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Cotton in Malvaceae
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Cotton, an annual herb or perennial shrub of cotton genus in Malvaceae family, has broad ovate leaves, gradually pointed apex, wide base, sparsely pubescent petioles, ovate falcate stipules, solitary flowers in leaf axils, pedicels slightly shorter than petioles, calyx cup-shaped, separated seeds, oval shape, with long white cotton wool and short gray white cotton wool that is not easy to peel off. The cotton's flower bud is milky white, and gradually turns dark red after flowering. After the petals wither, a green fruit is left, that is, the cotton boll; The cotton boll is a capsule with cottonseed inside; There is a layer of fuzz on the outside of the cottonseed, which will gradually grow to the whole boll. [12] The flowering period is summer and autumn, from June to October. [11]
The origin of cotton is India and Arab countries. Before cotton was introduced into China, only kapok could be used to fill pillows and mattresses, but no cotton could be woven. According to the Song Book, it was introduced into China at the latest in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but most of it was planted in the border areas, and it was only introduced into the mainland in large quantities at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It has been widely cultivated. They like sunshine, avoid soaking in water, and like fertile sandy loam soil. Cotton is usually propagated by seeds, seedlings or sowing. [13-14]
The fiber made of cotton is white or white with yellow, which can be made into fabrics of various specifications, from light and transparent bari yarn to thick canvas and velveteen, suitable for making all kinds of clothes, furniture cloth and industrial cloth. At the same time, cotton is one of the most important crops in the world. Due to the large output and low production cost, the price of cotton products is relatively low, [15] Cotton has become the main economic crop in China, which plays an important role in the development of textile industry and the improvement of people's living standards. [16] In addition to being reserved for seed use, cottonseed is mostly used for pressing oil, which is the second important source of edible oil in the world after soybean. Cotton kernel is rich in protein and B vitamins. [17]
Chinese name
Latin name
Gossypium spp
Cotton fibre
Distribution area
China, the United States, India Uzbekistan Egypt etc.
Foreign name

History of botany

Cotton has been widely cultivated in various cotton producing areas throughout the country, and has replaced tree cotton and grass cotton. The existing cultivated varieties in China are Si Zi cotton, De Zi cotton, Dai Zi cotton, Ke Zi cotton, etc. The recently bred high-yielding variety is Lu Mian No.1 in the north. Native to America Mexico At the end of the 19th century, it was introduced into China for cultivation. [1]

morphological character

Annual herb, 0.6-1.5m high, small branches sparsely covered with long hairs, leaves broadly ovate, 5-12cm in diameter, nearly equal in length and width or relatively wide, base heart-shaped or heart-shaped truncated, often 3-lobed, rarely 5-lobed, middle lobes often deeply divided up to half of the leaves, lobes broadly triangular ovate, apex gradually pointed, base wide, nearly hairless above, coarse hairy along veins, sparsely villous below; Petiole 3-14 cm long, sparsely pilose; Stipules ovate falcate, 5-8mm long, falling early.
 cotton cotton cotton cotton cotton cotton cotton cotton
Flowers solitary leaf axil , pedicel usually slightly shorter than petiole; Bracteoles 3, detached, base cordate, with 1 gland, margin 7-9 teeth, teeth up to 4 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, long bristles and cilia; Calyx cup-shaped, lobes 5, triangular, ciliate; The flower is white or light yellow, then turns light red or purple, 2.5-3 cm long; Staminal column is 1.2 cm long.
capsule Oval, 3.5-5 cm long, beaked, 3-4 locular; The seeds are separated, ovoid, with long white cotton wool and short gray cotton wool that is not easy to peel. The flowering period is summer and autumn. [1]

