Hengshanqiao Town

Town under the jurisdiction of Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
zero Useful+1
Hengshanqiao Town is subordinate to Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province Jiangsu Changzhou Economic Development Zone It is located in the northeast of Changzhou Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, bordering Wuxi City in the east and Wuxi City in the west Lucheng Street , south Henglin Town , north to Tinian District Zheng Luzhen With a total area of 58.23 square kilometers, it has jurisdiction over 19 administrative villages and 5 communities. [22] Formation of Hengshan Scenic Area Dalin Temple White Dragon Temple 15 scenic spots. [1]
The central area of Hengshanqiao Town is mainly composed of four functional areas: Shanbei residential area, core scenic area, old town central area and Shengzhuang residential area. The township is mainly engaged in textile, chemical industry, machinery, electronics, metallurgy, building materials, food, national industry and scenic tourism. In 2014, the gross domestic product reached 12.35 billion yuan. [2]
Hengshanqiao Town has successively won the title of "the first village in the national rural modernization pilot zone" [3] "National Pilot Towns for Comprehensive Reform of Small Towns" [3] "National Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site" [4] "National Demonstration Site for Building Civilized Small Towns" [5] Etc.
Chinese name
Hengshanqiao Town
Administrative Region Category
Changzhou, Jiangsu Province
geographical position
Northeast of Changzhou Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu
58.4 square kilometers (2017)
Area under jurisdiction
5 communities and 19 villages [22]
Government residence
Huaxi Road, Hengshanqiao Market Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Area Code
Postal Code
two hundred and thirteen thousand one hundred and nineteen
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon humid climate
population size
96818 persons (2017) [5]
Famous scenic spot
Hengshan Scenic Spot
License plate code
Su D

Organizational evolution

Hengshanqiao Town
Song Dynasty Xianchun's Piling Annals contains the names of Hengshan and Xin'an Village, which are under the jurisdiction of Jinling County.
bright In the 19th year of Chenghua (1483), the Record of Rebuilding Piling recorded that Anfengnan Township was thirty miles northeast of the county; Anfeng North Township is 35 miles northeast of the county.
the Qing dynasty Anfeng South Township and Anfeng North Township are respectively referred to as Fengnan Township and Fengbei Township.
In the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1879), the Annals of Wujin Yanghu County recorded: Hengshan Bridge, the first town in Fengnan Township; Xin'an, the first town of Fengbei Township, is under the jurisdiction of Yanghu County.
In November 1911, Changzhou Prefecture was abolished, Yanghu and Wujin were merged into Wujin County, and Fengnan and Fengbei were under the jurisdiction of Wujin County.
In August of the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), the capital was abandoned and the map was set up. There are 10 districts in the county, and townships and towns are set below the districts. It is under the jurisdiction of Anfeng District, and the district office is located in Hengshan Town.
In October of the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), 10 districts of the county were divided into 19 districts. Hengshanqiao is under the jurisdiction of four districts instead of Anfeng District, and the district office is located in Hengchu Town.
In the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), Wujin County restored 10 districts, and Hengshan Town was under the jurisdiction of the fifth district.
In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Hengshan, Jingnan and Lianshe Township were incorporated into Fengnan Township, under the jurisdiction of Qishuyan District.
In April 1949, Hengshan Town, Hengbei Township, Lianshe Township, Ronghu Township, Xin'an Town, Hushan Township, Liusan Township and Furong Township were all under the jurisdiction of five districts, and the five district government offices were located in Hengshan Bridge.
On January 31, 1955, according to the document of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, Hengshan Town was changed into Hengshan Township. Xin'an Town was changed into Xin'an Township.
In March 1956, the regional scope of Wujin County, District and Township was adjusted, and Jiaoxi District was replaced by Zhenglu District. It consists of Hengshan Township, Ronghu Township, Wuyi Township, Furong Township and Xin'an Township. Furong Township and Ronghu Township are under the jurisdiction of Henglin District.
On October 18, 1957, the regional scope of the district and township was adjusted again. The land area of Zhengzhou was removed and Hengshan District was set up. The district office is located at Hengshan Bridge. Some areas of Hengshan, Furong, Xinhe, Xin'an Township, Ronghu, Fengbei and other townships were merged into Hengyou Township and Furong Township, and some areas of Xin'an Township were merged into Jiaoxi Township.
In March 1958, Wujin County was divided into districts and districts, and Hengshan Township and Furong Township belonged to Zhenglu District.
On September 11, 1958, Hengshan People's Commune was established (implementing the integration of government and society), and was stationed in Hengshanqiao Market Town.
On September 27, 1958, Furong People's Commune was established, which was stationed in Xin'an Market Town and later moved to Lixiangqiao, with 11 brigades.
On May 22, 1961, eight districts were set up in the county. On September 6 of the same year, Xin'an People's Commune was established. Hengshan, Furong and Xin'an are all under the jurisdiction of Zhenglu District.
In 1981, with the approval of the provincial government, Hengshan People's Commune was renamed as Hengshanqiao People's Commune.
Since May 1983, Wujin County has implemented institutional reform. Hengshanqiao People's Commune, Furong People's Commune and Xin'an People's Commune have been changed into Hengshanqiao Township, Furong Township and Xin'an Township respectively. The original jurisdiction remains unchanged.
On February 20, 1987, Wujin County Government decided to withdraw Hengshanqiao and Furong from the township and build towns respectively, and implement the system of town governing villages.
On May 1, 1995, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs approved the removal of Xin'an Township to build a town.
In November 1999, Wujin City's township administrative region was adjusted, Xin'an Town was merged with Hengshanqiao Town, and Hengshanqiao Town was newly built.
On March 23, 2007, the township administrative region of Wujin District was adjusted, and Hengshanqiao Town and Furong Town were merged to build Hengshanqiao Town. [6]

