Autonomic nervous system

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Nervous system is the leading system in the body. Various information of internal and external environment is received by receptors and transmitted to brain and spinal cord To maintain the relative balance between the body and the internal and external environment, the peripheral nerves control and regulate the activities of various systems and organs of the body. The functions of human organs and systems are directly or indirectly under the control of the nervous system, nervous system It is a regulation system that plays a leading role in the whole. The human body is a complex organism, and the functions of various organs and systems are not isolated. They are connected and restricted each other; At the same time, the human body lives in a constantly changing environment, and changes in the environment affect various functions of the body at any time. This requires rapid and perfect adjustment of various functions in the body to adapt the body to changes in the internal and external environment. The system that realizes this regulation function is mainly the nervous system.
Chinese name
Autonomic nervous system
nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Innervating viscera, blood vessels and glands


Nerves that mainly control effectors such as heart, smooth muscle and gland, also known as autonomy nervous system It is divided into two parts: the sympathetic nerve from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord and the parasympathetic nerve from the brain stem and sacral cord. Both are closely related to the hypothalamus. The autonomic nerve is regulated by the cerebral cortex through the hypothalamus, brain stem spinal cord It is an integral part of the whole nervous system that each segment controls the smooth mechanism and secretory gland of the body, regulates all physiological activities, maintains the balance of the internal environment of the body and coordinates with the whole body's somatic nerve activities.

Basic structure

The nervous system is composed of nerve cells (neurons) and glia.
1. Neurons
Neuron is a kind of highly specialized cell, which is the basic structure and functional unit of the nervous system. It has the function of sensing stimulation and conducting excitation. Neurons are composed of cell bodies and processes. There is a nucleus in the center of the cell body, and the nucleus is surrounded by cytoplasm In addition to the organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, the cytoplasm also contains unique neurofibrils and Nissl bodies. According to the shape and function, the neurites of neurons can be divided into dendrite and axon. The dendrites are short but have many branches. They accept impulses and transmit them to the cell body. The number and shape of dendrites of various neurons vary. Each neuron only sends out one axon, which is different in length. The impulses from the cell body come out along the axon.
According to the number of neurites, neurons can be divided into three categories: pseudo unipolar neurons, bipolar neurons and multipolar neurons.
According to the function of neurons, they can be divided into sensory neurons, motor neurons and liaison neurons. Sensory neurons, also known as afferent neurons, are generally located in the peripheral sensory ganglia, which are pseudounipolar or bipolar neurons. The peripheral processes of sensory neurons receive various stimuli from the internal and external environments, and transmit impulses to the center through the cell body and central processes; Motor neurons, also known as efferent neurons, are generally located in the motor nucleus of the brain and spinal cord or in the surrounding plant ganglia. They are multipolar neurons, which transmit impulses from the center to effectors such as muscles or glands; Connecting neurons, also known as interneurons, are neurons located between sensory and motor neurons, which play the role of communication and integration, and are multipolar neurons.
2. Glia
The number of glial neuroglia is larger than that of neurons. The neurites have no dendrites and axons, and the cell body is smaller. There are no neurofibrils and Nissl bodies in the cytoplasm, so it does not have the function of transmitting impulses. Glia plays a supporting, insulating, nutritional and protective role on neurons, and participates in the formation of blood brain barrier.
3. Synapse
The mode of communication between neurons is mutual contact, not cytoplasmic communication. The structural specialization of this contact site is called synapse, which is usually the functional connection between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite or cell body of another neuron through synapse. The nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another through synapse.


