
A scientist who studies plants
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botanist , refers to scientists who study the morphology, classification, physiology, ecology, distribution, occurrence, heredity, evolution, etc. of plants on the earth. Botanist research aims at development, utilization, transformation and protection plant resources Let plants provide more food, fiber, medicine, building materials, etc. for human beings.
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Research On Earth Botany


Modern botany is divided into five main branches according to different research levels and priorities:
Plant morphology It is a discipline that studies the morphology and structure of plants (from cells to organs at all levels). Its branches are Plant cytology anatomy (focusing on internal structure), histology (caring about the nature of special types of cells) Plant embryology Etc.
Plant physiology is a discipline that studies the functions and behaviors of various parts or whole plants biochemistry Closely connected. The latter studies chemical composition and changes in plant life. There is another important branch of plant biochemistry—— Phytochemistry ——Research plants secondary metabolism Chemical products.
Plant genetics It is a discipline to study plant germplasm, heredity, variation and other phenomena Plant evolution Link).
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Plant ecology is a discipline that studies the relationship between plants and their environment. Its definition is more extensive, because in addition to its own special methods, it involves both floristics and physiology. Closely related to it is Phytogeography (including Geobotany )Study the relationship between plants and the earth's surface and plant sociology( Phytocoenology )Research Plant community
Plant taxonomy is the study of the classification and naming of plants, their systems and evolution (including floristics, the study of all plants in a specific area, their species distribution, origin and development). These distinctions are not absolute. In order to understand the function and behavior of plants, we must understand some knowledge of plant structure. Taxonomists classify plants based on the theory of pedigree, and they should also care about evolution. Plant cytology is the study of the cells of plants, partly morphology Some are physiology, and some are genetics and so on.
In addition, there are also some special branches, such as those divided according to different groups of research objects, such as Algology algae It is quite small and simple like a fungus, but has various pigments Homemade food They are composed of Marine plankton Most of them may be an important source of human food in the future. Lichens Academic research Algae and bacteria Symbiosis lichen.
moss and lichen Scientific research is slightly smaller than most plants Reproductive process More complex bryophyte Pteridology The bigger start of research is vascular bundle In this group, there are Lycopodium, Equisetum and Fern tooth And study how they Flowering plant Move forward. The branches closely related to application are economic botany And explore various aspects of plants and their uses.
Folklore botanists are interested in the different ways in which different ethnic groups use plants. Paleobotany The study of extinct plants (also a branch of paleontology) is an evolutionary history written in rocks. Palynology Study ancient pollen , spores, also belong to Micropaleontology An important aspect of. Of course, paleobotany and palynology also study plant evolution and Phytogeography Especially plants historical geography And floristics.

Significant Contributors



ancient Greek Aristotle Theophrastu, a student of
He wrote Plant History or Plant Investigation in 300 BC Philosophical Principles Based on the classification of plants, describe their various parts, habits and uses.


