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Probability cloud

The probability distribution of being found around the atomic nucleus according to a certain probability distribution
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According to the results of quantum mechanics calculation, the electrons in the atom are not moving along a certain orbit, but are found by distributing around the nucleus with a certain probability. People vividly call this probability distribution "probability cloud".
Chinese name
Probability cloud
Calculated according to quantum mechanics
It is distributed around the atomic nucleus according to certain probability
Usually in space combat
Introduction to terms
Maneuver probability cloud in space war is a phenomenon in space activities - generally in space war. For spacecraft with free mobility capability in space, due to the principle of constant speed of light in vacuum, observation delay effect will occur when observing mobile units at a distance, which leads to the inability to determine the specific position of mobile units.
For example, when the observer is two light seconds away from the mobile unit, because the speed of light in vacuum is determined, the current image of the mobile unit observed by the observer is the virtual image of the mobile unit two seconds ago, but its actual position cannot be observed immediately. At the same time, because the mobile unit has the ability to accelerate and turn freely, the observer does not know the specific position of the mobile unit, A space where the mobile unit may exist can only be roughly judged according to its motion characteristics - initial velocity, acceleration, etc.
In general aerospace activities, spacecraft do not need to make random maneuvers, but move according to a specific trajectory. Therefore, this kind of behavior that uses the observation delay effect caused by the limited speed of light to create a probability cloud to confuse observers mostly occurs when spacecraft from both sides are engaged in war and games, so it is called Space war probability cloud