
All plants in nature
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Plantae is the kingdom of living things. In different Biological boundary In the system, the concept of plants and their groups are also different. For example, when organisms are divided into plant and animal kingdoms, the plant kingdom includes algae Lichens moss and lichen , ferns and seed plant stay Five Boundaries The plant kingdom only includes multicellular The photosynthetic autotrophic group, and Fungi , lichen and Unicellular algae as well as Prokaryote Of blue-green algae Is not included. (Note: Gastrodia elata Blume Crystal Blue Etc Saprophyte Although not photosynthesis , of Heterotroph , but it still belongs to the plant kingdom.)
Flora and others biological group The main difference between chlorophyll , can carry out photosynthesis , can produce organics; In addition, most of them live in a fixed environment and cannot move freely (except for a few low-grade algae) cell wall Cell with Omnipotence , i.e. 1 plant cell It can be cultivated into a plant.
Plant cover It touches most of the earth's land surface, as well as in oceans, lakes, rivers and ponds. Their size and life span vary greatly, and they are invisible to the naked eye algae To the ocean Giant alga And on land“ World God ”( sequoia sempervirens )They are all plants. All kinds of large and small plants in the natural biosphere ecosystem Almost all of them are unique Primary producer Plants are closely related to human beings, and they are the basis for human beings and other living things to survive.
Chinese name
Foreign name
All plants in nature
Human definition
Value generation
Quick classification

classification method



For the convenience of their own work or life, people classify plants according to only one or two characteristics or characteristics of plant morphology, habits, ecology or use, without considering the kinship between plants, which is called Artificial classification For example, plants are divided into aquatic and terrestrial; Woody plant herb Cultivated plant Wild plant Wait a minute. Cultivated plants are divided into grain crops Oil crops Fibre crop The fruit trees are divided into kernel fruits, Drupe Class, nut class, Berry Class, hesperidium Class, Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen Written by《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》(1578), more than 1000 kinds of plants collected were divided into five and thirty categories: grass, grain, vegetable, fruit and wood. Qing Dynasty Wu Qijun In its《 Textual Research on Plant Names and Facts 》They also divide plants into valley, vegetable, mountain grass, mountain grass, rock grass, water grass, Vine , fragrant grass, Poisonous herb There are 12 kinds of plants, including Qunfang, fruit and wood. Theophrastus (370-285 B.C.), a student of Aristotle in ancient Greece, divided plants into tree , shrubs and herbs. Swedish naturalist Linnai (Linnaeus 1707-1778) wrote a great book in 1753《 Flora 》(Specs Plantarum) stamen The plants are divided into 24 classes according to the presence, number and living conditions of pistil The characteristics of fruits and leaves are used as the classification criteria of orders, genera and species respectively. The classification system established by artificial classification can also reflect the genetic relationship and evolution of plants. They have played an important role in the practical application of human production and life, and accumulated rich data and experience for scientific classification [1]


Not according to people's subjective wishes, but according to the degree of similarity between plants in morphology, structure, physiology and other aspects, try to reflect the distance and closeness of their kinship in the process of evolution classification method This classification method is based on Morphological characteristics Based on, comprehensive anatomy cytology , genetics, biochemistry ecology Paleobotany Classification based on the research results of other disciplines Biological evolution From the point of view of, metabolite Therefore, according to the number of similarities between plants, we can judge the degree of affinity between them and infer their genetic relationship. However, due to the complex changes and development of plants over millions of years, most of the ancient species have been extinct, and the occasional fossil remains are also very limited, It is quite difficult to solve the whole evolution problem. There are many classification systems established by natural classification methods, such as Engler System Hutchinson system Takhtajan system Kronquist Systems, etc. Although these systems are far from establishing an objective and complete natural evolutionary system, and there are many contradictory theories and views among the systems, they are more than artificial classification systems, It is obviously a qualitative leap. The development of plant taxonomy is also progressing with the development of some related disciplines. Traditional plant classification is mainly based on the morphological characteristics of plants, that is, according to the morphological characteristics of flowers, fruits, stems, leaves and other organs. The emergence and development of molecular biology and even computer science and other disciplines, It provides more abundant research method We believe that with the development of science, the efforts of researchers at home and abroad, and the in-depth investigation and collection work, Plant fossil The research on the real history of plants will continue to make new progress, and it will be sooner or later to establish a more perfect plant classification system that can better reflect the objective evolution [1]