Distinction of recent species


Fiber classification

Cotton can be divided into three categories
Place of Origin
[Long staple cotton] is also called Island cotton
The fiber is slender (within the range of 2.5~6.5 cm [1~2.5 inches] in length), generally more than 33 mm in length, with a linear density of about 1.54~1.18 dtex (6500~8500 meters), and a strength of more than 4.5 cN. Glossy, including excellent quality Island cotton Egyptian cotton And match Horse cotton Etc. long-staple cotton It is low in output, laborious and expensive, mainly used for high-grade gauze and knitwear.
It is native to South America. There are few plants in China. Except Xinjiang long staple cotton, the main imports are Egyptian cotton , Sudan cotton, etc.
It includes general medium length cotton, such as American upland cotton, with a length of about 1.3~3.3 cm (0.5~1.3 inch). It is characterized by wide adaptability, high output, long fiber and good quality. It can spin medium count yarn. The general length is 25~35mm, and the linear density is 2.12~1.56 dtex (4700~6400 Public expenditure )The strength is about 4.5cN.
Originated from Central America, most of the cotton planted in China belongs to this category.
Coarse cotton 】Also called Asian cotton
Cotton with coarse and short fiber, about 1~2.5 cm (0.375~1 inch) in length, is used to make cotton blankets and cheap fabrics, or to blend with other fibers. Due to low output and short fiber, it is not suitable for machine weaving and has been eliminated.
It is native to India.

Color classification

White cotton
Normal mature and normal boll opening cotton is called white cotton regardless of the pure white, milky white or light yellow color of the raw cotton. Most of the raw cotton used in cotton mills is white cotton.
Yellow cotton
In the late growth period of cotton, the cotton bolls withered after frostbite, and the pigment on the boll shell dyed the fiber, making the raw cotton yellow. Yellow cotton is generally low-grade cotton, and only a few are used in cotton mills.
Grey cotton
The cotton fiber growing in rainy areas will be affected in the process of growth and development or after boll opening in case of more rainfall, less sunshine and low temperature. The raw cotton is gray white, which is called gray cotton. Grey cotton has low strength and poor quality, and is seldom used in cotton mills.
Colored cotton
Colored cotton refers to naturally colored cotton, which is cultivated by biotechnology such as distant hybridization and transgenic technology on the basis of the original colored cotton. natural Colored cotton The original soft, comfortable, breathable and other advantages of cotton fiber are still maintained. The cotton fabric can reduce a little printing and dyeing process and processing costs, and avoid environmental pollution in an appropriate amount. However, the hue is missing and the color fastness is not enough, so it is still under stable genetic observation.

Growth environment


Light conditions

The demand for light for cotton growth is very large. When planting cotton, we must ensure that there is sufficient light. When the light duration is long and the intensity is appropriate, the cotton yield is high and the quality is good. If the light is insufficient, it will not only reduce the output and quality It will also have a great impact on the subsequent seed retention work. Therefore, when planting cotton, we should choose a place with sufficient sunlight. Then the light should be controlled reasonably according to the growth stage of cotton, so that the photosynthesis of cotton will also be improved and the photosynthetic substances in the plant will be increased. [6]

Moisture condition

Water is an important component of cotton, and cotton needs to absorb water from the soil for growth. Various growth stages of cotton Physiological water requirement The requirements are:
Childbearing stage
Field capacity
Sowing to emergence
seedling stage
Initial bud
0~60 cm
Sheng Lei
70~80% cannot be lower than 60~65%
boll opening
The relative water content is kept at 55~70%

Soil conditions

The growth and development of cotton need water and nutrients, which are mainly obtained from the soil through the root system. The required temperature and air are partly taken from the soil. At the same time, it needs the mechanical support of the soil to grow. The physical, chemical and biological properties of cotton field soil, to a large extent, restrict the yield and quality of cotton. Soil moisture, nutrients, temperature, air, salt and alkali content, texture and so on have a great impact on cotton growth.

Distribution range

  • Cotton producing areas in the world
China, the United States, India, Uzbekistan, Egypt, etc. Among them, China has the largest output per unit area, and Uzbekistan is known as the "platinum country".
  • Cotton producing areas in China
Jianghuai Plain Jianghan Plain Southern Xinjiang Cotton area, North China Plain, Northwest Shandong, North Henan Plain Yangtze River The lower reaches are coastal and riverside plains.