Sweden Botanist Linnai -- established Two name system
Botanist Lin Nai
Published in 1753“ Flora ”, established the two name system. He used reproductive traits (flowers) as an important basis for classification, and his 24 classes were mainly based on the stamen In number; Reuse for each class style The number of is divided into items. The simplicity of this system makes it easy for people to accept, thus promoting the collection and investigation of plants, but because this law is vague Natural classification It is harmful to botany. For example, according to Linnaeus system, lily and Berberis With the same eye, and Sage And congeneric Mint But they split up. His contribution also lies in the classification of about 6000 species of plants into various genera (the same arrangement is used today), careful description, collation of the species he knows and the naming and description of former botanists Nomenclature Naming. This method was immediately accepted by other botanists. Only since 1753, it is easier and possible to track a plant from one scholar to another. After that and taxonomy Parallel progress Plant anatomy The research of plant physiology and plant embryology has also developed.
Linn, Carolus Linnaeus; Carlvon: Swedish naturalist, modern Biotaxonomy The founder of. Born in Roshult Village, Smolan Province on May 23, 1707, and died on January 10, 1778 Uppsala
She loved flowers and plants since childhood. In primary and middle school, he did not study hard but preferred to collect plants in the wild, so his father almost asked him to drop out of school and become a seaman or shoemaker. Since 1727 Lund University and Uppsala University Learn medicine. In 1730, he was a lecturer at Uppsala University. In 1735 Netherlands Haldwick University Doctor of Medicine 1735-1738 Denmark Germany, Netherlands, Britain and France are the most important periods in his life. He returned to China in 1738 and became a medical practitioner. Since 1741, he has been a professor at Uppsala University.
What he will write when he is in Holland《 Natural system 》The manuscript of the book was published. The first edition (1735) of the book is only 14 pages, which is basically a list of animals, plants and minerals. Its famous "24 classes of plants" was first published here. What he proposed classification system Although it belongs to an artificial classification system, which is far from the natural classification system, it was welcomed by the academic circles at that time because of its easy retrieval, and his reputation was greatly enhanced. His important book, Plant Species, was first written in 1746, completed in six years, and published in 1753, which laid the foundation of modern plant taxonomy. In the process of republication for many times, Natural System has been constantly supplemented and revised. The tenth edition published in 1758 has expanded to 1384 pages. In this edition, he used animal classification for the first time“ Binominal method ”, becoming modern Zootaxonomy The starting point of. He will Animal kingdom It is divided into lactation, bird, amphibious, fish insect And worms; There are 4 classes, orders, genera and species under the boundary Order element (There are no "door" and "branch" levels). The greatest contribution of his life is to establish Biological classification And identified and named tens of thousands of animal and plant species, ending the confusion of animal and plant classification and naming, and greatly promoting the development of scientific taxonomy. Lin Nai has written numerous books all his life, about 180 kinds in total. In the twelfth edition of Natural System published in 1768, the statement that "species cannot change" was deleted.


Hales, an Englishman, the founder of plant physiology
In 1742, the Englishman Hales wrote in his book Phytostatics Sap Flow and pressure Transpiration He is regarded as the founder of plant physiology.
Hales Stepben: British botanist and chemist, born on September 17, 1677 Kent Bekeshben died on January 4, 1761 Middlesex Teddington.
Hales has served as an associate pastor in Teddington since 1708, and the poet Pope was his neighbor at that time. Hales dabbled in several sciences, Great achievements , was awarded in 1717 royal society He was deeply influenced by Newton's works and focused on Quantitative experimental method Applied in the field of biology.
His most important Subjects It's plants. He measured the growth rate of plants, sap pressure and so on. He realized that only part of the air had an effect on the nutrition of plants, and finally corrected the Hermont * Ki people a century ago. Hales was also the first person to measure blood pressure.
He proposed to use distillation Extracting fresh water from seawater and using sulfur dioxide Protect grain from Weevil send fish The method to avoid corruption. He realized the value of ventilation and collected different gases from the water surface for the first time. He did things like hydrogen carbon monoxide carbon dioxide methane And sulfur dioxide, but the difference between these gases is not clearly recognized.
In 1727, he published a book about his discoveries. This is the last book to receive the official publication permission from the elderly chairman of the Royal Society Newton.


Botanist Schleiden
German Schleiden and His Companions Zoologist Shiwan -- First proposed cytology Said they first proposed it in 1839 Cellular theory Since then, cytology has become an independent discipline.
Schleiden (1804-1881) Schleiden, Matthias Jakob: German botanist, one of the founders of cell theory. Born in Hamburg on April 5, 1804, and died on the Maine River on June 23, 1881 Frankfurt
From 1824 to 1827, he studied law in Heidelberg and worked as a lawyer in Hamburg. He studied botany because of his strong interest in botany and graduated from Jena University In 1850, he was professor of botany at Jena University. He described and named new species by studying the structure of plants under the microscope. Schleiden believes that in any plant body, cell is the basic component of structure according to his results of observing plant tissue structure under microscope for many years; Lower plant It is composed of single cells, higher plant It is composed of many cells. In 1838, he published the famous《 Phytogenesis 》This paper puts forward the above views. This article was published on Miller's Anthology of Anatomy and Physiology published in 1838. German zoologist T A. H. Schwann extended this concept to the animal kingdom, thus forming the concept that all plants and animals are composed of cells Scientific concepts That is, cell theory, which was first published in the article "Microscopic Study on the Consistency of Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants" written by Shi Wan in 1839. Cell theory was praised by Engels Three major discoveries of natural science in the 19th century First, it has played a huge role in the development of biological science Facilitation Schleiden also realized that nucleus And observed the relationship between the nucleus and cell division of He also described the active Material movement That is what we are talking about now Protoplasm Chuanliu movement. He was the first to accept Darwin theory of evolution German biologist.