administrative division


Division evolution

According to the Records of Rebuilding Piling in the 19th year of Chenghua (1483) of the Ming Dynasty, Anfengnan Township Tongdu II was established. 26 Cities: Hengshan, Dongzhou, Xuxiang, Quelin; 27 Du: Wanzhuang, Yanzhuang, Xietou, Yangtou. Anfeng North Township Tongdu II. 28 Cities: Chenzhuang, Xizhuang, Xiashu, Caiqi, Tanshu, Wudun, Nancheng Street, Houtang; 29 Cities: Chenwan, Xin'an, Sandong, Nazhuang, Sancheduo, Shiyan Town, Dongxishatian, Guanzhuang.
In the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1879), the Annals of Wujin Yanghu County recorded that Fengnan Township had two capitals. There are five maps, including 50 villages. There are 7 maps in 27 villages. Fengbei Township has two capitals. There are 8 maps in each village, including 81 villages; There are 8 maps in 29 villages.
In April 1949, Wubu County was liberated. Abolition of social security, Party A, and administrative villages under towns and townships.
In April 1953, the administrative village was changed into a constituency. Dongzhou Village and Chengjiaqiao in Ronghu Township are included in Lianshe Township; Dongyao, Xiyao and Lujiaqiao in Xin'an Town are included in Sanhekou Township, and Duwei Village is included in Jiaoxi Township; Fanjia Village and Huayuantou in Liusan Township are included in Xin'an Town; Zoujiaqiao Shangtang, Santang Village, Huiji Bridge and Liujia Village of Liusan Township are included in Yuecheng Township of Jiangyin County; Dujia Lane, Zhujia Lane, Nazhuang Village and Xiejia Village in Hushan Township are included in Hengshan Town.
In March 1956, Hengshan and Jingnan were merged into Hengshan Township, Lianshe and Ronghu were merged into Ronghu Township (Dujia Lane and Zhujia Lane of Hengshan Township were included in Rongchao Township), 10 constituencies of Hengbei Township were merged into Wuyi Township, Furong, Huchu and Liusan were merged into Furong Township (Duweili, Shiyan, Shatian Zhujia, Shijia Village and Majia Village of Liusan Township were included in Jiaoxi Township), 1 constituency of Liusan Township Three electoral districts of Hushan Township, two electoral districts of Hengbei Township, and half of Hengshan Township were incorporated into Xin'an Township.
In October 1957, some villages of Liuhe Township, Ronghu Township, Fengbei Township and Xin'an Township were merged into Hengshan Township, some villages of Ronghu Township and Xin'an Township were merged into Furong Township, and some villages of Han Di and Dong Village of Xin'an Township were merged into Jiaoxi Township.
In September 1958, Hengshan People's Commune had 16 production brigades (hereinafter referred to as the brigade) in Dongzhou, Longtang, Nonggang, Qinfeng, Fangmao, Lianfeng, Qinjian, Hongxing, Jianxin, Xinhua, Jiefang, Guangming, Wuxing, Co construction, Wuyi and Qunfeng, and one municipal and town residents committee.
In September 1958, Furong People's Commune had 11 brigades, including Shuangmiao, Dongzhou, Guojia, Liangjia, Lixiang, Qianjia, Dangli, Dongliu, Xiliu, Xin'an and Chengwan.
In 1959, the two brigades of Guangming and Liberation of Hengshan People's Commune were merged into a joint brigade.
In the first half of 1960, the United Brigade of Hengshan People's Commune was further divided into five brigades, namely Guangming, Dashuxia, Dongfeng, Redtory School and Lianqun.
