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Plant morphology

Basic discipline of botany
Botany Morphology is to study the internal and external morphology and structure of plants, organ Formation and development , cell, tissue organ In different environments and Ontogeny and Phylogeny The science of the law of change in the process is botany One of the basic disciplines of. [1]
Chinese name
Plant morphology
Foreign name
plant morphology
Morphologie des plantes
Растения морфо
Las plantas morfología
Morphology of cryptogamy and phanerogamy
research contents
The internal and external morphology and structure of plants, organ formation

brief introduction

Plant morphology studies the development, morphology and structure of plants, and Phylogeny To explain the morphological and structural changes of existing plants botany branch subject Plant morphology refers to plant taxonomy Plant physiology Plant ecology Plant genetics Phytopathology Is also related to agriculture, forestry and medicine applied science The foundation of. [1]


What is plant morphology? Literally, "morphology" comes from two Greek roots, "morphology", that is, shape and structure. In addition, "logos" means discussion and research, which shows that plant morphology is the study of plant morphological structure, which can be interpreted in broad and narrow senses. In narrow sense, morphology only refers to the study of plant shape; In a broad sense, it includes the shape and structure of each organ level, that is, the shape and structure of the whole plant, organ, tissue, cell, organelle and molecule, whether defined in a narrow or broad sense, Morphological studies of morphological changes in ontogeny and phylogeny over time may venture to say that structure is better than function in determining the functions that life once thought were unique to life, that is, a series of biochemical reactions also exist in inanimate bodies. However, as far as we know, the structure of living organisms is unique in life forms. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the morphological structure of organisms for understanding the essence of life. [1]


According to the research object, it can be roughly divided into research production Spore Morphology of spore plants, morphology of seed plants producing seeds (gymnosperm morphology, angiosperm morphology) and vascular plant morphology based on vascular tissue structure; According to whether it has obvious flower structure, it can be divided into cryptogamous plant morphology and flowering plant morphology, as well as morphology of different organs or plants; According to the research direction, it can be divided into: explaining the same and different forms with a comparative perspective Comparative morphology , plant systematics, which studies the systematic evolution and origin of plants, and discovers their morphological changes through experiments Experimental morphology , and explain that internal and external factors affect the shape of plant body formation Genesis

New ideas

In the past 30 years, there have been many theoretical and philosophical innovations in plant morphology, including:
(1) The introduction of L-system successfully simulated the morphology and development of plants on the computer.
(2) The application of fractal, chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics in the study of plant morphology. The establishment of fractal theory provides a powerful means for quantitative simulation of plant morphology. For example, in plant taxonomy, it is expected to establish a dynamic morphological database of plants through fractal simulation, making taxonomy truly quantitative and systematic. For plant systematics, the corresponding code of specific morphology in fractal simulation is of great significance to plant research, In the evolutionary chain, plants from lower to higher levels have poorer self similarity and externalism in their morphological structure, more and more parameters are needed to control the figure, and the "grammar" is more and more complex. It is also possible to find out the "internal information code" that controls the shape through the "external control code" of the figure, Make evolutionary science a mathematical science and experimental science.
(3) The plant structure is analyzed from the continuous structure model, and the plant morphology is viewed from the continuous point of view Multivariable analysis Confirmation.
(4) The rediscovery of homology and heteromorphism molecular genetics It is further combined with the research of morphological development.
(5) The development of partial homology view and the quantification of homology relationship of plant morphology.
(6) The development of "process morphology" is based on process morphology. Shape and structure are regarded as processes, which is contrary to the traditional view that shape and structure are the results of processes, that is, processes are on the one hand and results are on the other. However, process morphology believes that there is only one aspect of process, that is, structure is process, more accurately, process integration. Similarly, structural diversity is the diversity of process integration, and morphological evolution is the change of process integration in individual and systematic development. The view of plant morphological continuity and the view of process morphology combination produce the view of dynamic continuity, This can be confirmed by multivariable analysis. In the process integration of dynamic continuum, what we call typical roots, stems, leaves, etc. are connected by the intermediation process, and the intermediation process integrates different typical structural processes to varying degrees. [1]