Olive branch

[gǎn lǎn zhī]
Olive branches
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The olive branch is the branch of olive, which symbolizes peace. It was used as a symbol of the earth's recovery in Bible stories, and later used by Western countries as a symbol of peace. The Bible Genesis records: "This happened on February 17. On this day, the source of the huge abyss burst, the skylight opened, and the heavy rain poured on the earth 40 days and 40 nights." Noah Ride with his wife Ark After drifting for 40 days in the flood, he was stranded on a high mountain. In order to find out whether the flood has receded, Noah first released crows, and then released pigeons twice, until the pigeons he released the second time took back the olive branch, indicating that the flood has receded.
Chinese name
Olive branch
gǎn lǎn zhī
Phonetic transcription
ㄍㄢˇ ㄌㄢˇ ㄓ
olive 's branches
symbolize peace Bible The sign of earth recovery; Olympic spirit symbol

brief introduction

The olive branch is the branch of olive, olive It's Greek National tree The original plant is a small evergreen shrub of the family Calamaceae, with beautiful tree shape and luxuriant branches and leaves. It was introduced in China in the 1960s and has now been used as a garden in many areas Ornamental plant cultivation White flowers bloom from April to May every year, and fruits mature from green to red from September to November.


Tracing back to the source《 Bible 》Li Na“ Noah's Ark ”Let's start with the fairy tale. One day in ancient times, God found that except for Noah's family, human moral consciousness was getting worse and worse, almost to the point of incurable. So he decided to swallow all the human beings except Noah with the flood. God informed Noah and his wife in advance to prepare a large square wooden boat, prepare enough dry food and water, and select a pair of animals to carry on the boat.
Then the flood came, and all the creatures in the world could not escape the disaster. Only Noah's ark drifted safely. After a long time, the flood subsided, and mountains, islands, and open spaces appeared in the distance. Noah and his wife were very happy. First, they set a pair of pigeons on the boat free in the blue sky. But after a while, the dove flew back with a green olive branch in its mouth, which seemed to be a message: the earth was back to life, and everything was peaceful! Since then, the olive branch has become a synonym for "peace". The dove is also called "the messenger of peace" and“ Dove of peace ”。
Nowadays, in the exchanges between some countries, those who want to express their wish for friendship are always waving olive branches or releasing doves for peace. The symbol of the United Nations is also a pair of olive branches holding the earth.



United Nations emblem

In October 1945, the United Nations Officially established, its badge pattern is to set off the whole earth with two olive branches, which means striving for world peace. [1] Five years later, in memory of Socialist country stay Warsaw World Peace Conference, Spanish Master Picasso He painted a pigeon with head raised and wings spread, a famous Chilean poet Neruda Call it“ Dove of peace ”。

Military badge

Throughout the world, it seems that only the United Nations peacekeeping forces One example! The olive branch here symbolizes peace.
In fact, military badges of various countries mostly adopt patterns such as ears of wheat, pine branches, oak leaves and laurels. The shape of the laurel branch is close to the olive branch, symbolizing "victory". The oak leaf looks like a vegetable leaf, symbolizing "courage".

Chinese military rank pattern

The stars and bars of our army indicate that the military rank is generally believed to originate from the Soviet Union, and this practice of the Soviet Union is derived from Tsar Russia The military rank pattern of our army in 1955 was very similar to that of the Soviet army at that time, and the military rank in 1988 was slightly changed on this basis.
However, what is often overlooked is that during the War of Resistance against Japan, the Kuomintang army also used stars and bars to indicate military ranks, which is generally considered to mix the styles of Soviet Russia and Japan.
As for olive branch, pine branch is the innovation of our army based on the Soviet style military rank.
Because of the military rank from 1955 to 1988, the general's epaulet had no other decoration except stars, which was slightly monotonous, so it was later added with pine branches to symbolize peace.