In September 1961, Xin'an People's Commune was established. Hengshan People's Commune has set up a five-star brigade, Jiaoxi People's Commune has set up a Dongfeng brigade, Furong People's Commune has set up a Chengwan brigade, a Xin'an brigade and a Xiliutang brigade. Pingjia Village, Gujia Village and Shandong Bridge belong to Xin'an People's Commune. Xin'an People's Commune has 7 brigades, namely Xin'an, Qianxiang, Chengwan, Wuxing, Dongcun, Dongfeng and Shandong Bridge.
In 1961, the Lixiangqiao Brigade of Furong People's Commune was divided into two brigades: Lixiangqiao Brigade and Cailinggou Brigade. In September of the same year, Qianjiaqiao Brigade was divided into three brigades: Qianjiaqiao Brigade, Daijiaba Brigade and Daqiaotou Brigade.
In August 1961, the Red Star Brigade of Hengshan People's Commune was divided into two brigades: Red Star Brigade and Red Light Brigade. Qinjian Brigade and Lianfeng Brigade were assigned to Jianhu People's Commune.
In the spring of 1962, Chengwan Brigade of Xin'an People's Commune was divided into Chengwan Brigade and Shannan Brigade.
In February 1962, the East Zhou Brigade of Furong People's Commune was divided into two brigades, the East Zhou Brigade and the West Zhou Brigade.
In January 1965, Hengshan People's Commune set aside three brigades, namely Guangming, Dashu and Dongfeng, to return to Lucheng People's Commune.
In 1981, there were 14 brigades in Hengshan People's Commune, namely Dongzhou, Longtang, Nonggang, Hongxing, Hongguang, Fangmao, Jianxin, Qinfeng, Xinhua, Lianqun, Redtory, Qufeng, Xixiang and May Day. Furong People's Commune has 13 brigades including Shuangmiao, Dongzhou, Xizhou, Guojia, Dongliutang, Xiliutang, Liangjia, Lixiang, Cailinggou, Qianjia, Daijia, Daqiaotou and Dangli. Xin'an People's Commune has 8 brigades including Xin'an, Qianxiang, Shannan, Chengwan, Wuxing, Dongcun, Dongfeng and Shandong Bridge.
In 1981, the Hengshan People's Commune was changed into the Hengshanqiao People's Commune upon the approval of the provincial people's government during the national geographical name survey. With the approval of the county people's government, the names of 8 brigades of Hengshanqiao People's Commune and 3 brigades of Xin'an People's Commune were changed.
In March 1995, Dongzhou Village and Longtangshu Village in Hengshanqiao Town were merged to build a new Dongzhou Village with the approval of the County People's Government.
In 1999, after the merger of Hengshanqiao Town and Xin'an Town, there were 21 administrative villages. They are Dongzhou, Nonggang, Hengshan Bridge, Fangmao, Caoxiang, Lixiang, Xiyan, Shengzhuang, Lianqun, Jinjiatang, Qunfeng, Xixiang, Wuyi, Xin'an, Qianxiang, Shannan, Dongchengwan, Xiashu, Dongcun, Handi, and Shandong Bridge. Furong Town has 13 administrative villages. They are: Shuangmiao, Guojia, Dongzhou, Xizhou, Dongliutang, Liangliutang, Liangjiaqiao, Lixiangqiao, Cailinggou, Qianjiaqiao, Daijiaba, Daqiaotou, Dangli.
In September 2001, the village level division of Wujin City was adjusted. Hengshanqiao Town was adjusted from 21 administrative villages to 15, and Furong Town from 13 administrative villages to 12.
In March 2007, there were 27 administrative villages and 3 communities in Hengchuqiao Town. The 27 administrative villages are Dongzhou, Hengshan Bridge, Xingchen, Xiyan, Shengzhuang, Fangmao, Jinfeng, Xixiang, Wuyi, Xiashu, Dongcun, Handi, Xin'an, Qianxiang, Dongchengwan, Daijiaba, Qianjiaqiao, Furong, Dongliutang, Xiliutang, Dangli, Daqiaotou, Liangjiaqiao, Dongzhou, Xizhou, Shuangmiao, and Guojia. The three communities are Hengshanqiao, Xin'an and Furong. [6]