Darwin, British naturalist theory of evolution In 1859, its founder published On the Origin of Species, which comprehensively proposed the theory of evolution based on the theory of natural selection. The publication of the book shocked the academic circles at that time and became History of Biology A turning point on the. The evolution theory of natural selection has a great impact on various idealistic creationism teleology and Species invariance Raise fundamental challenges. So that the concepts and concepts formed in various fields of biology at that time were fundamentally changed.
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809~1882): British biologist, the main founder of the theory of evolution. He was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809 and died in Kent on April 19, 1882.
Graduated in 1831 University of Cambridge , participated on December 27 of the same year British Navy The exploration voyage of the Beagle around the world South America East Coast Brazil Argentina And the west coast and adjacent islands, and then cross the pacific ocean to Oceania , then over the indian ocean arrive South Africa , rewind Cape of Good Hope through Atlantic He returned to Brazil and finally returned to Britain on October 2, 1836.
After Darwin returned home, he sorted out a large amount of data collected during the investigation, and successively published the report on an investigation , including the Geological and Natural History Survey Diary of the Countries where the Berger Ship passed, the Voyage Fauna of the Berger Ship, and three volumes about coral reefs island Of Geological report In his geological treatise, he put forward the famous assertion that atolls are formed by sinking of the sea bottom and upward accumulation of corals. Five years of travel and investigation made him think more Origin of species Problems. He studied a large amount of evidence in various aspects and gradually realized that all kinds of species actually evolved from a common ancestor. Through plant cultivation and livestock In the case of domestication, I feel that the reason for evolution may be that nature has adopted a similar selection method for living things - to eliminate the bad and retain the good. He also noted that, Biosphere Ubiquitous in individual difference The species adapted to the environment can breed, not suited to And may become extinct. He followed T R. Malthus's On Population reveals that every species has a huge Fecundity , but only a very small number of survivors, which indicates that there are violent Survival competition This competition caused the death of a large number of species, thus maintaining the relative stability of the population. After years of exploration, he has gradually formed a systematic evolutionary idea: there are individual differences in the biological world. Under the pressure of survival competition, the fittest survive and the unfit are eliminated; Favorable traits retained by species in generations Transfer process Gradually accumulated in Character differentiation and Intermediate type When it disappears, it forms a new species. From 1851 to 1854, four papers were published cirripedia The monograph of. Since then, he has continued to discuss with his friends, further enriching and developing his evolutionary ideas. On June 18, 1858, he received a letter from naturalist A R. Wallace's article, in which he expressed the same view of evolution. At that time, he wrote his own evolution view under the urging of his friends, which was the same as Wallace's article on July 1 London Linnaeus Society Published on. Their article did not attract general attention at that time. On November 24, 1859, the Origin of Species was published, in which he introduced in detail the rich evidence he had collected over the past 20 years, fully demonstrated the evolution of biology, and clearly proposed Natural selection theory To explain the evolutionary mechanism. After the book was published, it caused great repercussions in the society. The emergence of the theory of evolution has led to a unified explanation of various phenomena in the biological world: the biological consistency can be explained by the common ancestor; The diversity of species is the result of evolutionary adaptation. The emergence of evolutionism in philosophy and social sciences It also has great influence in the field; It strongly impacted the theological concepts that dominated the ideological field at that time.
Since then, most of Darwin's works have further explained and developed the theory of evolution. For example, in 1868《 Variation of animals and plants under domestication 》The problem of manual selection is discussed; 1871《 the descent of manandselectioninrelationtosex 》The theory of evolution is extended to humans. In addition, there are a series of books discussing many aspects of the plant kingdom Adaptive phenomenon For example, Strategies for Orchids to Attract Insects and Pollen in 1862, Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants in 1865, Insectivorous Plants in 1875, and Effects of Cross pollination and Self pollination in the Plant World in 1877. Published in 1872《 Human and animal expressions 》It's the earliest one Behaviors work; In 1881, the role of earthworms in the formation of garden soil was Soil ecology The pioneer of. He also studied the movement of plants towards light and ground, and concluded that there was some substance that could transmit information in plants according to experiments; Anticipated what was discovered later auxin