Classification table

Plants are more difficult to define accurately than we seem. although botanist It describes a plant kingdom, but it is much more difficult to define the boundary of the plant kingdom than the common definition of "plant". We try to understand plants as a kind of multicellular Of Eukaryote Of organic matter, no sense organ as well as Autonomous movement It is composed of roots, stems and leaves (if complete). But biologically, only Vessel plant There are "roots, stems and leaves". But to be fair, vessel plants are also the plants we come into contact with every day. By 2005, there were about 400000 known plants in the world.
Classification of plant kingdom
Aphyte : mosses, ferns, nudes
The most Simple classification It is based on the plant structure Degree of perfection , divided into two categories: Lower plant and higher plant Lower plant include Algae Chlorophyta Euglenophyta Chrysophyta Xanthophyta Dinoflagellate Diatoma Cyanophyta Phaeophyta Rhodophyta )、 Lichen plant lichens )。 higher plant Including bryophytes( Bryophyta ), ferns( Pteridophyta )、 seed plant Spermatophyta )。
one Algae (Algae)
o 1.1 Cyanophyta (Cyanophyta)
o 1.2 Euglenophyta (Euglenophyta)
o 1.3 Chrysophyta (Chrysophyta)
O 1.4 Pyrophyta
O 1.5 Xanthophyta (Chromophyta)
O 1.6 Bacillariophyta
O 1.7 Chlorophyta
o 1.8 Charophyta (Charophyta)
O 1.9 Phaeophyta
Beautiful Jinhua Tea
o 1.10 Rhodophyta (Rhodophyta)
· 2 Lichen Phylum (Lichenes)
·3 Bryophyta
o 3.1 Liverwort (Hepaticae)
O 3.2 Musci
o 3.3 Hornwort (Anthocerotae)
· 4 Pteridophyta (Pteridophyta)
o 4.1 Ishimatsu Yamen (Lycophytina)
o 4.2 Leek Yamen (Isoephytina)
o 4.3 Pteridophylla cuneata (Sphenophytina)
o 4.4 Gymnopterium (Psilophytina)
· 5 Spermatophyta (Spemaiophyla)
o 5.1 Gymnosperma Gymnospermae
 5.1.1 Ginkgo (Ginkgopsida)
 5.1.2 Conifera (Coniferopsida)
 5.1.3 Cycads (Gycadopsida)
 5.1.4 Echinacea (Gnetopsida)
 5.1.5 Taxodia (Taxopsida)
O 5.2 Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta or flowering plants
 5.2.1 Monocotyledons Liliopsida
 Liliidae
 Alismatidae
 Areca Arecidae
 Commelinidae
 Zingiberidae
 5.2.2 Dicotyledons Magnoliopsida
 Magnolia Magnoliidae
 Hamamelidae
 Caryophyllidae
 Dilleniidae
 Rosa Rosidae
 Asteridae Asteridae [1]
Plant Classification Table (NCBI)
· 1 Chlorophyta (Chlorophyta)
o 1.1 Chlorophyta (Chlorophyceae)
o 1.2 Pedinophyceae
o 1.3 Picocystophyceae
o 1.4 Prasinophyceae
o 1.5 Trebouxiophyceae
O 1.6 Ulvophyceae
·2 Streptophyta
o 2.1 Chlorokybophyceae
o 2.2 Klebsormidiophyceae
O 2.3 Mesostigmatophyceae
o 2.4 Dipteroidea (Zygnemophyceae)
o 2.5 Charophyta (Charophyceae)
o 2.6 Coleochaetophyceae
· 3 Cornucopia door (Anthocerotophyta)
· 4 moss and lichen Door (Bryophyta)
o 4.1 Andreaeobryopsida
o 4.2 Andreaeopsida
o 4.3 Bryopsida
 4.3.1 Bryidae
 4.3.2 Dicranidae
 4.3.3 Diphysciidae
 4.3.4 Funariidae
o 4.4 Polytrichopsida
o 4.5 Sphagnopsida
o 4.6 Takakiopsida
· 5 liverwort Marchantiophyta
o 5.1 Jungermanniopsida
 5.1.1 Jungermanniidae
 5.1.2 Metzgeriidae
o 5.2 Marchantiopsida
 5.2.1 Marchantiidae
 5.2.2 Sphaerocarpidae
·6 Lycopodiophyta
o 6.1 Isoetes (Isoetopsida)
o 6.2 Lycopodia (Lycopodiopsida)
·7 Equisetophyta
o 7.1 sphenopsida (Sphenopsida)
·8 Filicophyta
o 8.1 Filicopsida
o 8.2 Guanyinzuo lotus Marattiopsida
o 8.3 Pinger Grass Ophioglossopsida
· 9 Pine fern Psilotophyta
o 9.1 Pine leaf fern (Psilopsida)
·10 Coniferophyta
o 10.1 Conifera (Coniferopsida)
·11 Cycadophyta
o 11.1 Cycads (Cycadopsida)
·12 Ginkgo phyta
o 12.1 Ginkgo (Ginkgoopsida)
· 13 Buying Mateng Gate (Gnetophyta)
o 13.1 Echinacea (Gnetopsida)
· 14 Angiosperma (Magnoliophyta)
o 14.1 Magnolia (Magnoliidae)
 14.2.1 Asteridae (Asteridae)
 14.2.2 Rosa (Rosidae)
o 14.3 Monocotyledons (Liliopsida)
 14.3.1 Commelina (Commelinidae) [1]