Zoning Details

In 2022, Hengshanqiao Town will have jurisdiction over 5 communities and 19 villages: Hengshanqiao Community, Xin'an Community, Furong Community, Xiyan Community, Shanshui Community, Furong Village, Hengshanqiao Village, Xin'an Village, Dongzhou Village, Fangmao Village, Xingchen Village, Shengzhuang Village, Jinfeng Village, Xixiang Village, Wuyi Village, Dongchengwan Village, Dongfeng Village, Shuangmiao Village, Dongzhou Village, Dongliutang Village, Xiliutang Village, Liangjiaqiao Village Ronghu Village, Chaoyang Village. [22]

geographical environment


Location context

Hengshanqiao Town is located in the northeast of Changzhou Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, bordering Wuxi City to the east, Lucheng Street to the west, Henglin Town to the south, and Zhenglu Town, Tianning District to the north, with a total area of 58.23 square kilometers. [1]
Hengshanqiao Town

topographic features

The ground elevation of Hengshanqiao Town is 2.9~8.5 meters, most of which are plain water network areas, including hills, polders and rivers. In the north central part lies Fangmao Mountain, starting from Qingming Mountain in the west, extending eastward to Jilong Mountain and ending at three mountains in the northeast. [7]

Climatic characteristics

Hengshanqiao Town is located in the Taihu Plain of the Yangtze River Delta, with a subtropical monsoon humid climate. Four distinct seasons and changeable spring weather; In summer, it is significantly affected by the marine climate, with high temperature and rainy weather; In autumn, the sky is high and the air is cool; The winter is cold and dry, and the northern cold air sometimes attacks. The annual average temperature is about 15 ℃. Southeast wind prevails in spring and summer, and northwest wind prevails in autumn and winter. The rainfall is generally about 1000 mm. [7]


There are 8 kinds of soil in Hengshanqiao Town, which are Wucha soil, yellow soil, iron yellow soil, white heart yellow soil, gray yellow soil, white soil, gray reed soil, sand bottom bird fence soil. [8]

natural resources

The animals in Hengshanqiao Town include bream, minnows, badgers, cuckoo birds, anemones, egrets, turtledoves, woodpeckers, etc. The plants include Malan, chrysanthemum, hawthorn, boxwood, paulownia, French tung, magnolia, chinaberry, ginkgo, etc. The minerals include coal, purple sand, white clay, clay, etc. [8]

Population and nationality



At the end of 2000, the total number of households in Hengshanqiao Town was 21470, with a total population of 70960. At the end of 2007, the total number of households was 20524, with a total population of 59109 (excluding migrant population), [9] At the end of 2013, the total population was 63884. [2]
96818 people (2017).


The population of Hengshanqiao Town is mainly Han nationality. In 2007, there were 59014 Han people in the town, 11 ethnic minorities including Miao, Dong, Tujia, Shui, and Tu, with a population of 95, all of whom were married and moved to work.




