
A family of Sapindra
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Aceraceae Juss.) is a family of Sapindra. Trees or shrubs with mostly imbricate winter buds scale , with only 2 or 4 opposite scales or bare. Leaves opposite, petiolate, without stipules. Inflorescences are corymbose, spicate or cymose, and are produced from several terminal buds or lateral buds of leafy branches. Fruit series Nutlets often have wings, also known as Samara The seed has no endosperm, the exotesta is thin, membranous, the embryo is inverted, and the cotyledons are flat, folded or folded. [1]
It is mainly distributed in the north temperate zone of Asia, Europe and the United States. [1] It is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces in China. Most of them are born in low mountains, hills and plains below 800 meters above sea level, but they are also distributed in high and cold mountains at 4000 meters above sea level. [2]
Aceraceae are mostly arbors with straight trunks, which can be used as wheels, furniture, farm tools, sleepers and building materials; Some kinds of spectacular textures can be used to make musical instruments and handicrafts; Tender leaves can be used as beverage instead of tea; The seeds contain fat and can be pressed for food and industrial applications; Some kinds of bark and co fiber can provide raw materials for paper making and artificial cotton. This family of deciduous species is one of the greening trees with economic value, and should be introduced as street trees or garden trees for greening cities. [1]
(Reference source of overview drawing: [3]
Chinese name
Latin name
Aceraceae Juss.
There are 199 species in the world and 151 species in China
Named by and date
Juss.,1789 [4]

History of botany

This family of plants was called "maple" in ancient China and has been widely used. In the book Shuowen written by Xu Shen in the Han Dynasty, it was stated that "maple wood can be used as a cart to rub". Many provinces and regions also call "maple tree" "maple tree". In the book "Research on Plant Names and Facts" written by Haoqi Jun in the Qing Dynasty, "triangle maple" is called "triangle maple". Because it is indeed a kind of maple, the authors of Flora of China used "Acer triangularis" as the correct Chinese species name and "Acer triangularis" as its alias to avoid confusion caused by the repetition of the Chinese name of "maple" in Hamamelidaceae. In this family, "maple" is the Chinese name. The names of other cultures are listed as aliases for reference. [1]

morphological character

Arbor or shrub , leaves are sparse and evergreen. The winter buds have most tile like scales, and only 2 or 4 opposite scales or bare. Leaves opposite, petiolate, without stipules, single leaf sparsely pinnate or palmately compound, undivided or palmately divided.
inflorescence Umbrella shaped, spike shaped or cymose shaped, produced from several terminal buds or lateral buds of leafy branches; The lower part of the inflorescence often has leaves, rarely leaves, and leaves grow before or at the same time of flowering, rarely after flowering; The flowers are small, green or yellowish green, thin purple or red, neat, bisexual, polygamous or unisexual, male flower Same plant or different plant with bisexual flowers; Sepals 5 or 4, imbricate arrangement; Petals 5 or 4, sparsely undeveloped; Disk annular or mattress shaped or cracked, rarely developed; Born on the inside or outside of stamens; stamen 4-12, usually 8; Ovary superior, 2-loculed, style 2-lobed, only base united, sparse majority united, stigma often retrorse; Ovary with 2 ovules per locule, only 1 ovule per locule developed, erect or inverted. Fruit line Nutlets often have wings, also known as samara; The seed has no endosperm, the exotesta is thin, membranous, the embryo is inverted, and the cotyledons are flat, folded or folded. [1]

Distribution range

It is mainly produced in the north temperate zone of Asia, Europe and the United States. [1] In China, it is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces, and the artificial cultivation species are all over the country. [2]

Growth environment

Most of them are born in low mountains, hills and plains below 800 meters above sea level, but they are also distributed in high and cold mountains at 4000 meters above sea level. [2]

Subordinate classification

At present, there are only 2 genera in this family. There are 199 species of maple plants in the world, and about 151 species in China. The type genus is Acer( Acer Linn.)。 [1-2]
Chinese name
Scientific name
Named by and date
Quantity distribution
Acer Linn.
There are more than 200 species of this genus, which are distributed in Asia, Europe and America. There are about 140 species in China. [5]
Dipteronia Oliv.
There are only 2 species of this genus, which is a Chinese specialty and mainly distributed in western and southwestern provinces. [6]

Key values

Economics: Aceraceae are mostly arbors with straight trunk, hard wood and fine material, which can be used as wheels, furniture, farm tools, sleepers and building materials; Some kinds of spectacular textures can be used to make musical instruments and handicrafts; Tender leaves can be used as beverage instead of tea; The seeds contain fat and can be pressed for food and industrial applications; Some kinds of bark and co fiber can provide raw materials for paper making and artificial cotton; There are still reports of extracting drugs from bark. [1]
Watch: The deciduous species of this family turn red before falling leaves in autumn, and their fruits have long or round wings. They still live on trees in winter, which is very beautiful; The tree has a large crown, many and dense leaves, and good shade. As one of the greening trees with economic value, it should be introduced as street trees or garden trees in greening cities. [1]