The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord are located in the central axis of the human body, surrounded by skull and vertebrae. These bones are hard and elastic when people are young, so they can protect the brain and spinal cord. The brain is divided into telencephalon, diencephalon, cerebellum and brainstem. The spinal cord is mainly a conduction pathway, which can transmit external stimuli to the brain in time, and then transmit the commands sent by the brain to the surrounding organs in time, playing a bridge role between up and down. The peripheral nervous system includes the brain nerve, spinal nerve and autonomic nerve. There are 12 pairs of brain nerves, which mainly control the sensation and movement of head and face organs. People can see things around them, hear sounds, smell smells, taste tastes, and have expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, all of which depend on the function of these 12 pairs of brain nerves. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves, including 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, and 1 pair of caudal nerves. The spinal nerve is issued from the spinal cord and mainly controls the sensation, movement and reflex of the body and limbs. The autonomic nerve, also called visceral nerve, is mainly distributed in the viscera, cardiovascular system and glands. Heartbeat, breathing and digestive activities are regulated by it. The autonomic nerve is divided into sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve, which are antagonistic and coordinated with each other , forming an organic whole with tacit understanding, so that visceral activities can meet the needs of internal and external environments.
The autonomic nervous system is one of the components of the nervous system. It has special physiological functions, mainly controls the viscera, blood vessels and glands, and plays an important role in maintaining the human body's random and non random activities. Its activities are not carried out in the unconscious, so it is also called the autonomic nervous system. Many diseases in medicine involve the autonomic nervous system, and some diseases mainly involve the damage of autonomic nervous system. Since the autonomic nervous system is related to various organs, glands and blood vessels of the whole body, as well as sugar, salt, water, fat, body temperature, sleep, blood pressure and other regulation, systemic or local symptoms can occur after autonomic nervous system disorders. Its clinical manifestations involve cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, metabolic system, urogenital system, etc.
Anatomy and physiology of the autonomic nervous system The autonomic nervous system innervates visceral organs, endocrine glands, sweat glands, etc. According to anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, autonomic nerves are divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, which are mutually antagonistic and coordinated under the control of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. Anatomically, the autonomic nerve is divided into peripheral and central parts (see figure).
The preganglionic fibers of the peripheral part of the sympathetic nervous system originate from the neurons in the lateral horn of the gray matter of the thoracolumbar spinal cord, from which the fibers and the anterior root of the spinal nerve leave the spinal cord, pass through the white communicating branch, and most of them end up in the paravertebral sympathetic nerve (these paravertebral sympathetic ganglia are connected to form a sympathetic chain), and some end in the abdominal ganglia in front of the spine; Then, the two kinds of ganglia send out postganglionic fibers, some of which return to the spinal nerve through the gray communicating branch, and then distribute along with the spinal nerve in the blood vessels, sweat glands, smooth muscles, most of which form the nerve plexus, and then distribute to the internal organs.
The efferent branches of the parasympathetic nervous system originate from the brain stem (pairs of cranial nerves, Ⅸ and Ⅹ) and the gray matter neurons of the sacral cord, terminate at the parasympathetic ganglion near or in the innervated organs through the cranial nerve or spinal nerve, and then send out postganglionic fibers from the ganglion to the pupil, gland, viscera, pelvic organs, etc.
The afferent fibers of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves originate from the viscera and enter the central nervous system through the cranial or spinal nerve sensory roots.
Central part The central part of the autonomic nervous system includes the nuclei of the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, midbrain and medulla oblongata, and the lateral horn area of the spinal cord. Each area of the cerebral cortex has a representative area of autonomic nerve, which is located near or overlapping with the corresponding somatic functional area, such as the regulation of nutrition and blood vessels in the motor area and the corresponding control area, the eye area and lacrimation, the tongue area and salivation, the eighth area and pupil dilation, the occipital area and pupil narrowing, the paracentral lobule and the bladder and anal sphincter, and the marginal lobe of the island lobe and visceral activities.
Hypothalamus is an important subcortical center of autonomic nerve, in which there are a wide range of nuclei. The anterior hypothalamus is the parasympathetic nerve center. Behind is the sympathetic nerve center. The hypothalamus is closely related to sugar, water, salt, fat metabolism, body temperature, sleep, respiration, blood pressure regulation, etc.
The functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are antagonistic and coordinated, both of which are under the general regulation of cerebral cortex. When the sympathetic nerve is excited, the heart rate increases and strengthens in the circulatory system, blood vessels contract, and blood pressure rises; Bronchiectasis can be seen in respiratory organs; In digestive organs, intestinal peristalsis is decreased, viscous saliva is secreted, gastrointestinal movement and gallbladder activity are inhibited, and sphincter contraction is enhanced; In the urogenital system, detrusor relaxation, bladder relaxation, sphincter contraction, pregnancy uterine contraction or non pregnancy uterine relaxation, ejaculation can be seen; In the eyes, pupil dilation, ciliary muscle relaxation, and contraction of orbital and upper eyelid smooth muscle may occur. Other reactions such as contraction of the pili, secretion of sweat glands, promotion of glycogen decomposition, secretion of adrenal medulla and release of antidiuretic hormone were also seen. The excitatory response of parasympathetic nerve is generally opposite to the above, and it can also promote the secretion of lacrimal gland and insulin.
The function of autonomic neurotransmitters and receptors is realized through the release of different chemical transmitters from the nerve fiber terminals. It can be divided into cholinergic nerve and adrenergic nerve according to the different transmitters it produces. Acetylcholine is the chemical transmitter released from the preganglionic nerve endings of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The nerve endings of the postganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic nerve also release acetylcholine. The nerve endings of most sympathetic postganglionic fibers release norepinephrine and a small amount of epinephrine; However, the nerve endings with a small number of sympathetic postganglionic fibers, such as the postganglionic fibers that innervate sweat glands and the sympathetic vasodilators of skeletal muscles, release acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine binds to specific receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. Receptors that bind to acetylcholine are called cholinergic receptors, which can be divided into two categories according to their selective reactions to naturally occurring muscarine and nicotine. Receptors in ganglia and muscles act on nicotinic acetylcholine, which is called nicotinic receptor (N-type receptor), while postganglionic receptors of parasympathetic nerves such as smooth muscle, sinoatrial node and atrioventricular node in myocardium, and receptors in sweat gland cells are muscarinic receptors (M-type receptor). After that, acetylcholine diffuses into the blood stream and is destroyed locally by the action of acetylcholinesterase, thus completing the clearance of acetylcholine. Norepinephrine is discharged into the synaptic gap and activates a special receptor site (adrenergic receptor) on the postsynaptic membrane of the target cell.
There are two types of adrenergic receptors, alpha and beta. Generally, catecholamine is excitatory to α receptor and inhibitory to β receptor. However, this difference is not absolute, for example, myocardial contraction increases when beta receptors are activated; The inhibitory effect of catecholamine on viscera is also mediated by α and β receptors. Beta adrenergic receptors can be subdivided into receptors and receptors according to the relative selectivity of excitatory drugs and antagonists. After receptor activation, cardiac muscle contraction will be strengthened, venous vessels will expand, liver glycogen will decompose, muscle glycogen will decompose, fat will decompose. When receptor excitation occurs, smooth muscle of branches will be relaxed, arterial vessels will expand, and insulin secretion will increase.
The classification of autonomic nervous system diseases is a relatively weak field in the whole neurology. Its basic clinical research is very insufficient, and the etiology and pathology of many autonomic nervous diseases are also poorly understood. So far, a recognized comprehensive and complete classification system has not been formed, and the classification of each author is very different. Some are divided into peripheral autonomic neuropathy, sympathetic nerve chain syndrome, diencephalon syndrome and systemic autonomic nerve dysfunction syndrome by anatomical location; Some are classified according to clinical symptoms, including blood pressure changes (mainly postural hypotension), local circulation disorders (such as Raynaud's disease, erythematous acrodynia, etc.), thermoregulation disorders, bladder dysfunction, intestinal dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, abnormal sweating, sleep disorders, pain, etc. The same problem also exists in the classification of symptoms. Traditionally, one method is to classify the symptoms according to the visceral system, such as the autonomic nervous diseases of the circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, metabolic system, endocrine system, and urogenital system. However, in clinical practice, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of visceral organic diseases or the symptoms of autonomic nervous system diseases. At the same time, this classification cannot accurately reflect the characteristics of autonomic nervous system disease status. Another method is to classify the autonomic nervous system according to the mutual coordination and confrontation of the innervation of the visceral system, which can be divided into sympathetic hyperfunction, parasympathetic hyperfunction, whole autonomic hyperfunction, decreased sympathetic function, decreased parasympathetic nerve function, and decreased whole autonomic nerve function. Most neurology books avoid classification and only list some common autonomic nervous diseases and syndromes. The latter approach is also adopted here to introduce the common clinical autonomic nervous diseases and syndromes.