In 2012, Hengshanqiao Town achieved a GDP of 10.25 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.8%, a total industrial output value of 29.2 billion yuan, and a sales revenue of 28.03 billion yuan, up 8.6% and 8.7% respectively. Among them, the production and sales of industries above designated size reached 23 billion yuan and 22.31 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 14.1% and 13.8%, respectively. It is expected to achieve a full caliber financial revenue of 710 million yuan, including a general budget revenue of 301 million yuan, It increased by 10% over the previous year. [10]
In 2013, the gross regional product of Hengshanqiao Town was 11.6 billion yuan, up 7.4%; The overall fiscal revenue was 780 million yuan, including 355 million yuan of public budget revenue, up 11.98%. [11]
In 2014, Hengshanqiao Town completed a regional GDP of 12.35 billion yuan, up 10% year on year; Full scale fiscal revenue was 800 million yuan, including 390 million yuan of public budget revenue, an increase of 8.3%; The fixed asset investment of the whole society was 5.12 billion yuan, up 5%; The per capita net income of farmers was 23469 yuan, up 11%. [12-13]

primary industry

In 2012, the total agricultural output value of Hengshanqiao Town was 212 million yuan, up 10.7% year on year, including 192 million yuan from diversified business. The area of efficient agriculture reached 8000 mu, including 2000 mu of facility agriculture. Longtan Lake and Sunong Agricultural Demonstration Parks completed a total output value of 57.09 million yuan, an increase of 33% year on year, accounting for 27% of the total agricultural output value. [10]
In 2013, Hengshanqiao Town achieved a total agricultural output value of 302 million yuan, up 10.9% year on year, including 219 million yuan from diversified business. 1846 mu of efficient facility agriculture was newly added, and 7146 mu of agricultural moderate scale operation area was completed, with an output value of 110 million yuan, accounting for 36.4% of the total agricultural output value. Longtan Lake and Sunong Agricultural Demonstration Parks have achieved a total output value of 63 million yuan. [11]
In 2014, Hengshanqiao Town achieved a total agricultural output value of 219 million yuan, including 58.8 million yuan in the park. The newly increased efficient agricultural area is 1100 mu. [13]

the secondary industry

In 2012, Hengshanqiao Town completed an investment of 3.45 billion yuan in industrial technological transformation, a year-on-year increase of 22.3%. There were 60 projects with an investment of more than 10 million yuan, including 5 key projects at the district level. The output value of high-tech industries in the town was 8.15 billion yuan, up 14.6% year on year; The number of enterprises listed in the high-tech industry statistics has expanded from 65 to 72. [10]
In 2013, Hengshanqiao Town added 15 enterprises above designated size, and completed 26.2 billion yuan of industrial output value above designated size, an increase of 13.1%; A total of 77 projects have invested more than 10 million yuan in technological transformation and innovation, of which 5 projects have been listed as district level key projects, with a total of 3.75 billion yuan invested in technological transformation, including about 2.14 billion yuan invested in equipment. The three major emerging industries, namely machinery and equipment manufacturing, electronic light industry and new materials, completed investment of 2.49 billion yuan and realized output value of 6.09 billion yuan, up 13.6% and 13.2% respectively, accounting for 23.2% of the industrial output above designated size. [11]
In 2014, Hengshanqiao Town added 10 enterprises above designated size, achieving an industrial output value above designated size of 28.8 billion yuan, up 9.7%; A total of 3.77 billion yuan has been invested in technological transformation. Four characteristic industries, including new materials, coatings, automobile accessories and electric vehicles, have invested 2 billion yuan and achieved an output value of 10.24 billion yuan. The output value of high-tech industries reached 10.1 billion yuan, accounting for 35.1% of the output value above the designated size. [13]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2012, Hengshanqiao Town completed a total investment of 880 million yuan in fixed assets in the service industry, up 96% year on year, with an added value of 4.5 billion yuan, up 32.2% year on year, and a total operating income of 7.76 billion yuan. [10]
In 2013, Hengshanqiao Town completed the added value of service industry of 4.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.3%, accounting for 42.2% of GDP. [11]
In 2014, Hengshanqiao Town completed the added value of service industry of 5.82 billion yuan, up 14.6%, accounting for 47.3% of GDP, and realized an investment of 1.35 billion yuan, up 19.8% year on year. More than 550 self-employed households were added. [13]