Chinese botanist


Li Jidong

Li Jidong
Li Jidong , Chinese botanist. Born in Xinghua County, Jiangsu Province on August 24, 1897, died on December 12, 1961 Hohhot City. He entered St. John's University in 1916 and transferred to Jinling University Lin Ke was admitted to Tsinghua University to study in the United States at public expense after graduation in 1921 Yale University Graduate student of Forestry Research Institute. He received a master's degree in 1923. He received his doctor's degree in 1925 and returned to China in the same year. First taught at Jinling University (1925-1926), then Nankai University (1926~1929)、 Tsinghua University (1929-1936) Professor. During the Anti Japanese War, they moved with the school Changsha Temporary University (1937~1938), Kunming Southwest Associated University (1938-1946), and returned to Tsinghua University (1946-1951) after the victory of the Anti Japanese War. Transferred in after the adjustment of the national departments in 1952 Peking University , Professor and Director of Botany Teaching and Research Section. In 1955, he was employed as a member of the Biology Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1957 Inner Mongolia University vice-principal. He devoted himself to Plant physiology Plant ecology and Phytocoenology Research. Have studied in plant physiology photosynthesis plant cell Water absorption auxin and Plant organ And tissue culture in vitro. When he was teaching in Nankai University, he took advantage of the disadvantages and passed the aquatic plant The emitted bubbles are used to measure the speed of photosynthesis light intensity or Color of light When changing, the photosynthetic rate has a transient effect, that is, it takes some time to reach a constant speed. This achievement is to find that there are two photosynthetic mechanisms Photoreaction It is a pioneer in the field of science and technology, more than ten years earlier than similar discoveries abroad. He used in vitro culture method to study ginkgo Of embryonic development The work of the process is artificial cultivation in China plant tissue And the beginning of the organ.

Single person Hua

Single person Hua , born in 1909 Jiangxi province Gao'an County He is a famous botanist in China. Graduated from the Biology Department of Central University in 1934 Academia Sinica Institute of Zoology and Botany assistant research fellow He is determined to develop the botany of his motherland Plant specimen And information is more important than life. After the Lugouqiao Incident in 1937, he traveled thousands of miles from Shanghai to Yunnan and Guizhou to protect plant specimens, regardless of the Japanese bombing and his wife who was about to give birth. Finally, he safely transferred all specimens to Chongqing in the rear area. In 1946, he went abroad to study in the United States. Three years later University of California Doctor degree in botany, and was invited to scientific and technical worker Honorary Society Member. On the eve of the liberation of the motherland, when he heard the news, he was so excited that he could not sleep all night without taking his doctor's certificate or taking out his savings from the bank. He quietly caught up with the last ship from the United States to Shanghai and returned to the embrace of the motherland in May 1949. After returning to China, he served as a researcher of the Institute of Botany of the Central Academy of Sciences, actively engaged in the construction and scientific cause of the new socialist China, and set about establishing the East China Workstation of the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the predecessor of the Jiangsu Institute of Botany. When Shanghai was liberated, he was received by Marshal Chen Yi and Chairman Mao Zedong in 1956. In 1957, he joined the Communist Party of China with honor. Older generation Proletarian Revolutionist His enthusiasm encouraged him to overcome all difficulties: the solemn vow under the Party banner made him never lose his way. His specialty Plant taxonomy , especially committed to Umbelliferae Plant classification is the pioneer of Umbelliferae research in China. For decades, he has extensively collected and sorted out the literature of predecessors, traveled mountains and rivers to collect plant specimens, and carefully studied tens of thousands of umbelliferae plant specimens collected in major herbariums at home and abroad. During the ten years of the Cultural Revolution“ rebel faction ”Attempt to burn more than 400000 specimens collected in the institute. Dananhua said angrily, "If you want to burn me, you must burn me. You are not allowed to burn specimens." Because of his unremitting struggle, today's botanical research in the motherland has left invaluable wealth.