Vasovagal syncope is a transient loss of consciousness that occurs suddenly due to temporary widespread cerebral insufficiency. Vasovagal syncope, also known as vasoinhibitory syncope or general syncope, is a kind of reflex syncope. It mostly occurs in weak young women. The reason is that the mental and pain stimuli produce vagus nerve excitation through nerve reflex, leading to extensive peripheral small blood vessel expansion, heart rate slowing, blood pressure dropping, and cerebral blood flow decreasing, leading to syncope. Environmental factors can also be induced, which is easy to occur when standing or sitting.
Before syncope, patients often have symptoms of fatigue, inattention, dizziness, dizziness, pale face, sweating, nausea, yawning, abdominal discomfort, etc. After several seconds to tens of seconds, there will be black eyes, unstable standing, loss of consciousness and fall to the ground. At this time, blood pressure will drop, pulse will slow down, pupil will dilate, light response will weaken, muscle tension will decrease, and occasional enuresis will occur. After a few seconds to a few minutes, the patient can recover quickly by himself. If the patient lies on his back, the recovery will be faster. After waking up, there may be headache, general weakness, etc. Some serious people may have mild amnesia, trance and other symptoms, which can last for 1 to 2 days and recover. This syncope can occur repeatedly, and a few patients have a family history.
When the syncope attacks, it is advisable to lie flat, loosen the collar, and raise the lower limbs. Generally, they can wake up. Usually avoid mental stimulation, excessive fatigue, and standing for a long time. For those who are prone to tension, insomnia and mental fluctuation, try valium.
The reflex syncope includes micturition syncope, cough syncope, swallowing syncope, swallowing neuralgia syncope, etc.
Raynaud's disease, also known as acral artery spasm, is a spastic disease of the acral arterioles caused by the dysfunction of the sympathetic nerve that innervates the peripheral blood vessels. The reason is not completely clear.
It is common in young women. The typical attack can be divided into three stages: ① ischemic stage. When the hand is cold, the small artery at the fingertip spasms, and suddenly turns white and cold from the fingertip, and then extends to the proximal end. Some may involve the toes, ear shells, nose tips, and feel numbness, ant walking sensation, pain, etc. It lasts for several minutes to several hours. ② Hypoxia period. At this time, when the capillaries dilate and stagnate, there are still sensory disorders and skin temperature decreases, but the extremities are cyan, with obvious boundaries, and disappear when pressed, accompanied by pain. It lasts for hours to days. ③ Hyperemia. Arterial spasm is relieved, capillary blood supply returns to normal, skin temperature rises, color first flush, and then return to normal. This disease often occurs in cold winter and alleviates in summer. Repeated attacks can cause changes in the blood vessel wall, leading to nutritional disorders at the fingertip of the finger, and skin ulcers, hardening and necrosis. The examination shows that the local skin temperature is lower than normal. If the affected limb is immersed in ice water or cold water, it can be stimulated, and local warming can make it better.
The prevention method is to try to avoid body cold, keep warm, wear gloves and thick socks, eliminate emotional factors, avoid trauma and avoid smoking. Vasodilators can be used for treatment. Sympathectomy can be performed in severe cases.
Erythema acrodynia is also called acrodynia. The cause is unknown. It is common in young men. It is characterized by paroxysmal vasodilation at the distal end of the limbs, especially in the feet, accompanied by severe burning pain. The skin at the pain site turns red and can swell, and the skin temperature rises. When standing or walking for a long time, wet and hot, and sleeping at night, the foot is placed in the quilt, which can often cause attacks or exacerbate symptoms. The symptoms can be alleviated by exposing the painful part to cold air or immersing it in cold water, or lifting the affected limb. The prognosis of this disease is good. Some patients can be relieved and recurred repeatedly, and nutritional changes such as ulcer and necrosis can occur in the late stage.
The prevention method is to avoid standing for a long time or walking with heavy load for a long time, as well as humid and hot environment. Cold compress can be used to lift the affected limb during the attack. Painkillers and vasoconstrictors can be used. Because the patient is found to have a 5-hydroxytryptamine activity disorder, the use of benzothiazide is effective.
Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension is also called orthostatic hypotension. When changing from supine position to upright position, blood pressure drops rapidly, causing dizziness, blurred vision, general weakness, syncope and other cerebral ischemia symptoms.
Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension is called Shay Draeger syndrome if it is accompanied by other autonomic nerve disorders and nerve abnormalities caused by degeneration of motor neurons in cerebellum, basal ganglia or spinal cord. Secondary diseases can be seen in nervous system and endocrine system diseases, and also caused by drugs.