Sports origin

The crowns made of certain branches used to crown the winners in sports competitions originally originated from ancient Greek Tradition. According to literature records, there were at least five series of games in ancient Greece. The first is Olympic Games To commemorate Zeus, it was held in Olympia every four years. The winner's name was first left in 776 BC. The winner was awarded a wild olive branch crown, and his head was smeared with olive oil. The second is the Pythian Games Apollo , held in Delphi every four years, in addition to sports competition, there are music competitions, and the winners are awarded laurel laurel laurel crown. The third is the Nemean Games, which is held every five years. The winner is awarded a parsley crown. The fourth is the Isthmian Games. In memory of Poseidon Collins It is held every two years for sports and music competitions, and the winner is also awarded a parsley crown (a pine tree crown). The fifth is Hera The Games will be held in Olympia every four years in memory of Queen Hera. The contestants must be young women. The winners will be awarded the wild olive branch crown. It is said that the Hera Games are probably older than the Olympic Games.

Honor Crown

The olive branch, as the spirit of the ancient Olympic Games and the symbol of the Olympic spirit, has profound implications and long influence. ancient Greek People believe that the olive tree is the patron saint of Athens Athena God gave it to the world Human peace And the symbol of happiness, so the olive crown woven with olive branches is the most sacred prize, and it is the highest honor to obtain it. It is said that the olive branch used to weave the laurel must be taken from the Divine tree Cut it from the top, and then elaborate it.
Sending olive branches to champion athletes is the form of the ancient Olympic Games, which is equivalent to a modern gold medal. Since the 2004 Olympic Games returned to their hometown, the Organizing Committee decided to send olive branches to the champion in order to reproduce the style of the ancient Olympic Games.
except 2004 Athens Olympic Games In other Olympic Games, no olive branch was sent to the champion.
(The olive branch in the Olympic emblem)
The emblem of the Olympic Games
The return of the 2004 Olympic Games Olympic Movement Originated in Greece Athens Athens, 30 September 1999 BOCOG Announced the 2004 Athens Olympic Games emblem The main body of the emblem is a laurel crown twined with olive branches in the shape of an ancient and elegant classic city. stay Ancient Olympic Games The laurel represents the glory of the champion. In addition, olive trees are also regarded as sacred trees in Athens. The olive branch symbolizes peace, and the pattern it forms also symbolizes Life circle , the sky and the sea.

Celebrity Quotes

"Grab an arrow with one hand and an olive branch with the other" - Kennedy
In January 1961, Democrats John Kennedy He won the general election in 1960 and ascended the White House. After Kennedy came to power, he clearly put forward the idea of "catching arrows with one hand and olive branches with the other"“ Peace strategy ”。 He also proposed the "New African Policy" for Africa, the "Alliance for Progress" for Latin America, and the "Grand Plan" for Western Europe.
The so-called "peace strategy", in essence, is a global strategy of flexibly using both civil and military means to dominate the world on the basis of strength and position, and its spearhead is first targeted Socialist country Kennedy and his advisers summed up the lesson that "containment" and "containment" of socialist countries did not help "peaceful evolution" in the past, and stressed that under the slogan of peaceful coexistence and peaceful competition, they tried to weaken the "economic and ideological attachment to Russia" of socialist countries in Eastern Europe and other countries through aid, trade, travel, science and technology and cultural exchanges Iron Curtain Cultivate the seeds of freedom in any cracks on the "," bring the Communist world into the diversified free world we seek ". This one“ Peace strategy ”Also for Third World Countries Of. He advocated the plan of "food for peace", the campaign of "climbing relatives", the dispatch of "peace corps", etc., to strive for the emerging national independent countries and bring them into the strategic track of the United States. In order to promote the global expansion of the United States with a strong military force, Kennedy Proposed“ Flexible response strategy ”, that is, ready to play Limited nuclear war And nuclear war, as well as conventional war and special war.
"I came here with an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun. Please don't let the olive branch fall from my hands." -- Arafat
On November 13, 1974, Arafat stay United Nations General Assembly In his first speech, he said: "I came here with the olive branch and the freedom fighter's gun, please don't let the olive branch fall from my hands." However, the olive branch he raised was not accepted by his enemies, or even his Arab friends.
In 1988, Arafat once again extended his olive branch. Recognize that all countries, including Israel Middle East The right to life. Until 1990, Arafat withstood the internal and external pressure and announced his acceptance of the United Nations resolution, Palestine and Israel entered the track of "land for peace" and political settlement of the Palestine Israel issue. For the first time, the olive branch won the gun.