social undertakings


Cultural undertakings

In 2007, there was one cultural and sports station in Hengshanqiao Town, one Hengshan Theater, one Furong Theater and one Xin'an Theater, one library, two indoor stadiums, and one "Hengshanqiao Cultural Tea House Jointly Constructed by Police and People". There are 24 village level cultural and sports venues in the town, with a total of 11500 square meters of indoor venues (rooms) and 561400 square meters of outdoor venues. There are 18 middle-aged and elderly fitness teams, 15 amateur basketball teams, 4 gate teams, 16 dragon lantern teams and 5 opera fan singing teams in the town. [14]
In 2012, Hengshanqiao Town organized more than 30 cultural and sports activities throughout the year, including "Liutang Cup" basketball league, summer cool evening party, Hengshan calligraphy and painting exhibition, etc. [10]
In 2013, Hengshanqiao Town organized "Moral Lecture" and "Chinese Dream" · The National Fitness Center has been completed and put into use. More than 120 cultural and sports activities have been held throughout the year. Activities such as community daily music, young staff singer contest, "Liutang Cup" basketball league tournament, etc. have been held. More than 240 films have been shown on tour. [11]
In 2014, Hengshanqiao Town organized more than 30 theme activities such as "Moral Lecture" and "Volunteer Service for Party Members". There are 7 new plastic basketball courts, 8 fitness paths, more than 240 film screenings, more than 80 mass cultural and sports activities, community daily music, young staff singer competitions and other activities. [13]


In 2007, there were 11 schools of all kinds in Hengshanqiao Town, including one high school, two junior high schools, four primary schools, three kindergartens and one adult education center school. [14]
In 2012, Hengshanqiao Town invested more than 8 million yuan in the new Hengshan Junior High School Experimental Building, which has been put into full use, and invested more than 7.7 million yuan to complete the transformation of the campus facilities of the town's nine-year compulsory schools. Hengshan Senior High School won the first prize of the district's general high school education quality assessment in the cultural category, arts and sports category. [10]
In 2013, Hengshan High School, Hengshan Junior High School and Hengshan Primary School all won the first prize in the regional education quality evaluation. Hengshanqiao Town has invested more than 3 million yuan in the maintenance and transformation of school buildings, and invested more than 10 million yuan in the integration and construction of a school community education center. [11]
In 2014, Xin'an Kindergarten became a high-quality kindergarten in the city, and Hengshan High School and Hengshan Junior High School won the first prize in the education quality evaluation of the whole district. The new site of Sunshine Kindergarten invested more than 6 million yuan in Hengshanqiao Town was completed and put into use. [13]

medical and health work

In 1999, Xin'an Township Health Center was incorporated into Hengshanqiao Township Health Center. In 2007, there were 2 Hengshanqiao Health Center and Furong Health Center in Hengshanqiao Town, and 10 community health service stations. [14] In 2014, there were two hospitals in Hengshanqiao Town, namely Hengshanqiao Red Cross Hospital in Wujin District, Changzhou City and Xin'an Red Cross Hospital in Wujin City, and four hospitals, namely Hengshanqiao Health Center, Furong Health Center, Xin'an Health Center, and Xin'an Branch of Hengshanqiao Health Center in Wujin District.