Shay Draeger syndrome is uncommon. The onset age was 35-75 years old. About 65% are men. The onset of the disease can be from several months to several years, or even more than 10 years. Autonomic symptoms often appear first, and somatic symptoms can be seen months or years later, and the opposite can also be seen. The most prominent manifestation is orthostatic hypotension. When lying, the blood pressure is normal, and when standing, it drops significantly (systolic pressure drops more than 6.6 kPa), but the pulse remains unchanged. At this time, the patient has dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, and even syncope. Other autonomic nerves showed impotence and abnormal sweating. Sphincter disorders (including frequency of urination, urgency of urination, urinary retention or incontinence; alternate diarrhea and constipation) and rare skin temperature abnormalities, Horner's sign, iris atrophy, etc. The symptoms of somatic nerve include the damage of pyramidal system, extrapyramidal system, cerebellum, lower motor neuron, cranial nerve, etc. In the late stage, mental disorder, even dementia, progressive development, and death of more than ten years may occur.
The treatment first alleviates the postural blood pressure drop. The measures include slightly higher head position when lying in bed, wearing elastic tights, and standing up slowly when getting up. Indomethacin, propranolol, 9 - α - fluorohydrocortisone, ephedrine, neofolin, etc. can all be tried.
Congenital Hirschsprung's disease: The congenital absence of the parasympathetic nerve ganglion in the muscular layer of the lower part of the sigmoid colon wall causes the stenosis of this section of the intestinal cavity, which cannot participate in peristaltic activities. The feces cannot pass through, and all accumulate in the proximal colon. As a result, the part above the intestinal stenosis is highly expanded, and the expanded part has normal nerve innervation. Because the rectum is empty, the anus can not accept defecation stimulation, and thus there is stubborn constipation.
The patients were mainly male infants. The symptoms appeared in newborns or shortly after birth, which were manifested as stubborn constipation, repeated vomiting, spontaneous remission, and occasionally diarrhea. It was believed that the intestines were stimulated, the peristalsis increased, and the contents of intestinal fluid could pass between solid feces. With the aggravation of constipation, the abdomen gradually expands, and the sick child shows significant malnutrition, extreme emaciation, abdominal wall veins are distended, and intestinal shape and peristaltic waves can be seen. The contents of digital rectal examination are empty.
The reasonable treatment is to resect the narrow intestinal segment.
The clinical feature of hemifacial atrophy is chronic progressive atrophy of half facial tissue. The cause is unknown. The onset of the disease is insidious, most of which begin at the age of 10-20 years, and most of them are male. At the beginning, there may be abnormal sensation, dull sensation or pain on the affected side of the face. At the early stage, white or brown skin pigment changes can be seen in the affected cheek and jaw. The affected part gradually shrunk and sagged, and gradually expanded to half of the face and neck, with a clear boundary with the opposite side. The patient's skin is thin and smooth, hair falls off, and subcutaneous tissue disappears. The tongue muscle, throat muscle and soft palate may be involved in the later stage. In severe cases, the facial bones of the affected side, even the cerebral hemisphere, can also atrophy. The muscle volume becomes smaller, mainly because the connective tissue disappears and the muscle fibers are still intact, so the muscle strength remains normal. Severe cases may develop into hemiatrophy.
There is no special treatment. Most cases can relieve themselves after several years of development.
Burn neuralgia refers to burning pain of hands and feet caused by incomplete injury of peripheral nerves, especially median nerve, sciatic nerve or tibial nerve. The reason is unknown. The most likely explanation is the impulse short circuit caused by the artificial connection between the efferent sympathetic nerve fibers and the somatosensory fibers at the nerve injury site.
Burning pain often occurs shortly after trauma. The most severe pain is in fingers, palms or soles of feet, which can radiate along the distribution area of injured nerves. The skin of the injured limb becomes thin and bright, the sweating increases abnormally, and the extremities are often hot, red, cold, purple, and painful. The extremities feel extremely sensitive, and pain can be caused by wind blowing and clothes wiping; Emotional fluctuation, noisy environment, overheating, and too cold can also cause anxiety and increase pain.
Taking carbamazepine is mostly effective, and phenytoin sodium can also be used. If the drug fails, cervical or lumbar sympathectomy can be performed. If the blocking fails, posterior root of spinal cord or sympathectomy can be performed.
Enuresis or drowning mattress. It refers to uncontrollable urination during sleep, which is different from urinary incontinence that urinates during the day and at night. The mechanism is unknown. Or it is related to the neurophysiological activity obstacle of urination, the decrease of bladder capacity or psychosomatic factors. In addition to functional factors, urogenital diseases, occult sacral fissure, etc. can be caused.