Classification significance

according to Plant evolution The main connotation of plant classification is to classify them, determine the overall and partial evolutionary relationship, kinship, occurrence and development law of the plant kingdom, and make people clear the direction of using and transforming plants, which is the main connotation of plant classification. With the evolution process of plants and the deepening of people's research on the plant kingdom, plant species will continue to increase, In this sense, plant taxonomy also studies plant species and speciation We can use the knowledge of plant kinship to introduce, domesticate, cultivate, transform and find new plants plant resources Etc
Correct identification of plant species is of great practical significance for plant utilization, crop production and daily life. For example Illicidaceae There are more than 50 kinds, of which only Star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) is non-toxic. Its fruit is a famous flavoring spice, while other species are toxic, especially the herb (I. lanceolatum A. G. Smith). Its fruit is very similar to the fruit of star anise, but it is highly toxic. Anyone who eats it by mistake may die medicinal plant Identification is particularly important because different plants have different chemical components. If the identification is not clear, it will not only fail to achieve the purpose of curing the disease, but will harm the patients. Generally speaking, species with similar kinship often have similar or identical chemical components, and people can often find substitute plants based on it, such as those used in oil exploration Guar bean , available leguminous Sesbania replace; Umbelliferae Bupleurum chinese DC Antipyretic analgesics , congenial Bupleurum angustifolia (B. scorzonerifolium willd.) Although it is not the same species as the former, it has the same efficacy
In 1952, US military Launch in North Korea Bacteriological warfare , leaves were used as the carrier of bacteria, which were airdropped to North Korea and Northeast China. After careful identification, Chinese plant taxonomists confirmed that the infected leaves were only South Korea Only distributed Lauraceae Of Mountain pepper [Lindera glauca (Sieb. et Zucc.) Bl.] and Fagaceae Korean red handle Cyclobalanopsis glauca Quercus aliena var. rubripes Nakai, with iron evidence, confirmed that the infected leaves were dropped by the US military
It can be seen that plant taxonomy is of great significance to the production and development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sidelines, fishery, medicine, light industry, petroleum, national defense and other fields