Cultivation technology


Pre broadcast preparation

Select improved varieties
Improved seed
Select suitable planting varieties according to local conditions and management level. In principle, the standard is: early maturity without premature senescence, strong disease resistance, and high yield varieties.
Seed drying before sowing
Sun seed 15 days before sowing. The method is to spread cotton seeds on the air mat or dry hard ground for 3~5 days to break the dormancy period of seeds, which can effectively improve the germination rate of seeds. Remember: Do not sun seeds on cement ground, asphalt pavement or plastic cloth to avoid burning cotton seeds and reducing seed germination rate.
Scientific fertilization
Implement soil testing and formulated fertilization technology, and determine the fertilizer ratio and amount according to the local soil fertility level and target yield. According to the fertilization principles of "nitrogen stabilization, phosphorus adaptation, potassium supplement, micro distribution" and "combination of organic and inorganic", it is generally necessary to absorb pure N of 6~9kg, P two O three :2~3kg、K two O:6~8kg, It is strongly advocated to increase the application of organic fertilizer to increase the permeability of soil and change the situation of soil hardening caused by long-term application of chemical fertilizer.
Timely moisture harvesting
Sowing with sufficient moisture is one of the important measures to ensure the whole seedling of cotton at one time. Generally, the soil moisture shall be created 10~15 days before sowing, and the soil moisture shall be timely raked and covered after planting to ensure that the soil moisture is sufficient and good.
Fine land preparation
Fine land preparation is one of the important measures to ensure the cotton seedlings are neat and strong. The requirements for cotton field preparation are: first, the surface is flat without ditches and ridges; Second, the surface soil is fine and broken without large blocks; Third, the ground is clean and free of sundries; Fourth, it is better to sow seeds from the top to the bottom. [2]

Seeding technique

Suitable sowing date
Suitable sowing time is the key measure to ensure stable plant growth, early budding and flowering, which is conducive to early maturity, high quality and high yield of cotton. Generally, it is appropriate to sow when the ground temperature of 5cm is stable through 16 ° C, and the time is about April 20.
Sowing amount and depth
The precision seeder is selected. Generally, the seed consumption per mu of conventional cotton machine is 1~1.5kg, and the seed consumption per mu of hybrid cotton machine is 0.6kg. Cotton cotyledons are large, and the topsoil capacity is poor. The sowing depth is generally 3~4cm. The sowing is too deep, the top soil is difficult, the temperature is low, the seedlings emerge slowly, the nutrient consumption is high, the seedlings are thin, and even cause rotten seeds, rotten buds, and lack of seedlings; If the sowing is too shallow, it is easy to fall dry, which will also cause seedling shortage and ridge breaking.
Reasonable density
At present, the cultivation mode of Jingxian County is still mainly large and small row planting. In general cotton fields (250~300kg seed cotton per mu), the recommended density per mu is about 3200 plants; High yield cotton field (300~350kg seed cotton per mu) is recommended to have a density of about 3000 stems per mu; The small row spacing is 50~55cm, and the large row spacing is 100~120cm, which can be flexibly controlled according to the density requirements. It is recommended that the density per mu of hybrid cotton or super high yield cotton fields (with an output of more than 350kg seed cotton per mu) or cotton fields with simplified pruning cultivation should be 2000~2500 plants, and 100 cm wide rows should be used for planting. [2]