Wu Qijun

Wu Qijun Word Zhai; Nicknamed Yu Lou Nong. He was born in Gushi, Henan Province. Born on February 6 (March 1, 1789), the 54th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty; He died on December 11, the 26th year of Daoguang era (January 27, 1847). Botany mineralogy
Wu Qijun was born in a bureaucratic family. father Wu Xuan , Brother Wu Qiyan He used to be a Hanlin, a waiter Shuntian Mansion (Today's Beijing) academic and political posts. brilliance of virtue His father died in the first year (1821) and his mother died in the fifth year of Daoguang (1825). His house“ Gong Baodi ”。 Wu surname The clan is Qing dynasty Gushi County One of the "Four Families".
Wu Qijun was eager to learn when he was young. At the age of 21 (1810), he was selected as a candidate, and at the age of 28 (1817), he won the first prize in the exam Compiled by Imperial Academy Minister of Rites Military Ministry Assistant Grade. Later, he served as governor or governor of Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Gansu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Fujian, Shanxi and other provinces, and also served as senior officials of salt administration, so he was said to have "half a world's official career". Wu Qijun is different from ordinary officials in the Qing Dynasty. He has profound attainments in botany and mineralogy, and has written《 Textual Research on Plant Names and Facts 》, Textual Research on Plant Names and Facts《 Sketch map of south Yunnan mine 》And "The Journey to Yunnan" and other books, which are very high Academic value

Chen Bangjie

Chen Bangjie (1907~1970) World famous Bryobotany Jia is the founder of bryobotany research in China. Professor. Dantu people in Jiangsu. He graduated from the Biology Department of Central University in 1931. Won in 1939 University of Berlin, Germany Doctor of Science. He was once a professor of Central University. Successive posts after the founding of the People's Republic of China Nanjing University Professor, Professor of Nanjing Normal University (now Nanjing Normal University), Director of Biology Department and Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher. Jiusan Society Members. He is a deputy to the Third National People's Congress. Engaged in botany teaching and research for a long time. He has written Genus of Mosses in China, etc. In the 1950s, Professor Chen Bangjie enrolled Nanjing Normal University The first graduate student in history. [1]

Feng Guomei

Feng Guomei , a famous botanist, horticulturist Kunming Institute of Botany One of the founders in plant taxonomic research and plant resources Its achievements in development and utilization are recognized by experts in the industry. Especially for Azaleaceae Theaceae Acanthopanaceae Malvaceae Has conducted in-depth research and clarified a lot Name and reality Confused problems for plant classification and Introduction and domestication Laid the foundation. Mr. Feng Guomei has been committed to gardening for a long time ornamental plant Research, based on in-depth research on Yunnan ornamental plant resources, has promoted Eight famous flowers in Yunnan Selection of. To find rare tree species in China—— Big Tree Rhododendron He organized human resources three times and went there twice Tengchong , go deep into virgin forest In 1981, he finally found the big tree cuckoo. During his lifetime, Mr. Feng Guomei edited volumes 1-3 of Chinese Rhododendron, Rare and Endangered Flowers in China, and《 Rhododendron yunnanense 》, Yunnan Camellia, etc; He has participated in editing important monographs such as "Chinese Plants" and "The Classic of Chinese Flowers", enjoying high reputation at home and abroad.