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Liang Sheng

Executive Director of Hong Kong Hengji Zhaoye Real Estate Co., Ltd
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Mr. Liang Sheng, Hong Kong Hengji Zhaoye Real Estate Co., Ltd Executive Director, General Manager of Hengda Construction Co., Ltd. and Yumin Construction Co., Ltd, Hong Kong Shunde Friendship Association Vice chairman, member of Shunde CPPCC.
Chinese name
Liang Sheng
one's native heath
Employed enterprise
Hong Kong Hengji Zhaoye Real Estate Co., Ltd
Mr. Liang Sheng is enthusiastic and philanthropic. For more than ten years, it has donated money to build the teaching building of Lintou Primary School in Lintou Village, Beijiao Town, paved the Lintou Access Road, supported the reconstruction of Beijiao Middle School and Hospital, donated money to build primary schools and kindergartens, and sponsored teaching scholarships Social welfare fund And make every effort for Beijiao's education, medical care and public welfare. Mr. Liang was also concerned about supporting the economic development of Beijiao enterprises, and actively promoted famous household appliances and wooden products in Hong Kong and Macao.
Mr. Liang Sheng, with his hometown people in mind, enthusiastically supports the economic development of his hometown, which is highly praised by the villagers