Field management

When the first true leaf of the plant appears, the seedling is fixed when three true leaves appear.
Cultivate and loosen soil to increase temperature and keep moisture
Especially after the rain, it is necessary to timely loosen the soil, break the hardening, disperse the moisture and raise the temperature, which can effectively inhibit the occurrence of seedling disease. Generally, the depth of intertillage shall not exceed 5cm.
Scientific pruning
Bud stage: prune reasonably according to different planting density. For conventional cotton with a density of about 3000 plants per mu, when fruit branches and leafy branches are seen, the leafy branches should be removed, but the large leaves at the lower part of the main stem should be kept, and 1~2 leafy branches can be left where there is a lack of seedlings and the ridge is broken. For cotton fields with a density of 2500~2800 plants per mu, simplified pruning can be adopted, leaving 1~3 leafy branches, which can not only make full use of space, but also set peaches early to prevent overgrowth of nutrients. Hybrid cotton may not be pruned due to large row spacing and small number of plants, and 3-5 leafy branches shall be reserved.
Flowering and boll setting stage: 13~14 fruit branches can be left per conventional cotton plant, and 16~17 fruit branches can be left per hybrid cotton plant. Empty trees and branches shall be pulled out in time to prevent soil nutrient loss and improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the field.
Top center and edge center shall be timely removed. Generally, topping is carried out from July 15 to July 20, when a single plant reaches 14 fruit branches, no later than the beginning of autumn. On August 10, pick off the edge, wipe off the buds and remove the empty branches, and strive to reach the full waist of the peaches and the top of the autumn peaches.
Whole process chemical control. It should be flexibly controlled according to cotton variety characteristics, growth, soil moisture, planting density, etc. The rain is frequent and heavy, and the plants grow and spray early when they are vigorous, and spray late when they are short in dry weather. Generally, spraying begins at the budding stage in cotton fields. According to the principle of increasing the dosage from less to more, the dosage of PPA per mu is respectively 1g at the budding stage, 2g at the full bud stage, 3g at the flowering and boll stage, and 4-5g at the full flower and boll stage.
Timely uncovering
The time of uncovering the film should be controlled in the early flowering stage of cotton buds. At this time, the warming effect of plastic film mulching gradually subsides, and prevents the normal infiltration of rainwater, which is detrimental to cotton: the root system of flowers is tied down, which not only affects the absorption of water and fertilizer by the root system, but also easily causes cotton lodging and premature senescence. The time of film removal is generally from the end of June to the beginning of July. The combination of film removal for cultivation is not only conducive to root development, but also plays a role in controlling the upper and lower parts, buds and flowers, It can also prevent lodging and premature aging. [2]

Key values


economic value

Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world. Its large yield and low production cost make cotton products cheaper. Cotton fibre It can be made into fabrics of various specifications, from light and transparent bari yarn to thick canvas and thick velveteen, suitable for making all kinds of clothes, furniture cloth and industrial cloth. The cotton fabric is firm and wear-resistant, and can be washed and ironed at high temperature. The cotton fabric is comfortable to wear because of its fast moisture absorption and dehydration. If it is required to keep warm, the surface of the fabric can be raised through the brushed finish. Through other finishing processes, the cotton fabric can also be made stain proof, waterproof and mildew proof; Improve the crease resistance of the fabric, so that the cotton fabric needs less or no ironing; Reduce the shrinkage of the fabric during washing, so that the shrinkage rate does not exceed 1%.
The country with the highest cotton production is China U.S.A India Brazil Mexico Egypt Pakistan turkey Argentina and Sudan
Cotton can be made into fabrics of various specifications. Cotton fabric is firm and wear-resistant, which can be washed and ironed at high temperature. Cotton cloth absorbs and dehumidifies quickly and makes wearing comfortable. The main and by-products of cotton have high utilization value, as the predecessors said, "cotton is a treasure all over the body". It is the most important Fibre crop , but also important Oil crops Is also high in protein grain crops It is also a raw material for textiles, fine chemicals and important strategic materials. Therefore, efforts must be made to increase cotton production, improve comprehensive utilization, increase production and value, so as to increase the income of cotton farmers and meet the needs of various aspects of national economic development.
Cotton can also be used to make skin care and wrinkle resistant beauty products.
Cotton is also an important Nectar plant
There are three kinds of nectaries in cotton: leaf vein, bract leaf and flower. The flowering period of cotton in provinces and regions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is from late July to early September, and that in provinces and regions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River is from early July to early August, Xinjiang Turpan From mid July to early September. The big honey flow period is about 40 days, and the proper temperature for honey secretion is 35 ℃. The general population in Xinjiang cotton region produces 10~30kg honey, and the maximum is 150kg. In other cotton areas, due to the frequent application of pesticides during the flowering period, the bees are injured too heavily, and the utilization value of honey source is greatly reduced, and the group yield is generally 10-20kg. Since the 1980s, the cotton area in China has grown rapidly, and some provinces and regions have actively promoted biological control technology, which has become the main source of honey in summer and autumn.
China's cotton output
  • 2021
On December 14, 2021, according to the statistical survey of 31 provinces (regions, cities) in China (Xinjiang cotton planting area is obtained through remote sensing measurement), the national cotton planting area, unit area yield and total yield in 2021 are as follows:
1、 The national cotton planting area is 3028.1 thousand hectares (45.422 million mu), 140.8 thousand hectares (2.112 million mu) less than that in 2020, down 4.4%.
2、 The national cotton output per unit area is 1892.6 kg/ha (126.2 kg/mu), an increase of 27.4 kg/ha (1.8 kg/mu) or 1.5% over 2020.
3、 The total cotton output in China is 5.731 million tons, down 180 thousand tons or 3.0% from 2020. [4]
The Announcement of the National Bureau of Statistics on the Cotton Output in 2021 shows that in 2021, the cotton planting area will be 3.03 million hectares, a decrease of 140000 hectares. The annual cotton output was 5.73 million tons, 3.0% lower than that of the previous year. [5]
  • 2022
On December 26, 2022, the national cotton production data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that in 2022, the national cotton planting area will be 45004000 mu, a decrease of 418000 mu or 0.9% over the previous year; The yield per unit area was 132.8 kg/mu, an increase of 6.6 kg/mu or 5.3% over the previous year; The output is 5.977 million tons, an increase of 246000 tons or 4.3% over 2021. [9]
Statistical Bulletin of National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2022 》It shows that in 2022, the cotton planting area will be 3 million hectares, a decrease of 30000 hectares, and the annual cotton output will be 5.98 million tons, an increase of 4.3% over the previous year [10]