Classification unit

According to a certain number of plant species in nature Classification grade They are arranged to indicate the systematic status and attribution of each plant, which is the plant division: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species, of which the kingdom is the largest Classification unit , species is the basic classification unit genetic relationship The collection of similar species is a genus, and the combination of similar genera is a family, and so on. Within each hierarchical unit, if there are many species, it can also be divided into more detailed units, such as Yamen Subclass , suborder, subfamily , family, subfamily, subgenus, group, subspecies, varieties, forms, etc. Through systematic classification, each plant can not only show its position in the plant kingdom, but also show its relationship with other plant species
Now take wheat as an example to illustrate its various units in plant classification:
Boundary: Regnum vegetabile
Doors: Angiosperma (Angiospermae)
(Yamen: Angiosperma
Class: Monocotyledons (Monocotyledoneae)
(Subclass: Glumiflorae)
Item: Poales (Graminales)
Department: Gramineae (Gramineae)
(subfamily: Poaceae
Genus: Triticum (Triticum)
Species: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Species: Yes taxonomy On Basic unit , are the same morphology Physiological characteristics and certain nature range Of Biota , intraspecific and inter individual energy Natural mating Producing normal fertile offspring, interspecific existence Reproductive isolation . species objective existence A taxon that has both relatively stable morphological characteristics and is evolving. One species may develop into another new species through heredity, variation and natural selection. Many species on the earth have evolved from their common ancestors
Subspecies( subspecies , subsp.): Intraspecific groups refer to individual groups formed within the same species due to geographical, ecological or seasonal isolation
Variety (var.): intraspecific type or Individual variation Refers to the same plant with the same distribution area, because Microhabitat Different plants can Stable heredity Some minor differences as Bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria var.hispida (Thunb.) Hara] gourd 〔L.siceraria(Molina)Standl.〕 Variants of
Form (f.): refers to different individuals of the same species with irregular distribution and slight morphological differences, such as the presence or absence of hair, flower color, etc
Cultivar (Cv.): No Plant taxonomy It is a taxon in Chinese, but belongs to the variation type in culturology. Usually, human beings are cultivated or found economic value The variation (such as size, color, taste, etc.) of Cultivated plant A variant or variant of [2]

Naming method

Each plant often has different names in different countries, or even in different regions of the same country. Generally, the names known in the same country or in the same language are called common names; The name that is known only in a certain region or a smaller area of China is called the local name. For example, potato( China ), Potato (British and American), κ α ρтοφ еτ Soviet Union )It is the common name of the same plant in different regions, while the foreign yam( Nanjing ), potato( Shaanxi Gansu Chinese yam egg (Inner Mongolia) and other titles are called local names. Of course, there is sometimes no strict boundary between common names and local names, such as potatoes. This is“ Synonym There are also many phenomena of "homonymous foreign objects", for example windflower There are as many as 16 kinds of plants called Pulling seedlings There are also more than 10 kinds of plants The phenomenon of "homonym" and "homonym" has brought many inconveniences to the research and utilization of plant classification, especially to the academic exchanges between China and the world
scientific name It was initiated by A.P. De Candollo in 1867 to Sweden naturalist Lin Nai (1753) founded“ Double name It is named after the "Law of the People's Republic of China" and has been discussed and revised by many international botanical conferences and has become a must for common compliance International Code of Plant Nomenclature . Specified Binominal method Two Latin Words Name plants. The first word is a generic name, a noun, and the first letter should be capitalized; The second word is Species addition , usually an adjective, all letters must a lowercase letter . A complete Grus japonensis Also attach the surname abbreviation of the celebrity after the two names, and the first letter should also be capitalized. For example, the scientific name of potato is Solanum Tuberosum L. The "L." behind it is the abbreviation of the celebrity Linnaeus, and only Linnaeus can use one letter. In case of subspecies, varieties or forms, subspecies shall be added after the species name( subspecies ), variant( variety )Or form (subsp.), (var.) or (f.), and then add subspecies, variants or variants contribution Finally, there should still be the name or abbreviation of the celebrity as glutinous rise Oryza sativa L. var.glutinosa Matsum [1]

Protect plants

look out aphid Don't let others pick some plants. If you pick too many branches, the plants may not stand it Flowering without fruiting Even death.
Plants can play a role in beautifying the environment and food health care. European Vanilla It can be planted indoors or outdoors. Most varieties are native to the Mediterranean region for one year or Perennial herb Plant Stem and leaf It is the main source of fragrance. As long as there are a few such plants, they will continuously emit their unique fragrance, making people refreshing. So some people call it "natural perfume bottle" in the room, Lavender rosemary Sage These herbs were awarded the annual vanilla by the International Vanilla Association Vanilla It is the vanilla pride of the house, which can be used as an ordinary Potted plant , and can be planted Chlorophyte It has good plant type, cold resistance, thriving growth, evergreen all the year round, cool and sweet aroma.

