq ex-president Saddam Hussein Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world. Since 2000, Iraq has used euros when exporting oil. In 2002, Iraq converted its dollar reserves into euros. A few months later, the United States decided to wage war against Iraq and then invade its territory.
If OPEC implements this plan, the euro area will receive the "subsidy" originally obtained by the United States. In Euro price Another important impact of oil is that the changes in oil prices in the euro area will closely follow the world oil prices. When September 2004 Crude oil price When it soared to $50 a barrel Exchange rate rise The oil price in the euro has not increased much. Similarly, when the oil price and the euro exchange rate decline together, the oil price in the euro will not decline significantly. On the other hand, if the oil price changes in the opposite direction to the exchange rate, the oil price change in the euro price will be amplified. Pricing in euros will eliminate the impact of European oil prices on the euro against USD exchange rate Of dependence

Father of the Euro

Robert Mundell (Robert A. Mundell), USA Columbia University (Columbia University) World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab) Chairman, 1999 nobel prize in economics Winner“ Optimal currency area theory ”The founder of, is known as the "father of the euro".
On April 4, 2021, Robert Mondale, due to illness Italy Died at the age of 88 [4]

financial risk

The European Central Bank issues an issue every six months financial stability The assessment report, the latest financial stability assessment report released on May 25, 2022, pointed out that in view of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine Bulk commodities rise in price, eurozone The risk of high inflation increases, and the financial stability of the euro area deteriorates accordingly. European Central Bank Vice President De Jindos said that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine almost affected economic activity And financing conditions increase the risk of financial stability. [6]

international news

On July 23, 2022, the website of Ecuador's Latin America News Agency reported that the euro reached parity with the US dollar during the devaluation in the second week of July, which was the lowest point in the past 20 years. The political and military situation in Europe is the main reason for the weakening of the euro. Bruno Kerman, a well-known Belgian economist and professor of the Free University of Brussels, said on the French channel of Swiss Radio on the 12th that as long as the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, the weakness of the euro will continue, and "this may be a very long (period of time). [15]
The preliminary statistical data released by Eurostat on October 31, 2023 shows that the inflation rate in the Eurozone in October was 2.9% at an annual rate, lower than 4.3% in September and the lowest level in more than two years, due to the decline in energy prices and the increase in interest rates by the European Central Bank. Affected by previous interest rate hikes, the economy of the euro area may continue to weaken during the year. It is expected that the impact of interest rate hikes will last at least until the first quarter of 2024. [14]