Alexander Grotendick

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synonym Grossendick (French algebraic geometer) generally refers to Alexander Grottendick
Grothendieck, Alexander, Statelessness Person France , born Germany One of the greatest mathematicians in the 20th century, but he is basically an alternative, far away from mathematicians in academia. He hasn't suffered regular education He did not step up the academic ladder step by step, and completely separated from the academic world after 1970.
Chinese name
Alexander Grotendick
Foreign name
Alexander Shapiro
date of birth
March 28, 1928
Date of death
November 13, 2014 [1]


Alexander Grothendieck, on March 28, 1928 Germany Berlin birth [1] judea He is a stateless mathematician of Chinese descent. In 1966, he was awarded Fields Medal He created a whole set of modern Algebraic geometry abstract Theoretical system , Yes Homological algebra There are also achievements. He is one of the greatest mathematicians in the 20th century, but he is basically an alternative, far away from mathematicians in academia. He did not receive formal education, nor did he step up the academic ladder step by step, and he completely separated from academia after 1970.
Grotendick's father was a Jew, probably Alexander Shapiro, who used Sasha One, born in 1890 Russia Belarus Ukraine Border. At the age of 15, he was recruited by anti government organizations to participate in anti government activities czar struggle. He was later arrested and sentenced to death at first, but was sentenced to life imprisonment because of his youth. He spent the next ten years in prison, fled in chaos and joined the anti government peasant army in Ukraine.
He married a Jewish woman and gave birth to a son, but he was very romantic and busy with marriage. In one operation, he lost his left arm and escaped with the help of many women and comrades under the pseudonym Alexander Tana Rove Arrive successively Berlin And Paris. After returning to Berlin, he met Hanka Grotendick, a married woman who was born in Hamburg and believed in Protestantism. The couple gave birth to Alexander Grotendick, originally named Alexander Radac, who was the surname of Hanka's husband. They formed a "family" with their son and Hanka's legitimate daughter.