On February 29, 2024, the National Bureau of Statistics issued the Statistical Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China in 2023. The cotton planting area will be 2.79 million hectares in 2023, a decrease of 210000 hectares. Annual cotton output 5.62 million Tons, a decrease of 6.1% over the previous year. [18]

Cut flower wood

Now cotton can be used as flower arranging material, and cut flowers are sold in the market.

Plant culture


Shanghai City Flower

In January 1929, the Shanghai Municipal Social Bureau used lotus, rose, and bamboo as candidates for the city flower. Later, cotton, peony, and osmanthus were added to solicit public opinions. January 24, Shanghai《 declare 》The news of "The Social Bureau Proposes Shanghai Municipal Flowers" was published, which attracted wide public attention. In April, the selection results were announced. Out of more than 17000 returned votes, cotton won 5496 votes, ranking first, and was elected as the flower of Shanghai. [7]
The lotus flower "emerges from the mud without being stained", the rose "this flower has no day without spring breeze", the peony symbolizes great wealth, the bamboo is evergreen all the year round... Only cotton is very ordinary. Cotton was chosen as the city flower, which surprised the authorities.
Declaration In the report on April 29, 1929, when cotton was elected as the city flower, he explained: "Cotton is the main product of agricultural products. The flowers are beautiful, firm and flocculent. It makes raw materials for the industry, makes clothes and quilts for people's livelihood, and is very beneficial. Shanghai's soil is suitable for cotton planting, cotton trade, especially the bulk of imports and exports. The city is improving cotton planting, expanding textile business, and using it as the city flower to promote the development of agriculture, industry, and commerce in Hebei. There is infinite hope." This paper expounds the reasons why the people of the city select cotton as the city flower. [3]

Interesting Facts

1. Blue jeans are made of cotton. The word "denim" comes from French, serge de Nimes, or "cloth of Nimes". "Nimes" is a French town, which is famous for its rich fabric.
2. Corduroy also belongs to cotton. The word also comes from French and is roughly translated as the King of Ropes.
3. The most expensive jeans can be bought at the price of 10000 dollars in Escada. This pair of jeans is studded with Swarovski crystals.
4. Levi's is the most expensive pair of jeans ever sold. More than 60000 dollars were photographed in Ebay, but the buyer was Levi Strauss.
5. In the 18th century, British women were forbidden to wear pure cotton Fabric, because pure cotton was considered pornographic at that time.
6. Elvis' cotton underpants were also valued at $1300.
7. If all cotton in the United States is only used to make jeans, the total output will exceed 5 billion.
8. A bundle of cotton can produce nearly 1217 T-shirts or 313600 100 yuan notes.
9. A baseball can use 150 yards of cotton.
10. United States Notes 75% is made of cotton.
11. Cotton is also a food crop. Every year, about 200 million gallons of cotton seed oil are used to produce food such as French fries , butter and salad dressing. As a product, cotton is also made toothpaste And ice cream.
12. On average, each cotton pod contains about 500000 fibers.
13. Cotton paper is used to help the United States preserve three documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
14. Cotton=××, which means you can replace what you want to say, but you are embarrassed to say something intimate, such as: you are my cotton.
15. Cotton=warm. Li Yuchun On August 26, 2008, in the post "Like" issued by Tieba, it said: Thank you for the cotton you gave me, cotton=warm.