Shanghai Nanjing Expressway and Yanjiang Expressway intersect in the south of the town. From Shanghai Nanjing Expressway Hengshan Road Crossing Dongfang Avenue to Changzhou. 232 Provincial Highway and Chaoyang Highway run through the west and middle of the town, Changfu Highway (Qiyue Highway) runs through the north of the town, and Luheng Highway connects Lucheng in the west and extends eastward to Furong, forming the framework of Guping Highway in the whole town. The town edge is close to the Shanghai Nanjing Railway, the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the 312 National Highway. The main roads in the town include Jiangnan Road, Hengcui Road, Hengfu Road, Hengxin Road, Jianheng Road, etc. [14]

famous scenery

Dalin Temple
Dalin Temple, renamed Dalin Temple during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1398), is located at the west side of Huangmao Ridge at the west foot of Hengshan Mountain, 10 kilometers northeast of Changzhou City. In the temple, there are Herbalist Hall, Three Saints Hall, Great Compassion Hall, Dizang Hall, Guest Hall, Lecture Hall, Zhaitang Hall, Longjing Holy Mother Hall, Fangsheng Pool, Stone Memorial Archway, Mountain Gate Corridor, Buddha Worship Hall, Ten Thousand Buddhas Tower, Luohan Hall, Huayan Shancai Pagoda, etc. [15]
White Dragon Temple
The White Dragon Temple was renamed White Dragon Temple in May 1997. There are Queen Mother Hall, Three Treasures Hall, Dongyue Hall, Huatuo Hall, God of Wealth Hall, White Dragon Officer, Doumu Pavilion, Osmanthus Hall, Theater, Lingguan Hall, Yanwang Hall, Longchang Pavilion, Twenty four Filial Piety Gallery, Inner Dragon Pool, Sanqing Hall, etc. There are also many statues of the Jade Emperor, Fengbo, Rain Master, Lei Gong, Dianmu, God of Wealth, Martyr, Dongyue, and ten halls of Yanwang. There are 2 ancient ginkgo trees and 1 ancient magnolia tree near the main hall of the temple. [15]
Sansheng Temple
Sansheng Temple , formerly known as Sanyi Temple, was built in the early years of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty. It was named after Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei's three sworn brothers in Taoyuan. It is located in Jilong Mountain, Xin'an. The statue in the temple is of Liu, Guan and Zhang, the three sworn brothers in Taoyuan, and the other three mounts of Liu, Guan and Zhang. The seven Buddha pagoda, with seven floors, is dedicated to the white jade seven Buddha Buddha. There are 88 pure gold seated Buddhas (from the great confession of Buddha worship) in the repentance hall, 1.2 meters high. The temple worships 83 large and small jade Buddhas, the smallest of which is about 1m in height, the largest of which is 5m in length, including 18 jade arhats about 1.5m in length, and 16 stone carvings on the temple wall. The Great Compassion Hall was completed in 2003. The statue of Avalokitesvara in the hall is 12 meters tall. By 2007, there were mountain gates, Tianwang Hall, Mahavira Hall, Reclining Buddha Hall, Repentance Hall, Liuhe Pavilion, Thousand Buddha Building, Seven Buddha Pagoda, Five Hundred Arhat Hall, and Free Life Pool in the temple. [15]

Famous people

Liu Shiyong (born in 1275), with the name of Xun Sun, Haozhou regimental training envoy, Hezhou defense envoy, Privy Council Pingjiang navy commander, etc.
Xie Yingfang (1296~1392), with the word Zilan and the number of tortoise nest. He was originally from Xiezhuang, Anshanli, Wujin (today's Tangzhuang, Luoxi area, Wujin), and was a famous educator, scholar, and poet during the Yuan and Ming dynasties.
Liu Guozhu (1818-1897), a famous calligrapher in Suzhou Changzhou area at the end of the Qing Dynasty.
Monoculture and (1890~1971), a native of Shan Family in Dongliutang Village, is good at pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine and pediatric massage, and has written 4 volumes of Shan Zun Zhuan. [16]

Honors won

On the list of "2018 National Top 1000 Towns with Comprehensive Strength". [17]
In October 2019, Hengshanqiao Town was selected as one of the "Top 1000 Towns with National Comprehensive Strength in 2019". [18]
In August 2020, it was selected into the national health township (county) naming list in the 2017-2019 cycle. [19]
In September 2021, it was selected as one of the "National Top 1000 Towns in 2021". [20]
In April 2022, the Youth League Committee of Hengshanqiao Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City was awarded the title of "May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee (Youth League Working Committee) of Jiangsu Province". [21]
On October 20, 2023, it was selected as one of the "National Top 1000 Towns with Comprehensive Strength in 2023", ranking 210. [23]