Character's Life

Hanka and Sasha hope to become writers and contact radicals from all sides. In 1933, Nazi Party They were forced to leave Germany for Spain. In 1936, they participated popular front (Frente Popular). Alexander Grotendick lived in the home of a German priest who was the headmaster of a school near Hamburg. In 1939, he and Parents in France reunites. They were arrested and deported. Sasha is imprisoned in France Alege Province Werner concentration camp , then forward to Auschwitz Concentration Camp Was killed in 1942. Hanka and Alexander Grotendick were taken to France Lozier Riekro concentration camp.
from Montpellier To Paris
The war is over Later, Alexander Grotendick and his mother lived in Montpellier Nearby. Because of Alexander Grotendick's financial aid, their life is stable. He registered Mathematics , but seldom take classes. I like to study the concept of volume in one corner. (As he explained in "Harvest and Sowing", these initial studies are the beginning of his independent research and also lead him to rediscover Lebesgue integral 。) One used to follow Eli Jiadang Professor, send Alexander Grotendick to Paris with a letter recommendation It was not Eli Gardang who received him there, but his son Henri Cartan Henry Gardang dominated France at that time Higher Normal School (Eacute; cole normal sup é rieure) is also responsible for the famous Jiadang research class. Alexander Grotendick felt that he was the only mathematician in the world until he found the elites in Paris.
Years in IHES
When he came to the IHES Institute in the south of Paris, which was built in 1958, his wonderful Grotendik Riemann Roch theorem began to attract people's attention, followed by a series of high-yielding seminars. Grotendick himself did not actually follow the traditional route of publishing articles in magazines; However, he gathered a powerful school, and its dominance in mathematics lasted for ten years.
Topological vector space , a new star in mathematics
He avoided Paris and arrived Nanxi Assignment · Dieudone and Laurent Schwartz To prepare his thesis. During that time, he wrote six articles, and he chose one "Produits tensors topologiques et spaces nucl é aires" as his paper. After Laurent Schwartz introduced Alexander Grotendick's work in Paris, Alexander Grotendick joined Bulbaki Group, stay in the group for many years. He has no nationality because of his father, so he has difficulty in finding a job. His stateless status made him unable to hold public office, and the only way to become a citizen was to serve in the military, but he refused to do so, so he had to find another way out. He left France, served as a guest professor in Brazil from 1953 to 1955, and then came to the United States in 1956 Kansas During this period, he changed his research topic.
In his functional analysis After excellent work, Alexander Grotendick turned to Algebraic geometry He revolutionized the subject, and Jean-Pierre Serre Cooperate to establish a new foundation and introduce the concept of concept. They communicate a lot. Although they have opposite styles, they can complement each other and achieve results. He returned to Paris in 1956, preferring topology And algebraic geometry. He created a new version of Riemann Roch theorem, revealing Algebraic variety The hidden relationship between the topological and analytic properties of.
After his mother died in 1957, he felt depressed for many months. The next year he decided to stop the unfinished work and achieve some amazing breakthroughs. He also met his future wife and had three children with her.
For math and Theoretical physics Established by research French Institute of Advanced Sciences (Institut des hautes é tunes sciences) Receive him. There he met Jean Dionne Rene Thorn Louis Michel and David Rueller, and set about establishing the theory of algebraic geometry.
In 1958, he was invited to International Congress of Mathematicians The content of the 1-hour report is not so much a summary of the known content of the discipline at that time as a forecast of the work he will do in the next 10 years. From 1960 to 1967, he co wrote《 Fundamentals of Algebraic Geometry 》(É l é ments de g é om é trie alg é brique). His Algebraic Geometry Seminar organized and published 7 volumes of SGA.
In 1966, he won the Fields Prize, but he refused to go to Soviet Union Receive awards. From 1967 to Vietnam? Travel, Prague Spring The events in May 1968 led him to join the opposition until 1970, when he quit his job at the French Institute of Advanced Science to protest that part of its funding came from the Ministry of Defence.
After mathematics, radical ecological protector
After his resignation, he founded Survivre et vivre to promote his anti war and ecological protection ideas. He was abandoned by the mathematics world College de France and French National Centre for Scientific Research 's job applications were rejected. He divorced and established a community near Paris with Justina Barbie, a doctoral student he met in the United States.
In 1973, they moved to Eero Province And experiment with anti orthodox culture. Justina Barbie gave birth to a child and left him shortly afterwards. He got University of Montpellier He was employed as a professor and remained in office until his retirement in 1988.
From 1980 to 1995, he wrote four books: La longue marche à traders lath é orie de Galois, Esquisse d'un programme,À la poursuite des champs and Les d é rivateurs. But the most famous is his autobiographical book "R é coltes et Semailles" (about 2000 pages) written in 1985. He wrote that he experienced three emotions in his life: women, mathematics and meditation.
In 1988, he refused to grant him and Pierre Deligne Of Crafoord Prize
His professor salary and pension Enough for his needs;
The awards given to researchers are too high social position And reputation;
He has been away from the scientific community since 1970 (the award is for his work 25 years ago).
He is a pacifist (some research is directly or indirectly funded by the military)
He also refused to congratulate him on his 60th birthday Birthday And the edited anthology《 The Grothendieck Festschrift 》(published in 1990), because he believed that his work was not well understood.
In 1990, he left all his mathematical writing manuscripts and settled down in Pyrenees Since then, he has lived in seclusion, completely cut off from the research community.
In 2010, he asked for a ban on the dissemination of all his works. His fans All electronic versions of the manuscript and his other works were deleted from the Internet [2]

Scientific achievements

Alexander Grotendick's contribution to algebraic geometry is extensive and profound, which can be roughly divided into 10 aspects: (1) continuous and discrete Duality (Seeking category, 6 kinds of calculus); (2) Riemann Loch Grotendick theorem, which puts Riemann Loch definite reason Algebraic curve Generalization of Sum Algebraic Chimney to Arbitrary High-dimensional algebraic variety During which Tuopu K theory was developed; (3) The introduction of the concept of general form reduces algebraic geometry to commutative Algebra (4) Topological theory; (5) etale cohomology Cohomology with L; (6) Dynamic theory; (7) Crystallographic cohomology; (8) Cohomology of topology; (9) Stable topology; (10) Non Abel Algebraic geometry He and others Co publishing More than a dozen great books, more than 10000 pages in total, have become the bible of algebraic geometry.

personnel training

Grotendick's most famous students are Pierre Deligne And Michelle Renault.

Social expectations

So far, there are still many ideas in Grotendick's writings that have not been fully understood, but have produced many big results, such as Delin's proof of Weiyi conjecture and K theory The birth of. In 1984, Grotondick's manuscript "Draft Programme" was circulated among some mathematicians, and was officially published in 1994. Its content has yet to be discovered. In 1988 Sweden He refused to receive the Crafoord Prize awarded by the Academy of Sciences, and denounced the current corruption in academic circles. However, many colleagues and students still continue his work.