1. Sympathetic nerve

From the middle lateral column of the gray matter of the thoracic 1 to the lumbar 2 segments of the spinal cord, the preganglionic neurons send out and pass through spinal cord The anterior root of the nerve enters the paravertebral sympathetic nerve chain from the white communicating branch of the corresponding segment, and goes up or down in the chain. It has synaptic contact with the postganglionic neurons in the intrachain or extrachain ganglions. The postganglionic neurons follow the corresponding spinal nerves to the ends, dominate the heart blood vessels, abdominal viscera, smooth muscle and glands, etc., to regulate the functional activities of these tissues and organs.
Stimulation of sympathetic nerve can lead to increased myocardial contractility, accelerated heartbeat, contraction of blood vessels in abdominal viscera and skin ends, hypermetabolism, dilated pupils, and increased working capacity of tired skeletal muscles. Sympathetic nerve activity mainly guarantees the physiological needs of the human body when in a tense state. The role of sympathetic nerve in the circulatory system is reflected in the excitation of heart activity, which can accelerate the heart beat frequency and strength. For blood vessels, it mainly promotes the contraction of arterioles, thus increasing the peripheral resistance of blood flow and raising arterial blood pressure. In the digestive system, it mainly inhibits the gastrointestinal movement, that is, it reduces the tension of gastrointestinal smooth muscle and the frequency of gastrointestinal peristalsis, and weakens its peristalsis. But when the tension of gastrointestinal smooth muscle is too low or its activity is very weak, the sympathetic nerve can also increase its activity. In addition, the sympathetic nerve can inhibit the smooth muscle of the bronchioles in the respiratory system. It makes the bronchioles dilate to facilitate ventilation.

2. Parasympathetic nerve

The preganglionic neurons originate from some nuclei in the brain stem and the middle lateral column of the gray matter in the sacral segment of the spinal cord, and travel in the brain nerves (mainly facial nerves, glossopharyngeal nerves and vagus nerves) or spinal nerves to reach the organs or near the organs, and synapse with the postganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic ganglia, and then the postganglionic neurons are distributed in the visceral organs, smooth muscles and glands, And adjust its functional activities.
Stimulation of parasympathetic nerve can cause slow heartbeat, increased gastrointestinal peristalsis, relaxation of sphincter, reduction of pupil, increase of gland secretion, etc. The role of parasympathetic nervous system is opposite to that of sympathetic nervous system. Although it is not as consistent as that of sympathetic nervous system, it is also quite related. Its fibers are not distributed in the limbs, but the sweat gland rectus, adrenal gland, thyroid gland, uterus and so on have parasympathetic nerve distribution. The parasympathetic nervous system can maintain the physiological balance of the body in a quiet state. Its functions include three aspects: ① promoting the secretion of gastrointestinal activity and digestive glands, promoting the excretion of urine and urine, and maintaining the energy of the body. ② The pupil shrinks to reduce stimulation, promote the production of liver glycogen, and save energy. ③ Heart rate slows down, blood pressure drops and bronchi shrink to save unnecessary consumption and assist reproductive activities.

Functional disorder of autonomic nervous system

Autonomic nerve dysfunction, also known as autonomic nerve dysfunction, is a syndrome of multiple system dysfunction caused by autonomic nerve dysfunction, especially cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine system dysfunction. Many studies have confirmed that the occurrence and development of diseases are closely related to the dysfunction of autonomic nervous system. There are many symptoms of autonomic nervous dysfunction, such as insomnia and dreaminess, night sweating or spontaneous sweating, restlessness, lack of concentration, physical strength decline, memory decline, palpitations, heart fatigue, upset, tachycardia, premature beats, dizziness, dizziness, headache, tension and anxiety, chest tightness, bitterness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, frequent urination, urgency of urination, and so on, with more than 100 symptoms.