Emperor Qianlong's Imperial Book

"The Painting of Cotton"
The Imperial Cotton Painting collected by the National Library was the governor general of Zhili in the thirtieth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1765) Fang Guancheng View from Emperor Qianlong Yaoshan Wang's Manor The cotton behavior background of Weaving A map of the whole process of weaving and dyeing cloth. [8]
Cotton chart
Fang Guancheng, with the word "Yaogu", Anhui Tongcheng People, Qianlong years Zhili Governor For more than 20 years, during his tenure, he was diligent in civil affairs and governance Yongding River , Ziya River, Zhanghe River and other water systems, built canals and dams, developed farmland irrigation, and achieved remarkable results; Pay special attention to cotton activities.
Fang Guancheng of the Qing Dynasty inherited the theory of official script and poetry, and (Gaozong) Hongli running script poetry of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty (1644 ~ 1911) expanded, and put a volume of forty pages in twenty-four pages. External height 30.5 cm, width 29.8 cm; The internal height is 23.5cm, and the width is 26.4cm. The title of the first official script: "The cotton picture with imperial inscriptions". Engraved the memorial, preface and postscript of Fang on April 11 and July 16.
The Cotton Map has 16 pictures, including cloth planting, irrigation, ploughing, tip picking, cotton picking, sun drying, collecting and selling, nulling, bouncing, knot binding, spinning, warp drawing, sizing, weaving, weaving, and dyeing. Each picture is equipped with a written description and a seven character poem, which is like a comic book. Included in front of the book Kangxi Xuan Ye )《 Kapok Fu Bingxu is the only monograph on cotton atlas in China.
clear Qianlong The emperor passed through Baoding during his southern tour, and Fang Guancheng presided over a set of maps of the whole process from cotton planting, management to weaving, spinning, weaving and dyeing, which was based on the cotton behavior background of Wang's Manor in Qianlong's Guanshiyao Mountain. Framed《 Cotton chart 》The emperor is respectfully invited to visit. The Emperor Qianlong read the Cotton Painting repeatedly, marveled at it and praised it. He wrote seven quatrains for each picture, totaling 16. For example, the inscription on the "Irrigation Map" reads: "The soil is thick and the products are good, but it is difficult to control the water in the south. The windlass draws wells to divide the border and irrigate the land, but my farmers are always busy." The inscription on the "Weaving Map" reads: "The horizontal law, the vertical warp, the weaving of silk are the same, and the late night rolling stops. The general loom has no pattern, and the big wheel has been the wind since ancient times." These poems are exquisite and elegant, with a myriad of meanings, which adds much color to the Fang's cotton map.
Therefore, the Cotton Map is also called《 Imperial Cotton Map 》。 In July of the same year, the cotton painting, including Qianlong's poems, was carved on 20 end stones. Eleven of them are 118.5 cm long, 73.5 cm wide and 14.2 cm thick; The other is 89 cm long, 41.5 cm wide and 13.5 cm thick. The full text is engraved in intaglio script, with fine lines, regular buildings, and vivid characters. The pictures have different images, highlighting the theme, reflecting the hard work of farmers at that time, with a strong sense of life. In addition, the poems written by Emperor Qianlong can be regarded as a rare art treasure because of their vigorous writing style and vivid expression. It has important data value for today's research on the development of Chinese painting and the evolution of traditional painting techniques. The subtlety of its painting, the diversity of its carving techniques, and the exquisite workmanship of its hammering and extension are enough to reflect the profundity of China's ancient culture.
rough It still exists between the walls of Lianchi Academy in Baoding, Hebei, and now belongs to Baoding Museum Collection. After hundreds of years, it is still intact.