Search Table


brief introduction

Botany Search Table It is the key to identify plants in plant taxonomy Lamarck (Lamarck, 1744 ~ 1829) Classification principle All plants to be included in the key list to be compiled shall be divided into two categories by selecting more than one pair of significantly different characteristics; Then find out the relative characteristics from each category. (eg family, genus, species, etc.) appear Plant Key frequently-used Expression There are two kinds of fixed distance (equidistant) key table and parallel (stepped) key table

Distance index

The fixed distance retrieval table is the most commonly used one. In this kind of retrieval table, each pair of relative features is numbered as the same number and placed at the same distance on the left side of the page. Each pair of the same number can only be used once in the retrieval table. Continue like this, stagger step by step to the right, and the description line is getting shorter and shorter until the subject is traced, The advantage of this key is that each pair of Relative character The features of are arranged at the same distance, which is clear and easy to find deficiencies When there are many kinds, the left margin is too large, wasting space
Current wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), corn (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), peanut( Arachis hypogaea L.), Cucumis sativus L, rape (Brassica campestris L.), radish (Raphanus sativus L Preparation method And format:
1. The blade is composed of, petiole Or stipules; netted venation Taproot
3. Flowers bisexual; Superior ovary silicle or capsule
four Tetradynamous stamen silicle
5. Yellow flowers; Fruit dehiscence after ripening
5. Light red or purple flowers; The fruit does not crack after ripening; have Fleshy taproot .................................... Radish
four Monosomic stamen Capsule............................................................ Cotton
3. Flower unisexuality; Inferior ovary Bottle fruit Cucumber
2. Compound leaf
6. Feather Trifoliate compound leaf Cracking of pods after ripening
six Even pinnate compound leaf The pods do not crack after ripening
1. The blade consists of blade and leaf sheath form; Parallel vein; Fibrous root system
7. Annual tall herb with stem height more than 2m; Internode solid
8. Flowers bisexual; Panicle Top growth................................................ Sorghum
8. Flower unisexuality, Monoecious Male inflorescences are conical and terminal, female inflorescences are spicate and axillary
7. One or Biennial herb The stem height is generally less than 1m; Hollow internode
9. Panicle, spikelet Handle; 6 stamens
nine Spike Erect, terminal, spikelet sessile; 3 stamens.................................... Wheat

Parallel key table

The parallel key table is to place the description of each pair of relative characteristics in two adjacent rows for comparison. It is either a plant name or a number at the end of each row. If it is a number, it is rewritten from another row, and it is arranged in parallel with the other pair of relative characteristics until it is terminated. The advantage of this key table is that it is arranged neatly and saves space, The disadvantage is that it is not as clear as the fixed distance key table. It is also explained by the above 10 plants
1. Leaves are composed of blades, petioles or stipules; Reticulate vein; Straight root system.................................... 2
1. Leaves are composed of leaves and leaf sheaths; Parallel vein; Fibrous root system
2. Single leaf
2. Compound leaves
3. Flowers bisexual; Superior ovary; Capsules
3. Flower unisexuality; Inferior ovary; Bottle fruit
4. Four strong stamens; Pod
4. Single stamen; Capsule............................................................ Cotton
5. Yellow flowers; Fruit dehiscence after ripening
5. Light red or purple flowers; The fruit does not crack after ripening; With fleshy taproot.................................... Radish
6. Triple pinnate leaves; Cracking of pods after ripening
6. Even pinnate compound leaves; No cracking of pods after ripening
7. Annual tall herb with stem height more than 2m; Internode solid
7. One or biennial herb, stem height is generally less than 1m; Hollow internode
8. Flowers bisexual; Panicle terminal............................................................... Sorghum
8. The flowers are unisexual and monoecious; Male inflorescences are conical and terminal, female inflorescences are spicate and axillary
9. Panicle, spikelet stalked; 6 stamens
9. The spike is erect, terminal, and the spikelet is sessile; 3 stamens
Common search tables are Division , sub genera and sub species key lists can be used to retrieve the families, genera and species of plants respectively. To correctly retrieve a plant, first of all, complete key list data should be available. Second, it is necessary to master the detailed morphological characteristics of the retrieval object, and be able to correctly understand the meaning of various special terms used in the key list. If there is a slight error or ambiguity, it is difficult to find the correct answer. Therefore, in the Retrieval process You should be very careful and patient
Searching for a new plant species, even for an experienced worker Regular meetings After many twists and turns, the process of retrieval is also a process of learning and mastering taxonomic knowledge